It's 2025. What's your favourite thing about the game so far?

  • As the title suggests.

    I think my favourite thing about the game right now is the fact I can play it on my Samsung S20, the 70" screen - although small for a mobile for today - just feels great! Still looks best on my Xbox FOUR X Extreme Platinum though.

    Loving the baby Flameheart pet, he's adorable. But doesn't fit very well on the Man O' War capstan at the back of the ship, the mid deck and bow capstans work fine though.

    Not enjoying the new Tall Tale "Brigssys back, again!". I just don't like ice biomes so it really puts me off.

    The new steam ship attachments for the ships are great, although I wish you didn't have to refuel them at active forts. Especially the one in Sea of the Damned.

  • 30
  • @captain-faicore Feels like SoT in 2021 for me, expect for the XXXXbox lol

  • @Captain-FaIcore Tortuga!! This port town is such a delight to be in, so much fun with all the scallywags and sailors of the high seas. Last night, I went into a duel with a mighty scurvy dog, got rekt but we celebrated it around a game of cards with a few grogs!

    Later, after a live music, I met some new wayfarers, that were very eager to set sail for the first time, I noticed they hadn't a clue on all the dangers lurking in the sea, I proposed them my help as a mercenary on their gally and then we set sail for a grand adventure! What happened next, I cannot tell here yet.

  • @captain-faicore Those steam attachments won't help you much when you run into me playing as a skeleton captain manning my own crew of the damned. I'll send your ship to the depths as a bark orders to my minions from the helm.

  • More realistic sailing physics — at last! No more setting "sails to stupid" and sailing straight into the wind. Now, we have all learned to tack.

    Oh! And fire is great too.

  • The two way war between the Skeletons Pirates and the Grand Maritime Union was worrying at first, but after the upgrades like a new friendly Pirate AI and the new 6 player frigate brings us Pirates on a even playing field.

  • The game is PVE only and the name has been changed to Sea of Friends.

    Am I doing this right? lol

  • @captain-faicore said in It's 2025. What's your favourite thing about the game so far?:

    As the title suggests.

    I think my favourite thing about the game right now is the fact I can play it on my Samsung S20, the 70" screen - although small for a mobile for today - just feels great! Still looks best on my Xbox FOUR X Extreme Platinum though.

    Loving the baby Flameheart pet, he's adorable. But doesn't fit very well on the Man O' War capstan at the back of the ship, the mid deck and bow capstans work fine though.

    Not enjoying the new Tall Tale "Brigssys back, again!". I just don't like ice biomes so it really puts me off.

    The new steam ship attachments for the ships are great, although I wish you didn't have to refuel them at active forts. Especially the one in Sea of the Damned.

    ice place mate lol

  • @captain-faicore the map size has grown, the number of ships on a server has grown, we can store things in any barrel, we can move barrels on the ship(top deck cannonball barrel), ships stocked full of loot are slower, and we finally can carry more food than cannonballs.

  • @captain-faicore
    Aye matey... reminded me of this.
    Mr Cholmondley-Warner had a view of the world for 1990.
    Care to do your own SoT version for 2025 :)

    Video Link - may contain NSFW Content
    Above Video..In the style of British Pathé, a mocking re-make/and take of the stereotypical views of the 40's.
    Thank goodness we have moved on & can see back then for what it was.

    British Pathé at its best - more like this.

    2025 - Well... the revelation it was all a dream... sorry covered by NDA... my bad :)

  • The year 2025....

    Well the PVE guys can finally play alone.

  • @captain-faicore mine also is the new battle royale and it's just like fortnite

  • @captain-faicore I do like the Perfect Dark Core ship set that celebrates the 2021 game release. But, there's just no beating the "Great Water TM". Although, I liked it before it became photo realistic.

  • I love that "Dag's" name is carved in stone on the rocks at Smugglers Bay annual Bridge Diving Extravaganza! The caged skeleton judges have seemed to favor him over the years ( 3 time Champion). He's also fared well in the "Thieves Haven Divapalooza" contests (A cross dressing diving event) but the triple crown has eluded him due to his struggles at the "Withered Tree Party" at Marauders Arch. Word is Craggy has the judges in his hip pocket! Our rowboat voyages up the Kalalouhoo River in search of fame and fortune have netted us a few arrows in our rumps as the indigenous tribes seem to dislike us. Maybe next trip we'll take them a Dark Relic as tribute for passing through thier territory. It seems the Yeti is but a myth........ Time will tell.

  • "Sea of Thieves?... Sea of Thieves? Oh yes, I remember it now... some game with pirates, right?!"

  • Solo servers.
    The new Crab boss.
    Being able to invite friends with their own ship.
    The new Dragon pet.
    Yay grapes!!!
    Malibu Rum set from the microtransactions store.

  • The PVE server was sold to Playmobil in 2021, and they completely redesigned the graphics to fit with their product.
    In 2022, after the 6 month long event with the Ancients and the Crab Lord, crabs were introduced as pets and now everyone has crabs.

  • sea of thieves VR edition

  • The Dynamic Hair Physics that make it so you have to go to the Barbershop and get a clean cut and shave in real time is kind of boring so my pirate looks like a hobo.

    Also My ship's on fire 90% of the time (Thanks Rare!)
    I also love going trough the Dark Portal and visiting outland the sea of the damned. Fighting lost souls and being dragged underwater by undead mermaids is so awesome and scary!

  • @regis-stella Continued from the first one.

    The world of the Sea of Thieves has change in the background as the players have grow up with the game. The Outposts have grown from small villages at the beginning of the game to towns that have prosperity and wealth, from large buildings like taverns and piers to Pirate Guards AI who protect the Outposts when we Pirates are not enough to save them.

  • It's hard to sail, thanks to global warming drying up the seas. Its sucks having to push your boat from island to island, but at least the shrouded ghost is easier to spot now, or at least its dried up remains are. Also, the hitreg problem is almost fixed!

  • I like the Shrouded Ghost, especially when you attach a saddle to him and bite other ships. I love they finally added him.

  • @captain-faicore what do you mean Man o War, Steam ships, and Ice biomes?

  • @die-gute-doc never mind sorry

  • @captain-faicore I love being able to turn the sail up at an angle and be able to fly/ use kraken to slingshot you to the moon.😀

    • New map expansion (It wasn't ice/snow/cold thankfully)
    • Ship captaincy and advanced ship customization for Legends
    • Tall Tale #30 blew open a massive hole in the Legend hideout, which would eventually be called New Tortuga by Tall Tale #40. No safe zone, but start a fight in here and the NPC pirates might join in and not take sides.
    • Server ship cap raised to 10
    • Hit detection finally fixed
    • Advanced AI across the board
    • Meg buffed with new fight phases/attacks
    • Kraken buffed with new fight phases, attacks, and a body/head
    • Skeleton ship CCB use slightly nerfed, but they can slowly bail now
    • Skeletons and "insert evil trading company here" have access to Man o'Wars
    • Cursed chest types now number in the 20s
    • Arena modes consist of chest capture, pirate deathmatch, ship deathmatch, and mega fort conquest
  • @captain-faicore I like the ice biomes, just got meself a new and powerful ram to cut through the ice.

  • I am so glad that they finally seem to solve the problems with the black screen. In the insider version, the duration of the black screen was reduced from 5 minutes to 4 minutes and 47 seconds. That gives hope.

    The sword fight, which has been adapted again, is still a mess. 10 seconds time penalty if you didn't hit your opponent, that's exaggerated. I think it's good that you can't use your arm anymore in case of been hitten, a leg been hitten limps and so on. But the effect is too hard. The other day a pirate was put out of action on both sides: two blows each on legs and arms, there he lay, the poor drip.

    But the new exhaustion system for insiders is a sign of hope. Finally, Rare has realized that exhausting physical actions should result in a temporary weakening of the character. So you can no longer run endlessly at the same speed - after a short sprint the player falls into a trot. After a marathon distance he stops and needs a banana.
    Swordfighting is also included. The blows and parades weaken in the long run. At the moment unfortunately somewhat exaggerated. After the first blow, which causes 33% damage to the opponent, another hit takes only 0.3%. Rare is already looking for the trainee who has programmed and hidden this factor in the code.
    Also bouncing is included. Continuous jumping is attenuated. Finally.

    I am already looking forward to the upcoming event on the occasion of the first moon landing by the Cuban space brigade. Rare wants to adapt gravity to lunar conditions, represent the islands as a lunar landscape consisting of cheese, the sea of milk, the earth will rise in the sky. The sails will be replaced by baloons. This will be fun! And we get cigars!!

    We are excited about the new, randomly generated maps. We know the problems from Minecraft - there are some objects standing around misplaced in the world. Rare is confident to solve this and also to change the Tall Tales and Small Tales to work with randomized maps.

    We can be curious!

  • The year is 2025 and we still have that bug trying to load a cursed cannonball into the cannon but it loads a normal one.

  • Split shaft gas turbines, Radar and railguns.


10 out of 30