I hate players which.....

  • ..first they attack you for no reason, than when they do realize they did attack "wrong" ship, they simply start running towards the shores of gold.
    If you did not want to fight, why did you attack?
    Pesky, noodle swinging Chest farmers.
    People should not attack if they don't want to have fight.

  • 33
  • When you're not a top predator it's an effective strategy.

    Take bites and see who limps.

    Everybody has to eat even the bottom feeders

  • "For No Reason..."

    Muhahahaha, made my day,

    "The others have not done what i
    want and expect them to do - i hate you."

    I thought PvPers were made of hardened wood and not allways complaining.

    Most of them appear like crybabies only.

    Mimimi hitreg, mimimi Arena, mimimi Shroud, mimimi PvE Players ....


    Btw one R5 Galleone sunk with all its loot to me in the shroud.
    Was a good feeling to loot them ^^

    The TDM Players seem to Not get what Open World FFA PvP is.

  • I think people are entitled to play this game how they see fit. We all paid our money. We can do whatever we want.

  • The attack is the best defense.

  • @shadow20642 sagte in I hate players which.....:

    I think people are entitled to play this game how they see fit. We all paid our money. We can do whatever we want.

    Sure , but please people dont rely on "everybody should play like he/she want to" and then complain about others play like they want to.

    This hipocrisy is strong within PvP focussed players.
    When in reality they say let me exploit , but dont allows others to use same exploits in other ways.
    Serverhopping for example.
    The pvper hop server to find FotD , Emissary and the PvE hop Server to make a premade alliance or to get away from R5.

    Shopping for PvP is fine but for Alliance Servers its bad?

    Both cheese the randomness and unpredictability about other players of the game.

    It's extremes with diametral opoosing wants and self inflicted problems.

    @peakaardvark955 sagte in I hate players which.....:

    The attack is the best defense.

    Depends on crewsizes and what you and other have to lose.

    The only thing i care for as a Pirate is Gold and getting rich.
    The most important is what do i Fight for?
    Honor? No keep your Honor.
    Winning? it's relative, if i am solo and you come with 2,3,4 and you have nothing to lose , no booty , no flag , but i have then why fight at all?
    Im not in a Pirate Adventure Game to fight only and make it Arena.
    And fighting people especially doing so are an annoyance and mostly not fun or a fair challenge to fight.
    Sandbox PvP is different imho.
    M win and dictation of the Battlefield is you wont gain anything from me and if i'm able to do that you lost what you we're heading for.
    I in the other side lost some loot and only 50% for what i'm heading for , i still had a Pirate Adventure i appreciated.
    Under these circumstances that is a win to me already.
    If i can outplay you and get away its very good , but that you couldn't catch me is enough for me to make me feel the winner and them the loser of this situation.

    Attacking is only a good choice of you are confidential to win, not when you expect to lose.

    People who do not immerse into a Pirate Adventure may Not understand this and aproach it from an e-Sport or Arena perspective, but sorry that just isnt what the Game is to me.

  • @stundorn said in I hate players which.....:

    @shadow20642 sagte in I hate players which.....:

    I think people are entitled to play this game how they see fit. We all paid our money. We can do whatever we want.

    Sure , but please people dont rely on "everybody should play like he/she want to" and then complain about others play like they want to.

    This hipocrisy is strong within PvP focussed players.
    When in reality they say let me exploit , but dont allows others to use same exploits in other ways.
    Serverhopping for example.
    The pvper hop server to find FotD , Emissary and the PvE hop Server to make a premade alliance or to get away from R5.

    Shopping for PvP is fine but for Alliance Servers its bad?

    Both cheese the randomness and unpredictability about other players of the game.

    It's extremes with diametral opoosing wants and self inflicted problems.

    @peakaardvark955 sagte in I hate players which.....:

    The attack is the best defense.

    Depends on crewsizes and what you and other have to lose.

    The only thing i care for as a Pirate is Gold and getting rich.
    The most important is what do i Fight for?
    Honor? No keep your Honor.
    Winning? it's relative, if i am solo and you come with 2,3,4 and you have nothing to lose , no booty , no flag , but i have then why fight at all?
    Im not in a Pirate Adventure Game to fight only and make it Arena.
    And fighting people especially doing so are an annoyance and mostly not fun or a fair challenge to fight.
    Sandbox PvP is different imho.
    M win and dictation of the Battlefield is you wont gain anything from me and if i'm able to do that you lost what you we're heading for.
    I in the other side lost some loot and only 50% for what i'm heading for , i still had a Pirate Adventure i appreciated.
    Under these circumstances that is a win to me already.
    If i can outplay you and get away its very good , but that you couldn't catch me is enough for me to make me feel the winner and them the loser of this situation.

    Attacking is only a good choice of you are confidential to win, not when you expect to lose.

    People who do not immerse into a Pirate Adventure may Not understand this and aproach it from an e-Sport or Arena perspective, but sorry that just isnt what the Game is imho.

    I dont understand the relevance of your paragraph of text in relation to my comment.

    Im not a pvp focused player. I enjoy all aspects of the game. Ive not mentioned any hypocrisy at all.

    Ive stated just a simple fact. I own this game. I do whatever gives me the most fun.

  • @shadow20642 i didnt meant you , sorry if this was misunderstood.

    It's to the OP in reference of your valid quote!

    Said this , because you payed Money you cannot so what you want , you need to accept and foow TOS and COC and the Game still belongs to Rare and MS , they can shut it down or delete all your cosmetics and you cant do anything about it. It doesnt belong to you , all you buyed is a licence to play.

  • @stundorn said in I hate players which.....:

    "For No Reason..."

    Muhahahaha, made my day,

    "The others have not done what i
    want and expect them to do - i hate you."

    I thought PvPers were made of hardened wood and not allways complaining.

    Most of them appear like crybabies only.

    Mimimi hitreg, mimimi Arena, mimimi Shroud, mimimi PvE Players ....


    Btw one R5 Galleone sunk with all its loot to me in the shroud.
    Was a good feeling to loot them ^^

    The TDM Players seem to Not get what Open World FFA PvP is.

    I am not quite sure how did you concluded that I am crying about.

    Just making fun of PVE folks who think they are at the top of food chain because they see ship with default sails and think this is going to be easy prey, than when they realize its not what they thought, they start running instead of fighting.

    As @WolfManbush wrote they are bottom feeders.

    I joined open crew with default ship skin (white sails etc), went on island to gather supplies I hear my crew suddenly getting attacked. They are boarded, full of holes and ship is taking on water. I catch mermaid back, kill everyone. Proceed to save the ship and pump other ship full of cannonballs.
    Now tables have turned. So what other ship does ?, turns around and runs. Seriously, they were so eager to fight with new players, and suddenly they are running like bunch of scared bunny's.
    What we need is, an emote that says :
    "Look at these N00bs running" so we can spam in chat.

  • @jadescissors32 sagte in I hate players which.....:

    Just making fun of PVE folks who think they are at the top of food chain because they see ship with default sails and think this is going to be easy prey, than when they realize its not what they thought, they start running instead of fighting.

    lots of assumptions and i hate implies not making fun to me, sorry.

    As @WolfManbush wrote they are bottom feeders.

    he has not said bottom feeders the way you talk and think about other players is slighlty derogative isnt it?

    I joined open crew with default ship skin (white sails etc), went on island to gather supplies I hear my crew suddenly getting attacked. They are boarded, full of holes and ship is taking on water. I catch mermaid back, kill everyone. Proceed to save the ship and pump other ship full of cannonballs.
    Now tables have turned. So what other ship does ?, turns around and runs. Seriously, they were so eager to fight with new players, and suddenly they are running like bunch of scared bunny's.

    that's your interpretation, sounds a little bit too eager and uptight (not sure it's the right word).

    What we need is, an emote that says :
    "Look at these N00bs running" so we can spam in chat.

    Do we really need this?

    maybe they had fun, laughing and know it was a mistake to attack and so they decided to run.
    All fine if you aproach it playfull and for fun.
    Is it important to you to brag around in an online game and be elitist?
    Not really, or?

    at least you sound salty when you say "hate people" and look at these noobs or cowards etc.

    be good sports in winning and loosing!

    have fun - Stun o/

  • @shadow20642

    all fine, maybe i got it wrong.

  • @stundorn Sorry but I hate bullies, and those people attacked default ship, and attempted spawn camp on new players.
    When they realized not everybody are new, they simply took off running. They were the people who prey on new players. There is no defense here.
    Are you one of those people who attacks new players to make yourself feel better? You seem to eagerly defending those people.
    And yes that emote is needed.

  • Everyone plays differently. That’s part of the beauty of this game. We had a sloop attack us in open water a few weeks ago. We fired back and they ran. We gave chase for 5 minutes or so, until they found a place that may have given them the advantage. They turned and started to hit us hard. In the end we sunk them. But I believe that was their battle strategy.

  • @jadescissors32 those aren’t bullies, it’s a pirate game. When they realized they didn’t have the upper hand you think they should have made the stupid decision to stay and get sunk?

    Not that I normally attack players anyways.

  • This game is awsesome

  • @stundorn yeh they will camp you but 7 outta 10 are horrible when it comes to ship v ship

  • @mr-ugly-joe said in I hate players which.....:

    Everyone plays differently. That’s part of the beauty of this game. We had a sloop attack us in open water a few weeks ago. We fired back and they ran. We gave chase for 5 minutes or so, until they found a place that may have given them the advantage. They turned and started to hit us hard. In the end we sunk them. But I believe that was their battle strategy.

    See that is what I am talking about, they stayed to fight.
    I think ability to invoke shores of gold shroud breaker with out earning it first should be disabled.

  • @ajm123
    wait, is spawn camping looked down on? how else are you supposed to "defend your holes" and sink a ship? This is all part of the game and what we all have signed up for when we logged in.

  • Are better than me. So basically I hate everyone 😂

  • @knifelife If those folks were better wouldn't they stay and fight ?

  • @shifty189 why camp a ship if you can shoot cannons and sink them in 30 seconds

  • @ajm123 Why sink them in 30 seconds when you could disable them and loot all their supplies first?

  • @ajm123
    if the player is good they will repair before you can sink them. I have held my sloop together for a very long time while being hailed with cannon fire. I only win those fights due to having more wood than the enemy has cannon balls, and becouse they have some "honor" and don't want to spawn camp me (like they should)

  • @jadescissors32 said in I hate players which.....:

    @knifelife If those folks were better wouldn't they stay and fight ?

    I’ve usually unintentionally sank myself before they get the chance ;)

  • @jadescissors32 said in I hate players which.....:

    @stundorn Sorry but I hate bullies, and those people attacked default ship, and attempted spawn camp on new players.
    When they realized not everybody are new, they simply took off running. They were the people who prey on new players. There is no defense here.
    Are you one of those people who attacks new players to make yourself feel better? You seem to eagerly defending those people.
    And yes that emote is needed.

    That isnt bullying.
    The moment you logged on you consented to playing the game. Besides. Default ship skin isnt ways new players but experienced players looking for pvp as they hopping servers. So put a cheap 1000 gold sails and a 4000 gold hull on or something.

    Its like being mad at someone in gta 5 for blowing up your personal vehicle.

    New or not nobody cares.

    I got spawncamped tons as a new player and im thankful for it because it gave me experience.

    Now i can confidently hold my own as a solo slooper and do spawncamping of my own.

    People have the freedom to play as they wish. If that means setting every ship they see on fire then so be it.

    If you want your peaceful way of life on the seas then you must learn to evade or defend your ship, or sail with a competent crew to keep you safe.

    If you expect every ship you encounter to message you prior and ask permission to attack you then you have extremely unrealiatic expectations of this game and human nature in general.

    Massive empthasis on a word i said there..... Game.

    You cant bully someone sinking ships and shooting crew. Its a game. You not only put yourself in a position of being there, you let them onboard by not spotting them early enough or not running early enough for them to choose another ship.

    Its a game. A pirate game.
    A game which caters to ship to ship combat. You have the tools to play your own way regardless of other peoples playstyles. If you find you cant then its a clear indication you just need more experience which will come. Then you can be like me and sail solo without a care in the world as you confidently outsail and evade any potential threat.

    If you need any tips and tricks to stop losing your ship Youtube is your bible.

  • @theblackbellamy everyone's different I guess. only people id camp would be someone that runs for a hour. Way easier to break masts put a lot of holes in them kill them once. Ship sinks kill back spawns.

  • I hate players who sail into harpoon range requesting an Alliance.

    Sneaky little gits.

    I also hate players who get close enough that I can see your cosmetics.

    I also hate any players I see lol

  • @pithyrumble said in I hate players which.....:

    I hate players who sail into harpoon range requesting an Alliance.

    Sneaky little gits.

    I also hate players who get close enough that I can see your cosmetics.

    I also hate any players I see lol

    Yeah you’re on the wrong game bud

  • @illbushido305

    No ma'am, I am on the right game because I have lots of fun with no ships in sight. My challenge is staying away from players like you... and I'm good at it.

  • @pithyrumble right... lol. We’ll have to see how hood you truly are at running if we ever cross paths.

  • @illbushido305 said in I hate players which.....:

    @pithyrumble right... lol. We’ll have to see how hood you truly are at running if we ever cross paths.

    No, if she's good you likely won't cross paths. I don't wait till I'm spotted and then start running. Being a good runner is also about being prepared.

    Pirates catch my ship all the time, but 90% of those times I saw them coming miles away and usually what they catch is an empty ship.

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