Please devs can you Focus on free private servers because the game is not fun as it is now

  • Please devs can we have free private servers please because i payed for sea of thieves for me and my dad 8 years ago so we can play but we can’t because it’s not fun to get killed and hunted down and harassed by every crew /player that move like a fly and don’t even destroy the ship so the can just wait for us to respawn that’s not fun but do you know what is fun being able to play the game going on treasure hunts fishing fighting The Megalodon the ghost ships the skeletons on islands because they’re more fair to fight hell even the 99% death sentence that is the kraken is still more fair to fight then trying to fight other players so please help the % of players that just want to play sea of thieves without having are fun being ruined by the other % of players that just want to make it not fun for casual players.

    [Mod edit]

  • 23
    xbox onefeedback
  • Low-tier satire bait

  • @gallerine5582 I just want to be able to play the game I paid for with my dad with out worrying if my time with my dad is going to get ruined by other players

  • Private servers are already being studied to be launched. But, these servers do not have progression, and even if they are released to everyone, I believe it will be more for organizing events, roleplay, etc.

  • @comingthe-k-man okay I'll take the bait.

    The private servers are likely to not be free. They are being designed with events in mind. So commendations, reputation, and currency gains will be disabled.

    You will be able to go on adventure with your dad when they eventually arrive, but anything done in game won't be recorded.

    Just sell more often and don't carry more loot than you sre willing to lose. Don't fly an emissary flag if you don't want the added attention. Sail on the outskirts of the map rather than in the middle.

  • @captain-coel but why even play the game if we can’t use embassies to get more gold and exp why play at all if we can’t get the satisfaction of making progress in a video game and the thing about private servers going to be use for events if you get no gold/exp or progress in any faction the whats the Point of even doing the event then because it’s clear that you wouldn’t get nothing out of it that just makes no sense

  • @comingthe-k-man IF you want to use the emissary system you can, just you have the added risks. The events on private servers are going to be community driven such as solo brig races or fleet wars. This is a shared world pvpve game, get used to other players.

  • @comingthe-k-man said in Please devs can you Focus on free private servers because the game is not fun as it is now:

    @captain-coel but why even play the game if we can’t use embassies to get more gold and exp why play at all if we can’t get the satisfaction of making progress in a video game and the thing about private servers going to be use for events if you get no gold/exp or progress in any faction the whats the Point of even doing the event then because it’s clear that you wouldn’t get nothing out of it that just makes no sense

    If progress in the game was guaranteed and you never had to worry about sinking to another crew ever, what is the point of playing the game? You are just grinding away time with no challenge (playing enough will show you how laughably easy the AI enemies in this game are even for a solo) Cosmetics then become a guaranteed low-bar goal which just costs you hours of your life, requiring no skill or effort to obtain, and therefore are meaningless.

    So why not play on a private server with no progression? Your main goal is to not have to fight other players and not getting sunk by them, right?

    AI enemies in this game, the PvE stuff, is all meant to bide time until another crew comes along. They can be friendly or hostile, but the game all comes down to driving interaction between player crews.

  • @captain-coel i’ll get its a share world but That doesn’t mean players can’t have the option to play in a private world and to make progress so they can have fun they will still be the online public servers all I’m saying is just allow the option to play the game privately I just don’t understand why so many people hate The idea of people that want to choose to play the game without having to worry about running into any other players because the argument of it being a PVPVE and it’s an shared world just makes no sense you don’t lose anything if you want to play privately and for everyone that wants the PVPVE you will still be able to do it I just don’t get what’s the problem

  • @comingthe-k-man said in Please devs can you Focus on free private servers because the game is not fun as it is now:

    @captain-coel i’ll get its a share world but That doesn’t mean players can’t have the option to play in a private world and to make progress so they can have fun they will still be the online public servers all I’m saying is just allow the option to play the game privately I just don’t understand why so many people hate The idea of people that want to choose to play the game without having to worry about running into any other players because the argument of it being a PVPVE and it’s an shared world just makes no sense you don’t lose anything if you want to play privately and for everyone that wants the PVPVE you will still be able to do it I just don’t get what’s the problem

    If there was an option to grind faction rep and commendations offline/not on a player populated server, that would literally be the only way to go for anyone with a brain. No one would risk playing on standard servers except for the single purpose of finding and sinking other empty player ships (because you know, everyone is now only doing voyages and getting loot turned in on private servers)

    It's a moot point, Rare will not allow progression on servers outside public adventure servers. Maybe in 6-8 years when the game reaches end of life they may decide to add said option to allow players continued play once official servers shut down.

  • @kommodoreyenser The AI isn’t the problem me and my dad took down the kraken 1 time in a sloop me my dad killed a Megalodon me and my dad took down a galleon ghost ship and a man o war ghost ship The AI is not the problem the problem is running into other players that can move around at the speed of light to Insta kill you that’s not fun when The game is fun to play but any contact with another players result in death after death after death and not been able to do a simple puzzle like find buried treasure or do any think that what the game has to offer then it’s not the game is bad it’s the PVPVE concept is bad for anyone that can play like that the benefit to them but for people that would love to play the game but can’t do the PVP part ruins a good game for them

  • @kommodoreyenser well that speaks for itself if people choose to play private because it would be better of an experience for them then that just proves that the standard way of playing is not fun you kind of omitted to it yourself

  • @comingthe-k-man you payed for the game 8! Years ago ??? The game wasnt even close to being released then it just had its 4 year anniversary… and lets be honest here, the first time you specifically played the game was on the 7th of august 2018, meaning you didnt play at release so i highly doubt you pre-ordered in any way shape or form. Would this mean that you have a tendency to exaggerate your claims ?

    Anyway, pvp just as much as pve is a core aspect of the game.

    Be a good sport. Sea of Thieves is a pirate game, and stealth, stealing and battles are all part of the fun. All pirates on the seas accept that, but be a good sportsman in both victory and loss.


    Also the devs have stated on numerous occasions that this will not change, not previously, not now and it wont in the future.

    Yes Custom servers will become available and are to some communities and partners, however these custom servers will have no progression in any way shape or form, no way to get gold, reputation, doubloons, renown or any commendation progression.

    Sea of thieves is a pvpve game and will always remain this way.

    @deckhands i think a lock is in order for this here thread

  • @comingthe-k-man said in Please devs can you Focus on free private servers because the game is not fun as it is now:

    @kommodoreyenser well that speaks for itself if people choose to play private because it would be better of an experience for them then that just proves that the standard way of playing is not fun you kind of omitted to it yourself

    No, what I admitted is that any smart player, given the option, would of course take loot with the lower amount of risk (or in your case zero) No experienced player goes hunting other ships to fight after stacking 500k-1 million worth of loot onboard. They turn-in in between sinking other crews for that exact reason.

    Also, of course you don't have an issue with the AI enemies in this game, as I stated, they are SUPER easy. They are not meant to be the main attraction but a distraction/stalling mechanic until another crew comes along to interact with.

  • @callmebackdraft so basically what you’re saying is because you can play like that screw everyone else that wants to play the game but can’t play like that And now why would I lock it to lock it would prevent other people from having they say like how you want to prevent other people from playing a game they like the way they want

  • It's pointless they are just going to keep locking the posts and ignore them. And custom or private servers are not going to work since you will not be able to progress at all. Who wants to play and not earn anything. Also I do agree that who wants to play if all that happens is you get your items stolen and do not progress as well. Sell often don't run and emissary. I know is a slower approach but its the only choice they give us.

  • @wdw1011971 For real I think the only reason they mentioned them originally was to keep people from jumping ship..

    Kinda like the deadbeat boyfriend promising to his girlfriend that this time he'll change.

    He won't change, he just doesn't want them to leave.

  • @wdw1011971 said in Please devs can you Focus on free private servers because the game is not fun as it is now:

    It's pointless they are just going to keep locking the posts and ignore them.

    The Devs have addressed the issue and explained their standpoint numerous times, that's the opposite of ignoring the topic.

  • @wdw1011971 I understand why does it just seem like people don’t want other people to enjoy a good game that the screams to me toxic fan base because I can’t attack someone that’s not good at the game I’ll prevent them from getting a mechanic that allows them to enjoy the game (THEY PAID FOR!!!)

  • @comingthe-k-man said in Please devs can you Focus on free private servers because the game is not fun as it is now:

    @callmebackdraft so basically what you’re saying is because you can play like that screw everyone else that wants to play the game but can’t play like that And now why would I lock it to lock it would prevent other people from having they say like how you want to prevent other people from playing a game they like the way they want

    No, that is not what i am saying, i am telling you what this game is about and what the developers themselves have said about this exact topic.

    This game was created with both pve and pvp as core gameplay mechanics and also designed to always have the threat of both at any given time. You are asking to remove one of these specific parts.

    This would be like me purchasing Pubg and then complaining that i dont like the battle royale aspect of the game.

    There is no product in the world that will be for everyone, no car, no tv, no pc etc etc and thus no game in the world will be able or willing to cater to everyone. And it shouldnt be.

    The reason i tagged the deckhands is because this topic has been discussed to death and you would know that if you simply used the search function of this forum. Thus the topic deserves a lock.

  • Anyway I can’t lock it

  • Ahoy, going to be dropping anchor on this thread as there is a post about Rare's thoughts on PvPvE (including a link to the Sea of Thieves Podcast that discusses it) here:

    You can read an article by Joe here in regards to Private/Custom Servers.

    Thank you.

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