Less food more cannonballs?


    I’ve noticed something when trying to collect supplies for my ship and it’s that there’s a lot more food and wood supplies, compared to cannonball supplies.

    I’m not just talking CC’s, I’m talking Cannonballs in general. There’s like almost unlimited amounts of food but at most I leave an outpost with maybe 40 extra cannonballs (you start off with 40) and that’s hardly enough depending on what you encounter, and then restocking is a nightmare because you find maybe just enough to replace what you lost but that’s it.

    With food, me personally I’ve found that you hardly have time to really use it/eat it before you die (I could also just suck). And the food, now that you can get it from animals, and since better fruits can regenerate more health, is a lot more expendable than it used to be.

    Cannonballs are a lot more crucial to your survival. This is just unfortunate placing mind you, but I’ve had more than one time where I’ve been out of or nearly run out of cannonballs because of situations I’m in (had, in rapid succession, a kraken then a Megalodon, or a megalodon then a kraken, I’ve had a skeleton ship mixed with a kraken, or a meg, and thank goodness I haven’t had the meg/kraken combo again), despite having stocked up at my previous location. And if I ever end up in a PvP situation after that, I’m most likely dead.

    So, maybe more cannonballs would be a bit better? Be it replacing the massive food/wood plank number (seriously I’ve had strings of barrels with LOADS of wood, the most being 7 in a barrel so far, and it’s like “is it wood plank day?”), or just adding it into the mix more.

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  • In my experience, there always tends to be more of one thing than the other two, but it's somewhat randomized. It may also just be that it feels like you get cannonballs less because you can hold 10 at once, compared to the 5 limit before having to restock your fruits/boards.

    Worth noting is that the barrels re-stock at something like 6am on each game day, so if you're short on supplies and dawn's coming, just wait a moment.

  • The floating barrels are usually stocked more with planks and cannonballs than the outposts, and the barrels can pop up all over the place, so it balances out.

  • yah. I have no issues stocking the boat on a new session. when I clear out the oupost , that I login at, I typically leave with 100 cb, 40 p and 40 f.

    only Outpost that sucks for supplies is daggertooth. but if I spawn there I typically swap servers.

  • Fill up at skull forts. Skull forts are one of, if not, THE best of places, to get cannonballs AND food. In my experiences as of late, I'll be able to collect up to 60 extra cannonballs off one skullfort before moving to the next one, minus the amount the rest of my crew picks up.

    Sometimes tho, it will randomize the type of resources even on those islands so, it's not always guaranteed but, more often than not they have lots of cannonballs within.

  • @d3adst1ck

    The floating barrels are usually stocked more with planks and cannonballs than the outposts, and the barrels can pop up all over the place, so it balances out.

    The thing I've noticed is simply knowing where to look for cannonballs, or other specific supplies. Cannonballs are more prevalent in water barrel patches, shipwrecks, and outposts. While also barrels next to cannons on forts. Food is more common on forts, shipwrecks and pretty much every island due to meat found in animals. Planks mostly are near shipwrecks and barrel patches.

    However back to the main topic @Agent-Samuraii . I find supplies distributions are fine in their current state. For me the outpost supplies is just to kick start the voyage and prepare you for 1 basic encounter. Its enough to survive the Kraken, Meg, or a skeleton ship. What I find as a good strategy is restocking while in transit. Every time I pass a floating barrel patch, I set my ship to a straight course with no obstacles and hop in the water empty on supplies. Mermaid back with a full round of supplies. I also do this with passing islands. I have never had to actually stop to stock for a long time now. Our crew consistently ends sessions with 300+ cannonballs, 100-200 planks and 100+ food.

  • @xix-zeno-xix

    I did do a Fort.

    I got up to 58 from 14.

    Got a kraken after me after that.

    Down to 8 in the barrel.

    For whatever reason it had me defeat 3 tentacles and not 2 (yes I’m on a sloop no there was nobody else in the ink).

  • @agent-samuraii maybe try with a full crew? I'm not sure if that really matters but maybe it's also just terrible luck on finding them for ya lately? I know stuff is supposed to be randomized but, how come we dont see barrel's first page filled up with ALL the different types of resources together?

    I mean why offer all this space in the barrels on islands and in the water if they aren't gonna be completely filled up with a certain amount of each resource in each space? At least the first page.

  • @xix-zeno-xix

    I always see a lot of food at the forts but cannon balls are kinda rare like the OP claims.

    At least this is my experience also.

  • @treefittymonsta

    Like I leave an outpost normally with around 75-98 cannonballs, but never 100+. And it causes problems cuz cannonballs are often used for more than just krakens, megs and other players. I sometimes use them for my Athena voyages when I have difficult skeleton captains (I mean seriously??? Who gives gold skeletons flintlocks and snipers??? Joking, mind y’all, but still).

    I normally don’t do anything major without at least 150+ cannonballs but of course Athena’s I want to do rapidly cuz 1) I wanna be levelled up for when my best friend comes back from her vacation so I can show off some new gear, and 2) it’s a pain if there’s a ship nearby who wants a fight and I just want to go about my business in peace (don’t make any quips about it being a pirate game please cuz I’m fully aware), and it ends up that I run out of cannonballs quickly anyhow because a lot of the Order of Souls bounties have gold skeletons, or are on tiny islands with leaf skeletons (little cowards seem to have INFINITE bananas which is annoying, and they run into the water so I need to take them out quickly), or have too many skeletons with flintlocks or snipers (I can hardly stand in their presence for 5 seconds without being executed by 4 or 5 flintlocks if there is that many).

    Like yesterday, I literally was experiencing the cannonball problem. Cuz there was 3 barrels, one of which was empty. In another, there was food and 7 wood planks. In the other, 6 wood planks. Went to another bunch of barrels, mostly wood planks with maybe 4 or 5 cannonballs, and a lot more food.

    Most bunches of barrels don’t ever have cannonballs which is rather irking.

  • My experience as a solo sloop is that a start up ship with no extra supplies is a minimum and enough at the same time to do whatever u like.

    I done skelly ship waves even on a start sloop no extra supplies and still make it out with captain loot to sell.

    Megan and karen can be taken care of with start supplies. Even an enemy ship.

  • @agent-samuraii

    50 cannonball on a solo sloop vs karen? Hit the tentacle in the mouth. U need about 3 hits to kill 1 tentacle. Make it 4 hits.
    Thats just 12 cannonballs.
    U need 3 ro clear the wrap. Thats 15 total to take care of karen.

  • @weakdexx

    3 hits to kill a tentacle?

    Dude no? I defeated a kraken late last night (and under like 2 minutes it was the most anticlimactic fight ever) and it took WAY MORE THAN THREE HITS.

  • In my experience it's generally lots of two types of item and very little of another. Very rarely will I log in to a session and stock my ship with plenty of everything. But it's not necassarily cannon balls I'm short of, it's often food or planks that I'm short on. It's entirely random as far as I can tell and is why our ships start with a few supplies to make sure that we have at least a little of everything.

    A little scouting about will soon see a ship supplied. I always jump for barrels in the water or cannon to nearby islands to gather what I can. I don't think anything in this regards needs changing.

  • There is a sever lack of cannonballs in this game!

    Every real sailor knows the real treasure is cannonballs and planks!

  • In my experience solo slooping, it only takes 1 successful shot from a cannon to get a kraken tentacle to move - it just takes a moment (you guys might be wasting cannonballs during this moment).

  • @Agent-Samuraii Got trouble resupplying? You mostly sail a Sloop right? (this only works on sloops and Brigs)

    Try this:


  • @agent-samuraii

    Solo sloop and u only hit the mouth not the tentacle?
    The tentacle take more damage.
    It is 3 mouth shots on the wrapper and its off. Im sure of this.
    Maybe to kill a tentacle is not only 3.
    But killing a karen on a sloop u need to kill 3 tentacles (correct me if im wrong)
    With 50 cannonballs thats 16 hits each tentacle that is not correct. Way to much.

  • @hynieth

    I’ll be sure to look at this the second I can - thank you!!

  • @weakdexx

    See that’s where it’s getting weird cuz I’ve only ever had to defeat two tentacles but there’s been a time or two where I’ve had to defeat three, lately. Not that I’m complaining because kraken rewards are lacklustre (we need more than one piece of loot per tentacle), but I get so confused...

  • @weakdexx @Agent-Samuraii
    Currently you need to defeat 2 tentacles on a sloop to make the Kraken go away. It takes 5 cannonballs per tentacle. (I am unaware if hitting directly in the mouth reduces this number to 3. I guess my aim just isn't that good.)

    This can get confusing because sometimes a tentacle will go down even if it hasn't been hit 5 times, in this case it doesn't yet count as being defeated and that tentacle will come back up in a different location.

    When a tentacle has been defeated it will leave behind 1 piece of kraken meat and 1 treasure.

  • @hynieth said in Less food more cannonballs?:

    @Agent-Samuraii Got trouble resupplying? You mostly sail a Sloop right? (this only works on sloops and Brigs)

    Try this:


    Say wha!? 🤯

    This right here is why I continue to like and play SoT - I'm still learning new ways to play virtually every day despite having played since the closed alpha.

  • @agent-samuraii

    Well u get 2 pieces. 1 loot and 1 food. And i dont think we dont need more to be honest. The reward used to be u got out Alive and keep your loot and keep going. They nerfed karen all ready to easy it up. And they added loot. We dont need more.

    That just my 2 doubloons on it

  • @weakdexx

    ? You can get UP TO SIX (or more but today I got about six) pieces of loot from the Megalodon, as well as 3-4 pieces of meat, the kraken is a lot rarer so why do we get less loot from her

  • @agent-samuraii said in Less food more cannonballs?:


    I’ve noticed something when trying to collect supplies for my ship and it’s that there’s a lot more food and wood supplies, compared to cannonball supplies.

    I’m not just talking CC’s, I’m talking Cannonballs in general. There’s like almost unlimited amounts of food but at most I leave an outpost with maybe 40 extra cannonballs (you start off with 40) and that’s hardly enough depending on what you encounter, and then restocking is a nightmare because you find maybe just enough to replace what you lost but that’s it.

    With food, me personally I’ve found that you hardly have time to really use it/eat it before you die (I could also just suck). And the food, now that you can get it from animals, and since better fruits can regenerate more health, is a lot more expendable than it used to be.

    Cannonballs are a lot more crucial to your survival. This is just unfortunate placing mind you, but I’ve had more than one time where I’ve been out of or nearly run out of cannonballs because of situations I’m in (had, in rapid succession, a kraken then a Megalodon, or a megalodon then a kraken, I’ve had a skeleton ship mixed with a kraken, or a meg, and thank goodness I haven’t had the meg/kraken combo again), despite having stocked up at my previous location. And if I ever end up in a PvP situation after that, I’m most likely dead.

    So, maybe more cannonballs would be a bit better? Be it replacing the massive food/wood plank number (seriously I’ve had strings of barrels with LOADS of wood, the most being 7 in a barrel so far, and it’s like “is it wood plank day?”), or just adding it into the mix more.

    This has been done on purpose. And it's completely logical. So this is how it works:

    People are living here. So you can find more food/baid. And some planks and cannonballs.

    Floating Barrels:
    And these guys have the resources for your ship. Planks/cannonsballs. And a lot, most time we stop at floating barrels, and they have 30/40 planks or cannonballs in them per barrel.

    Also you can use ship wrecks to get more loot!

  • It is random what turns up in barrels, but different supplies seem to have higher drop rates on different places. I've had sessions where it seemed like every barrel had planks, but I've also had sessions where it seemed like every barrel had cannonballs.

    When faced with a situation where you want a certain outcome vs. RNG (a.k.a. finding cannonballs in barrels), the absolute best thing you can do is to attempt it as much as much as possible.

    The more times you look in barrels, the better your chances are of getting cannonballs, statistically.

    When you spawn, stock.
    When you arrive at a new spot, stock.
    When you see floating barrels, stop and stock.
    If you're checking a shipwreck, stock.
    ABS (Always Be Stocking).

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