The Shrouded Ghost?

  • I’ve been waiting for so long for that Meg! Almost every day I’ve been playing SoT, but I’ve never encountered it! I’ve killed almost every megalodon that I encounter too, but even they are getting a little repetitive (my best friend and I keep seeing the same one over and over again, mainly The Hungering One or The Crested Queen. We haven’t been seeing Shadowmaw anymore, and we haven’t seen The Ancient Terror in like almost 2 weeks).

    I read somewhere that in an update they increased the percentage in which you have a chance on seeing The Shrouded Ghost, but I find that a little hard to believe. I thought killing other megalodons might be like, a way to increase the chances of getting The Shrouded Ghost, or maybe sailing around in completely open waters (while doing voyages sometimes), heck there was one time where fog set in (very haunting and beautiful at the same time, especially with the music) and I sat there for a whole like 10 minutes or 15 (I don’t remember exactly), and no meg at all.

    Is there any known ways to get higher chances of seeing the Shrouded Ghost at all?

  • 17
  • The best way is to visit as many meg spawns as possible. Many people server hop for this, I'm not sure what the best strat is cuz I've never found him. I'm almost rank 5 in the other shark commendations and halfway to Legend of the Sea of Thieves

  • Legends has it that if Ya offer yer soul to the Whale Lord while dancing weird korean dance and singin' 'bout colorful ponies in the dawn of the new age the white meg will show up fer a sec... But those are most likely just stories...

  • Random. Can't really increase it. I'm with you matey, also waiting.....

  • @agent-samuraii a change from a 0.001% to get the ghost to 0.001% would always be considered an increase, of course i dont know exact percentages and all that.

    But i have been playing this game almost religiously since its release and me and my crew are still short that one commendation.

    We have changed our minds to the fact that its nothing but a myth, it doesnt exist, as DT might say its all fake news.
    Stories of it’s existance have been exagerated etc etc etc

  • @callmebackdraft

    I know it’s real (even tho I haven’t wanted to see it in-game but yknow, when looking it up I’ve been exposed, sadly) so it HAS to exist.

    But sheesh why does it have to be so rare??? People grind the game for hours only to get chased by Queenie, or Shadow? Or even just The Hungering One

  • @agent-samuraii where did you see it ? Video’s ? People having the commendations ?

    Dont worry you are not going mad, its still nothing but a myth, all those videos have been made by and shared with (insert player name) by RARE, those people are nothing but shills hired to propogate the lie that the shrouded ghost is real :-p.

  • @callmebackdraft said in The Shrouded Ghost?:

    @agent-samuraii where did you see it ? Video’s ? People having the commendations ?

    Dont worry you are not going mad, its still nothing but a myth, all those videos have been made by and shared with (insert player name) by RARE, those people are nothing but shills hired to propogate the lie that the shrouded ghost is real :-p.

    Why would Rare create videos of a Shrouded Ghost? Rare wouldn’t create videos to lie about the existence of the Shrouded Ghost. The ghost is real and very difficult to find. You just have to be patient

  • Ive seen it once. In a fogbank. With rocks and small islands around, no boards and not enough ammo. Sigh...🤷🏽‍♀️🧜‍♀️🦈

  • @agent-samuraii doesn't exist you have a higher chance of coming into contact with extra terrestrials than the shrouded ghost

  • @fast-bike94

    Why is there a commendation for it then?? I’m so confused

  • @coffeelight5545

    How patient, tho?? Legit I’ve been waiting for so long for that thing. I got VERY excited today cuz the music came up that comes up when a Meg is after you and I saw a dorsal fin in the water, and it looked pale! It went underwater before I could get a proper look, but when it came back up it turned out to be just the Hungering One

    I’ve never been so disappointed in my life XDD

    I’ve been playing every day for hours but no Ghost ;-;

  • @coffeelight5545 you clearly did not get the joke/sarcasm

  • @callmebackdraft said in The Shrouded Ghost?:

    @coffeelight5545 you clearly did not get the joke/sarcasm

    Oh be nice lol. No one is complaining about the mystery box thingy tho? (I heard about it once, dunno where/when but its a random spawn like washed up treasures..) I haven't even seen that. Or my pl10 kid. (Or my squeaker for that matter, but, y'know he's excited someone hasn't thrown him in the brig yet, but that's another thread... 😅 ) or my other acct that I'm just starting 😊 I am the only one to have seen it but I see ghosts irl. (Long story)

    Keep searching.

  • Our crew plays one night each week in our white underwear. We figure if we're exposed then maybe the shrouded one will expose itself. It hasn't worked yet and I get some weird looks from my older kids when I'm at the desk but hey we'll do just about anything to have a shot at killing this thing!😂

  • The Shrouded Ghost is a myth and a conspiracy of government with the gaming industry. The government has initiated this to stop the inhabitants from revolting. The players are so focused on finally catching this guy that they completely ignore the news. This meg was never seen in game. A white shadow in the white fog, you know, lol. All video and foto proofs are made and fake. No one ever saw a streamer meeting with the Shrouded Ghost in live sessions.

    🤡 😜

  • The ghost is non existant, just like the box of mysterious secrets. They are just "legends" told around to scare newer pirates!

14 out of 17