opt-in friendly fire in safer seas

  • With the addition of safer seas comes in my opinion a great opportunity to have a closed off one-crew playground.
    The addition of a opt-in vote to enable friendly-fire would improve the range of use cases for safer-seas, allowing players to test out new guns and combat mechanics, invent their own little gamemodes or just goof around.
    This toggle could be implemented similarly to the "change crew type" vote in the crew menu, with maybe enabled revives and purple name tags like in an alliance.

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  • I would love it. And oppurtuinity to train close conbat would be benefitial to players.

  • @ghutar
    Both for training and also as a warm up/testing/etc for a premade crew. I don't see how it would negatively effect HS either. I agree.

  • No exclusive features for safer seas, certainly ones that create tdm farms.

  • @tesiccl
    I wouldn't see an issue with tdm-ing and how and what it would "farm". It would actually be better to move people trying to set up tdms to safer seas, because currently the usual way to set up a tdm would be through HG (afaik), creating unfair matches and clogged up queues.
    And while I definitely agree that safer seas shouldn't have any exclusive features, I wouldn't consider this a full on "feature" more like a small quality-of-life addition.

  • @tesiccl
    If all PvP commendations/rewards are disabled, there's no issue really. As long you have nothing to be rewarded for/nothing to cash in, that by default means you're not farming anything.

    And on top of that, OP didn't ask for multi-crews. It's just one crew, so there's not even more ships involved. Just 1.

  • @r3vanns oh yeah right the commendations, I agree. Disable all the commendations and milestones for it, like how many other features are disabled in safer seas and it shouldn't be a problem.

    Also yeah only one crew of course, adding multiple ships to safer seas would defeat the point and be more complex to implement.

  • They already said. SS won’t have features just for it unless HS also has which atm don’t see HS having it.

  • @burnbacon
    "They" keep saying a lot of stuff all the time (remember SS?). Still doesn't change the fact this could be a good training option, and SS is a training mode.

    Also, there is no point in adding this to HS, as it wouldn't make any sense. Not just atm, ever.

  • @tesiccl said in opt-in friendly fire in safer seas:

    No exclusive features for safer seas, certainly ones that create tdm farms.

    Put it in both.

    You could only tdm 2v2 at best. Not really a big drain on pvp in Adventure.

  • @th3-tater said in opt-in friendly fire in safer seas:

    @tesiccl said in opt-in friendly fire in safer seas:

    No exclusive features for safer seas, certainly ones that create tdm farms.

    Put it in both.

    You could only tdm 2v2 at best. Not really a big drain on pvp in Adventure.

    I mean, this suggestion and the entire discussion is a really good example on how limited (as the most polite way to describe it) and stubborn Rare's ideology is (for no SS exclusive feature).

    You created a training mode, that lacks a lot of stuff from HS anyways. And also on top of that, what could be very useful for actual training, you won't allow it simply because it might not make sense having it on HS?

    Well yea, make it exclusive for SS if it's for training purposes, takes nothing away from HS, and doesn't affect HS progression.

    You don't have training dummies in Apex Legends laying around the regular map, but have them in the training mode. Cuz, you know.... it makes sense. Imagine, they're for training purposes! /facepalm

  • @bread9298 I don't think they will ever bring in features unique to safer seas, but this would be a welcome option to the game in general.

  • Having crew TDM is a reg suggestion overwhelming surported by the forum. There is about 5 people who pour cold water on it with things like "it would cause toxic behavoiur " or What if you are TDMing and combat starts " with no real argument for either aside from the assertion.

    A TDM emote like the make friends emot or target on each ship to vote on makes it opt in. PvE or PVP damage would break the TDM mode, or the TDM mode has seperate health bar that causes a breif death emote when exhausted. Food recharges the second bar.

    See no reason why it should not be in both modes.

  • I believe this suggestion is entirely valid and should be considered.

    • Stops hourglass from getting clogged
    • Newer people would learn the more important pvp element (if somebody that is decent at tdming boards your ship, and you've not fought people hand to hand once, you're most likely to sink)
    • Introduce this to high seas too, but disable all potential pvp commendations on SS.
      Note, by having it be something you select or vote for, and as we know, a majority of the important things on this game require all votes of the active crew, I believe this is fair.
      However, if somebody records a situation with their crewmate killing them over and over again despite being told to stop, then I assume necessary actions would be taken.
  • @x-auro1996 said in opt-in friendly fire in safer seas:

    • Stops hourglass from getting clogged

    Stops what the who?! Have you played HG lately? You have to wait 20 to 30 mins to get in a fight.

    Enough with these SS requirements if young bucks want to learn let them pick a real fight on HS, you never learn from those that know less than you.

  • @metal-ravage said in opt-in friendly fire in safer seas:

    @x-auro1996 said in opt-in friendly fire in safer seas:

    • Stops hourglass from getting clogged

    Stops what the who?! Have you played HG lately? You have to wait 20 to 30 mins to get in a fight.

    Enough with these SS requirements if young bucks want to learn let them pick a real fight on HS, you never learn from those that know less than you.

    You know there's a lot of people who invite over new players, a.k.a. their friends? How a new player can know more than a friend that invited them who is playing for like a year? And that's just one of the possible examples.

    On top of that, by the fact that you're saying they allegedly have to wait for 20-30 min to get into a "real fight" (oooo, what a tough guy), that basically means they'll keep getting hammered by better players AND they have to wait for longer to be beaten again in a fight that lasts few minutes, while having time to learn nothing from it. You're actually giving a good example why this would be a good addition to the game.

    What an absolute nonsense take lol. You have no clue what you're talking about, and it shows.

  • @r3vanns said in opt-in friendly fire in safer seas:

    @metal-ravage said in opt-in friendly fire in safer seas:

    @x-auro1996 said in opt-in friendly fire in safer seas:

    • Stops hourglass from getting clogged

    Stops what the
    You know there's a lot of people who invite over new players, a.k.a. their friends? How a new player can know more than a friend that invited them who is playing for like a year?

    On top of that, by the fact that you're saying they allegedly have to wait for 20-30 min to get into a "real fight" (oooo, what a tough guy), that basically means they'll keep getting hammered by better players AND they have to wait for longer to be beaten again in a fight that lasts few minutes, while having time to learn nothing from it. You're actually giving a good example why this would be a good addition to the game.

    What an absolute nonsense take lol. You have no clue what you're talking about, and it shows.

    An "experienced" friend that plays SS for a year can't teach anything to a new player. SS is just an extended tutorial.

    As for HG I would suggest new players to stay away from it until they can play HS properly. It's just common sense, don't be so sensitive about it.

  • @metal-ravage said in opt-in friendly fire in safer seas:

    @r3vanns said in opt-in friendly fire in safer seas:

    @metal-ravage said in opt-in friendly fire in safer seas:

    @x-auro1996 said in opt-in friendly fire in safer seas:

    • Stops hourglass from getting clogged

    Stops what the
    You know there's a lot of people who invite over new players, a.k.a. their friends? How a new player can know more than a friend that invited them who is playing for like a year?

    On top of that, by the fact that you're saying they allegedly have to wait for 20-30 min to get into a "real fight" (oooo, what a tough guy), that basically means they'll keep getting hammered by better players AND they have to wait for longer to be beaten again in a fight that lasts few minutes, while having time to learn nothing from it. You're actually giving a good example why this would be a good addition to the game.

    What an absolute nonsense take lol. You have no clue what you're talking about, and it shows.

    An "experienced" friend that plays SS for a year can't teach anything to a new player. SS is just an extended tutorial.

    As for HG I would suggest new players to stay away from it until they can play HS properly. It's just common sense, don't be so sensitive about it.

    Tell me you didn't read without telling me. You're again projecting something literally nobody mentioned here.

    The point of the topic is not playing in SS and having any progress benefits from it.

    It's about people, both experienced and inexperienced, using SS as a training mode. And that would include trying features and strategies, as a crew. Might include 2v2 TDM as well (with no rewards/commendations/progress).

    Also, who said that friend plays for a year in SS? Cuz I didn't. I said a player that is (again, only as an example) playing for 1 year (HS, not SS), wanna do some training with their friend in SS (you know, a training mode. Should I spell it again? TRAINING MODE. There you go.) to prepare them better for HS.

    As for HG I would suggest new players to stay away from it until they can play HS properly. It's just common sense, don't be so sensitive about it.

    "As for HG, I would suggest not playing PvP to learn PvP. Instead to play PvE to learn PvP. And then get into HG and wait for 30min. To be killed in 5min, and learn nothing". There is no common sense at all here, no matter how much you try to cope. xD

  • @r3vanns The concept of PVP on demand seems to escape you, friend, just as much as the fact that SOT is a pvepvp game.

    Anyway fair winds to you and try to take it easy.

  • @metal-ravage said in opt-in friendly fire in safer seas:

    @r3vanns The concept of PVP on demand seems to escape you, friend, just as much as the fact that SOT is a pvepvp game.

    Anyway fair winds to you and try to take it easy.

    It doesn't escape me. PvP on demand remains on HS, and is there for all people to access it when they feel ready to do so just as you hinted (I actually agree with this point that you mentioned, after learning HS properly). In the meantime, however, they could benefit from a feature suggested here to be just a bit better prepared for it. That's all there is to it.

    Fair winds to you as well mate!

  • @bread9298 said in opt-in friendly fire in safer seas:

    With the addition of safer seas comes in my opinion a great opportunity to have a closed off one-crew playground.
    The addition of a opt-in vote to enable friendly-fire would improve the range of use cases for safer-seas, allowing players to test out new guns and combat mechanics, invent their own little gamemodes or just goof around.
    This toggle could be implemented similarly to the "change crew type" vote in the crew menu, with maybe enabled revives and purple name tags like in an alliance.

    I’m not completely against the idea of what would essentially be tdm on demand, but it would without a doubt lead to many players on the seas simply shooting each other on their own boat, probably for hours and hours. For one, there’s no reason this should be SS exclusive. For two, Rare would have to decide if they’re okay with many of their servers containing significant portions of the population off in some corner of the map practicing tdm, essentially not participating in the gameplay loop.

    Again, I’m not really against the friendly fire toggle, I’d use it myself, but there’s zero doubt that this would lead to servers consisting of nothing much more than tdm matches. Is that what we want? If someone doesn’t think people will tdm all day, then they must be unaware of the hoops players jump through in order to get on the same server (different ship) in order to tdm their hearts out.

  • My main argument for not requesting this for high seas (not that I think that it couldn't be implemented) is the fact that adding this to SS requires extremely little effort, just add another vote toggle in the menu and disable the commendations for killing crew members and such. Adding it to high seas would require adding more restrictions so it couldn't be abused or something like that. Its just a very easy thing to add from which many people can profit (content creators: fast way to test new weapons/pvp features; tdmers; people just wanting to try something out in a undisturbed sandbox).
    This also wouldn't really have an impact on HG, I think, as it wont rival the "normal" naval pvp mechanics, reputation systems or general competitive setting. Similarly to how custom matches in Counter-Strike wont take away players from ranked modes (maybe bad example but ya get it).

    I also want to reiterate that yes this feature was definitely suggested with "on demand tdm" in mind it is far from the only use case. I personally always really enjoy people analyzing the details of the combat mechanics in games like these (for hunt:showdown for example on youtube: cornf and HuntLab) and I have not seen that kind of analysis in SoT yet. Giving creators and players the tools to test features out without having to server-hop for ages would help with this.

  • @capt-greldik With Rare itself proudly describing this game as a "sandbox" I am regularly surprised with the opposition towards anything thats not "the main gameplay loop". You could argue that that gameplay loop is already split up with most PvP-willing people being in HG, and Adventure mode feeling very empty sometimes. So yes I do agree that splitting the player-base up (like it currently is) can be problematic sometimes, but I definitely don't think that it would take away any significant player-base from the adventure gamemode.

    For one, there’s no reason this should be SS exclusive.

    While I don't think its impossible to implement this nicely in high seas I think it would come with significant challenges like you said yourself:

    servers containing significant portions of the population off in some corner of the map practicing tdm

    It being "isolated" in their own server gives it much more of a "custom match" or "training area/shooting range" vibe, rather then "those weird tdm-ers shooting at each other in the corner of the map again".

  • Wr could finally have an honest to gods mutiny mechanic 🥳

    Don't like that blowhard captain? Vote up tdm with the rest of the crew and have at them! Harr harr!

  • I’ve suggested this before and there is no reason it can’t or shouldn’t be done in HS too.

    Simple: EVERYONE on the crew must vote to opt in to allow friendly fire. (Using the in game menu) But any single ONE vote from a crew-mate cancels the friendly fire.

    This way if any ONE person is not feeling good about the situation, is attacked by another crew, is upset, or crew decides they want to do something else, then they can cancel it at any time. It is a safe way to deal with adding friendly fire. No need to deal with reports for toxic behavior - just disable it on demand.

    It is such a simple change that wouldn’t take much dev time and can help a lot of players out. Practice is great and this is a great way to add it.

    For anyone in disagreement- it has literally has ZERO impact on the way YOU play the game because you will never opt in.. meaning you will NEVER be in a situation where a teammate is able to kill you. So to disagree for the sake of disagreeing is wrong.

  • Nah.
    Especially if captains get kick options eventually. 😈 Built in counter play!
    immersion (jazz hands 👐)

  • @bread9298 I’ve always wanted to do PvP duels with my crew members to practice and keep us on our toes

  • @bleu-solo foulproof solution there! Love it.

  • @tesiccl those tdm 'farms' would be both fun and beneficial for those people who want to tdm rather then naval and if it's only in safer seas it wont hurt others like it does atm

  • If people wanna practice with their buddies, let'em

    I'd rather people practice with people that want to participate than a bunch of new players gettin' camped as practice. Only so many encounters in adventure and a small percentage of those are truly competitive for everyone involved.

    Let people pirate paintball their friends that are cool with it.

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