Banana Crate Quests Are Draining My Sanity.

  • A long time ago, in a sea far far away...

    Banana Crate Quest Spawn Rates

    It is 2018, I have recently restarted my character because I didn't like the character model and back then you couldn't just spend money and re roll your look.

    From that moment, I made a promise that one day no matter how long it would take me I would eventually complete all SOT achievements, Now, I'm not talking commendations because hey that's like a future maybe that I might possible want to complete them if I have literally nothing else to do. What with new achievements like complete Athena voyage 100 times for some completely insane reason. Like, I am a legendary sea dog who helped two other people get to legendary sea dog and I seriously believe in my heart of hearts that whoever set it at 100 is the same person that chose the arbitrary number of 240 wins. Seriously, I just can't wrap my head around doing ALL the commendations.

    Having made this solemn oath to myself I endeavored to search for banana crate quests whenever I could, wherever I could, and let me tell you it's 2022 and I am still just shy of halfway toward finishing this achievement. I have tried searching every barrel at initial spawn outpost then hopping out to main menu and then recycling till I find a quest, but this is so boring and goes against how I feel the game should be played. I therefore devised a strategy to multitask completing multiple achievements while going from outpost, to outpost, to outpost by putting down a voyage while sailing and stopping for shipwrecks to look for barnacle chests and more quests in a bottle. Thus, as more, and more, and then some more quests have been added to possible mandatory quests, the white parchment, the random quest in a bottle, etc. I Have been slowly unraveling as I spend now 6 hours on average with two full quest radials of quests in a bottle with no banana crate quests at all. Who thought on the developer staff that it would be a good idea to add to the random message in a bottle a chance for wood crate, cannonball crate, and gunpowder delivery when THERE IS AN EXISTING QUEST YOU CAN BUY TO GET GUNPOWDER DELIVERIES!

    So, to make a long story short, I am 4 years in and am about to complete my barnacle quest achievement, mileage sailed while on a voyage for all 3 factions, and still less than halfway to completing banana crate quest achievement. I can live with bad hit registration, choppy server performance, lag at the worst possible moments, but this achievement has been systematically made harder each and every year. I only focus on it when I'm solo slooping which I haven't done the most of over the years to be fair, and have even gotten burnt out from lack of success finding said quest and opted to focus on another achievement. Well folks, that's coming to a close soon because I have 15 achievements left and I'm about to complete 5 of them soon... 1 is barnacle, 2 is finding hidden fort loot, 3-5 is mileage while doing voyages.

    In summation, I know the developers will do exactly nothing to fix this as I stopped doing insiders because we'd submit all the bug reports in the world and 2 patches later the outlier bugs would still be there. I'm not hating on the people that still do insiders or the developers, this is my favorite game and I love everything they have done with exception of removing arena so I can hear another podcast of Mike Chapman saying (Trigger Warning for some readers that may find the following statement cringe inducing) "IM SO EXCITED FOR [thing I care about]" in lieu of PvP updates. The reason they will not do anything is because they are undermanned, outgunned, and overworked as it is and I am truly thankful for all the hard work they do and how much they obviously care about everything in the game including the sound of insects which I find terrifying that they refer to as "little ear snacks".

    I would love to know your thoughts on either anything I could continue to grind while looking for banana crates or if you're comfortable sharing your own experiences working toward that achievement that you want to complete desperately. Because each and every night you go to bed you see your achievement and it's mocking you, judging you, to where all you dream about is the achievement. In my case, it's banana crates and they're staring at me with their wee beady eyes, laughing at my ineptitude to catch the illusive rascals. One day, revenge will be mine on all banana crates in this world we call the Sea of Thieves...

    Banana crates don't care about Flame Heart or the Captain, no matter who wins, we lose.

    We lose the banana crates because banana crates don't feel pity, pain, or fear and they absolutely will not stop until they drive you crazy.

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  • I can't fall asleep so I did the research and crunched the numbers.

    There are 270 total loot able containers if you add up all the outposts and outposts only.

    On average I get 8 quests in 3 hours and 16 quests in 6 hours.

    There are 9 total possible quests that can be given as a message in a bottle quest. I have excluded coral messages in a bottle as I do not often pick flotsam, island, or shipwreck bottles which have been replaced with a varying frequency in the place of where old message in a bottle used to spawn.

    There is a 1 in 9 chance of getting the banana crate quest from a message in a bottle. As there are 9 possible quests that can be given.

    there is a 30 percent chance of getting a message in a bottle on any given outpost.

    Meaning there is a 3 percent chance of getting a banana crate quest from a message in a bottle. And... you have to do 50 of these, keeping in mind that where you will be delivering often time you will have to fight or stealth turn in because there is a ship at delivery station.

  • @thrawnpariah if all you want are banana crates just hop. load in, check every barrel and do the quest if you get one. If not just hop. Maybe check out a closeocal shipwreck but then hop.




    I finished fruit crates forever ago. But that was strategy to wood crates when they were super rare.

  • Maybe having something to look for is not a curse but a gift.

    Something still being out there is drive to move, drive to adventure

    Like Alabama sang

    *I'm in a hurry to get things done
    I rush and rush until life's no fun
    all I really gotta do is live and die
    but I'm in a hurry and don't know why

    I hear a voice
    it says I'm running behind
    I better pick up my pace
    It's a race
    and there ain't no room
    for someone in second place*

    There is no race. It's just an objective that is yet to be completed.
    You'll get it done, you've shown you get things done
    might as well try to enjoy your final ride
    you'll miss it when it's gone

  • @captain-coel I have tried that strategy but trust me, it is even more exhausting than just pushing ever onward as @WolfManbush has said. After 3 hours of exiting to main menu and searching another outpost and still not a banana quest to show for it your enthusiasm hits rock bottom.

    Doing it this way I at least get one done in one session even if it takes 6 hours to do so, and it has helped me complete other achievements along the way from mileage achievements to barnacle chests, and even the random skeleton captain you see on a small tiny island as you sail past on your way to the next outpost.

    It's lead to a lot of interesting and while not always fun but definitely intense solo sloop fighting as well.

    Well, gonna log back on and try to find at least one more today.

    In the time it takes to server hop to get one chest, you could watch a single movie of the extended lord of the rings trilogy, but the way I do it you'd be two thirds of the way there.

    So, in so many words, in so many ways, GANDALF HELP ME! lol

  • @thrawnpariah said in Banana Crate Quests Are Draining My Sanity.:

    I can't fall asleep so I did the research and crunched the numbers.

    There are 270 total loot able containers if you add up all the outposts and outposts only.

    On average I get 8 quests in 3 hours and 16 quests in 6 hours.

    There are 9 total possible quests that can be given as a message in a bottle quest. I have excluded coral messages in a bottle as I do not often pick flotsam, island, or shipwreck bottles which have been replaced with a varying frequency in the place of where old message in a bottle used to spawn.

    There is a 1 in 9 chance of getting the banana crate quest from a message in a bottle. As there are 9 possible quests that can be given.

    there is a 30 percent chance of getting a message in a bottle on any given outpost.

    Meaning there is a 3 percent chance of getting a banana crate quest from a message in a bottle. And... you have to do 50 of these, keeping in mind that where you will be delivering often time you will have to fight or stealth turn in because there is a ship at delivery station.

    Well, that is if all the quests have the same chance of occurring. Which they don't, at least they didn't as the wood crate quest was much rare than the fruit crate for instance.

    I got mine done by going through all the barrels on the outpost I spawned in, and going through almost every shipwreck and flotsam I encountered. Also helped with my fish commendations :) and stocking up my ship. Perhaps you should look through those instead of going to all the outposts only.

  • @thrawnpariah said in Banana Crate Quests Are Draining My Sanity.:

    Well, gonna log back on and try to find at least one more today.

    In the time it takes to server hop to get one chest, you could watch a single movie of the extended lord of the rings trilogy, but the way I do it you'd be two thirds of the way there.

    So, in so many words, in so many ways, GANDALF HELP ME! lol

    You're alive, you're well enough to sail
    that's a positive reality

    you have opportunity, in game and ability to game
    that's a positive reality

    you get to chase a goal through your passion today
    that's a positive reality

    The drive isn't your enemy. It's your companion in experience and adventure.

    Today is a beautiful day beyond anything I could explain in a post. You have the freedom and opportunity to spend time, and spend it how you wish. You will have other goals, they will come and go.. The things you will remember the most are the experiences on the way to the achievement. The value of the achievement is built on a foundation of memories. You will always be the one that knows most about what it took to get there, the piratical curator of your captaining.
    The story teller, the adventurer, the keeper

    Good luck.

  • Without these long, hard to complete challenges. I would of stop playing long ago.
    Keeps me going, gives me something to do when someone asks "What you wanna do?"

  • @thrawnpariah when wood crates were super rare I was average 1 wood crate quest per 100 hops. I would likely see 4 or 5 fruit crates im that time

  • @thrawnpariah so there driving you Bananas

  • @burnbacon Sure. I’m fine on with it being a commendation. However, the fact that it’s an achievement is what ruins it.

  • @lem0n-curry if the quests do not have the same chance of occurring, which when I think about it they probable don't then that means that either I have a higher chance of finding them or a an even lower chance. Yesterday I decided to share the misery and include regular crew in my past time of searching for banana crate quests much to their dismay lol. They brought up your advice and we started searching literally anything that remotely looked like a barrel in the water and islands we came across but the rate of success was barely any different. We did half the time but that was because we had more people searching a wider area so we did get one quest in 3 hours, but the lack of joy was evident every time we'd get a merchant quest and they'd see it was either a gunpowder, cannonball, or wood crate and not the fruit crate we were hoping for lol.

    @WolfManbush that was honestly quite beautiful and wish I could put that on one of the ship wall positions with the new update. Thank you. As written above I have started to drag other pirates into my hunt for the white whale, not the shrouded ghost of course as that is clearly a lie as witnessed by the adventure where we found out you can't actually hunt the shrouded ghost without offering all the other megalodon souls and even then it can never truly die like soap residue in my shower.

    @BurnBacon that is true, although in this case I think it may eventually lead to avarice as after little success over a long period we all decided we'd rather stop and fish for more excitement lol.

    @Captain Coel when I read your post I felt at first horror and then camaraderie in someone who feels the pain of this struggle to complete this achievement. I salute you, and thank you for your dedication to duty for completing that.

    @OtherFanboy rofl, when I read that they are driving me bananas I just woke up and realized well that succinctly hits the nail on the head and felt sweet vindication.

    @Jaisal100 we shall sally forth in the continuation of our quest to seek the grail.

  • Lock this thread, @ThrawnPariah just pinged like 10,000 people. @deckhands

    (Pinged the entire captain role / rank.)

  • @honestauntyelle apologize if I did, I didn't mean to if I did. I just did the "at" @ thing to conveniently reply. Honestly not trying to annoy anyone or anything here.

  • @thrawnpariah said in Banana Crate Quests Are Draining My Sanity.:

    @honestauntyelle apologize if I did, I didn't mean to if I did. I just did the "at" @ thing to conveniently reply. Honestly not trying to annoy anyone or anything here.

    Understand, it just needs to be fixed before this thread becomes a mess. Whoever set up the forums shouldn't have let that role be pingable.

  • @honestauntyelle Well thank you for bringing this to my attention, I honestly feel like an old man now as I have no idea what I did wrong. Honestly have ??? over my head right now, I'm just going to reply and not do any fancy characters from here on out as it is now clear I have no idea what I'm doing.

    I apologize to anyone and everyone that was inadvertently pinged by this, but I honestly have no idea what I did.

    Have a good week everyone, even though I think we can all agree we hate Mondays!

  • @thrawnpariah

    Sees this is a nothing burger. Goes back to sleep.

  • Hey thanks for pinging me. If you guys had to attach a pair of arms to a penguin, where would you put them? I'd probably go with underneath the wing flaps so they are like a little overcoat or cloak, but I also really like the idea of simply attaching fists to the wings too.

  • @dark-lord-karut oh my, I think he sent it out to every Captain rank on the forums... lol

  • @drizkillz

    I got an alert toolol

  • For a minute I thought someone cared about me

  • @thrawnpariah

    i burned out on the timelimited content. i was PL in a rather quick time, not super fast but ok, grinded to athena 10 with alliance servers to be ready for the coming content and tried to stay on top of the time limited content for collectors purposes and that eventually killed it for me. i couldnt keep up simply due to life stuff. i had to be at places and when out of luck couldnt get the stuff i wanted. so if you cant 'win' in this game why bother at all. everybody defines their own game - i was a collector and it broke the game for me. and when they introduced commendations but wouldnt implement the already done 'tales of glory' due to logging not being there from beginning, who would have thought?! kinda kills me the second time out of comlpetionist joy. if you cant 'win' at this game, why play? then they removed some commendations all together while you were in the middle of em. dagger to the heart. still love this game but it took a while.

    btw thx for the ping. love your story! :D xD

  • I thought someone was contacting me about my ship insurance…. Nevermind

  • @thrawnpariah said in Banana Crate Quests Are Draining My Sanity.:

    @ Captain Coel when I read your post I felt at first horror and then camaraderie in someone who feels the pain of this struggle to complete this achievement. I salute you, and thank you for your dedication to duty for completing that.

    @thrawnpariah if you're curious, this was your error, you tried tagging captain coel, but the space after "captain" cancelled it out, and you tagged everyone that has attained the "captain" rank on the forums, which is probably most people. Easy mistake to make, wouldn't worry about it.

    (I also added a space between "@" and "captain" in the quote from you, so that it would not tag the rank again.)

  • @thrawnpariah said in Banana Crate Quests Are Draining My Sanity.:

    @lem0n-curry if the quests do not have the same chance of occurring, which when I think about it they probable don't then that means that either I have a higher chance of finding them or a an even lower chance. Yesterday I decided to share the misery and include regular crew in my past time of searching for banana crate quests much to their dismay lol. They brought up your advice and we started searching literally anything that remotely looked like a barrel in the water and islands we came across but the rate of success was barely any different. We did half the time but that was because we had more people searching a wider area so we did get one quest in 3 hours, but the lack of joy was evident every time we'd get a merchant quest and they'd see it was either a gunpowder, cannonball, or wood crate and not the fruit crate we were hoping for lol.

    Well, when I did those I also did other things / completed other achievements. If all you want is a quest for a banana crate, its quest is just in that one barrel you didn't see or thought you already searched ...

    Just do other stuff, finding a banana quest will be a bonus.

  • @coyote4711 Thank you so much for reading my story, I greatly appreciate it. I waited forever and a day to become pirate legend, hell I even self sabotaged myself by re rolling my character and losing exclusive cosmetics that I didn't even know about 3 months of progress at the time lol. That being said I wouldn't trade my current character for anything now. I used to suffer the same tendencies with you towards those time limited contents, but as you say it just got to be too much and I kept getting burned out. I think ultimately I just decided on acquiring one full set and was like good, this is enough and that for me was the triumphant sea dog set and arena gear which is now unobtainable. I feel that this is the natural course of pirate evolution where you go from completion to being content with what you have. I am grateful that I got it and the grind was ultimately not only fun but revolutionary as I became an overall better captain and pirate. I will miss TDM forts forevermore.

    Sorry again to all as @FinnMyName has explained my ignorance with the captain spacing error I did. Now, it's like a lightbulb going off that I did space because I was typing while reading his gamer tag and didn't know it would ping everyone. Also know that I care about you and pirates like you, without you I'd never be able to complete SoT community events lol. I swear all pirates start as enemies and end as friends because of a good timed community event.

    Lunch ends, life calls, and somewhere out there a banana crate snickers, menacingly.

  • It’s sad I understand a little of this story I need to learn English more🥲

  • @finnmyname sagte in Banana Crate Quests Are Draining My Sanity.:

    For a minute I thought someone cared about me

    As a fellow Finn, you're my spirit animal

  • @thrawnpariah don’t search for them and you will find them...I got almost every session at least one of them by doing anything else and looking into barrely or getting the voyages from journals lying around...most times it expires it finished a long time ago

  • @schwammlgott Well, not searching for them is how it's now one of my last achievements, so I am focusing all my energies and all crew voyages toward it till it's done. I do envy you for getting it done a long time ago as it has only gotten harder with each year with the developers adding more possible voyages as potential message in a bottle quests. I should have pivoted toward it back in year one or after anniversary instead of kicking the can down the road. I mean in a way we are doing the old year one pvp voyages now going from outpost to outpost and stopping along the way to search thoroughly while working on other achievements that require lengthy time requirements so it's not a total loss but it is still a slog and I hope that I end up getting this before finishing the side achievements so I don't truly go bananas.

  • @thrawnpariah
    Did your banana crates madness lead you to assassinate Demarco?(im just asking u know mister t*)

  • @thrawnpariah sagte in Banana Crate Quests Are Draining My Sanity.:

    @schwammlgott Well, not searching for them is how it's now one of my last achievements, so I am focusing all my energies and all crew voyages toward it till it's done. I do envy you for getting it done a long time ago as it has only gotten harder with each year with the developers adding more possible voyages as potential message in a bottle quests. I should have pivoted toward it back in year one or after anniversary instead of kicking the can down the road. I mean in a way we are doing the old year one pvp voyages now going from outpost to outpost and stopping along the way to search thoroughly while working on other achievements that require lengthy time requirements so it's not a total loss but it is still a slog and I hope that I end up getting this before finishing the side achievements so I don't truly go bananas.

    I meant, if you go directly for that only, you will get frustrated...
    Also don’t look just at the I said, I have almost every session at least one of those voyages and I'm pretty sure I got them on other islands

    I'm not playing that often anymore lately, got a bit addicted to Outriders 😅
    But if I get a fruit crate voyage and I remember this I could invite you before turning it in...what's your timezone? I'm from austria, so CEST

  • The life of a merchant is one of tedium and half-asleep-sailing. This is just the fate of outmoded voyages.

  • @lw-butters I would do anything in my power to bring de marco back if it meant getting some form of Arena back. But, I mean he was just laying there at the sea dog tavern with that chocolate eating grin on his face. I mean what would you do? Also totally unrelated, can kraken stomach acid dissolve flintlocks? Just asking for a friend.

    @Schwammlgott I am doing other things but getting the quests has been the primary focus as I am running out of alternative and side achievements to do unfortunately. I am unfortunately in Central US time zone so we're worlds apart, but some day de marco may find me, break free those chains that bind me. Fruit crate voyages, I still love you in a way that I think I can change you, but ultimately knowing who needs a heart when a heart can be broken like flame heart word pasta in the sky. I am also dabbling in dead by daylight again and playing the Marauders beta for the next few days.

    @Donny Downer we were once merchants of death, now we are dead tired of trying to complete the outmoded voyages. I shall continue to persevere, cause as long as I know how to love grog I know I'll stay alive. A banana quest a day keeps the scurvy away, but may also cause mild bouts of hysteria.

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