Giant Clams

  • Most recently saw this mentioned in a post about a diving helmet here

    Giant Clams need to be sprinkled around most every island as another form of random loot.

    • All underwater.
    • Some deeper than others.
    • Some buried in the sand only visible by bubbles.
    • Others on the floor and visible from a distance.
    • Special animated interaction to dig them up, open them.
    • Some snap shut on an arm or a leg and require a button mash sequence to break free.
    • Some are empty, others have pearls of various worth.
    • Every once in a while you'll find a Pearl of the Merfolk. Possibly magic of some kind. Could be a special undersea voyage. Or just worth lots if given to a mermaid.

    Basically a simple reason to explore the cool underwater features.

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  • @captain-arcanic said in Giant Clams:

    Most recently saw this mentioned in a post about a diving helmet here

    Giant Clams need to be sprinkled around most every island as another form of random loot.

    • All underwater.
    • Some deeper than others.
    • Some buried in the sand only visible by bubbles.
    • Others on the floor and visible from a distance.
    • Special animated interaction to dig them up, open them.
    • Some snap shut on an arm or a leg and require a button mash sequence to break free.
    • Some are empty, others have pearls of various worth.
    • Every once in a while you'll find a Pearl of the Merfolk. Possibly magic of some kind. Could be a special undersea voyage. Or just worth lots if given to a mermaid.

    Basically a simple reason to explore the cool underwater features.

    Of course you have my vote sir! One of my other ideas is to have a usable dagger as a weapon we could use to pry these giant clams open!

  • @x-crowheart-x Agreed, but I'm always considering how to add new content with the fewest amount of new coding hurdles. I'd love a throwable/priable dagger.

  • @captain-arcanic said in Giant Clams:

    @x-crowheart-x Agreed, but I'm always considering how to add new content with the fewest amount of new coding hurdles. I'd love a throwable/priable dagger.

    It would be nice to see them scattered around like the statues and more importantly actually be able to find a reward from them. Unfortunately the statues have been the cause of performance issues lately. Always seems to be a delicate balance when adding content.

  • @captain-arcanic

    You can get a course of antibiotics to treat "Giant Clams" :)

    But in all seriousness, it would be a great addition.
    Love any thing that could possibly enliven SoT.
    We need more environmental enrichment, more beast/creatures.
    Anything that can can deliver a reaction for any action, & to make the game breathe more. Kudos!

    They are tricky fellas..... watch your fingers!!!

  • @captain-arcanic This game needs new reasons to explore the depths. I would love giant clams.

  • Excelent set of idea's here. Maybe we can put all these idea's into a collective underwater update post?

    Whay do you guys think?

    also can i add this post to the list?

  • @captain-arcanic hey cap can i post this link on the master list?

    And what you think about working on a whole underwater community update?

  • @enf0rcer Sure and sure.

  • @captain-arcanic

    I really like this idea, I've always been a fan of more sea life and giant clams would offer that little bit of excitement, risk and reward and give us reasons to explore around the sunken temple ruins and similar locations.

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