Random disconnects all the time (hazelnutbeard)

  • We started playing again after the crouch and disguises update dropped and since then, me and all my friends have been experiencing random disconnects with the error code "hazelnutbeard".

    I'd like to note that we are unsure if those problems started occuring after that major update. It's been a while since we played again (about 8 months)

    We are playing from Greece and the average ping is 110. Although the ping is relatively high, we doubt its the cause since another friend in Germany with 50 ping is also suffering from it.

    To this day, we still get those disconnects and it gets pretty annoying. At least one of us gets kicked/disconnected on each game session. Sometimes one random of us gets kicked after 1.5 hours of gameplay, and other times we both get kicked at the same time with the same hazenutbeard error. There's another type of disconnect that's being caused by EAC, but thats not as common as the hazenutbeard one.

    We got different builds, different locations and different ISP's so it's most certainly not an issue from our side.

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  • My friends and i on the PlayStation 5 had many crashes in the first month when playing with cross play on and using in game chat.
    I have to say since the latest update in November enabling all the disguises etc. I haven't experienced a crash yet. Maybe it's fixed? (Thanks!)

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