Introduction of "Privated ship" (READ FULLY BEFORE COMMENTING)

  • Privated ships (name pending) is a new addition to sea of thieves, Privated ships are a new form of ship exclusive to safer seas, a middle ground between captained ships and non captained ships, with a privated ship you have all the cosmetic benefits of a captained ship (can place trinkets save cosmetic designs so you can get sailing quicker) and also have the ability to sell to the sovereigns, however unlike captained ships you cant do battle for the sea of thieves nor can you get in as part of a trading company everything else remains the same.

    Possible change however a 10% reduction in selling to the sovereigns this goes for rep and gold too, obvious one any PVP related stuff is still also unavailable for obvious reasons

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  • This is redundant and the same as asking for Captained ships in Safer Seas, which is more likely to happen depending on if Rare wants to allow it or not.

    They aren't going to create a duplicate function, and Safer Seas has already been stated to not have exclusive functionality that is not available in the rest of the game.

  • also have the ability to sell to the sovereigns

    Nope that High Sea perk.

  • @d3adst1ck the only exclusive thing is the name, its esentially the captained ship minus a single feature and posible POSIBLE deduction when selling to sovereigns

  • I was originally in favour of limited Captaincy on Safer Seas (similar to your suggestion, but a Captained ship with no Milestone tracking) as the only change that should have been made to that mode.

    But, with the proposed changes happening in December, I don't see it happening. Rare is sending a clear message that Safer Seas is not intended to be a long-term mode, but a short-term introduction to the game. Adding any form of Captaincy goes against that messaging, unfortunately.

    That said, I do think they could add trinket placement and Decoration to Chartered ships (both on Safer Seas and High Seas) but without saving them, obviously. That would be a small QoL adjustment that I think would give a taste of Captaincy without the main benefits - naming, saving customisations, Sovereigns, stat tracking (logbook), Milestones, Guilds, and extra supplies.

  • The announced changes make the devs stance even clearer on the intention for safer seas. They want it to be an early learning platform with the intent of moving onto high seas. Adding more features to safer seas to make it a viable long term platform goes against this.

  • @hiradc

    The announced changes make the devs stance even clearer on the intention for safer seas. They want it to be an early learning platform with the intent of moving onto high seas. Adding more features to safer seas to make it a viable long term platform goes against this.

    I agree with the essence of it. However, I'd actually hold my breath. Here's why:

    1. They obviously had more than enough stats for the decision to raise and hold (even after 25 reps) 100% gold for SS
    2. They have been monitoring this for an entire year
    3. People on the forum were complaining about gold rewards and sovereigns/captaincy. Hardly ever for reputation, as almost if nobody cares about it. This is the important part.
    4. First they said no to safe environment. Then restricted rewards in SS per their "vision". And now they tweaked it. However, they tweaked more to the benefit of exclusive SS/PvE crowds (because majority doesn't care about the rep)

    What I'm trying to say is - I wouldn't be so sure that in a (another) year, depending on the stats they have on how SS/PvE crowd behaves with these changes (and if SS player number raises/lowers), captained ships won't be the next feature allowed in SS. We'll see in a year I guess.

  • @r3vanns yeah never say never, pve requests were a guaranteed closed post on request for several years. I hope not but time will tell

  • @hiradc

    Yea, exactly. Though I wouldn't be worried about this "pattern" (and that's probably even a stretch) simply because it's such a huge gap between these bonuses to SS.

    I almost have a feeling that they will gradually spoon feed PvE/SS crowd more once per year, the closer we get to SoT 2 (or whatever next may be).

    Basically, if we ever reach the point of everything (or majority) unlocked in SS, that will most likely mean a SoT 2 is on the horizon very soon, in which case nothing matters really. Or just the end of service for this one.

    This is a good strategy for retention, without hurting the main mode for the next few years.

  • @r3vanns

    I just took that as them making changes that made sense. For example, you're a new player and don't know anything about the game. You stay in Safer Seas, where gold is nerfed by 70% but you can get up to lvl 40 in factions. You join high seas and don't have much gold to buy your first boat. Then they made changes where you can only earn lvl 25 in factions, but you get 100% of gold, so when you reach max lvl, you can join high seas with enough gold to buy your first ship.

  • @europa4033

    Wouldn't doubt that, if most of the PvE/SS crowd actually did care about rep. Which they don't. And I bet Rare is aware of this as well.

    What I see happening, is they'll be playing HS to grind to the PL at best (some may not even do that, cuz they don't see a point without Captaincy/Sovereigns in SS, so why bother), and just get back to SS with 100% gold this time around. Some may move on to HS indeed, but pure PvE/SS player most likely won't.

    I still think this is a nod to SS/PvE players. But the good thing is that it is measured. They didn't just flat out cave to everything they ask for. Which is why I think they'll keep doing this once per year/the closer we get to SoT 2 or end of the service.

    Again, we'll see how it goes. We can only speculate. For all I know I may be completely wrong, and this is the last benefit SS gets.

  • @r3vanns my concern was always it's easier to say no outright to all pve requests. Now that safer seas are out players will niggle and ask for small changes here and there until over time it does become full pve mode

  • @quickhakker said in Introduction of "Privated ship" (READ FULLY BEFORE COMMENTING):

    Privated ships (name pending) is a new addition to sea of thieves, Privated ships are a new form of ship exclusive to safer seas, a middle ground between captained ships and non captained ships, with a privated ship you have all the cosmetic benefits of a captained ship (can place trinkets save cosmetic designs so you can get sailing quicker) and also have the ability to sell to the sovereigns, however unlike captained ships you cant do battle for the sea of thieves nor can you get in as part of a trading company everything else remains the same.

    So a captained ship with a different name…. Also of course “battle for the sea of thieves” is disabled in safer seas since this is a pure pvp part of the game.

    And hourglass (battle for the sea of thieves) has nothing to do with being a captained ship, you can do it without a captained ship in high seas.

    Possible change however a 10% reduction in selling to the sovereigns this goes for rep and gold too, obvious one any PVP related stuff is still also unavailable for obvious reasons

    There is a reason these features are disabled for safer seas as this game mode is not meant as a full on replacement for high seas.

    It is just to get your feet wet or if you want the occasional chill session with the fam.

    It will never become a full on replacement to high seas


    they tweaked more to the benefit of exclusive SS/PvE crowds (because majority doesn't care about the rep)

    Dont they, a lower rep limiter means less unlockable cosmetics, which has a direct impact on the thing people care about the availability of commendations and cosmetics.

    So no, the benefit definitely works the other way, people will have more money to spend on less stuff

  • @callmebackdraft

    Dont they, a lower rep limiter means less unlockable cosmetics, which has a direct impact on the thing people care about the availability of commendations and cosmetics.

    So no, the benefit definitely works the other way, people will have more money to spend on less stuff

    I can't remember for God knows how long 5 players using faction cosmetics unlocked with rep, but you def have right to have your opinion. And another thing - people just like seeing big numbers. I have millions, yet I barely spent anything on faction cosmetics (this is admittedly a personal choice, ofc). On the other hand, I spend tons of gold on supplies, as it saves time. Also, I only actually cared about the rep till I hit PL. After that, rep was never my focus, but the immersion/sandbox. Very similar to Wolfmanbush in that aspect.

    Sure, you unlock more things for purchasing, but it wasn't the most important thing for me. PL was important for captain voyages/Athena. That's pretty much about it. And this goes along with what I said earlier:

    What I see happening, is they'll be playing HS to grind to the PL at best (some may not even do that, cuz they don't see a point without Captaincy/Sovereigns in SS, so why bother), and just get back to SS with 100% gold

    People like seeing big numbers getting bigger. I'm still not saying you're necessarily wrong. And I'm not saying I'm necessarily right. Just remember we're talking here about SS only/PvE crowd, not your regular adventure players.

    Time and stats will tell.


    @r3vanns my concern was always it's easier to say no outright to all pve requests. Now that safer seas are out players will niggle and ask for small changes here and there until over time it does become full pve mode

    Nothing debatable here, I agree with you fully on that matter. All of the improvements to SS are result of people complaining and asking for more + metrics Rare have at their disposal. The only thing that actually matters though, is if Rare sees profit in it, or not. They have stats, we don't.

  • @quickhakker no offense but i dont see the purpose of this idea. other than being able to do captaincy on safer seas. just make safer seas full access. i was fine with safer seas having a -70% gold and rep gain. with 500 levels to gain that would be insanely inefficient. but for those who truely love pve and want to avoid the stress of pvp the freedom of choice is king.

    making high seas loot give out even more rep and gold to make high seas more incentivising. from a pvp perspective its more fun sinking someone who has been stacking loot. chasing someone for 2 hours then finally sinking them just to find out they had animal cages on board then the pvper (summit1g) rages on them for wasting his time running when they had no loot on board.... hey you wanted to chase thats on you man. i love wasting pvpers time. all i got on my ship is 1000 wood and canon balls most the time. but you wanna chase me and interupt my gameplay? i work from home i can just throw the game on a 2nd screen and keep sailing all over the map while i do my work on the other screen just making sure i dont get afked out. try to waste my time... ill be the king of wasting yours.

    im not ashamed to admit most of my gameplay the past 4 or so years has been on pve discords. which means between emissary flags and getting a cut of other ships loot im making about 5x faster progression than people who play normal high seas..... i hate that this is how i have to play pve though. i would much rather make 30% progression than 500% if i could log in and do what i want, when i want, via safer seas

    so for your idea... i dont see why they cant allow captaincy in safer seas and disable emissaries.... guilds being directly linked to captaincy is the only thing i can think of locking out that feature. i had argued the combined punishment of not being able to sell fast + the -70% progression was too extreme. -70% and being able to sell at sovereigns would be ok. and not having reapers available? why not? i get its supposed to be a pvp faction but most people pve cheese it anyway. reaper chests were meant to be fought over. you can pretty much grab them from shipwrecks now and no one will chase you. they arent special any more.

    i seriously believe this game will go into offline mode at some point and THEN we will finally get the safer seas we want..... that or rare will do what they have been doing for 6 years and just end SoT altogether. they love deleting their hard work, IE, adventures. those were time limited tall tales. a lot of work hours went into making them just to be discarded in 2 weeks. it was meant to be a memorable experience. so you had stories you could tell your friends of times long gone. perhaps their end plan for sea of thieves is the same. to have this game become a memory. oh remember the good old days when we played pirates on the seas? some of us just pve grinded on discord. others did shenanagins others were toxic as hell. and it was the wild west of video games the amount of cheating they allowed to happen and the slow response time in handling it all... i would much rather have sot go offline mode or have the ability to host private servers when its end of life. but end of life is coming. expanding to play station was just to stem the bleeding from the older player base on pc and xbox that are getting burnt out. this games always been a revolving door of new players thanks to being free on gamepass. but the most diehard day1 players have been quitting now too. i wasnt day1 but been around long enough and every time i log in its a mix of "i love this game, the graphics, the world....." then "i hate the grind, i hate having to wait in a que to pve, i hate how they are handling safer seas at the cost of literally making money on the cash shop by giving millions of players what they want. the pvp crowd doesnt understand the pve players who want safer seas arent playing high seas instead..... they are just quitting the game cold turkey. so if they had full access safer seas..... you could never sink them.... but instead they perma quit..... so you can never sink them.

  • @keylessword4029 having a form of captancy with some of the features will still give it that "tutorial" vibe which a lot of people are saying is the purpose of safer seas

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