Scuba Hunting

  • So I am not sure if this has bee brought up (I am new, well 1 week new just got the game).

    I absolutely love the game so far and every thing in it. I love the fishing aspect and just the exploration of the sea.

    This gave me a thought. I know you can technically hunt the Kraken and Meg, which is awesome. I just know most people I have run into have already kinda gotten bored with the fishing (Not myself personally)

    Here is where my idea comes in. For the Hunters call level 25+ will allow for scuba gear to be sold, maybe 20,000 gold.

    Purchasing this gear will allow players to purchase air tanks from sea out posts (2 tank maximum per player to own at a time). To replenish your tanks you will have to go to sea posts to purchase more. (This will be explained why in a second)

    Once the gear is bought players will be able to descend quicker into the depths to traverse the sea floor. Air tank times (Still unsure about this) will be 2 minutes a tank. Once air is out tanks will be removed from your inventory, and you will have to purchase more.

    As for the fishing experience New meg interactions could be added for under water fishing/ harpoon spearing. Harpoon fishing would be the staple to scuba fishing, maybe making sharks more aggressive to scuba fishermen.

    New events and monster ideas with Scuba fishing idea

    • Like skull forts trenches can randomly spawn on maps and last (x amount of time)

    • Trenches will contain different color variations of fish to spear and maybe new monsters (giant squid, new shark, etc)

    This is just a spit balled idea and can easily have room for improvement. Please let me know what you guys think

  • 19
  • @foamingdlcktip Cool idea.

    You know historically big ships kinda like the galleon had a diving bell where sailors would use to collect pearls.

    What if you could tie a barrel to a bit of string from the galleon, weighted of course, and use the air inside as a means of breathing underwater too.

    The next step could be a tall tale involving the merfolk and finally an epic boss fight with a kracken underwater where you see it in all its glory.

  • @daringclarky

    Ironically I was gonna add something similar, maybe the ability to shoot your harpoon down deeper into the water and use it as a guide line to slowly descend or help descend faster etc.

  • @foamingdlcktip this would be a cool idea, but I can also see things like an exploit to sneaking over to ppls ships way easier. (Not that it's hard to spot ppl and keep them from your ship in general, but you know what I mean)

  • @xix-zeno-xix

    See I feel like this isn't so much of an exploit more of it is another game mechanic to be wary of.

    Yes it could increase people sneaking to ships but you have to account they still have to be relatively close to make that 4 minute (example of air time) worth it for it to be more stealthy. If they are closer there is a good chance you have seen their boat, but if you havent and they do manage to sneak without losing track of your boat under water it does add a more fun risk for players. I think it gives players (especially smaller crews) more chance to do some pirating, and of course not everyone is gonna be able to do this or pull it off.

  • @foamingdlcktip That would be funny and goofy and would lead to funny stories but what i think that will happned is that at some point we will face the merfolks in their sinister final stage when they become feral so i think they will add a story about the merfolks and maybe we will find an artifact that would let us breath underwater or something while we explore ruins and underwater caves.

  • I really like this ideas!! I've seen some more threads like this one and in my opinion this is something would make the game even greater!! Being able to dive and hunt new kind of beasts deeper would be really cool, also looking for pearls!! Maybe they could put some hot spots for being able to do that, I dont think they will put such a big mechanic in all the sea floor... The map is so big for that... I'm pretty sure Rare has thought about that too!!

    Spreaad the curse in the seas!!

  • @faceyourdemon

    Yeah that would be cool. any form of scuba diving or underwater navigation ability would be cool to me. Only reason I said gear with air tank time was because of the fear above of people conducting unlimited underwater raids. Either way I think underwater hunting/ exploration will be cool.

  • @nukdar Agreed, I really think underwater hunting/ exploration of any kind could really add to the hunters call! It would really add to fishing hunting and utilize some under water areas already.

  • @foamingdlcktip dijo en Scuba Hunting:

    @nukdar Agreed, I really think underwater hunting/ exploration of any kind could really add to the hunters call! It would really add to fishing hunting and utilize some under water areas already.

    Yeah! The hunters call need new ways to make commendations!! And this would totally be a enjoyable one, and would let the players explore the underwater deeps!!

    I expossed in other thread the idea of getting commendations to hunt special beasts for the Hunters call, so you would get a basic hint on where was the last location a beast have been seen, and you would need to track a list of clues, by following steps or other special clues to finally find the "beast" and hunt it down (this would be made to hunt water creatures such as special sharks in water, or other animals in land too, which would garanted a "Mini-boss battle" with those beasts, because they would have different stats than the normal animals).

    Spread the curse in the seas!!

  • @nukdar

    Yeah I think it would be cool to be able to purchase monster contracts from the hunters call. Maybe larger monsters are purchasable only on a timer (every 2 hours or so) and once it is purchased those larger monster contracts could spawn global events maybe once the monster is found so other players can come in and try and either help or steal the monster treasure from ya.

  • @foamingdlcktip nice idea but a barrel with a rope tied to it would be better

  • @closinghare208
    Hey whatever works I just think the idea of underwater exploration of any kind could be a huge update that would appeal heavily to people.

  • @foamingdlcktip yes it would

  • Jon says Rare has a wall of post-it-notes about possible suggestions.
    The criteria is does it make sense, if so, when. (TwitchCon panel video)

    So, does scuba gear in a pirate game make sense?


    So you have a potion of underwater breathing?


  • @foamingdlcktip If its a tool and not a huge diving bell it should be a magical because its dosent make sense to have the equipment for diving so something like the merfolks earings from the Athena Fortune book but another item.

  • @barnabas-seadog potion yes scuba gear no or a diving bell or barrel

  • @barnabas-seadog

    True scuba gear may be not the most practical especially based on the time. I was thinking more of those big metal dome helmets with that glass porthole mask. Obviously time periods dont match up but it could be fun lol =D.

  • @faceyourdemon
    Yeah I was just spit balling ideas of how we would figure out some sort of fair underwater exploration that also would restrict people from just living under water lol.

10 out of 19