FS Piracy | 10/24 | Guild Level 351

  • @thtprtyaniml It's still pending. You'll need to add me for it to show up :)

  • @rafikifsr ahh okay, will do.

  • I do a lot of solo slooping, but would love to join. My username is milertime624.

  • @milertime624 Invites sent - remember to add me for the invitation to show :)

  • I’ll like to join, if you have any open spots

  • Id like to join IGN: Willough7172

  • I would like to join please! IGN: JTRAIN9

  • Hello my username is Primopie3300134 and i would like to join, thank you!

  • @RafikiFSR @IPanduroI May I join this guild? I have 1200 hours and a very active player; I hope to help get the guild maxed out and in the gold tier every month. My xbox gt is tiscolin.

  • @tiscolin @PrimoPie3300134 @JTRAIN9 @Willough7172 @Mad Maverickk

    FS Piracy is full, but FS Piracy II still has available spots, yeah.

    Invites to guild and Discord sent if interested - remember to add me for the invitation to show :)

  • Hi. Just a small update, FS Piracy III added to the post with some short information about. Secondly we are as an experiment trying out "Wild Card" spots for the main guild FS Piracy with 4 spots over a two week cycle available.

    Let us know if you want a Discord invitation for more information.

    Have a nice weekend :-)

  • Id be interested in joining! My discord is stankr and my xbox gamertag is kxydoe. Just recently moved from PC to Xbox and am on a brand new account. Have over 100 hours on PC and about 5 or so hours on Xbox currently. Id be happy to fit in anywhere youd be willing to take me although would prefer FS Piracy or FS Piracy II

  • I would be interested in joining FS Piracy (Lvl. 226). Please let me know or message me on Xbox at LaughingSkull. Thanks.

  • I'd be interested in joining FS Piracy. Message me here or on discord (j.i.m.i)

  • Good to hear! We have two available spots. You have been invited
    @kxydoe and @LaughingSkull.

    Let me know if you'd like to Join FS Piracy II and be first on the waiting list @Jim7874 - there'll likely be spots opening up soon enough in FS Piracy.

  • @rafikifsr I'll join the waiting list, thank you :)

  • @jim7874 Invites sent - remember to add me for the invitation to show :)

  • We've 8 spots available for the main guild for anyone interested, preferable pirates ready for the upcoming Community Weekend :-)

  • Hi there! I'm interested in joining the FS Piracy guild you have posted! I have 500+ allegiance, almost 1000 hours. Gamertag-lemurmilk4490. Look forward from hearing from you!

  • @rafikifsr Hello, I would like to join your guild. I am relatively new to the game (almost 100 hours), but I am very active and willing to learn new things. I would say I am decent at PvP. I am a captain of a Sloop. My ingame name is matodreamer.

  • @lemurmilk4490-6 @matodreamer

    Sounds good! You've both been invited in-game to the guild and should have received an invitation to the Discord if interested via Xbox message :-)

    You'll need to add me for the guild invitation to show up.

  • Hello!

    I would like to join! My gt is Rocciafella

  • can I get an invite to the guild please?

  • Me and my Fellow Crew Mates TheRealDale3876 and Zilusis are intrested on joining your guild if there is still room!!!

  • @Rocciafella @RnG Porto @LatchedSole3635

    Invites sent :-)

  • Hey there.
    I am interested in joining your Guild!

  • ill like to join this guild !

  • Thanks for the interest here and in dm's, I'm sorry for the lack of answers. The guild is in a bit of a hold atm, but I'm sure we'll be on full billow and recruiting soon again!

  • hey! are yall still recruiting? id love to join

  • Looking for a guild to grind guild commendations!

  • i would like to join if the spot is availablei would like to join FS Piracy

  • invite me pls

  • I'd like to join FS Piracy if you have room.
    I'm a day 1 pirate with around 2000 hours on the sea. I've recently returned to SoT and since most of my usual crew is not playing at the moment, I'm looking for new crewmates to sail with.

    I'm playing PC in EU time zone.
    Tag: CapnFriis

  • I would like to join your guild.

  • May I get invite to guild i just started playing again two days go after taking three month break.

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