The Skull of Siren song needs a rework.

  • The Skull of Siren Song Voyage (SOSS from here on out) is a piece of content that I think has a lot of unrealized potential at the moment. When everything works as intended SOSS can be one of the most fun pieces of content the game has to offer. Those first few SOSSs I did when it came out were some of the most fun I've had in this game in a while. The problem is SOSS is only any fun when other crews are doing it with you, and as most of you knew that's rarely the case anymore. I think there's several things that have caused this. So I wanna break down what i think these are and what could be done to fix it.

    I think the first thing that people think of as the reason they don't do SOSS anymore is that the rewards aren't worth it. After you've completed your comms there's nothing for you to get besides 50k and a little guild rep. My idea for a fix would be to bring the skull in line with other siren treasure and have it give reputation to whatever faction you have an emissary up for (and also give the emissary bonus). The skull of siren song is one of the only loot items that doesn't progress any of your companies. An item that's potentially worth 150k of rep for whatever faction you want would be well worth grinding the quest out. And it would vastly increase the likelihood you would be contested (which is the point of the content).

    Rare needs to lift the veil a bit on this voyage so to speak. Currently, if you haven't accepted the voyage at your mast you cannot see any of the items on the map or beacons in the sky. I think this is kind of a bad design choice. If rare wants only the crews actively participating to be able to see it, then they need to either require at least one other crew to accept it before it starts and/or show the number of crews participating on the mast or something. I would love to able to see if someone has started digging pieces up without having to vote up the voyage every time.
    In a similar vain here you can't turn in the skull if you aren't participating in the voyage. I think this is also bad. If you sink boat and realize they had the skull of siren song aboard you might be completely unable to turn it in. If you previously declined the voyage or the skull outdates the current voyage on your mast then you cant turn it in at all! The skull should automatically add your crew to voyage it's on your boat.

    New players have no clue how this thing works. So many times I've seen a locked chest of siren song dug up and brought to the gold hoarders. I've seen even more players take the skull to the order of souls. Most of these players give up and leave these items at the outpost. Now I'm not exactly sure the best way to fix this without being to hand-holdy but maybe we could give a players a ghostly note in their map wheel with instructions for the voyage that can be read at anytime.

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  • All good and valid points hope they will rework SoSS a little bit but its Rare so probably not a chance.

  • Some changes it probably should have launched with was giving rep for at least athenas or reapers if you had one of those flags up (if not all factions), a gold and rep boost to its value relative to the number of people who are challenging it. And some sort of tie in with hourglass. And possibly a lighter type of leaderboard system with rewards, something like the emissary leaderboards but not as demanding of your time.

    Most rewards it offers arnt even worth the time, just the mask if you got something it goes with, the ship cosmetics are not that enticing.

  • Typically having each piece half-way across the map doesn't help either. I know no one else is doing it. I don't want to either at that point. (Moreso than I don't want to fight...)

  • Another. “Nobody does PvP content and it’s boring”
    More rewards, players will just rush them and once again ack to square one.

    It was a fine idea but it has no story build or even an end. There needs to be pve threats that appear more when doing it. You shouldn’t be allowed to do other voyages when you sign up.
    Set a timer between picking up the key and chest. Before its lost

  • Totally agree that because there's not much reward to it almost nobody does it. IMO it should give a significant rep boost to whatever emissary you're flying AND also give the winning crew a quest to a random "power" item. An ancient keg, a horn of fair winds, an obsidian ashen skull, wraithballs, or even flamheart's sword would be pretty cool and would incentivize some players such as myself to participate more often.

  • Imo they should have given cofs a rest after grade 5 and switched over to 30 siren song turn ins added per season with new cosmetics.

    They have an event that needs a boost and one that is becoming a disincentive as the requirement gets too large for newer and casual players.

    30 siren songs a season and cof in a couple of different events would be a lot more varied activity than people just farming player activated fotds.

5 out of 7