• I was recently playing and my crew formed a alliance and we spent a hour or so playing together. We run a fort together and at the end we were blasted by the other crew and sunk before we even had a chance to see the loot much less grab it. Please do something to protect the good players who have a hard enough time making it, with out the intentional double cross.

    SOLUTION: I propose that after going through the channels of creating an alliance and being accepted by the other crew. That no damage, ether accidental or intentionally become of ether crews (person or vessel). Untill all crews in the alliance agree to disband the alliance. Also to further ensure cooperation and unity once in the alliance all alliance members receive the bounty from the loot as the single crew would. ( I’m not sure if you already do the last part I was unable to find out. I haven’t found my self able to trust another crew for a alliance.) Or if you make it where only the person is not harmed. Then the equal loot would keep it so that even if you were sunk, say by the environment or an apposing crew. If your alliance recovers your loot and turned it in you recieved your bounty, making your hours worth of hard worth while. This game is tough but it is a fun one. Please help the players who truly wish to work together by removing the temptation of a double cross. Yes ironically enough I realize this is a pirate game. But it is a game that you almost HAVE TO involve other people in order to do anything worth while.

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  • Rare have worked hard to make this game about communication and the possible dangers of it.

    Alliances are setup specifically to have players risk getting close to other players and talking. Changing that would take the risk and challenge and danger out.

  • Im sorry, but i don't agree with you.

    I love the way alliances are working now. You don't know who to trust even if you are allies with them. I try to let nobody on my ship without persmission, not even allies..

    The only thing i want to be changed is the name color of your allies, so you can identify them.

  • @mr-tiny-is-here That is the hole point i dont betray other players but its good that they give us the option to.
    You need to use your guts to decide whenever you think that they are trust worthy or not.
    When the alliance system came out in the trailer they even said that you need to be careful that other players might betray you that was the hole point and that is the charm in it its organic and realistic without game features that destroy the beauty and reality in it.

  • @faceyourdemon whole* jesus my english is horrible this morning ^^"

  • What if Your allied team breaks the alliance....they kill you, damage your ship and there is nothing you can to predict it. This solution is just when allied, once the alliance is broken your in the same situation you were before your "solution".

    This is why you should comunicate and try and reach peoples human side with wholesome comunication !

    Get involved with them, tell a story, laugh with them, make it harder to betray because they think your a decent/cool person !

    IF someone wants to betray they will ! that's life...
    Be aware and try to prevent these things from happening !
    What can you do to detect it early on ?
    What can you do to help it from happening so quick ?
    Ex. keep ships far apart, keep a guard on your ship in case they try to bring explosive barrels on, ecc...
    There are many action that can be taken before a proposed forced solution that limits players ingame freedom to create unique stories like this is actually needed.
    There are so many things you could do but don't seem to think about to ensure your succes.
    I bet if you thought about it for a sec you'd find many more things than I did that could help you out in your situtation. ( I don't alliance so I'm defenetly less experienced in these situations).

  • I already have alliance protection. It's called a sword and a pistol.

  • @mr-tiny-is-here

    1. The other crew decided to betray you, which is a legitimate option as we are given that freedom.
    2. Never fully trust a different crew, especially at end game content like the cloud events. Stay on guard, especially at the end of the event. Have someone stand guard on your ship if needed.
    3. Set your own rules of engagement.

    For me is simple:

    • Any threat to my ship be it cannon or swimming with a keg, you just declared war. HERE I COME! Woohoo! Boom time!
    • Other crew pirates may not board my ship without escort and approval. (Ship guard)
    • Shooting, slashing or even killing me is a forgivable offense if talked about.

    This is Sea of Thieves, we craft our stories together, therefore others plans might not align with yours and that freedom comes with a healthy dose of paranoia.

    Pirates are opportunists and if given the chance will take off with the booty in a lot of cases. Awareness is most likely the most important skill to hone in this game. Be prepared for anything and alliance crews will think twice before they consider the betrayal for 100% over the 50% gain of what you deliver.

  • Mate just do NOT alliance ... Ever...

  • @rodlimitless said in ALLIANCE PROECTION!!!:

    Mate just do NOT alliance ... Ever...

    Again, disagree on that!
    Alliances are great! But you have to becarefull with them.
    For instance, it works great if you fight a common enemy, like 2 sloops vs a galleon.
    Or just ally up to gain faster / more rep and money by doing your own stuff.

    The best stories i have are almost all about alliances with many different outcome

  • mate its a pirate game, im sure real pirates pretended to be friendly and backstabbed tons of people, your just going to have to be ready for that stuff. its happend to me before and i actually enjoyed the experience tbh. but its a pirate game, pirates will be pirates.

  • removing the ability to backstab people would suck for all the pirates out there who enjoy doing that or want to try doing that. you are just going to have to get used to. its supposed to be hard to trust people, you shouldnt trust people. DONT TRUST PEOPLE. lol but dont be afraid to try, just learn from your mistakes, if you find that you are playing solo and you alliance with a galleon, when you finish the skull fort take the gunpowder barrel to their ship and blow it up on them, or risk it

  • As I said I realize it’s a pirate game. But the whole point was that if you actually accepted an alliance then you shouldn’t be able to harm them. And for the people who say “I’m sure that’s how it was in real life.” This game doesn’t have conciquences as real life pirates did. Real life pirates were caught and killed. In this game If you die you come back No worries it doesn’t matter how you behave. But to the people you betrayed they lost hours of time in the real world because some ones sole intention was to harm you. Now clearly the pvpers wouldn’t like this idea. Because they would see this as unfair, unjust or just plain not fun. Im not speaking for them I’m speaking for the honest players whom do enjoy being on the seas and searching for treasure. I’m not saying a “Devine intervention” is needed for the whole game. Because it is a PIRATE game you should and do have to worry about who comes your way. I’m just saying if someone wants to work with you then you shouldn’t have to worry about them. For example your crew cannot harm you, a alliance purpose is to be a extension of your crew.

  • Change the game to stop people from acting like pirates? No, thanks.

  • @Mr-TINY-is-here
    But then you lose the whole feeling of "can I actually trust these guys" I commend you for being nice, but I am more than 100% certain there would have been a few clues to their murderous intent.

    Were they really pulling all their weight?

    Were you pulling yours? maybe they thought they deserved the loot more.

    I understand you feel short changed and worst that you were stabbed in the back. All I can say to that, take a break, and lesson learned.

  • @badassfro
    See you wouldn’t loose that “can you trust them feeling”, thats the beauty of it. Because you would still need to have the initial contact. And the initial contact should determine what the intentions are. Fight you, ignore you, be nice in passing, or willing to work with you. And you can still work together, by messing up a ghost ship together or kraken or meg or what have you. Then if you want to be dirty to the crew that help that’s on you. But if you were to actually accept and be a part of a alliance. It should mean something, otherwise what’s the point of the feature. Even pirates had a code.

  • @mr-tiny-is-here Alliance comes with a huge benefit, therefor it should come with a huge risk. People doing voyage alliances are usually pretty safe but alliances for contested areas are paper thin because people want the accommodations for turning in the fort loot.

  • @zormis
    You are right about the rewards of working together, but if we had it where the perks were given to all members of the alliance. Basically like a really big crew that would increase all members perks and increase overall game experience. Now playing devils advocate and shooting my self in the foot for even saying this but to help further my point, I’ve thought about it from the other perspective. For the pvpers, whose to say that people couldn’t form a SUPER alliance and go after other players. And then there loot would be dispersed evenly. But you wouldn’t be betrayed by guys you been working with.

  • See the thing is, the option to betray your alliance HAS to exist. Alliances are a great benefit if they run smoothly and nobody turns, but the other side of that coin is that they are RISKY. You get the extra rewards for the extra risk!

    More than that, being able to betray alliances fosters many more opportunities for different player behaviors and interactions. This is a game where you can earn your keep in pretty much any way you choose, either by being friendly or by being hostile.

    The game isn't biased towards being friendly nor being hostile and it needs to stay that way. No protections for alliances please.

  • @theunionjames
    You shouldn’t have to worry about the distrust afterwards. That’s the whole point of a alliance. Haveing someone with you untill you hit “Davy Jones Locker”. There are so many unknowns in the game, which might I add are great. The environment, animals skeletons, other players even. I just don’t see where it is so wrong to want one thing that once you accept. (Which you would have to anyway). You would know that someone had your back regardless. You could leave one person for the pair of ships to look for other players vs leaving one for each ship. Cutting your already small crew down even further.

  • this game is about danger, not about making you feel safe.

  • Honestly I don't like it either.... then again if that was us I do apologize we totally did that the other night.. we got super annoyed with the other ships crew and our captain went rogue... I followed, our other team mate tried to help them. We ended up locking him in the brig for his treachery. Honestly though I wouldn't complain if they made it so that once formed all loot must be cashed in we don't usually betray crews first

  • @mr-tiny-is-here you can be caught and killed in game, people will hunt you down and wont trust you anymore. and some people only make alliances purely to trick people so taking that away would suck for a big part of the pirate community. and just because we dont have consequences doesnt mean we should act less like pirates, yea pirates had consequences but they still went on and did it lol. if people want to act like pirates they should be able to

  • @thathiflyinguy
    Omg it might have been, we had a guy getting on our nerves too. So if it was I can understand. Its is nice to see some one can at least acknowledge some part of the idea was good. I’m not wanting training wheels. I just want a good game to have a good experience. Thanks again

  • @mr-tiny-is-here I agree. I felt half of that team deserved to learn a Hard lesson.... but it takes so much work to make money that some pirating is totally off base and traumatizing kids

  • @marsmayflower
    I agree, that’s why I’m not talking about the whole game merely a small aspect. You could run for days without someone wanting to team up. I know I have, But if you do team up I’m just saying you should be just that a Team.

  • @mr-tiny-is-here said in ALLIANCE PROECTION!!!:

    I agree, that’s why I’m not talking about the whole game merely a small aspect. You could run for days without someone wanting to team up. I know I have, But if you do team up I’m just saying you should be just that a Team.

    but that's what makes this game cool, imo. the onus is on you, not the developers, to craft your experience. you need to pick your teammates wisely and always watch your back. your suggestions would remove that element of danger which I would not like.

  • the problem with this is that it punishes a type of game-play that is part of the game and fully intended. you are upset with a feature which unfortunately for you not be changed

  • @theunionjames
    I see, and some of those things you have mentioned does sound funny. And I have seen streamers do some of those things. However I do not find betrayal fun you are correct. I believe that friends are extended family and you fight hell or high water for family. Even in the game if someone wants to join your alliance (Your Family-your crew). Then that’s who you are rolling with, your boys, or girl so to speak. I do enjoy some of the same things you speak of to random ship. And I do my best to be stealthy, but I’m newer so it doesn’t work out so well. So by no means am I trying to take away you fun. At least not to random people. But shouldn’t the guy that don’t want to be screwed over constantly diserve the right to have fun to.

  • @theunionjames
    This would work only if all crews involved decides to terminate the alliance but this is actually a simple fix. By making the loot deposit equally. As it does with the crew when you turn things in. Once accepted in the alliance your loot is now deposited across the alliance. So no fighting over who has the most who has more people. Heck you could then put all your loot on one vessel and have them turn it in while the others continue to another fort and start collecting more. But by making it deposit evenly. Even if you were to sink the ship. Or lock up in a game of sunken tag. As long as your other alliance members turn yours and their’s loot in you would get perks. Untill the alliance was terminated. If a alliance refused to leave then they could make it where you can choose to skuttle the ship and the alliance resets

  • @mr-tiny-is-here said in ALLIANCE PROECTION!!!:

    You shouldn’t have to worry about the distrust afterwards. That’s the whole point of a alliance.

    You should have to worry about the distrust of an alliance, it's a pirate game. I have played many games where people could unally and kill you.

  • @theunionjames said in ALLIANCE PROECTION!!!:

    @mr-tiny-is-here I think the key difference here is you don't find betrayals fun, while I and many others who play this game do

    • I find it fun to debate the pros and cons of betraying an alliance I'm in with my crew
    • I find it fun to keep watch on my allies in case they start behaving suspiciously
    • I find it fun to sneak into an alliance I'm not part of and attack someone to trick one crew into thinking the other betrayed them
    • I find it fun to get betrayed totally off guard and panickedly try to salvage the situation
    • I find it fun to seek revenge on allies who have attacked us!
    • I find it fun to hold allies at gunpoint if I see them trying to steal from me and threaten them with a sinking if they don't behave!
    • And of course, once in a while I find it fun to plant an explosive in an ally ship and betray the ever-loving heck out of them!

    That's an awful lot of fun you're trying to take away from me!

    It is fun. Was allied with another galleon at a fort when SP first launched. I was suspicious of my ally because of how they acted but figured they would betray us at the end. Sloop rolled up and started attacking my ship, we sunk the sloop but at the same time my ally turned on me so because of two ships on us we sunk.

    We sailed back and killed the backstabbing ally, killed them 2 more times and they left the server. Revenge is a sweet part of the game.

  • Only way I do Alliance is to get potential extra xp and gold. I never will do raids or anything with another ship for the reason that I am super paranoid of the double cross (I like how the system is). I like to see my Alliance ships in different quadrants of the map and far away from me. Wish they had a from of lack of better words " carrier pigeons" to communicate (in game) to all the ships in the Alliance of a betrayal. Maybe could help with double cross. Either way don't trust anyone ever.

  • @mr-tiny-is-here

    I'm sure many have said it before but I disagree. The current alliance system was a stretch that is only meant to provide some outlet for communication between members instead of protection. Many people disagreed with the creation of the alliance system from the start since there was even more risk and danger with allying before it was in place. The only reason I can see myself joining an alliance would be if I knew I was at a disadvantage and couldn't win a current battle or wanted to track someone else.

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