Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships

  • @rustyaldrich said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @wolfmanbush said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    I've lost a tremendous amount of loot and been sank a very significant amount of times. I've also successfully completed a large majority of things within the game. Nobody ever stopped me from pveing.

    You're trying to say that during your playtime you've never had to stop doing PvE activity due to someone attacking your ship? That is literally impossible, unless you're lying of course.

    I'm not saying there's always someone who's stopping you from doing PvE. I'm saying that if PvP player choses to fight you, you have to stop doing everything you enjoy and engage in PvP with that player against your will, unless you just want to lose your loot. You don't have a choice of not fighting that person. You won't be able peacefully continue doing your votage, you won't be able to peacefully sell your loot.

    Of course the environment is dangerous and free. However it is quite dishonest to say that everyone in this game is able to do whatever they want. That's not the case for someone who enjoys only doing PvE content.

    I don't enjoy combat. I lag a lot and the servers are highly flawed. I'm almost always outnumbered. I don't care about tdm related stuff. Even when I win it's just a part of the story, nothing too important for my journey. I'm generally uninterested in the act of popular styles of pvp in this game.

    I'm not due or entitled peace. Nothing was ever marketed to me in that way. I'm entitled to the same opportunity that everyone else has. Opportunity to adapt and to eventually thrive. If not on one server on another.

    You seem to feel that you are due an experience that was never offered. That's not a lack of freedom to pve that's simply a foundation that offers opportunities and not guaranteed outcomes.

  • @rustyaldrich said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @wolfmanbush said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    The point of a free environment is that people get to play how they wish.

    *Unless you are a PvE player.
    Because the ones who get to play how they wish are only PvP players, who dictate their playstyle to everyone around them on their server.

    Or a PvP crew that gets interrupted by PvE during their PvP. Same story, completely flipped POV from what you are claiming is the sole experience of PvE players.

    The only ones that get to play how they wish are, surprising, PvPvE players who embrace the entire game 100%.

  • @kommodoreyenser said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    Or a PvP crew that gets interrupted by PvE during their PvP. Same story, completely flipped POV from what you are claiming is the sole experience of PvE players.

    Haha, what? Please enlighten me in which situation is that even a possibility???

  • @rustyaldrich said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @kommodoreyenser said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    Or a PvP crew that gets interrupted by PvE during their PvP. Same story, completely flipped POV from what you are claiming is the sole experience of PvE players.

    Haha, what? Please enlighten me in which situation is that even a possibility???

    No problem. You just engaged a ship, then a meg/kraken/skelly galleon spawns on your ship. PvE is now interrupting pure PvP players, they don't want to fight these PvE things but are now "forced" to.

    Just like PvE players are doing their voyage and are "suddenly" attacked by a PvP crew getting in the way of their pure PvE experience.

  • @kommodoreyenser said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    No problem. You just engaged a ship, then a meg/kraken/skelly galleon spawns on your ship. PvE is now interrupting pure PvP players, they don't want to fight these PvE things but are now "forced" to.

    Just like PvE players are doing their voyage and are "suddenly" attacked by a PvP crew getting in the way of their pure PvE experience.

    Oh, I get it. But that isn't the fault of PvE players, is it? We're talking about how "everyone can play however they want" and how players force their playstyle onto each other.
    If PvP was some random thing that was dictated only by the game instelf, like in dark souls where you can get invaded, I'd agree that no one is forcing anyone to do PvP because it would literally be the mechanic of the game. However PvP players choose to sink other people, they themselves control whether they're going to engage in PvP or not. Unlike with PvE events like meg/kraken/skelly where it's an unpredictable mechanic that is not dictated by any player.

    And I'd like to add, these PvE events won't completely stop you doing PvP. You still can continue fighting both players and PvE enemy. Plus sometimes it can work in your favor when you're not the target of said PvE event. And it's not like these are extremely difficult events either. You can deal with them in several minutes. Unlike when PvP players force PvE players to engage in combat, where PvE players have the only one choice - to stop doing their voyage/event and fight PvP players.

  • @rustyaldrich said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @kommodoreyenser said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    No problem. You just engaged a ship, then a meg/kraken/skelly galleon spawns on your ship. PvE is now interrupting pure PvP players, they don't want to fight these PvE things but are now "forced" to.

    Just like PvE players are doing their voyage and are "suddenly" attacked by a PvP crew getting in the way of their pure PvE experience.

    Oh, I get it. But that isn't the fault of PvE players, is it? We're talking about how "everyone can play however they want" and how players force their playstyle onto each other.
    If PvP was some random thing that was dictated only by the game instelf, like in dark souls where you can get invaded, I'd agree that no one is forcing anyone to do PvP because it would literally be the mechanic of the game. However PvP players choose to sink other people, they themselves control whether they're going to engage in PvP or not. Unlike with PvE events like meg/kraken/skelly where it's an unpredictable mechanic that is not dictated by any player.

    Except for the fact that PvP players getting put on your server in the first place is a random event, they don't get a server list to choose from. That is literally the purpose of how player placement is supposed to work. Also I guarantee you there are more ships out there grinding voyages BY FAR than there are ships hunting other players. I have had WAY many more peaceful sessions than I have been hunted down.

    And I'd like to add, these PvE events won't completely stop you doing PvP. You still can continue fighting both players and PvE enemy. Plus sometimes it can work in your favor when you're not the target of said PvE event. And it's not like these are extremely difficult events either. You can deal with them in several minutes. Unlike when PvP players force PvE players to engage in combat, where PvE players have the only one choice - to stop doing their voyage/event and fight PvP players.

    Pure PvP players don't want to fight PvE even if PvP is involved, same as your PvE players don't want to engage in PvP even when PvE is involved.

    Clearly you haven't faced many krakens on a brig/galleon. Most scenarios require you to kill 6 tentacles (which would be okay if they didn't change spaces after being hit a few times) but sometimes you have to kill all of them even as a brig (seen it, been there, can't tell me different) The ink also keeps you from moving and continuing the pursuit of your target/leaves you a sitting duck for a counterattack.

    There are also the scenarios of super aggro megs that bite every ~20 seconds (whether a bug or not, they exist and are a hand full for any crew, much less in combat)

    So yes, the only point you have is that PvE may spawn on your target, however I was specifically talking about them spawning on the PvP crew, forcing them to engage in PvE so that point is moot.

    Your final take is that PvE players have to stop their voyage which is completely untrue. It is the safest play to keep your ship afloat, however you could have one or two crew sail off with the ship while the others continue to finish the voyage. Keeping the chasing ship and crew busy while rest of the crew finish the voyage out. Rowboats are valuable for so many more reasons than most even think of.

    Let's try to get back on topic. If you see a larger crew coming while doing ANYTHING on the Sea, prepare a strat for it, don't continue without worry. Honestly crew sizes are pretty well balanced at this point outside of solo. A stronger mast (2 chains required) on a solo sloop and a single boarding point/ladder would easily remedy this.

  • @like-500-ninjas said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @kommodoreyenser said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @rustyaldrich said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @wolfmanbush said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    The point of a free environment is that people get to play how they wish.

    *Unless you are a PvE player.
    Because the ones who get to play how they wish are only PvP players, who dictate their playstyle to everyone around them on their server.

    Or a PvP crew that gets interrupted by PvE during their PvP. Same story, completely flipped POV from what you are claiming is the sole experience of PvE players.

    The only ones that get to play how they wish are, surprising, PvPvE players who embrace the entire game 100%.

    How would a PVP crew get interrupted by a PVE crew? I'm genuinely curious because that is nonsensical from the start.

    What, they hit you with a shovel or something? Give me a break. Talk about an argument with no legs to stand on.

    Lol, foolish, learn to read. Never mention a PvE crew interrupting PvP.

  • @like-500-ninjas said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @kommodoreyenser said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @like-500-ninjas said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @kommodoreyenser said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @rustyaldrich said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @wolfmanbush said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    The point of a free environment is that people get to play how they wish.

    *Unless you are a PvE player.
    Because the ones who get to play how they wish are only PvP players, who dictate their playstyle to everyone around them on their server.

    Or a PvP crew that gets interrupted by PvE during their PvP. Same story, completely flipped POV from what you are claiming is the sole experience of PvE players.

    The only ones that get to play how they wish are, surprising, PvPvE players who embrace the entire game 100%.

    How would a PVP crew get interrupted by a PVE crew? I'm genuinely curious because that is nonsensical from the start.

    What, they hit you with a shovel or something? Give me a break. Talk about an argument with no legs to stand on.

    Lol, foolish, learn to read. Never mention a PvE crew interrupting PvP.

    "Lol" I read. Just the usual spam from you.

    Still no legs to stand on for your arguement as even a "PVE" ship, Kraken, etc. requires PVP to defeat.

    Lol what?! You can’t be that ignorant. Please tell me what PvP is an abbreviation of?

  • @like-500-ninjas said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @kommodoreyenser said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @like-500-ninjas said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @kommodoreyenser said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @rustyaldrich said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @wolfmanbush said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    The point of a free environment is that people get to play how they wish.

    *Unless you are a PvE player.
    Because the ones who get to play how they wish are only PvP players, who dictate their playstyle to everyone around them on their server.

    Or a PvP crew that gets interrupted by PvE during their PvP. Same story, completely flipped POV from what you are claiming is the sole experience of PvE players.

    The only ones that get to play how they wish are, surprising, PvPvE players who embrace the entire game 100%.

    How would a PVP crew get interrupted by a PVE crew? I'm genuinely curious because that is nonsensical from the start.

    What, they hit you with a shovel or something? Give me a break. Talk about an argument with no legs to stand on.

    Lol, foolish, learn to read. Never mention a PvE crew interrupting PvP.

    I don't have time to read/reply to trolls on a forum.

    My inbox is open if you'd like to continue. But you will want to put on your big boy pants if you want to go that route. Hint: you don't.

    Won't bother responding to your posts in the future as you've made it clear you're just here trolling to stir up problems.


  • @like-500-ninjas said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    You're right. Certain people will never admit it though. As I said before, they will use absolutely anything to justify their actions. Even a completely nonsensical argument.

    Great points though.

    People don't need justification for actions during gameplay if it is within the rules. Not pve not pvp not pve/pvp.

    You not liking the preferences of others doesn't make them wrong. It doesn't put them in a position that requires justifying their actions. The only control within the game should be the fair/accurate and measured discretion that is involved with analyzing an incident that is reported.

    Nobody should ever feel the need to justify how they play the game within the rules. If it's what they enjoy then it's what they enjoy and they can play how they want based on their own conscience and preferences not the social pressure from others.

  • @kommodoreyenser said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    Except for the fact that PvP players getting put on your server in the first place is a random event, they don't get a server list to choose from. That is literally the purpose of how player placement is supposed to work. Also I guarantee you there are more ships out there grinding voyages BY FAR than there are ships hunting other players. I have had WAY many more peaceful sessions than I have been hunted down.

    I never said anything about PvP players getting put on my server. I'm talking about the PvP activity itself. It is not random, the PvP crew is fully in control of their actions, unlike their target. Also the amount of PvP players is quite debatale and it's not the point of the argument.

    Pure PvP players don't want to fight PvE even if PvE is involved, same as your PvE players don't want to engage in PvP even when PvE is involved.

    I really don't understand how is this relevant to the discussion. Let me repeat one more time, it is not PvE crew fault, that your crew got engaged in PvE event. It is a random game mechanic. It is not the same as PvP crew specifically targeting a crew to take them out.

    Clearly you haven't faced many krakens on a brig/galleon. Most scenarios require you to kill 6 tentacles (which would be okay if they didn't change spaces after being hit a few times) but sometimes you have to kill all of them even as a brig (seen it, been there, can't tell me different) The ink also keeps you from moving and continuing the pursuit of your target/leaves you a sitting duck for a counterattack.

    There are also the scenarios of super aggro megs that bite every ~20 seconds (whether a bug or not, they exist and are a hand full for any crew, much less in combat)

    Yeah, even if it's some extreme scenario of super difficult PvE event, it is still significantly easier than fighting a full ship of sweat lords.

    So yes, the only point you have is that PvE may spawn on your target, however I was specifically talking about them spawning on the PvP crew, forcing them to engage in PvE so that point is moot.

    Irrelevant, PvE events are not in control of PvE players.

    Your final take is that PvE players have to stop their voyage which is completely untrue. It is the safest play to keep your ship afloat, however you could have one or two crew sail off with the ship while the others continue to finish the voyage. Keeping the chasing ship and crew busy while rest of the crew finish the voyage out. Rowboats are valuable for so many more reasons than most even think of.

    Again you come up with some extreme rare scenario. How many times have you actually done something like and was it worth the time you wasted doing something like that? Well of course you theoretically can sail to the horizon while some crew member does voyages solo without a map, only on a rowboat and with a single life. Are you seriously suggesting something like that or am I missing a joke here?

    Let's try to get back on topic. If you see a larger crew coming while doing ANYTHING on the Sea, prepare a strat for it, don't continue without worry. Honestly crew sizes are pretty well balanced at this point outside of solo. A stronger mast (2 chains required) on a solo sloop and a single boarding point/ladder would easily remedy this.

    Again proving my point. Instead of doing what I want and having fun I must prepare some strats for an event that I'm not interested in.

    @kommodoreyenser said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    Lol, foolish, learn to read. Never mention a PvE crew interrupting PvP.

    I genuinely think you should read what was said before. No one was discussing PvE activities before. Discussion was about how PvE and PvP players affect each others game. I still struggle to understand why you brought up these PvE events.

  • @rustyaldrich if you aren’t interested in PvP as part of your adventure in some capacity, then as cliche it is to say, you are playing the wrong game.

    Now how to do you feel as a duo fighting against brigs and galleons since that is what the OP topic is about?

  • @rustyaldrich said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @kommodoreyenser said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    Lol, foolish, learn to read. Never mention a PvE crew interrupting PvP.

    I genuinely think you should read what was said before. No one was discussing PvE activities before. Discussion was about how PvE and PvP players affect each others game. I still struggle to understand why you brought up these PvE events.

    I was, in fact, responding to how your point was the PvE crews don’t get to choose if/when to fight other players whose goal is to purely engage in fighting other players (PvP) but instead are forced to.

    My counterpoint is there are scenarios in which players who wish to only engage in fighting other players (much like your PvE players just want to grind repetitive voyages just want to do PvE) end up having to participate in PvE (the activity PvP oriented players don’t want to participate in but are forced to do). Thus both sides can be “forced” into things that neither of them want to do.

    I’m not sure what your point of PvE crews not wanting to PvP has anything to do with the topic on this thread about brigs and galleons “bullying” sloops. Maybe you should elaborate on that?

  • @kommodoreyenser said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @rustyaldrich if you aren’t interested in PvP as part of your adventure in some capacity, then as cliche it is to say, you are playing the wrong game.

    Now how to do you feel as a duo fighting against brigs and galleons since that is what the OP topic is about?

    There's no alternative game, so there's no wrong or correct one.

    Considering OPs topic, I already expressed my feelings about it. No one is allowed to have fun in this game if they have a better / more blood thirsty crew on their server. Your event will be ruined by a bigger crew or by several ships coming for you. It is of course less terrible during events such as FotD as those are designed to attract players.

  • @rustyaldrich, Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships içinde yazdı:

    @wolfmanbush said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    The point of a free environment is that people get to play how they wish.

    *Unless you are a PvE player.
    Because the ones who get to play how they wish are only PvP players, who dictate their playstyle to everyone around them on their server.

    @thorumsu said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    This is a shared world sandbox. Freedom is what we like. I am a reaper. I dont believe in honour. So what? You cant shame me for that. No loot is yours until you turn it in.

    Imagine proudly announcing that you do not believe in honour :P Well that's an achievement for sure.

    Yes I dont. I side with reapers. Their whole moto is REJECT THE CODE. I am a Flameheart follower and I dont care about pirates feelings. The weak shall bow down before the strong! Pirates for all eternity.

    Also, If the devs did not like this kind of behaviour, They would not let us side with them.

  • @like-500-ninjas, Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships içinde yazdı:

    @rustyaldrich said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @kommodoreyenser said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    No problem. You just engaged a ship, then a meg/kraken/skelly galleon spawns on your ship. PvE is now interrupting pure PvP players, they don't want to fight these PvE things but are now "forced" to.

    Just like PvE players are doing their voyage and are "suddenly" attacked by a PvP crew getting in the way of their pure PvE experience.

    Oh, I get it. But that isn't the fault of PvE players, is it? We're talking about how "everyone can play however they want" and how players force their playstyle onto each other.
    If PvP was some random thing that was dictated only by the game instelf, like in dark souls where you can get invaded, I'd agree that no one is forcing anyone to do PvP because it would literally be the mechanic of the game. However PvP players choose to sink other people, they themselves control whether they're going to engage in PvP or not. Unlike with PvE events like meg/kraken/skelly where it's an unpredictable mechanic that is not dictated by any player.

    And I'd like to add, these PvE events won't completely stop you doing PvP. You still can continue fighting both players and PvE enemy. Plus sometimes it can work in your favor when you're not the target of said PvE event. And it's not like these are extremely difficult events either. You can deal with them in several minutes. Unlike when PvP players force PvE players to engage in combat, where PvE players have the only one choice - to stop doing their voyage/event and fight PvP players.

    You're right. Certain people will never admit it though. As I said before, they will use absolutely anything to justify their actions. Even a completely nonsensical argument.

    Great points though.

    I side with reapers. Their whole moto is REJECT THE CODE (Not get as much as money you can and be friends unlike you think what reapers are). I am a Flameheart follower and I dont care about pirates feelings. The weak shall bow down before the strong! Pirates for all eternity.

    Also, If the devs did not like this kind of behaviour, They would not let us side with them.

  • @kommodoreyenser

    You are such a troll for respectfully replying to someone who thinks PVP is griefing. Shame on you. I thought you knew better!

  • @thorumsu said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:


    You are such a troll for respectfully replying to someone who thinks PVP is griefing. Shame on you. I thought you knew better!

    Lol, right?!

  • Дуралёк, тот факт что в игре есть 3 типа кораблей говорит о том что они должны и будут находится в одной сессии . И если вы два френда в игре про пиратство , а не про дружбу и магию решили что 2 корабля риперов просто подождут пока вы уплывёте- это чисто ваш тупизм)()(()) Это не рейд где вы в очереде ждёте зафармить форт проклятых, это открытая сессия где риперы увидели двух дураков на шлюпе которые даже по сторонам не смотрят)))

  • @rustyaldrich said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    Considering OPs topic, I already expressed my feelings about it. No one is allowed to have fun in this game if they have a better / more blood thirsty crew on their server. Your event will be ruined by a bigger crew or by several ships coming for you. It is of course less terrible during events such as FotD as those are designed to attract players.

    There are a lot of ways to play this game with pretty minimal risk based on the popularity of specific pvp styles.

    Just by not being a reaper a person significantly brings down a person's risk.

    Working on content that isn't a world event is another huge reduction in risk. World events aren't necessary anymore for a pver to thrive.

    What this does is reduce the risk down to mostly random happenstance hostility which isn't high risk in this game at all.

    Selling regularly reduces loss and reduced loss is reduced risk

    I think calling the experience easy wouldn't hold universal accuracy but by adapting with strategy based on the reality of the environment every pver can create a manageable session formula that will lead to short and eventually long term goals being completed.

    Every pver is capable, that is something I believe to be accurate, it just takes effort and implementing specific strategy based on goals and with earned experience. I think people get upset and they lose their focus, they get distracted fighting against loss and forget that loss is a part of individual and piratical growth. We learn very little by winning, we improve very little by winning. Skills are sharpened in loss. Knowledge of the environment is increased and improved in loss.

    Too many wins creates complacency and an opening for arrogance. We always have something to improve. How we perform, how we react, how we strategize, how we captain, how we communicate, how we observe, how we implement. Winning all the time doesn't help with these.

  • @like-500-ninjas, Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships içinde yazdı:

    @thorumsu said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @like-500-ninjas, Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships içinde yazdı:

    @rustyaldrich said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @kommodoreyenser said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    No problem. You just engaged a ship, then a meg/kraken/skelly galleon spawns on your ship. PvE is now interrupting pure PvP players, they don't want to fight these PvE things but are now "forced" to.

    Just like PvE players are doing their voyage and are "suddenly" attacked by a PvP crew getting in the way of their pure PvE experience.

    Oh, I get it. But that isn't the fault of PvE players, is it? We're talking about how "everyone can play however they want" and how players force their playstyle onto each other.
    If PvP was some random thing that was dictated only by the game instelf, like in dark souls where you can get invaded, I'd agree that no one is forcing anyone to do PvP because it would literally be the mechanic of the game. However PvP players choose to sink other people, they themselves control whether they're going to engage in PvP or not. Unlike with PvE events like meg/kraken/skelly where it's an unpredictable mechanic that is not dictated by any player.

    And I'd like to add, these PvE events won't completely stop you doing PvP. You still can continue fighting both players and PvE enemy. Plus sometimes it can work in your favor when you're not the target of said PvE event. And it's not like these are extremely difficult events either. You can deal with them in several minutes. Unlike when PvP players force PvE players to engage in combat, where PvE players have the only one choice - to stop doing their voyage/event and fight PvP players.

    You're right. Certain people will never admit it though. As I said before, they will use absolutely anything to justify their actions. Even a completely nonsensical argument.

    Great points though.

    I side with reapers. Their whole moto is REJECT THE CODE (Not get as much as money you can and be friends unlike you think what reapers are). I am a Flameheart follower and I dont care about pirates feelings. The weak shall bow down before the strong! Pirates for all eternity.

    Also, If the devs did not like this kind of behaviour, They would not let us side with them.

    Taking a kids game a bit serious, aren't we?

    By the way....I guess since the Reapers lost at Golden Sands, you're pretty much bowing to me at the moment huh? 😉

    The battle is over but we will always have kegs.

  • Crazy counter-suggestion

    But has anyone thought about maybe... not sailing on a sloop and more importantly, defending yourself in the game?

    PvE crews don't realize this but "sweat lord" server hopping PvP crews (that are not using the portals as a Reaper V) are usually crews that don't have much in supplies, they grab what they can off of an outpost and a few islands, and then fight you through severely limited chainspam, cursespam and boardspam.

    As a PvE crew, you've gathered tons of chainshots, cursed cannonballs, throwables, you're essentially armed to the teeth in supplies, can tank hits if you're dealing with sloop hoppers, can spam chains as much as you wish, and even have top tier food to stay alive in another ship's broad (should you not get one-balled or get multiple cannons hitting you consecutively). On top of that, you people can use island cannons to your advantage, as well as gunpowder barrels to attempt to catch crews off guard. PvE crews usually tend to have the tools to fight a PvP hopping crew, but it comes down to readiness, skill difference, numbers game, and strong game knowledge.

    If you sail on a sloop and have to deal with a larger hopping crew, just shoot your best shot and sink to them so they may leave you alone (don't sail on a sloop). Either way, bigger ships are gonna be just that, bigger ships, they're decreasing difficulty, especially if they are skilled, for their hunting moments. Don't do valuable world events like Fort of the Damned, don't be a Reaper's Bones Emissary, and don't stack loot if you actually don't want to to be defeated easily to experienced crews.

    The PvP/PvE argument does not have a place here (or anywhere on the forums at the moment), let's not make it an "us vs. them" argument for a game that welcomes multiple playstyles that fit within the game's ToS and Code of Conduct (not pirate code).

  • Try an alliance with the other boats on the server and complete it together. Easier to defend that way, if your alliance can be trusted

  • @like-500-ninjas this is funny because I’m GoldenEye I would frequently receive the awards “Most Cowardly” and “Most Dishonorable” at the end of each match because I would hide, wait for friends to attack each other, then shoot both in the back. A legitimate and very successful strategy. I loved that they had those awards built into the game. That was a Rare game too.

  • I just want to throw my lot in here with something - if you've got all the loot you were after and are getting chased before you had the chance to sell, definitely consider breaking line of sight (a quick maneuvre can give you enough raw distance to achieve this) load everything onto a rowboat, drop off the back of the ship and row away with the haul.

    This is a shockingly effective tactic, even sweatlord crews tend to tunnel-vision on the ship they are chasing and not notice the little rowboat paddling away towards the nearest outpost, even if it is glowing like the sun 😜

  • @like-500-ninjas said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    I typically don't bother with PVP because the sweat lords are STRONG in this game and with a 4 v 1 scenario it simply isn't worth bothering.

    Rather than sail for 30+ minutes of my life for no other reason than to entertain these types, I will usually just scuttle and leave the game. Not the server, the game as I don't need the frustration and probably won't play again that weekend/for a few days.

    Every once in a great while if I'm truly, truly bored I will take them for a chase and outsail them around the map (I know how to handle my ship since I've been solo since launch) until I figure I've wasted enough time. Then I'll just anchor and wait for them to get close....then scuttle.

    This always results in very nasty Xbox Live messages as that's the kind of people you are dealing with. Which, come to think of it, also goes to prove my point again that people's personalities in reality show through in their game choices. They carry their nastiness over into reality via messaging.

    I don't know how many people are on my block list, but I bet it is easily in the thousands.

    I've been in thousands of fights and I don't think I've ever blocked anyone. There have been a few messages that were a little silly but given my significant amount of fighting it very rarely ends up with them messaging me anything at all and only a few times was something a little rough around the edges.

    If you have thousands blocked it would seem to me that you choose escalation on a regular basis. From everything I have experienced not much "nastiness" shows up in messages unless there is a fair amount on both sides.

    Which is what I think the majority of what people call "toxic" is in this game. Two sides going at each other and one or both sides calling foul

  • @mistermeowza get to tall tale 9 if your not already. get far enough in the story to where you are in the cave below the shores of gold. leave the game or cancel tall tale. you now have a checkpoint for that tall tale which you can throw down whenever you want to go into the shores of gold area, usually without anyone chasing you unless they know this, or they have to go all the way to morrows to vote on it, which by that time youll hopefully be gone.

    they wanna have a 4v1 and feel skilled, no one said you had to play fair either.

    Cons, you either have to be close or be able to outrun the ship chasing you for long enough to get northeast. but its good to have for insurance. up with it, about playing fair, ruining the game, not being a good sport, not getting any practice. sorry some people play smarter rather then just rely on number advantage. and dont start with open crews or the cutsie lil LFG. ive been playing long enough to know how those usually turn out.

  • @sgt-w0lfe said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @mistermeowza get to tall tale 9 if your not already. get far enough in the story to where you are in the cave below the shores of gold. leave the game or cancel tall tale. you now have a checkpoint for that tall tale which you can throw down whenever you want to go into the shores of gold area, usually without anyone chasing you unless they know this, or they have to go all the way to morrows to vote on it, which by that time youll hopefully be gone.

    they wanna have a 4v1 and feel skilled, no one said you had to play fair either.

    these days most pvp crews (unless it's a total random open crew) are going to either have the checkpoint themselves or will swap out someone to put it down for them.

    I get sunk by galleons as a solo. If they are even somewhat decent they should secure the sink on a solo. It's just random, wrong place wrong time for me and right place right time for them. There really isn't anything to make personal out of it, session based food chain and on that roll I got unlucky on the opponent. There is no fair in random adventure combat, it's not even designed to be fair it's designed to be random enough and populated enough to where everyone feeds themselves sometimes and others sometimes.

    People can run if they want, there is no shame in it no matter what anyone tries to push about it but it's more self punishment than it is anything else. It's more stress, it's often times more negativity, it's unproductive.

    The luxury of solo is freedom and the luxury tax on freedom of solitude and independence is loss, sometimes.

  • @wolfmanbush ive never had an encounter yet where someone else has had it. and ive used this solo on multiple occasions, all of which usually entice salty messages to add to the salty sea. mostly im just suggesting an alternative. rather then just sailing circles waiting for them to catch up.

  • @sgt-w0lfe said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @wolfmanbush ive never had an encounter yet where someone else has had it. and ive used this solo on multiple occasions, all of which usually entice salty messages to add to the salty sea. mostly im just suggesting an alternative. rather then just sailing circles waiting for them to catch up.

    If someone really wants to stick it to a hunter all they have to do is sell regularly and have a plan to get the most valuable item/s sold before the piratical mauling.

    Bigger crews with skill sink me regularly but they rarely get anything more than what I was never going to spend the time walking back and forth to sell anyway.

    A pver never has to be able to take on bigger/more skilled boats, they don't have to run thinking they are teaching someone a lesson. Efficiency and consistency are victories for pvers. We can always get a new boat and join a new server for more opportunity.

  • @like-500-ninjas said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @wolfmanbush said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @like-500-ninjas said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    I typically don't bother with PVP because the sweat lords are STRONG in this game and with a 4 v 1 scenario it simply isn't worth bothering.

    Rather than sail for 30+ minutes of my life for no other reason than to entertain these types, I will usually just scuttle and leave the game. Not the server, the game as I don't need the frustration and probably won't play again that weekend/for a few days.

    Every once in a great while if I'm truly, truly bored I will take them for a chase and outsail them around the map (I know how to handle my ship since I've been solo since launch) until I figure I've wasted enough time. Then I'll just anchor and wait for them to get close....then scuttle.

    This always results in very nasty Xbox Live messages as that's the kind of people you are dealing with. Which, come to think of it, also goes to prove my point again that people's personalities in reality show through in their game choices. They carry their nastiness over into reality via messaging.

    I don't know how many people are on my block list, but I bet it is easily in the thousands.

    I've been in thousands of fights and I don't think I've ever blocked anyone. There have been a few messages that were a little silly but given my significant amount of fighting it very rarely ends up with them messaging me anything at all and only a few times was something a little rough around the edges.

    If you have thousands blocked it would seem to me that you choose escalation on a regular basis. From everything I have experienced not much "nastiness" shows up in messages unless there is a fair amount on both sides.

    Which is what I think the majority of what people call "toxic" is in this game. Two sides going at each other and one or both sides calling foul

    I don't escalate. I don't even say anything. So not sure how it would be my fault.

    I don't view it as your fault but if you are to the point of thousands of blocked people over unpleasant messages it seems likely to me that two sides are contributing to an escalating negativity that leaks over into messaging.

    I don't say this to you thinking I am above it I say this to you as someone that has been a contributor to it in the past. Sometimes when things happen over and over that are unpleasant it helps to analyze a situation from the perspective of "how can I approach this differently" to perhaps get different results.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @sgt-w0lfe said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @wolfmanbush ive never had an encounter yet where someone else has had it. and ive used this solo on multiple occasions, all of which usually entice salty messages to add to the salty sea. mostly im just suggesting an alternative. rather then just sailing circles waiting for them to catch up.

    If someone really wants to stick it to a hunter all they have to do is sell regularly and have a plan to get the most valuable item/s sold before the piratical mauling.

    Bigger crews with skill sink me regularly but they rarely get anything more than what I was never going to spend the time walking back and forth to sell anyway.

    A pver never has to be able to take on bigger/more skilled boats, they don't have to run thinking they are teaching someone a lesson. Efficiency and consistency are victories for pvers. We can always get a new boat and join a new server for more opportunity.

    Rowboat bamboozle man, I'm telling ya. Nothing will give you a chuckle quite like the knowledge they caught up with and sank an empty ship only to discover you disappeared along with the loot. 😂

  • @bieltan said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @wolfmanbush said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @sgt-w0lfe said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @wolfmanbush ive never had an encounter yet where someone else has had it. and ive used this solo on multiple occasions, all of which usually entice salty messages to add to the salty sea. mostly im just suggesting an alternative. rather then just sailing circles waiting for them to catch up.

    If someone really wants to stick it to a hunter all they have to do is sell regularly and have a plan to get the most valuable item/s sold before the piratical mauling.

    Bigger crews with skill sink me regularly but they rarely get anything more than what I was never going to spend the time walking back and forth to sell anyway.

    A pver never has to be able to take on bigger/more skilled boats, they don't have to run thinking they are teaching someone a lesson. Efficiency and consistency are victories for pvers. We can always get a new boat and join a new server for more opportunity.

    Rowboat bamboozle man, I'm telling ya. Nothing will give you a chuckle quite like the knowledge they caught up with and sank an empty ship only to discover you disappeared along with the loot. 😂

    It's a walrus, it's a hairy dolphin, nope it's just wolfmanbush swimming an ashen winds skull halfway across the map again.

  • @bieltan said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @wolfmanbush said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @sgt-w0lfe said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @wolfmanbush ive never had an encounter yet where someone else has had it. and ive used this solo on multiple occasions, all of which usually entice salty messages to add to the salty sea. mostly im just suggesting an alternative. rather then just sailing circles waiting for them to catch up.

    If someone really wants to stick it to a hunter all they have to do is sell regularly and have a plan to get the most valuable item/s sold before the piratical mauling.

    Bigger crews with skill sink me regularly but they rarely get anything more than what I was never going to spend the time walking back and forth to sell anyway.

    A pver never has to be able to take on bigger/more skilled boats, they don't have to run thinking they are teaching someone a lesson. Efficiency and consistency are victories for pvers. We can always get a new boat and join a new server for more opportunity.

    Rowboat bamboozle man, I'm telling ya. Nothing will give you a chuckle quite like the knowledge they caught up with and sank an empty ship only to discover you disappeared along with the loot. 😂

    Drive-by selling to add to this. 1-2 pieces at a time working from most valuable to least. Lastly, ram the final outpost, turn in the last piece of loot, lower your emissary flag, and scuttle. This really gets pure PvP crews steaming.

  • @kommodoreyenser said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @bieltan said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @wolfmanbush said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @sgt-w0lfe said in Stop bigger ships from bullying smaller ships:

    @wolfmanbush ive never had an encounter yet where someone else has had it. and ive used this solo on multiple occasions, all of which usually entice salty messages to add to the salty sea. mostly im just suggesting an alternative. rather then just sailing circles waiting for them to catch up.

    If someone really wants to stick it to a hunter all they have to do is sell regularly and have a plan to get the most valuable item/s sold before the piratical mauling.

    Bigger crews with skill sink me regularly but they rarely get anything more than what I was never going to spend the time walking back and forth to sell anyway.

    A pver never has to be able to take on bigger/more skilled boats, they don't have to run thinking they are teaching someone a lesson. Efficiency and consistency are victories for pvers. We can always get a new boat and join a new server for more opportunity.

    Rowboat bamboozle man, I'm telling ya. Nothing will give you a chuckle quite like the knowledge they caught up with and sank an empty ship only to discover you disappeared along with the loot. 😂

    Drive-by selling to add to this. 1-2 pieces at a time working from most valuable to least. Lastly, ram the final outpost, turn in the last piece of loot, lower your emissary flag, and scuttle. This really gets pure PvP crews steaming.

    Yup, drivebys also work a treat, I just find the Rowboat funnier as you know the skilled crews will have that moment of realization, and lesser crews are gonna be sat there going "Where Loot?" 🤣🤣🤣

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