Twitch Drop Voyage - Chest of the Shrouded Light

  • Here’s the deal: players have to hunt down a mysterious chest that can only be picked up after raising their lit lantern, similar to how they interact with the Shadow Skeletons to attack and defeat them.

    Once you drop or let go of the chest, it turns ghostly, and you’ll need to raise your lantern again to grab it.

    Here’s how it could work:

    • The voyage would be available only during Twitch drop events, allowing players to earn one voyage per drop season.
    • Additionally, could make the chest spawn as a rare drop after completing world events (Not raid events), with a spawn rate similar to the Shrouded Ghost.
    • In Hourglass mode, players could find it after sinking enemy ships, keeping that rarity intact.
    • Selling the Chest: Players could sell the Chest of the Shrouded Light to Sudds for a hefty 100,000 gold.


    • Sell 5 Chests of the Shrouded Light
    • Sell 50 Chests of the Shrouded Light
    • Sell 100 Chests of the Shrouded Light

    Crew Mechanics: To add a bit of teamwork, only the player who sells the chest gets credit for their commendation. So, everyone on the crew needs to dig up and sell their own chests.

    Pros of this idea:

    • It could boosts engagement by encouraging players to jump into the game when Twitch drops are running and hunt for the chest.

    • It promotes teamwork since crew members will need to work together to find and sell their own chests.

    • The gold reward and commendations give players some solid motivation to participate.

    • Having it as a rare spawn for completing world events and Hourglass mode gives players who could not participate in the drop event a way to obtain the Chest. This could boost engagement for participating in world events and Hourglass mode while keeping the spawn rate similar to that of the Shrouded Ghost or close to it.

    Potential drawbacks:

    • Some players might get frustrated if they can’t pick up the chest after dropping it, especially in chaotic moments.

    • Risk of Theft: Some players may have their chest stolen and be upset about it.

    Here some Commendation Titles ideas:

    • Curious Collector: Sell 5 Chests of the Shrouded Light.
    • Radiant Discoverer: Sell 10 Chests of the Shrouded Light.
    • Ghostly Gatherer: Sell 25 Chests of the Shrouded Light.
    • Spectral Voyager: Sell 50 Chests of the Shrouded Light.
    • Treasure Sentinel: Sell 75 Chests of the Shrouded Light.
    • Mystery Master: Sell 100 Chests of the Shrouded Light.
    • Echoes of Light: Complete the first voyage involving the Chest of the Shrouded Light.
    • Phantom Pursuer: Successfully pick up a Chest of the Shrouded Light 10 times.
    • Luminary Adventurer: Use light to reveal the Chest of the Shrouded Light in 25 different matches.
    • Shadow Helper: Assist crew members in finding 10 Chests of the Shrouded Light.
  • 7
    windows 10xbox oneeventscommunityfeedback
  • The idea is not bad, but 100000 for a chest without event bonuses is impossible (maybe 10000-20000) , it also seems unfair to me to sell so many chests only personally, if there were a few of them, then it would make sense, but selling about 100 rare chests is equivalent to stealing 100 chests of fortune from FOTD . Well, an hourglass cannot assume treasures, treasures cannot move under the waves

  • @odin299, the 'only the player who sells the chest gets credit for their commendation' rule was mainly to prevent server alliances from farming it on day one.

    The hourglass part was about how, when you sink another player's ship, there's a rare chance the chest could appear alongside the barrels that spawn.

  • @uluckyhitreg Servers with alliances will still be able to get and sell it, just like on a regular server, this will not change the situation.
    I think it's not right for this chest to appear from a defeated enemy after an hourglass battle, it's not logical. Since the team that wins the battle is more likely to go to the next battle than take the chest to the center of the map, they will get the right amount of gold by winning faster than sail 30 minutes from one end of the map to the other

  • Having a chest of shadows sounds fun. remove it from the Twitch FOMO, and adjust the rewards/commendations

  • I like the Idea, but if the commendation only counts for one pirate of the crew, this will turn out terrible.
    For example when the stolen orb of secrets only counted for one pirate there was already an outcry from the playerbase, but that was only one orb.
    Now imagine having to do that 100 times.

  • I already hate twitch drops enough as is, don't make it worse

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3 out of 7