Rare you're killing your own game

  • Okay, so I realize that the title of this thread can be a little dramatic but just hear me out on this. I have a lot of points to get through and I'll try to keep them as punctual and to the point as possible.
    Firstly, the biggest issue, content. Sea of Thieves was a game with very little content upon release driving many new players to the genre away. That started to change when you brought more content with the first update "The Hungering Deep". It was only onwards and upwards from there with the additions of Skeleton Ships, Increased Fort Spawns, The Devils Roar, and Improved Megaladon/Kraken encounters. However, this is when things took a turn for the worst with one exception. I'll bring up the one positive first, being the Mercenary Voyages, not all of them however. The Mercenary Voyages were only partly good as you had some that had specific routes, meaning that players would have to encounter others along their path. Like what you had in the early days for summoning the Megaladon in The Hungering Deep and hunting the Skeleton Ship in Cursed Crews. Its wise in a big open world game to 'sometimes' bring in quests that force people to go up against others in order to earn a great reward. BUT, continuing on from this notice the use of the word 'sometimes' previously'. I say this as it can get boring if the routes for quests are always exactly the same which is what you got right in your most recent Tall Tales, kind of. The Second main point I'm trying to get at with all this is that all your previous content updates have been LT (Limited Time), so anything you earn or buy from Dukes Shop such as the Wailing Barnacle Set, or the Forsaken Ashes ship sets become legendary in a sort of way. All this 'watch a stream for some basic hull, sails, figurehead nonsense is just that, nonsense. Introduce them into the game, give people a reason to actually play and for the love of god, give your game a shops for kids to spend real money so that you are actually earning money. Might provide bit more incentive for you to stop dooming your own game. I'm bored of typing now but even just those few points should give you a bit of clarity I hope.
    Signing off.

  • 34
  • These points do not suggest RARE is killing there game. 1.) Content - There is actually a lot of hours of content in this game (I am guessing you are exhibit A on this one as you have probably spent way more hours than most). 2.) Comestics killing a game is silly. If everyone can get something then people will get mad, if people did not get something in time, people will get mad. Cosmetics is a silly thing.

  • the only thing, that is possibly killing the game, is the lack of a solution for the hit registration. every other item should be dropped and the entire team should focus on fixing this issue. it's quite embarrassing how long it took them to place this on the known issues list.

    if they allow their player base to continually be frustrated by this major issue. there won't be much of a player base left.

  • No posts to his name

    Rare is killing the game/ Game is dying

    No proof/ Evidence

    PvE Post

    Got Griefed

    "I'm a Game developer"

    Damn you didn't make a bingo.
    That Said, stop being so dramatic. Rare has crafted a game you want to play as opposed to a game you "Have" to play.
    No skinner boxes, no grind to reach endgame and thus content, microtransaction content drops.

    I think we're seeing a different game, but I see a game people are playing and still loving, what's dying here?

  • Games been dying for so long I swear I must be the only person still playing

  • The game is not dying, it's only expanded since launch. Some bigger streamers and video creators want an endless stream of content and action and leave because the game isn't what they like, but the community of people who actually like the game stays, and only grows.

    Microtransactions are planned, for pets. Whether this will be skins or the actual pet or something else, I do not know. But money isn't really an issue, especially given the immense upfront price the game has (that's why it's there, but they're being funded anyways).

    Limited time cosmetics are fine. Sure, I missed the opportunity to get this set or that set, but I take pride in the ones I got. People ask for these things, and Rare obliges. People ask for their removal, but why bother removing what you've already worked to add in a situation like this? Not many people actually ask for them to be gone.

  • @luciansanchez82 said in Rare you're killing your own game:

    Games been dying for so long I swear I must be the only person still playing

    You're still play this game?
    Is this not Club Penguin?, damn I'm signed into the wrong account again :)

    edit: Some threads just keep coming round & round, time after time.
    Dying?... Aye!... the skellies at the end of me pointy thing, that's what's dying.

  • @piratecraggy Let's pretend I didn't have to google Club Penguin and laugh wholeheartedly together!

    Wish someone could explain precisely what "game's dying" means. I've seen no hint of it in all the time I've been playing.

  • @luciansanchez82
    This is secretly sea of thieves 100. Every time someone makes a this game is dying post, it does, and rare secretly releases a new sea of thieves. We don't remember because we're not wearing our tinfoil hats to protect us from their mind waves

  • @blazedrake100 said in Rare you're killing your own game:

    This is secretly sea of thieves 100. Every time someone makes a this game is dying post, it does, and rare secretly releases a new sea of thieves. We don't remember because we're not wearing our tinfoil hats to protect us from their mind waves

    My favourite incarnation was version 42.
    I was wearing me foil tricorn that day... ta matey I had a good chuckle!!!

  • @luciansanchez82 Right? I remember when it was "dead" a week after it released according to many. Then it died AGAIN so many times after. It's a zombie game now apparently.

  • OP has some decent stats. Being as such, I will refrain from mocking and shrugging the concern off.

    It seems to me that players that have put so much time into a game, and reached a certain level of progression often feel that the game starts "dying". This happens with many games. It's important to understand, though, that the game isn't necessarily dying, but the spark the player felt from first playing the game is starting to go out.

    I was one of the many that lost interest in the first month. I played day one, did the grind and felt that the world, not the game, was dead. There wasn't much in it, and as such it became boring, so I stopped playing. I feel like this same thing is happening to some people now. The mystery is gone for them. They've been there and done that. But the game itself is still great, and is being added to regularly.

    It's my belief that the game is living and well, but the rewards are lacking and some are losing interest. Loss of interest leads to "the game is dying" in their mind, because, well, it's hard for us as humans to accept that the issue may be "me".

  • @rowdy-reid That’s a very valid perspective and can appreciate what you’re saying. I don’t think anyone can argue that the game wasn’t a little flat when it launched and I think any major release has a boom of players to begin with that soon tail off. I’ve been around these shores for quite some time and although I’ve taken a break from it here and there, I can say I’ve never truly gotten bored with it. There’s just something about being in this world that I love, I guess perhaps this just happens to be the game for me! Anyway, I can see your point, when it’s a chore to play I guess it might be time to write it off until further improvements are made and extra content added. Beauty of this title is that content is just a matter of time and not time + bank balance!

    Thanks for the response matey!

  • Games dying for sure, RARE just doesnt know it yet! I played a straight 12 months, until the terrible anniversary update. Since then, its the same ol same ol shock therapy to try and revitalize it back to life. New voyages and adventures with lots of bugs followed by nerfs. No new limited time items (thats why Duke hangs out in the tavern being drunk), nothing to buy with dabloons (the game IS a cosmetic based game right?), wheres the pets or fun micro transactions (4 months later and still no?). Still the same blah blah blah weekly dev update from Joel.........dead, dying, grindy- boring game! Peace and RIP

  • All games eventually level off after the hype ends. Sea of Thieves is/will be no exception. That doesn't mean that it's dying.

  • The evidence for the games decline or otherwise is completely anecdotal.

    Do servers appear under populated. Do you merge often. Is the forum active with new members and are other forms of media active. Are a reasonably high percentage of players hitting achievements. And that’s about it.

    If I were forced to take a view I’d say the game wasn’t doing as well as it needs to if it’s going to be around for 5 or more years.

    Fact is, we all run out of things to do. The activities within the game just aren’t good or fun enough to keep redoing for ever.

    I think Rare realised far too late just how massive a game needs to be to keep players occupied for years. Rare made a game that under normal circumstances would have had a 6 to 12 month life before the player moved on. Currently they’re in a difficult position because players can chew through any new content several times faster than Rare can create it.

  • @galactic-geek then it's a terruble amount of players to level off at before this upage I was seeing only about 80 lfg posts when anniversary there was over 400 people want to claim this game isn't dying it most definitely is, updates only bring a temporary increase of player when this update came out it only jumped to 180 lfgs and today it's now down by 40 posts obviously lfgs aren't the only people playing but even so let's assume they are all galleons that would be 480 people for.lfg and there is probably a little bit more than that doing closed crews and then a few open crews so probably only about 4k people even playing that's terrible this game should be holding a player base of 50k daily

  • @fast-bike94 Players who use LFGs probably account for less than .01% of actual pirates on the seas, so it's conjecture and assumption at best.

  • @benno-vvolf said in Rare you're killing your own game:

    Okay, so I realize that the title of this thread can be a little dramatic but just hear me out on this. I have a lot of points to get through and I'll try to keep them as punctual and to the point as possible.
    Firstly, the biggest issue, content. Sea of Thieves was a game with very little content upon release driving many new players to the genre away. That started to change when you brought more content with the first update "The Hungering Deep". It was only onwards and upwards from there with the additions of Skeleton Ships, Increased Fort Spawns, The Devils Roar, and Improved Megaladon/Kraken encounters. However, this is when things took a turn for the worst with one exception. I'll bring up the one positive first, being the Mercenary Voyages, not all of them however. The Mercenary Voyages were only partly good as you had some that had specific routes, meaning that players would have to encounter others along their path. Like what you had in the early days for summoning the Megaladon in The Hungering Deep and hunting the Skeleton Ship in Cursed Crews. Its wise in a big open world game to 'sometimes' bring in quests that force people to go up against others in order to earn a great reward. BUT, continuing on from this notice the use of the word 'sometimes' previously'. I say this as it can get boring if the routes for quests are always exactly the same which is what you got right in your most recent Tall Tales, kind of. The Second main point I'm trying to get at with all this is that all your previous content updates have been LT (Limited Time), so anything you earn or buy from Dukes Shop such as the Wailing Barnacle Set, or the Forsaken Ashes ship sets become legendary in a sort of way. All this 'watch a stream for some basic hull, sails, figurehead nonsense is just that, nonsense. Introduce them into the game, give people a reason to actually play and for the love of god, give your game a shops for kids to spend real money so that you are actually earning money. Might provide bit more incentive for you to stop dooming your own game. I'm bored of typing now but even just those few points should give you a bit of clarity I hope.
    Signing off.

    I agree that Rare has been killing their game and can agree with some of your points. However, for me I think the reasons are;

    1. They favor casuals vs legends
    2. They do NOT embrace streamers
    4. Barrels 2.0 is terrible comparted to Barrels 1.0, why didn't they simply add a option to hold down a button to get into the barrels menu is beyond me.
    5. Curse Cannon Balls added unbalancing and seems to be against their vision of not having any advantages tied to leveling and instead makes it a RNG thing. Hey if you guys wanted my success to depend on RNG why not add magic potions and weapons that you RANDOMLY can get. That makes it fair cuz it's random, right?
    6. Never fixing bugs that have been present since launch, so for over a year now we've had to deal with long load times in to the game, teleporting to our ship or from the ferry. Then there's the cannon glitch that shoot u straight up into the air or behind your ship, you know like not where u are aiming. The lag and rubberbanding, not as bad but still there. Getting stuck on terrain and not being teleported back to your ship is a instant rage quit situation and for the life of me I can't see why they programmed a game where a player can get stuck. Invisible players. Players teleporting to enemy ships. Quests not being able to be completed due to glitches or showing complete. I'm sure I could go on but u get the idea. Glitches and bugs need to be fixed.
    7. FORCED CROSS PLAY BETWEEN CONSOLE AND XBOX PLAYERS. Can we say, "UNBALANCED". Give us an opt out already!
    8. Arena's focus is on digging up and delivering you billionth chest instead of focusing on PvP. If we wanted to dig up more chests we'd go back to Adventure mode.
    9. I'm sure I could add more but u all get the idea.

    With all that being said I think we appreciate Rare's vision, effort and all the darn hard work they've put into this gem of a game. I just feel like they were so much closer to perfection when the game launched and since have moved little by little away from what seemed to be a perfect vision.

  • cough how many times did people say it was dying? XD

  • @ghosthound81 said in Rare you're killing your own game:

    Still the same blah blah blah weekly dev update from Joel...

    Joel... JOEL!!! AH AHAHAHAHAHA!!!

    For some reason that made my day. Thanks

  • @captcoza yes beloved rare please deliver us from these posts defiling your name.

  • @contentzilla said in Rare you're killing your own game:

    @benno-vvolf said in Rare you're killing your own game:

    Okay, so I realize that the title of this thread can be a little dramatic but just hear me out on this. I have a lot of points to get through and I'll try to keep them as punctual and to the point as possible.
    Firstly, the biggest issue, content. Sea of Thieves was a game with very little content upon release driving many new players to the genre away. That started to change when you brought more content with the first update "The Hungering Deep". It was only onwards and upwards from there with the additions of Skeleton Ships, Increased Fort Spawns, The Devils Roar, and Improved Megaladon/Kraken encounters. However, this is when things took a turn for the worst with one exception. I'll bring up the one positive first, being the Mercenary Voyages, not all of them however. The Mercenary Voyages were only partly good as you had some that had specific routes, meaning that players would have to encounter others along their path. Like what you had in the early days for summoning the Megaladon in The Hungering Deep and hunting the Skeleton Ship in Cursed Crews. Its wise in a big open world game to 'sometimes' bring in quests that force people to go up against others in order to earn a great reward. BUT, continuing on from this notice the use of the word 'sometimes' previously'. I say this as it can get boring if the routes for quests are always exactly the same which is what you got right in your most recent Tall Tales, kind of. The Second main point I'm trying to get at with all this is that all your previous content updates have been LT (Limited Time), so anything you earn or buy from Dukes Shop such as the Wailing Barnacle Set, or the Forsaken Ashes ship sets become legendary in a sort of way. All this 'watch a stream for some basic hull, sails, figurehead nonsense is just that, nonsense. Introduce them into the game, give people a reason to actually play and for the love of god, give your game a shops for kids to spend real money so that you are actually earning money. Might provide bit more incentive for you to stop dooming your own game. I'm bored of typing now but even just those few points should give you a bit of clarity I hope.
    Signing off.

    I agree that Rare has been killing their game and can agree with some of your points. However, for me I think the reasons are;

    1. They favor casuals vs legends
    2. They do NOT embrace streamers
    4. Barrels 2.0 is terrible comparted to Barrels 1.0, why didn't they simply add a option to hold down a button to get into the barrels menu is beyond me.
    5. Curse Cannon Balls added unbalancing and seems to be against their vision of not having any advantages tied to leveling and instead makes it a RNG thing. Hey if you guys wanted my success to depend on RNG why not add magic potions and weapons that you RANDOMLY can get. That makes it fair cuz it's random, right?
    6. Never fixing bugs that have been present since launch, so for over a year now we've had to deal with long load times in to the game, teleporting to our ship or from the ferry. Then there's the cannon glitch that shoot u straight up into the air or behind your ship, you know like not where u are aiming. The lag and rubberbanding, not as bad but still there. Getting stuck on terrain and not being teleported back to your ship is a instant rage quit situation and for the life of me I can't see why they programmed a game where a player can get stuck. Invisible players. Players teleporting to enemy ships. Quests not being able to be completed due to glitches or showing complete. I'm sure I could go on but u get the idea. Glitches and bugs need to be fixed.
    7. FORCED CROSS PLAY BETWEEN CONSOLE AND XBOX PLAYERS. Can we say, "UNBALANCED". Give us an opt out already!
    8. Arena's focus is on digging up and delivering you billionth chest instead of focusing on PvP. If we wanted to dig up more chests we'd go back to Adventure mode.
    9. I'm sure I could add more but u all get the idea.

    With all that being said I think we appreciate Rare's vision, effort and all the darn hard work they've put into this gem of a game. I just feel like they were so much closer to perfection when the game launched and since have moved little by little away from what seemed to be a perfect vision.

    I'm a hardcore SOT player, and i dont agree with any of your points.

    1. No they dont, there had really good updates to the game that improved stuff for hardcore gamers, but somethings where unbalanced so they nerfed those.

    2. They do not embrace streamers? Twitch rivals is next week. Not alone that, for example: if you stand still you get kicked after 5 min, but if you lay down it is an hour. That is streamer embrace, so streamers as Summit and Pace can hide and sneek.

    3. Those commendations needed to get nerfed, they were stupidly insane, for example the "get and sell a total of 1000 banana barrels".

    4. Barrels 2.0 is 100 times better then the old system. More resources then the old system, just press f multiple times to quickly grap items, or R, just to get one per click.

    5. How are they unbalanced? We never sunk to CC's. Even today we had a enemy ship shoot like 6/7 CC's after each other, and we still easily won. Just play smart.

    6. Yes, there are some bugs since launch, but did you report it? And i dont mean on the forums like everbody does, but on their support site. If you do they will look at it and hopefully solve the issues, i reported multiple small/big issues and all got fixed.

    7. Opt-out is coming, it's gonna take some more time to. And before you say, its taking them way to long, well splitting matchmaking etc is tuff as hell code speaking. And I know it i'm a developer myself.

    8. They are looking into this, and working on it. It's gonna be better in the future.

    I'm sure every point you could name i wont agree with it :P. Complaining is easy, but the amount of work it takes in game development is just alot.

  • @captcoza

    People complaining mostly just didnt get the developers vision right and therefore constantly want to change the game in more or less drastically ways. And it is from PvE only to more PvP to more achievements grind, less achievements grind and whatnot.

    I have tested and played plenty of games, this one is one of the few i played a good amount of hours maybe 1000, maybe less or even more idk.
    But what i know is that i barely played games for a year or over 500 hours.
    TBH the most games i buyed were played 30-100 hours and 100 is like i like this game a lot and played very much.
    Only few games i have played 500 hours and more.

    The main reason is i only play if it is fun!
    But completionists for example play to complete and fun is sconded. They also play if the grind is a chore, because the feeling of accomplishment is what they have fun with and play for.
    I stopped playing Arena and fisching for example.
    Fishing is maybe sometimes a fun relaxing thing to do, but i do it very rare. I wont say i will never do it again, but i do not focus on it and i can refuse to level HC up.
    It levels anyway because other crewmembers fish and deliver.
    And i usually deliver stuff i found in wrecks or on other Ships food barrels :-P
    Arena is until they do not change some things there not fun because its to often just frustrating when you are solo or your crew does not work together. I barely have a full crew wanting to do Arena. Here is why: No challenge. If you are a good crew you barely meet another good crew and you just steamroll the random crews etc...
    I give it a try with all ships in the Arena maybe or when they make a Brig Arena. But nevertheless i dont like it that much, is rushed gameplay only.

    This said, i have tons of fun playing the Adventure mode.

  • @bugaboo-bill said in Rare you're killing your own game:


    People complaining mostly just didnt get the developers vision right and therefore constantly want to change the game in more or less drastically ways. And it is from PvE only to more PvP to more achievements grind, less achievements grind and whatnot.

    I have tested and played plenty of games, this one is one of the few i played a good amount of hours maybe 1000, maybe less or even more idk.
    But what i know is that i barely played games for a year or over 500 hours.
    TBH the most games i buyed were played 30-100 hours and 100 is like i like this game a lot and played very much.
    Only few games i have played 500 hours and more.

    The main reason is i only play if it is fun!
    But completionists for example play to complete and fun is sconded. They also play if the grind is a chore, because the feeling of accomplishment is what they have fun with and play for.
    I stopped playing Arena and fisching for example.
    Fishing is maybe sometimes a fun relaxing thing to do, but i do it very rare. I wont say i will never do it again, but i do not focus on it and i can refuse to level HC up.
    It levels anyway because other crewmembers fish and deliver.
    And i usually deliver stuff i found in wrecks or on other Ships food barrels :-P
    Arena is until they do not change some things there not fun because its to often just frustrating when you are solo or your crew does not work together. I barely have a full crew wanting to do Arena. Here is why: No challenge. If you are a good crew you barely meet another good crew and you just steamroll the random crews etc...
    I give it a try with all ships in the Arena maybe or when they make a Brig Arena. But nevertheless i dont like it that much, is rushed gameplay only.

    This said, i have tons of fun playing the Adventure mode.

    I agree on this, SoT has a lot of different tastes, like the fishing, some people like it, some not.

    And the arena is getting improved, they said it multiple times, also they are into looking a better matchmake system so you get more players against you with the same skill level, so it's gonna be awesome in the future :D (And i still think the point system should be reworked, it should be about the pvp, not about the chests)

  • What am I even reading. This almost reads like "your killing the game by adding content, the solution is to add content (I myself deem worthy) and microtransactions".

  • @urihamrayne well it seems like they add stuff no one asks for they just sit down at the meeting table and think of something, I think they need to stop content and start getting their entire team on fixing things like hit registration, the fake cross play opt out that will never be added, when I read the patch notes they only seem to fix simple bugs like fixed a bug that allowed you to go through a wall in the gold hoarder dungeon or something along those lines nothing actually needin fixing seems to get fixed.

  • @fast-bike94

    the fake cross play opt out that will never be added

    You know... its trash like this that gets posted here that makes me wonder if the people that are getting this feature really deserved it.

  • @urihamrayne they say they are working on it but how hard is it really to detect the input device lol other game already do it and it didn't take them half a year to put it in I think they are hoping people forget about it so they don't need to add it.

  • I love all the positive trolls flooding this thread who can't handle the constructive criticism. I'm not here going Rare is so bad, I'm just saying they are "killing their game" or in better terms they are losing players due to some of the decisions they've made. That's all. If you can't handle the words then don't read them snowflakes.

  • What killed this game is they couldn't decide if they wanted a team-based world pvp game or a co-op pve game. It hamstrung their decisions and designs throughout the entire life of the game.

  • @benno-vvolf said in Rare you're killing your own game:

    Okay, so I realize that the title of this thread can be a little dramatic but just hear me out on this. I have a lot of points to get through and I'll try to keep them as punctual and to the point as possible.
    Firstly, the biggest issue, content. Sea of Thieves was a game with very little content upon release driving many new players to the genre away. That started to change when you brought more content with the first update "The Hungering Deep". It was only onwards and upwards from there with the additions of Skeleton Ships, Increased Fort Spawns, The Devils Roar, and Improved Megaladon/Kraken encounters. However, this is when things took a turn for the worst with one exception. I'll bring up the one positive first, being the Mercenary Voyages, not all of them however. The Mercenary Voyages were only partly good as you had some that had specific routes, meaning that players would have to encounter others along their path. Like what you had in the early days for summoning the Megaladon in The Hungering Deep and hunting the Skeleton Ship in Cursed Crews. Its wise in a big open world game to 'sometimes' bring in quests that force people to go up against others in order to earn a great reward. BUT, continuing on from this notice the use of the word 'sometimes' previously'. I say this as it can get boring if the routes for quests are always exactly the same which is what you got right in your most recent Tall Tales, kind of. The Second main point I'm trying to get at with all this is that all your previous content updates have been LT (Limited Time), so anything you earn or buy from Dukes Shop such as the Wailing Barnacle Set, or the Forsaken Ashes ship sets become legendary in a sort of way. All this 'watch a stream for some basic hull, sails, figurehead nonsense is just that, nonsense. Introduce them into the game, give people a reason to actually play and for the love of god, give your game a shops for kids to spend real money so that you are actually earning money. Might provide bit more incentive for you to stop dooming your own game. I'm bored of typing now but even just those few points should give you a bit of clarity I hope.
    Signing off.

    want to complain go find another game figer out what that means

  • @captcoza
    What are u even talking about? All @Bugaboo-Bill was saying is he plays the game for fun. Why are you trashing him?

  • @captcoza
    Aight no big deal. Hes one of the good guys around here. Alot of ppl give him flack when he tries to explain his feelings for the game

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