Video driver crashed and was reset ! make sure your video drivers are up to date , exiting...

  • Well this is a sad story about me and this error that suddenly came out of nowhere , i bought the game played it for about 2 or 3 days then suddenly this error started popping up after around 5-10minutes of gameplay , nothing helped

    Things i've tried

    1. reinstall older drivers
      2)clean install newer drivers and older drivers
    2. format my pc (3 times)
    3. update my bios
      5)reinstall the game
    4. tried to play in lower graphics settings
    5. tried to play in lower resolutions and in windows mode
    6. Updated to the latest windows updates

    Nothing helped , i kept getting this message and even rare didn't have the tools to help me out with it they just sent me to Microsoft to demand a refund, i want to play the game and i cant it feels bad to think about that

    My setup is ,
    i9 9900k
    32gb of DDR4 ram
    and the game is installed on a M2 ssd (also tried to transfer it to the HDD but still nothing helped)

    If anyone has any idea how to fix this problem or has it as well please write it down in this post so Rare will give us abit more attention instead of giving up and sending us to ask for a refund !

    One last note about this issue , this is the only game that im having problems with all the other games (more demanding games) runs flawlessly and without any errors issues etc. please if someone know about a solution tell me !

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  • @mr-dragon-raaar that is good to know im not alone in this , i hope RARE will find a way to fix that because otherwise i would recommend to get refund since we cannot play the game properly , such an annoying thing to deal with !

  • @mr-dragon-raaar They need to pinpoint the problem and fix it because is complete BS that we cannot play it after we payed a wooping 60bucks for it (In my opinion the game worth around 40 at best when it actually works)

    The thing is Rare didn't even acknowledged the issue as a thing yet , mostly blaming it on the hardware of the player , although me and probably you too can run anything else without any issues

  • @mr-dragon-raaar I guess so , its a shame that they treat it like its nothing , alot of people has that problem like me and you and they just lose their PC player base little by little

  • I had the same problem. Couldn't get in game, repeated crashing, tried lowering settings, reinstalling, what helped was limiting my framerate to 72 (75 hertz monitor) try that and let us know if it helps.

  • @slim-mcsauce Ill try it out and update on what is going on

  • @xsarxoc
    Same issue, I gave up trying and no longer sail solo, as the “reconnect” feature seems disabled in this situation.

    Installer Driver: 436.48 DCH
    Card: Dual 1070 TI

    There is another thread regarding the NVIDIA driver crash:



  • @slim-mcsauce said in Video driver crashed and was reset ! make sure your video drivers are up to date , exiting...:

    I had the same problem. Couldn't get in game, repeated crashing, tried lowering settings, reinstalling, what helped was limiting my framerate to 72 (75 hertz monitor) try that and let us know if it helps.

    So i've tried to limit my FPS to 144 fps on a 144hz monitor , and it still crashes although now it just crashed without any error message

  • @xsarxoc said in Video driver crashed and was reset ! make sure your video drivers are up to date , exiting...:

    @slim-mcsauce said in Video driver crashed and was reset ! make sure your video drivers are up to date , exiting...:

    I had the same problem. Couldn't get in game, repeated crashing, tried lowering settings, reinstalling, what helped was limiting my framerate to 72 (75 hertz monitor) try that and let us know if it helps.

    So i've tried to limit my FPS to 144 fps on a 144hz monitor , and it still crashes although now it just crashed without any error message

    Ok so a little update i've managed to make the game work when i limited the fps to 120fps on a 144hz monitor , i dont know if it will help everyone but it helped me , try it out and see if its working and update this post so other people know and maybe RARE could fix it entirely now that we know the source of the crashes

    Played around an hour without any issue , usually when the error popped up it was around 5-10minutes after i started playing

  • One more Update after testing it today , i just crashed again same error popped up the game is just broken

  • Today Nvidia pulled out a driver UPDATE , 441.08 .

    dont know if it had something to do with this problem that i have but now the game ran for an hour or so without any issues whats or ever , still capped the FPS to around 120

  • @xsarxoc i tried to update all my drivers using the DRIVER EASY..legit update all the scanned update..and it works just fine more video driver crashed amd was reset...and no more the game wasnt shutdown correctly..goodluck to you...i suffered just like you before so i want to help :)

  • i tried to do the run thing and im about to try the Xbox live setting, ill update you if it works... its a really annoying problem the video driver crashed thing, it happens to me whenever i try to open a clothing crate.


  • This is why I play on Xbox. I just trun it on and play. No stress and spending more time trying to get it to work than playing.

  • You shouldn’t be bumping dead threads. @Deckhands

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