Lock the sword

  • Any one sick or PVP trying to get better then bang dubble gun still in the game after all this time can u please please for the love of all that holy lock it to one gun I love this game but it driving me mad

  • 28
  • From what I understand, if somebody is using double guns then it takes them double the length of time to reload. This gives you time to retaliate. I don’t see the issue of double wielding weapons.

  • i wish that were true but it is not there are so many videos to show people how it done on youtube even the twitch streamers are now having a hard time with it they try to put that in but people are finding ways around it sadly

  • Don't let them on your ship...

  • @pumpa-cat I have no problem with people rocking 2 guns. The issue is the animation cancelling. You can cancel not just the swapping animations, but a good chunk of the reload animation as well. This drastically reduces time to kill. Not only that it removes the possibility of someone healing off damage, as the shots are fired too quickly. It's not as though the sword gives you any means to catch someone double gunning, so they can run away at the same speed as you and reload at their leisure (assuming they didnt just outright kill you with their shots). Not a huge deal when you have a larger crew that can respond after their first 2 shots, but if you are solo vs solo you may as well scuttle as soon as one of these players gets on your ship because you are about to be camped and killed repeatedly.

    I really have never understood the arguments for allowing this. If there was a way to skip cannon load times and fire at a faster rate, or skip repair times, or bucket cancelling, people would be up in arms. Yet, animation cancelling with guns continues to thrive. There's a reason all the top PvP streamers do it. If the weapons were balanced, people would be using swords at high levels, but they don't. This should be a clear indication that, provided you have decent aim (its not hard to hit these massive pirate hitboxes), double gunning is superior to using a sword.

  • been playing the game a long time I not best at pvp but I know not to let some one bord it hard when solo sloping though

  • @pithyrumble easier said than done in practice, especially as a solo slooper. More importantly it doesn't invalidate anything being said. Take the recent invincibility bug that cause enemy ships to launch out of arenas when someone doing it touches your ladder... The same could simply be said about them. Don't let them on your ship. Does that make it ok? no not at all

  • @pumpa-cat said in Lock the sword:

    From what I understand, if somebody is using double guns then it takes them double the length of time to reload. This gives you time to retaliate. I don’t see the issue of double wielding weapons.

    Well that's if you play this game like Quake and bunny hop 24/7 then yes. But against someone really good, they will have much better situational awareness, will lure you to a position comfortable for them and use the two guns to finish you off? The important part is to hit the shot with Pistol/Eye of the reach and then just run up close and m1 for the finish I would imagine.
    Obviously sounds easier said than done, but players that are good know how to use this for its strengths.

    Now, please don't get me wrong, I am not complaining about skill. I don't really care for the competitive PVP of SoT either, but from what I hear there are exploits involved and it takes practice to do them. Which imo is rather messed up.

    Any 'sweats' here would care to explain how it is done and if such claims are true false?

    But yeah, I think sword lock would reduce the ridiculous Quake like bunny hopping and improve immersion. Or just improved gunplay, maybe new weapons?

  • @cmeastonfection to be fair I have seen so many people hit 2 shot so fast that I can't even move and there not meant to be a super one-shot kill unless blunder super up close it just puts me off the game pvp is meant to be about skill and all I am getting, again and again, is quick change guns and two shots and I am dead even if I jump around like a mad man I even tried blunder bombs to get them off the ship and that a hole other problem that needs to be fixed with shooting them out a cannon love the game to pieces I just think something needs to be fixed in a bad way

  • @zig-zag-ltu its very simple to do, so don't listen to anyone that tells you it takes skill. Simply sprint a step forward after pressing your swap key and you can instantly raise your other weapon sights and shoot again. I assume the reload cancel works the same

  • @zig-zag-ltu yeah I just wish rare would fix it somehow I've been on this game for years thanks for the feedback it just bugs me is all thank u all it means a lot I will try to chill out just feel a little burned out is all

  • @rambrissot agreed. RARE has ignored this problem for a long time. I assume because many of the top streamers do it and they're huge for promoting the game for them. RARE probably doesn't want to do anything that would affect their ability to dump on people in fear of them leaving the game.

  • Double gun is not the issue. The desync / hitreg issues on the sword are.

    The sword was supposed to be:

    "you get hit, you cant swing back. "

    The sword now is:

    "Just spam m1 Imao"

    They would have to fix the core technical netcode issues first before doing anything gameplay design wise.

  • @cmeastonfection said in Lock the sword:

    @zig-zag-ltu its very simple to do, so don't listen to anyone that tells you it takes skill. Simply sprint a step forward after pressing your swap key and you can instantly raise your other weapon sights and shoot again. I assume the reload cancel works the same

    Hmm, thank you will try it out next time I play just out of curiosity. Imo what people might mean with skill is that this is an alien technique to shoot a weapon, no FPS or a game that involves gunplay benefits your aim/weapon accuracy while sprinting and especially you don't do it irl. So learning something unnatural and aiming at the same time could take some getting used to if it makes sense what I said?

    Btw, so what is first most commonly? Pistol/EOR - sprint/swap-shoot blundy? Or the other way around?

    Also, if let's say you use EOR, especially holding a corner on a ship, from what range roughly would blundy become a guaranteed kill since you only need like 3 pellets to hit?

  • @zig-zag-ltu Blundy needs all shots to hit to instant kill.

    To perform the cancel, you do not continue to sprint. You just tap your sprint key once + forward then ADS + M1. Most commonly people use blundy + either gun. If you are on a enemy ship, the blunderbuss is gonna typically take someone below 50% no matter what, meaning either gun will kill. It also knocks people back and into the air, making the follow up shot easier to land. The sweatiest of sweats usually take the EoR simply because it does most damage and doesn't actually require you to ADS to get an accurate shot. You can just spam M2 to flick the rifle up and fire at mid-screen instantly

  • @cmeastonfection Thank you for the insight dude. Btw ADS as in - left+right+back or aiming down sight? I'd assume its the second.

  • @zig-zag-ltu aim down sights

  • @i-jusa-i This is a different issue entirely. The game has more than one problem lol. No reason to declare that double gun animation canceling is not a problem because this sword issue exists. We should expect to have both resolved.

  • @rambrissot I agree double gunning is lazy and is full of exploits

  • @cmeastonfection Well I do agree, I would like to see the animation cancel being one. It doesnt feel like anything skillful, rather it feels like exploiting a bug, not in a fun (rocket jumpy- bhoppy- way, as those were techincally bugs too but more "skillful" to use)

  • Multiple swords are driving me mad as well yet you don’t see me saying to nerf the sword, do you?

  • If they did that, it would upset a LOT of people, which would be a bad idea. As well its easy enough to deal with double gunners with a sword and pistol, if they are on blunder either bait them to fire before using the sword, or keep your distance and use pistol. A lot of sword players say double gun is op, a lot of double gunners say sword is op.

  • Forget DG
    Tired of those wannabe mermaids throwing firebombs and not shooting cannons

    Get out of the water and fight me!

  • @goldsmen they would but it think it make the game better there not skill in exploiting the game but i am sure there some with the swords to

  • @rambrissot said in Lock the sword:

    @goldsmen they would but it think it make the game better there not skill in exploiting the game but i am sure there some with the swords to

    Thats the point, you think it would make the game better, but many others think it would not. Rare cant change something that a LOT of people love just because some people think changing it would be better.

    As well if you are trying to say that double gunning is an exploit, since it is a skill that everyone can do, and is intended, its not an exploit, but if your talking about the little sprint trick, thats a different matter than double gunning as a whole.

  • @goldsmen We are not here to look for gameplay tips, thank you tho.

  • @i-jusa-i said in Lock the sword:

    @goldsmen We are not here to look for gameplay tips, thank you tho.

    Pointing out that double gunning is not as op as people think and can be countered with sword, is well within the context of the thread my friend.

  • @i-jusa-i said in Lock the sword:

    @goldsmen We are not here to look for gameplay tips, thank you tho.

    You may not be. But I look for gameplay tips in every thread/post I read. I’ve learned a lot just by reading comments made by others that are not necessary about gaming tips.

11 out of 28