Guess for Gold Competition - How many Fish have been Caught?

  • 71,268 fish have been caught

  • @lizalaroo 78149 fish have been caught. i know it because i caught the last one of them.

  • 69,666

    I mean if its not right its kinda funny 😏

  • @lizalaroo 73,412

  • @lizalaroo

    I’d say 64,972

  • 78.523 fishes

  • i think it is 66592

  • It'll have to be 74,206

  • 79,000

    is my guesss

  • 73,265 fish!

  • Listen it's 73,782

  • I would say around 73982 fish. Did I just type a random number? Perhaps.

  • It’s obviously 63,538

  • @lizalaroo 61,850. CrustyAngler69 knows his fish.

  • Probably 50,536

  • Im saying 69,863

  • 77,295 fish took their last breath!

  • @lizalaroo

    60,001 and most of them splashtails.

  • my guess is 65,964

  • 74,366 fish caught! We're hungry pirates :D

  • 72,493 fish has been caught

  • Probably 69,000 but maybe not

  • 63123 fish

  • 67,842 is how many fish were caught

  • I think 75,658 or something.

  • 77542~~~~

  • 76543 fish caught

  • @lizalaroo 68,970 fisheronies!

  • I'd guess 76,500

  • @closinghare208 78692

  • 66444 fish total, and 59000 were splashtails

  • 62457 fishes

  • 71 417 fishies ゝ◡╹)ノ

  • 72,450 fishes have been slain

  • @lizalaroo

    I caught one! Making the count: 64,922!!

153 out of 458