Another crossplay discussion

  • @inboundbomb said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @inboundbomb said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @inboundbomb said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @badassfro It’s the only compromise I could come up with to keep us all playing together.

    Maybe try what fortnite does and give console some slight aim assist?

    Aim assist is cheating in my mind to be honest and it never works properly as intended.

    I know it is a bit OP I just can't think of anything else that would balance the game as needed.

    To be honest with what I’ve read and heard since beta is that PC can do so much more with k&m. I didn’t let it bother me as it did others but it is apparent in gameplay. We do have an option of purchasing said hardware for ourselves but at the same time why can’t PC do the same and play like us. To make things equal you have to disable what makes us separate from one another.

    Just doesn't seem to be any other way. Most games with crossplay are opitional even the upcoming Modern Warfare will be input based I think

  • @staceyxsx Cross platform games that are PvE oriented have no problem with input deferential due to not combat against one another. You are working towards the same goal and most likely together in the same group.

  • @lem0n-curry can't appreciate something they have failed to deliver arena is not a indicator of anything it's been a pretty dead mode for a while now and if you think 10 months is reasonable to deliver opt out I disagree I think it should be here by now and or we should have a rough time frame of when it is coming either way I think they need to address it and let us know what is going on and anytime I think I am out they pull me back in

  • @staceyxsx yes it is supposed to be input based but it needs work i still got matched with mouse and keyboard players a few times on the beta hope they fix that

  • @tak225 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx yes it is supposed to be input based but it needs work i still got matched with mouse and keyboard players a few times on the beta hope they fix that

    It's intentional, nothing to "fix", there is no hard opt-out, also what makes you beleive there will be for adventure?

    If anything it will be the same as Arena - a preference, nothing more.

  • @badassfro well they never said that but at least I can opt out of it gets too bad which is how it should be

  • @tak225 They actually did say this in a video. They will never do a hard opt-out because then the servers will be barren for pc players.

  • @suffer951 never see that but as I said if I find it to be a problemnas I do with sea of thieves I can just opt out and play with Xbox players so non-issue really as I have the choice

  • @suffer951 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @tak225 They actually did say this in a video. They will never do a hard opt-out because then the servers will be barren for pc players.

    aye then it will kill the game

  • @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @badassfro What usually makes me check is when my whole crew starts saying something is wrong. When the enemy galleon starts moving at the speed of light or shoots cannon balls from tge front of their ship.

    Lol you cant be serious. These hacks dont exist. How have i played since beta and never seen these things?
    Aimbot? Sure. Invulnerble? Sure.

    Super ship speed and forward cannons?????
    Ya right mate

  • @closinghare208 honestly I never knew the state of gaming on pc was so barren that they depends on the console community to keep there games alive I actually thought that there was more pc gamers then console

  • @tak225 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @closinghare208 honestly I never knew the state of gaming on pc was so barren that they depends on the console community to keep there games alive I actually thought that there was more pc gamers then console

    pc is the minority mate

  • @closinghare208 I thought that pc gaming was in there millions upon millions

  • @tak225 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @closinghare208 I thought that pc gaming was in there millions upon millions

    not in this game

  • @closinghare208 35% to 65% ain't bad

  • @tak225 The PC community is real small but, it is the community that saved this game by way of streamers when it was getting shamed on hard by everyone else. Rare will cater to these streamers which is why there will be no adventure opt out. The streamers will publicly shame this game.

  • @tak225 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @lem0n-curry can't appreciate something they have failed to deliver arena is not a indicator of anything it's been a pretty dead mode for a while now and if you think 10 months is reasonable to deliver opt out I disagree I think it should be here by now and or we should have a rough time frame of when it is coming either way I think they need to address it and let us know what is going on and anytime I think I am out they pull me back in

    Re. arena not an indicator; why would they develop it for one game mode if it doesn't work properly or isn't appreciated in the game mode where they said it was more needed to have a more level playing field ?

  • @suffer951 well they maybe Inna rock and a hard place but still they need the deliver on the opt out

  • @lem0n-curry arena was pretty dead before the opt out on that it's no indicator that this will happen to adventure most player play in adventure

  • @closinghare208 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @Deckhands please drop anchor on this now

    You cant keeping shutting down and running away from these glarimg issues. We shall just return in another form until the job is done.

  • @suffer951 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @tak225 The PC community is real small but, it is the community that saved this game by way of streamers when it was getting shamed on hard by everyone else. Rare will cater to these streamers which is why there will be no adventure opt out. The streamers will publicly shame this game.

    This is so true...... it’s sad that streamers ( not all of them ) bash this game constantly but yet still play it.

  • @badassfro said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @kiigelheart Finally someone with mature outlook on the game. All the more respect to you.

    They keep saying they speak for all xbox players, but I notice the lack of upvotes which suggests to me they are only talking for themselves.

    Thank you for confirming my beliefs

    No one on xbox bothers with these forums anymore. Can you see why? 😂

  • @princessasuna96 Well you will be disappointed. Obviously there will be no adventure opt-out. If by some chance there is they said it will be a preference not a hard opt-out. You will always see some PC players.

    People want these posts anchored because they do not constructively add to the conversation. "I died and they cheated" is all everyone is seeing on here. The dev's have obviously seen all the posts. People need to understand that sometimes things we want are not things we need. Please anchor these posts @Deckhands.

  • @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @badassfro said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @kiigelheart Finally someone with mature outlook on the game. All the more respect to you.

    They keep saying they speak for all xbox players, but I notice the lack of upvotes which suggests to me they are only talking for themselves.

    Thank you for confirming my beliefs

    No one on xbox bothers with these forums anymore. Can you see why? 😂

    To be honest while you were gone we were able to have a discussion on the issue. Guess thats over now

  • @inboundbomb Oh I 100% agree. I am a PC player and I hate streamers with a passion but that's another topic.... I am just stating I see the buisness end of things and it sucks games will cater to streamers in the future. :(

  • @nwo-azcrack it's was a long time ago but I remember once getting shot with a canon ball and getting shot half way across the map like I was being pushed by a wall

  • @princessasuna96 true true and I can see why

  • @suffer951 if that's the case I will be back on these forums asking for hard opt out all the same soft opt out is pointless we want a proper opt out

  • @suffer951 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @princessasuna96 Well you will be disappointed. Obviously there will be no adventure opt-out. If by some chance there is they said it will be a preference not a hard opt-out. You will always see some PC players.

    People want these posts anchored because they do not constructively add to the conversation. "I died and they cheated" is all everyone is seeing on here. The dev's have obviously seen all the posts. People need to understand that sometimes things we want are not things we need. Please anchor these posts @Deckhands.

    Just because its not something you want or need doesnt mean we dont want and need it. So stop running from the issues, you pc players can even anchor forums now i'll add it to the list lol.

  • @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @closinghare208 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @Deckhands please drop anchor on this now

    You cant keeping shutting down and running away from these glarimg issues. We shall just return in another form until the job is done.

    yeah but crossplay is in the game and for adventureit won't change so give it up never going to happen

  • @princessasuna96 the ever growing list I can't believe that pc gaming has gotten into such a state that they cant maintain player population on games they need to force console players to play with them I think with the opt out they should follow up with a steam release for the pc players

  • @closinghare208 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @closinghare208 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @Deckhands please drop anchor on this now

    You cant keeping shutting down and running away from these glarimg issues. We shall just return in another form until the job is done.

    yeah but crossplay is in the game and for adventureit won't change so give it up never going to happen

    I got some bad news for you 😂😂

  • @staceyxsx of this game can't fill 24 man servers with server migrations it's already dead it's nonsense and a vain arguement to try to make rare not implement it

  • @tak225 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @princessasuna96 the ever growing list I can't believe that pc gaming has gotten into such a state that they cant maintain player population on games they need to force console players to play with them I think with the opt out they should follow up with a steam release for the pc players

    The funny thing is in most environments pc players can be so elitist that they would not even.want dirty poor xbox players in their games and would actively want them out or gone.
    There must be something making them beg for our presence.
    Every player that I have known on xbox has quit because of pc players. What they dont understand is unless we get an opt out this game is dead anyway.
    Because if we want an opt out were gonna do it whether rare likes it or not.
    This reminds me of For Honor and when they release an overpowered character. People simply stop playing agaisnt that character until it gets patched or nerfed.
    The only winning move is not to play.

  • @staceyxsx nice to see with all the responses this is near 300 replies compared to everything else having much much lower.
    A testiment of how this is an issue and keeping it fresh for the devs eyes.
    Good job!

263 out of 649