I don't like blunder bombs

  • Hot take but I just don't like them. I think the reason why is because I remember the game without them. They're just sooo... annoying? I feel like double gunners make best use of them and double gunning is already annoying enough to deal with if you don't wanna run the optimal meta 1 step 2 tap instant kill everyone does. I love this game but I have trouble respecting the FPS action coming from other more hardcore games where headshots actually kill you. How do I put it.... I think blunderbombs just knock you around and annoy the heck outta me. I wish they only worked in canons rather than were some spammable finish a kill move you whip out - Though even then, I could do without them. I don't like soft or hard disables in any first person pvp game. Giving me PTSD to playing overwatch.

    Am I just a baby? do you love blunderbombs? I've given it a solid year+ to really form an opinion on them rather than just saying my gut instinct to complain about them on day 1. I can use them, I get kills with them but they're just soooo... cheap. So annoying tbh. I don't think it's needed or helps the game just frustrates many veterans and hardcore bullies new players.

  • 12
    feedbackgeneralxbox onequestionwindows 10
  • think blunderbombs just knock you around and annoy the heck outta me.

    If that is true. They are doing there job. :p
    Remember, if others (DG) can use them. So can you

  • @zappychan I don’t mind them tho I 100% get why people wouldn’t like them it dowse make a fight much easier but they are a bit of a two edged sword in tight spaces you can easily do more harm to yourself than the other plus you only get 5 at a time

  • @burnbacon said in I don't like blunder bombs:

    think blunderbombs just knock you around and annoy the heck outta me.

    If that is true. They are doing there job. :p
    Remember, if others (DG) can use them. So can you

    Yeah for sure but I also remember the time before we had to account for them and make use of them. I guess for me it feels more like an unfun mechanic that was tacked on making combat a little more annoying and less fluid. I think to some extent double gunners NEED them to win 1v4s but like ehhhh... It's already the most meta most powerful way to play so I hardly think it's needed.

    Blunders working as a mechanic to stop repairs I also kinda get but gosh is it annoying lol. I think people should be punished more for coming back on fresh ships/not bringing supplies like curses and chainballs. I hate sinking the same ship 3 times in a row or fresh spawns with nothing to lose. So again I wouldn't mind just not even having blunders, chainshots are already enough of a game changer imo

    I WILL concede blunders are great for a solo slooper who needs to get galleons or brigs off the cannons. It definitely is a clutch tool for the solos which is probably the only cool thing about them.

  • I never use them 🤷🏽‍♀️

  • @pithyrumble
    Missing out! Great Troll-y fun 😀

  • @fishyjoesalt said in I don't like blunder bombs:

    Missing out! Great Troll-y fun 😀

    Oh, I'm aware... it's my youngest's fave way of telling us he's done playing 😆

  • I only fight PvE enemies, so firebombs are more useful to me. I can't say I mind blunderbombs, but I also probably wouldn't notice if they disappeared one day.

  • I love them only because they are a very powerful defensive tool, they are great for keeping people off the ship, and the go to tucker checking tool! and if you are firing them from the cannon, they are really powerful, keeping people off of cannons anchor, and preventing mast repairs, but my favorite use in naval is keeping their team mate from reviving them after i one ball or hit them enough.

    I can entirely understand the frustration just from the receiving end of that, if some one does use them in such ways it can be a struggle to work around, but as a tool everyone has, the same can be done back.

    As a side note, a lot of people like using blunder bombs to knock people off of cannons, but personally i see that as a waste, cause if you can aim the blunder bomb at the enemies cannon, you might as well use a cannon ball and cause damage to the ship as well.

  • @like-500-ninjas

    I use ccb's and firebombs as extra decorations, similar to different lantern colors. There's a few different uses.

  • You don’t like blunder bombs probably because you die to them all the time, just be better

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