What made , and still makes , you come back to the Sea?

  • Hello , Dear Pirates , New Bloods and Seasoned Brothers and Sisters of the Coast alike.

    The last few weeks have been very important for Rare . They opened up the Pioneer Program and turned it into an Insider Program in wich every Pirate above 18 is welcome to join and shine his or her light over the future features that will , once again , enrich this game greatly. The First Anniversary was ,of course , celebrated in Grandeur , like it should be.
    The Higly anticipated , and awaited ( * Moron...you write two of the same things , or you in dumbo mode again? ...o, excuse me , now i made a mistake , you're ALWAYS in dumbo mode, fool), Mega Update that will soon arrive will bring many smiles to the Faces of the Massive PirateFleet that roams our Beloved Sea...

    But...Since the Forum has taken a decisive turn towards focussed Testing in the Insider Category , i kind of start to miss the Community Feel that i so love...i'm no leader , more a maggot ( * Oh, what is this ? For the first time since many months ,our fool starts to write truths, where are we gonna write this? - Here ,of course , Sunshine * Finally awoken, Captain Tearface? - And not a moment too soon, it seems , thrashing on George again, hey? Keep it at least a bit civil, Sunshine * As you wish, Captain) so i decided to let the wave pass or let one of the Community Celebreties restart that Community Feel...

    But the person i had in my mind is not been seen for months now, i wonder more and more what has happened...But no dark thoughts, not everybody has the life of a Hermit , like me...

    Now , there are so many new Pirates that landed on our Outpost ,there are also alot of Seasoned Pirates that have finally, because of the Insider Program , decided to contribute their thoughts , wich...is Great!
    But...Who are they ? What drives them? How do they play ? How do they look towards this game and the ones they come across?...
    These and so many questions haunt my mind, it is impossible to remember hundreds of thousends of Pirates but still ,i would like to stretch out my hand and hopefully a few welcoming hand will shake mine...

    Now , what i ask , if...i may is...What makes you come back to this game that officially has reached the age of 1 year, and in the shadow is running for more than two years , Alpha's included...

    No , my Dear New or YoungBlood , i haven't forgetten you , i also want to know what has brought you here ...Was it the trailer that convinced you , was it because your Friends adviced you to it , or a magazine ? And what has catched your eye straight away , let us say , what has made that you probably play this tomorrow?...

    See, now that's what i want to know, i don't want to know yer real name , your studies ,hobbies , and all other private things , i only want to know what you love and like about the game and all that surrounds it...i would be a bad person if i would only ask something from you ,when i keep a lid on myself ( * Oh, please do that , keep that lid on yerself , make your mug close and never open it again, i beg off ye....moron)...

    So here i go, oh yes ,i'm sorry if this writing is already pretty lenghty but my Good old Mom always told me :" George , why do you use ten words if you can colour and enrich yer story by adding another 90 words to say the same thing?"...Well, i learned about SOT after a coincedense boring surfing on You Tube. Memorizing old games like Sea Dogs , i wanted to know if there were developers who dared to bring the Pirate theme again...i stumbled on a very early Trailer for E3 2016, or was it 2015? i'm not sure...

    i first thought i was seeing an Indie title untill... a girl pirate ran before the main , and unnamed , character , she was cartoony but oh so detailed . She walked to the beach and we followed her and then my eyes were catched by a massive ship , a Galleon , but what was even more pulling on the Iris of my eye was , the Sea on wich this ship was resting...This water was the most detailed and "lively" water that i had ever seen...Months went by and i found this very Forum...A beautiful, Friendly time revelated towards me and i felt , for the first time in my life , very good amongst all these smart but forgiving people...

    The game came , first in Alpha form, on wich the Sea jumped on me like a crazed Bloodhound , ready to disconnect my throat with his shiny teeth, but the dog washed my face and gave me so much good feel and " Magic"...

    The game opened itself to me and showed me layers i never expected from a game that looks like a casual game if you throw a fast but unfocussed eye upon it... i grew in this game , not as a skilled Pirate , wich i never will be , but i grew in the crew , i grew as a person...i dared to show my inner personality ,that hadn't seen sunlight for many ,many years , and Clumsy George was finally reborn...

    A beautiful gift , hey ? Oh , but i would be a lowlife if i wouldn't return the favor that was granted upon me by so many Great Souls of the Sea , so with my little talents ( * Talents ? Where ? What have i missed ? Talents , really? ...Ooooh, that talent ...The " bean Talent" , off course ...uhm, how do i write politely , The ability to let the sail catch "wind" where there is no "earthly" wind , " That talent ", yeah you have talent for that...You little old stinker...) i tried to bring a laugh upon many a Pirate . My accent and the ability to mimick other countries accents have given me a Key to open up a lot of Hearts...Many Pirates started silently on the crew , but like a woodpecker i hammered upon their ears and skulls untill they opened up communications...

    After that ...Friendrequest flew like Seagulls over the waves...This game has so many hidden layers , the game itself , but there are also keys that open up rooms from your very own personality ,that you never knew you even had those...
    Now , my biggest Joy , in this game is to go fully , openHearted and open armed towards the Unknown Pirate and hopefully bring a smile to him or her , to young or old , and to show that there is more than " Kill or be Killed " in this game...For me this game is a Heaven for Improvisors...

    But what is it for you ? What does this game mean for YOU. What makes you to select Sea of Thieves above other games you have . You there , yes , you my young Pirate Friend that has taken up Sea of Thieves for the first time , yesterday , you too are allowed to tell us what has lured you to these waters and wich Siren is singing in yer ears in a tune that will make you come back this evening?...

    Come on, Dear Pirates , don't let me hang here ....Don't let this Community drift off to solely test , the future of this game , but let us grow back towards eachother with this little initiative of mine that may be only a pebble big , but once a little pebble ticks to a bigger and smarter rock ,then maybe the ,once so loved , Community Feel may rekindle again...

    Sorry for the long read ( * You liar , you love a long write ,even if you can't write one English word without making the usual spelling and grammar msitakes...moron). But please , i really want to know all the incentives of other Pirates because i think that every person is unique and so are his or her vision towards this game too...

    i thank you upfront for reading and i thank you very much if you would like to contribute what you love or what makes you come back to this game... Go for it...Please?

  • 25
  • @clumsy-george nice mate see you on the seas

  • @closinghare208
    i know you are a Pirate that likes to keep the answers short...You are Renown and liked for that , but that doesn't answer the question...Come on, Mr ClosingHare , what makes you to return to this Waves?...Remember , there are no wrong answers...

  • @clumsy-george always a pleasure to read your posts. What keeps me coming back? For me its the sense of unpredictability -- in many of the single-player games that I play (actually taking a break from SoT until the anniversary update to make progress in The Last of Us), they can make a powerful and compelling story, but they can only tell it once. On the high seas, every session promises its own adventures and unique tales, and even more importantly they are self-created. I can choose what to go looking for, but I can never know for sure what I will find. Be it PvP escapades, alliance shenanigans, or even PvE adventures (yay for lore and Tall Tales!), SoT creates dynamic stories, and I've yet to find another game that can manage it in the same way.

  • The Sea of Thieves was recommended while in development ny a friend of mine who knows i allways hated vertical progression, because i think it splits players and is hard to balance if ever.
    I didn't like the most comic style games, but i like pirates and ship games like PotBs and Naval Action etc..., so i was a little bit hyped. A game without vertical progression with good ship combat and treasure hunting? Could be a hit for me.
    I was lucky and was able to play the technical Alpha.
    When i first was in, i immediatley said it has a little bit of the charme and humor of Monkey Island.
    A game that was one of my first games i played what had influenced me for sure.
    And then the water, holy....
    We then started together when the game was released, tried to get some others for our crew but weren't successfull. My friend quit also last year before or while cursed cannonballs were introduced, but i was lucky and met some other german players i really like to play with.
    I wont say we are friends now, but i think if we would meet in RL we for sure would have a good time.
    I allways take breaks, a week or two a month or even two, but that was only one time from December to February.
    And everytime i come back i think this game is just beautiful and sailing and all it is about is relaxing, wonderfull, entertaining.
    I dont know what they need to do to mess it up for me and loose me.
    As long as it don't habe vertical and mandatory progression or grind or make it another survival, base building game i cannot imagine to not play further.
    And i'm very excited for Tall Tales and all that.
    I was a Pioneer also and i do my little Business in Insiders.
    I was also lucky and found a Wonderous Box of Secrets one day, i won 2 keys, i was lucky that often with beeing a Founder, a Pioneer and all that, that i just have lots of positive feelings about SoT.
    Lets hope this continues :-)

  • @Clumsy-George There are myriad of reasons why I have not put this game down over the past year of my life. This game just speaks to me on so many levels.

    I have been into gaming for way too many years and no game has punched me in the gut the way this game does. So with that said sir, my reasons and excuses for loving this game are as follows:

    • Aesthetics and Scenery - This game is just god awfully beautiful and that is a big attraction for me. I find it very easy to continue to comeback to this game as the environment is just pleasing and beautiful. Why Rare has not been more recognized for this is a mystery to me.
    • Auditorial Pleasing - The sound of the waves washing up on the beach and the winding rustling the leaves of the palm tress...ahhhh, so relaxing. All we need are lounge chairs and Corona's to sit on the beach to enjoy our surroundings, at least until a skelly bomb runs up on you and explodes.
      The environmental sounds and all the way down to the music is just wonderful in this game.
      As a person who holds a degree in audio production, I can honestly say that the audio in this game just awe inspiring. Some days at work, I just listen to the Sea of Thieves soundtrack.
    • Sailing Mechanics and the challenge- The fact that you have to pilot a ship and it actually challenges the players to understand the mechanics of sailing. It's not a typical game, where you just get in or on a vehicle and just press one button and away you go. No, this game challenges you to move around on the seas and I just love that aspect.
    • Thrill of Adventure - When you load into this game you may have an idea of what you may want to do or accomplish. But at some point the environment or other players decide your fate or adventure for you and the unknown is just thrilling and fun. Although it could be frustrating at times when other players affect your game play, but I have grown to accept it and deal with it.

    Rare LTD, has created something very special here and I always look forward to playing this game. I hope the content continues with this game and I hope there will be many more years to come...

    I won't even mention the hilarious chance encounters I have had with you @Clumsy-George, classic mate!

  • What keeps me coming back to the Sea is to see what the future beholds. Since the Alpha, it's all the #seaoftease aspect that I like the most. The game has so much room for new things that it's amazing to see it fill with new tools, locations, mechanics etc. In a way I'm still in the same mindset as when the game wasn't released, it's like reading a good book and wanting to know what's next.

    I'm more excited about and probably play much more the Pioneer/Insider build than the main one, I like to discover new things, explore and speculate on what the future might hold.

    I've been mostly playing solo or open crews in the main build, I can't count how many crews I joined, I can't remember all their name, I rolled on the deck laughing a lot, I met a lot of amzing pirates, and while I've not been making true friendship, I know I will be welcomed whenever I need it.

    Since the beginning, my dream for SoT is a Tortuga kind of place. If it happens one day, I think that will be the end of my journey in the sense that the game will be "complete" to me but I shall still roam this forum of course, ready to upvote ;P

    This forum and the community are also a reason why. Thank you @Clumsy-George!

  • @clumsy-george Matey, I have been wondering where you have been these past weeks or even month or two. Your presence or lack there of was noticed and I was even thinking of messaging to ask where our sage george has been lately. LOL

    As for my story I will get to that a bit later. I just saw you had posted and breathed a sigh of relief and had to say howdy.

  • I check in everyday to see if they fixed the Xbox One S "black screen" issue.😀😂😀 Seriously though..... The adventure! No matter what you set out to do there's a good chance you'll get sidetracked!

  • @clumsy-george Honestly I don’t really play like I used to.
    As the game has been rapidly growing with more threats and content added it has made life on the solo sloop a nightmare, so due to lack of balancing on the part I haven’t really wanted to load the game up and jump back into the world.

    I find more joy and fun in other games currently, which is a shame because I do miss just hoping on my boat and seeing where the waves take me.

    But I always wait around and stay in the community waiting for the day they might announce some changes.
    I do jump on now and again but as I mentioned above the sessions never normally last long and I feel most of the time in just wasting my time.

    But that’s just me anyway, one fish out of millions.
    Hopefully the mega update will breath some new life into the game for me, but being a prinarily solo player I believe it will just alienate me even more.

    Sorry if it’s not the reply you where looking for haha :)

  • I have posted before about my start to the game so I will keep that part short. In a nut shell, a friend @queenpucci talked me into buying and xbox for the sole purpose of playing a game called Sea of Thieves where the dev team were vehemently against pay to win (having played many pay to win games I found this quite intriguing).

    So, I bought the xbox and gamepass and got the game. And I was hooked right from the start. Queen would occasionally send me little news flashes of things to come in the game. And wondering how she was getting this info I went searching and found the forums. And my addiction to the game itself was only strengthened by these forums. I found so many people that loved the game as much as I did. And their passions were so strong. I remember many a great back and forth conversations with so many people. Many that even became somewhat contentious (though that was never what I was trying for or looking for). But even then, the passion for the game blew me away.

    And within the game, even when hearing complaints about lack of content this, and not enough to do that, I could not satisfy my hunger for the seas or the life of a swash buckling pirate. And it seemed to me, that at least once a week, usually more often than that, thanks to interactions with other pirates on the seas, I would have these fantastic adventures and stories to tell. In fact, even to this very day, I still feel as if I have those fantastic adventures and stories of both heroism and failure, but almost always finding fun in whatever comes my way. Even in losing, while losing is not fun in and of itself, I have rarely walked away not appreciating the experience.

    And the temperature in the waters seems to constantly be changing. When I first started playing, there were tons of pirates out there that felt bored with the content, and were quite toxic indeed (not because of the PvP itself, just their attitudes and the ways they interacted with you). And then Hungering Deep, and other pirates suddenly realized that the waving emote was there to show a friendlier side of a pirate. And soon more updates, many of which promoted working together. And the seas became a much warmer place. But always returning to that colder place where more PvP and even occasionally Toxic behavior comes back. But during all of this, never knowing what temperature the seas would be on any given day, just makes it so exciting.

    Even now, having obtained PLA10 many months ago, I still find great pleasure in setting sail for the unknown.

    While I absolutely love how this cartoon game with amazing graphics has somehow become this amazing, immersive experience, I would say that for me, the reason I love this game so much, it would have to be the complete randomness of everything that could happen, everything that could go wrong and everything that could go right. From the time I sailed with friends from these very forums and we sunk a skelly fleet by having to steel the last rounds of cannonballs from the skelly ships around us because we had run out, to the many PvP encounters I have had. Or even the times where a random pirate would sheepishly approach asking for help with a long forgotten quest (like the thrones).

    This game has already exceeded my expectations and yet, it feels like we have only begun to see its true potential. There are many things we could complain about, and so many things that could be done better, yet I am so very excited for the future here.

    We Shall All Sail Together.....

    @Clumsy-George thank you matey for this thread and for asking us to bring back so many fond memories.

  • The people.

  • @clumsy-George you and other people

  • Friendly pirate encounters and nice white beach with palmtrees and lovely clear water with free loot laying around to find while enjoying the sunny warm climate and graphics :")

  • @clumsy-george It's where I left my ship :D

  • The main thing for me in both insider/pioneers and the regular game was always let's see what we can come up with today. On pioneers I can remember so many times just saying "I wonder what will happen if we do this" and always getting a good laugh out of the failed experiments.

    I think the main game is a lot of the same thing. The reapers run not necessarily the wanderers refuge but the shipwreck bay one definitely got the ideas going. Same with having the guiled voyages. The use of rowboats instead of Cannons have become some of my favorite things to do in the game.

    But for sure the main thing missed and to me is the biggest difference between insiders and pioneers is the lack of people even attempting to talk when playing/testing adventure mode and you can see it overflowing on to the forums day after day.

  • @clumsy-george I need not tell you why I play every night, and spend so much time in this game, because you already know. However, to anyone else reading... this game has been a bond for myself, my family and the people I've met both on forums, in real life, and in game. I will continue my adventures in game most every night, and will never regret the journey I've had with the friends I've met.

  • Thank you kindly , to all, for your answers ...It's great to read how Sea of Thieves touches every Soul in a different way...
    i would just like to say to Mr Knifelife , indeed , it wasn't the answer i expected but i can feel that the true love for this game isn't dead...Solo Slooping has always been very hard and with the many dangers that came towards the Sea aren't making it easier but ...Sometimes i too like to play Solo Sloop and allthough these menacing creatures / Skeletonships turn my beautiful new Sloop into a floating tub with many holes , the mental reward to survive or win from all these dangers is even better than with a full crew...Do NOT get me wrong, i love my crews and i love many random crews i have been in , but somewhere in the back of my head ( * Your mental outhouse , dufus?) i know that if i mess up or if i'm too slow or whatever than another Pirate jumps in and save the ship and day. But if you are completely alone and you manage to beat all that the game throws at you , then i have to confess , that i'm proud on myself...i know that selfpride and arrogance lay close towards eachother but it isn't arrogance , it's more a feel like " It may have been a narrow victory /escape , may have costed me ribs on my resources , this old man is still standing"...it's a bit like a boxer that get's so beaten during 11 rounds in wich he seem to gain sympathy and emphaty from the full audience and that deals out a lucky punch that gives him the victory and then humbily with bowed head walks towards his corner where he's cheered upon like a Talented Champ ,but deep inside he knows he was very lucky ...

    As a Solo Slooper you , unknowingly ,have more respect for these creatures and Solo Slooping is still the best way to give my ears a treat ,because not only the Graphic Team did Magical Work with the Unreal Engine, also the Music and Sound Department of Rare should be very , very proud on themselves for all the immersing sound and music they created that simply pull yer whole being in this game...

    And...Mr No Fears Fun, you had me there for a moment , i had to ask Mr J4dio's help , who's always ready to deliver that help , in explaining what sage means...You were partly right , i'm old but you were wrong on the wise part...hihihihi, i'm a dumbo and i'm proud on that ( * Really ? Look at his ugly mug , he's pulling out his widest smile...How can you be proud on being the dumbest fool ever ? - It's that belt, Sunshine...* What belt, Captain Tearface ? - Of Champion of Europe in Stupidity )...

    Now , have great adventures on the Sea , Dear Pirates and ...Be ready for the 30th of April, something very beautiful is coming ...

  • I enjoy the beauty, cheerfulness and freedom of the game. It never feels like you're being railroaded towards a map marker. You never know what might happen. You might meet another player. They could be hostile, or you could form an alliance. You might come across a megalodon or pick up a cool random quest. You need to keep your eyes on your compass and on the horizon. There's no fast traveling. It's immersive.

    And most of all: I play it with my friends. My friends live in another city and it's so great that I still get to communicate with them like this. When you actually call someone, the conversation can feel a little forced, like "...So... How are you?" "I'm good, you?" "Yeah, me too." But when you're playing Sea of Thieves, there's always that part where you are just sailing and not doing anything special and a conversation just naturally starts. I love that.

  • The salty tears of nubs that think they can steamroll me just because I'm solo has recently been bringing me back. alt text

  • Came to Sea of Thieves because it was an open world game my XBOX and PC separated family could come together and play together instead of just taking about the games we each played. Except for my spouse and I the others have moved on after not liking what was found too much out on the sea.

    My spouse and I stayed sailing because it was a game we could casually play and make our own fun despite the trolling and toxicity that polluted the sea. In the time since then we have met several fine examples of pirates that we greatly enjoy sailing with and have the privilege to call friends. We cannot always hook up as much as we would like too, but we always have great experiences and good stories to tell when we do.

    What is very unfortunate is neither of us likes where the winds seem to be taking us on the Sea of Thieves. Rare appears to be dead set in favoring more PvP on the Sea than keeping it truly open as it should be. Do not like many of the changes that appear to be coming to the sea, same for the changes here in the forums over the last few months.

    Maybe the winds will keep us on the sea or maybe the sea will no longer be familiar enough and it will blow us somewhere else completely different. We shall see. Either way it turned out to be a voyage worth remembering no matter where the wind may take us.

  • @clumsy-george I’m in this for the long haul, every game has its ups and downs.
    And to be perfectly honest I’m pretty confident they will address it in some form soon anyway. :D

  • @clumsy-george

    What made , and still makes , you come back to the Sea?

    It's you guys... it's you

    Kudos all!
    Seriously... never had so much fun, laughter, loss & at times been mildly ticked off (in game)... it's been a roller-coaster.

    I love how you can be on a high... everything is going so well.
    Then SoT happens.... ie. Kraken... spawns.. a meg decides to make an appearance, oh yes a player galleon is in pursuit.
    All is suddenly lost, you are just in it for the ride.... that's the Sea of Thieves Life. And I love it!

    Loved the game from day one ( & before ), will be sailing the Sea for the foreseeable future.

  • For me it's a way to relieve the stress after a day at work. Sailing the sea by myself, visiting the islands,....makes it a great way to end the stressful day.

  • @Clumsy-George I first saw early footage of the game at E3 I believe, though I can't remember exactly when or where. I kept tabs on it though whatever outlet I could find, and watched every trailer I could. I missed the opportunity to get into the alpha but when the beta rolled around I made sure that I was in and so did my brother.

    We jumped in and loved the exploration. The sense of a history there that wasn't explicitly told to us from the start kept us exploring every corner. I love the open world, the sense that you exist within an ongoing story that's being told. I keep sailing because I love meeting new and old pirates on the sea. It's a new story every time I set sail. One of my favorite things is seeing familiar names from these forums, people who are passionate about the game like I am, and catching up with them on the seas.

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