Just sailed in from Nassau...

  • ...and boy are my arms tired. Wait, that's not how it goes. Never mind.

    Anyway, started playing for the first time less than a week ago. The learning curve is steep. Lots of "learn it the hard way" encounters for me. Already tried to fight a huge shark. Lost badly. Sailed through a bunch of barrels without thinking twice. Turns out at least one was a powder keg. Sank. All this to say, I'm definitely a greenhorn. Still, it's proving to be fun. I'm on xBox. GT same as username here. I hope to see some of you on the high seas, even if you might be shooting at me.

  • 5
    communityjust for fun
  • Welcome!

    I won't attack your boat first but you are welcome to fire cannonballs at mine if you see me out there, get some practice. Or just say hi, or steal from me while I'm afk. It's all good.

    Are you using the controller preferred servers?

  • @wolfmanbush I'm not but I saw that toggle in Settings. Should I be?

  • @dr-itchyuvula said in Just sailed in from Nassau...:

    @wolfmanbush I'm not but I saw that toggle in Settings. Should I be?

    there is no universal right or wrong with this, it's just an option

    it'll be different for everyone, depending on preferences and region and time played, etc.

    Just know the option is there if you ever wanna change things up.

    I find controller preferred servers to be far more organic and have more encounter variety (which is a priority for me).

  • Welcome to the game.

communityjust for fun
1 out of 5