Time-limited content: Put an end to the FOMO policy and revive interest for commendations

  • @mermaid-aze said in Time-limited content: Put an end to the FOMO policy and revive interest for commendations:

    @dlchief58 said in Time-limited content: Put an end to the FOMO policy and revive interest for commendations:

    Reason doesn't matter - you weren't there to participate, you deserve nothing. I've missed out on more than my share of special items due to finances, but I handle it like a mature adult and don't throw hissy fits or pity parties about how I was unfairly treated.

    Scammed? Oh my, that is rich and quite a deluded take on the situation regarding skins that were ALWAYS advertised as being time limited. You weren't "unfairly" locked out so cut the victim act already. You were never promised these items & RARE has been quite clear on that subject.

    I am not contesting that. What I am saying is the system is flawed, outdated and that it's time for a change. Countless things have been changed about Sea of Thieves, this can be one of them.

    Changing gears I see. System is not flawed, you just want the items you missed and are throwing everything against the wall to see what sticks. They did change it for later cosmetics, but still respected the year 1 players by keeping the items advertised as limited just that. They made recolors to appease those who may have missed out on the originals. RARE has done more than enough to appease those who missed them already.

  • @mermaid-aze

    I think you need to go and re-read what you've written. You are using some circular arguments and some are contradictory.

    For example, it was said that I can't compare real-world event items because I "bought" them. For the record, several of the in-theater items were 100% free with the purchase of a movie ticket, making them EXACTLY like in-game cosmetics. But even then, the items I did buy, for...let's use an example, the New Years Eve Metallica concert I bought for seeing them, Kid Rock, Sevendust, and Ted Nugent in Detroit. Yep. Paid extra for the t-shirt to commemorate that. Clearly printed NYE special t-shirt. Would only be printed for attendees that night. Yay me.

    But later, you argue that you are entitled to the cosmetics you missed out on because you couldn't afford a console when the game came out. Couldn't someone make a similar argument for the above. Could some Metallica uber-fan say they are entitled to every T-Shirt ever made because they couldn't afford a concert ticket , or movie ticket, or whatever? Even if they are willing to pay the cost of the comic book (free) or the cost of a T-Shirt ($5) ...because woe-is-me, I couldn't afford it then, I can now, so I deserve it?

    The comparison is valid regardless, and the reasons for keeping limited items limited is also valid. The idea that affording a video game, or even a console, is a "position of advantage" and that the "disadvantaged" are somehow entitled to special treatment is both a bizarrely absurd take on "first world problems" and again, patently contradicts other arguments you made that I'm allowed to think real-world items are legit because they cost money (no attachment to time frame mind-you, just the fact tht they did) just like a console costs real-world money.

    Its a rather jarring twsting of logic to get where you are, and, to be blunt, it seems your position is fueled purely by emotional reactions to not getting access to some artwork (at the end of the day, digital cosmetics are indeed artwork, not gameplay related) and objectively, you have access to every gameplay feature that every other player has access to.

    In fact, we could extrapolate that and say that I paid full price for the game at launch. Later I subscribed to Game Pass. Am I entitled to a refund? People are getting access to things in the game I had to pay for? Or let's extrapolate that even further and say that I deserve to play on servers with sniper skellies at forts, because I paid for that and now they are gone.

    Live service games evolve. It is in their nature. They ALL have limited time things in them. Limited time experiences. Limited time cosmetics. If you start playing the "I am disadvantaged" card, you stretch the whole model to broken levels of application. If enforced (such as some twisted form of equity law) Live Service games would simply cease to exist. Which brings about the "this is why we can't have nice things" argument. Slippery slope certainly applies here.

    I get it. I've missed out on cosmetics. Heck, I reset my pirate early in year 1 and lost limited cosmetics I was actually entitled to (preorder bonuses, etc.) I enjoyed Arena v1 but never mainlined it, hated arena v2 so mostly stopped chasing those comms figuring I'd get them eventually, and then it got shut down and during that final month, there were players ACTIVELY sabotaging teams to block access to titles and cosmetics. I never got the OG legendary weapons. But not once will you see me write and say that I'm entitled to them as a day 1 player, or that I'm "disadvantaged" because I couldn't play arena 16 hours a day in the summer like so many of those kids did. They earned them. I didn't. Life goes on.

    Take the L here man. You are on the wrong side of this, and your arguments are dijointed and showing that. That's a blunt, but honest take.

  • @dlchief58 said in Time-limited content: Put an end to the FOMO policy and revive interest for commendations:

    @sairdontis4317 said in Time-limited content: Put an end to the FOMO policy and revive interest for commendations:

    @dlchief58 said in Time-limited content: Put an end to the FOMO policy and revive interest for commendations:

    @sairdontis4317 said in Time-limited content: Put an end to the FOMO policy and revive interest for commendations:

    "And you not having access to these handful of cosmetics does not diminish the game's value in any way, regardless of your claims."

    Cool then Rare should open up all cosmetics to all players all the time to earn. Problem solved. Thank you for the understanding.

    Boy are you dense. While they do not diminish the value of the game by not being widely available (as there are hundreds of other cosmetics available, including recolors of many of the ones in question), it DOES diminish the value of the item to the player who EARNED them by giving them away for some unrelated event or purchase.

    Not dense at all just being more openminded about the subject that you seem to be too blinded by bias to be.

    OP is not asking to have anything handed to them. What they want is to have the opportunity to have all rewards in the game remain earnable in game . This is not selfish nor is it entitlement quite the opposite in fact. This is a sandbox game built around collecting cosmetic rewards while contradictorily denying the collecting (earned or otherwise) of cosmetics.

    This practice does nothing to attract new players to this game and if new players do not come then the game is in danger of being unprofitable . If the game becomes unprofitable all those "special" cosmetics go down with the ship (pun intended) with the closed game.

    Please see the forest for the trees.

    LOL, I doubt the handful of year 1 cosmetics remaining exclusive to those who earned them during the associated events is going to discourage new players from playing the game or affecting the population to an extent it threatens the game's health. Most of them don't even know they exist. But count on the white-knight to fear monger his argument when he has no valid reason for the exclusivity to change other than envy of others.

    No fear mongering intended just an open plea to look at the value gained over the value lost. No harm would come from allowing evergreen earning of cosmetics in this game . You still had to earn them and the game will reflect that there would be no harm here. This game thrives on including players not excluding them. As long as they are playing by the rules (not cheating) why not let them earn everything this game has ?

  • @badger said in Time-limited content: Put an end to the FOMO policy and revive interest for commendations:

    A quick reminder that arguments and pointed attacks on other fellow members is in violation of the forum rules. If this continues to be an issue going forward then an anchor drop will have to be the next course of action. So please remember to be more civil towards one another. Thank you!

    Well, I was going to challenge you to a duel of wits. But I suspect that'd be seen as attacking a fellow member, so I shall relent. You win THIS time Badger....

  • @dlchief58 said in Time-limited content: Put an end to the FOMO policy and revive interest for commendations:

    @mermaid-aze said in Time-limited content: Put an end to the FOMO policy and revive interest for commendations:

    @dlchief58 said in Time-limited content: Put an end to the FOMO policy and revive interest for commendations:

    Reason doesn't matter - you weren't there to participate, you deserve nothing. I've missed out on more than my share of special items due to finances, but I handle it like a mature adult and don't throw hissy fits or pity parties about how I was unfairly treated.

    Scammed? Oh my, that is rich and quite a deluded take on the situation regarding skins that were ALWAYS advertised as being time limited. You weren't "unfairly" locked out so cut the victim act already. You were never promised these items & RARE has been quite clear on that subject.

    I am not contesting that. What I am saying is the system is flawed, outdated and that it's time for a change. Countless things have been changed about Sea of Thieves, this can be one of them.

    Changing gears I see. System is not flawed, you just want the items you missed and are throwing everything against the wall to see what sticks. They did change it for later cosmetics, but still respected the year 1 players by keeping the items advertised as limited just that. They made recolors to appease those who may have missed out on the originals. RARE has done more than enough to appease those who missed them already.

    I'm not "changing gears", it's literally always been the entire point of this topic. I have multiple arguments to defend my point is all, but it's becoming increasingly difficult to keep arguing when you keep rewording the same thing over and over after I've responded already. :/
    Again, the one-time-limited content policy is flawed and outdated and as I already said, the recolours are not working as a replacement since they're completely different, and they certainly aren't being made to appease people for missing out. Unless I didn't know they made 2 Wild Rose recolours because players missed out on the Wild Rose set which is available in the outpost stocks. Beside, the Wailing Barnacle is a specific shade of blue and theme and that's what makes it beautiful. It does not compare to its recolours which can't be used in the same way.

  • @strangeness "there were players ACTIVELY sabotaging teams to block access to titles and cosmetics. "

    This would not be how I would characterize earning and deserving players for any reward. I understand the context of what you were saying though. What is the value of exclusivity to longevity of this game I would ask ?

  • @sairdontis4317 said in Time-limited content: Put an end to the FOMO policy and revive interest for commendations:

    @strangeness "there were players ACTIVELY sabotaging teams to block access to titles and cosmetics. "

    This would not be how I would characterize earning and deserving players for any reward. I understand the context of what you were saying though. What is the value of exclusivity to longevity of this game I would ask ?

    I think you misunderstood me on this point. Let me be clear:

    When Rare announced that they would be closing Arena, they made the ship sets rewards for anybody who reached certain ranks the day of the announcement.

    They also said that the rest of the typical cosmetics (glorious sea dog, legendary weapons) would be available until the actual closure date 6-8 weeks later.

    In that 6 to 8 week window, where players were legitimately allowed to "earn" the cosmetics by reaching the originallay stated goals, fully supported by Rare, therre were players who would loiter in sloop lobbies, offer to join solo sloops, and then sabotage that game by dropping anchor, etc. Other lobbies would see existing Legendary Sea Dogs (LSD) teaming up to sink any non-allied LSD ships, and would absolute say they were doing so to keep the LSD titles and weapons more exclusive.

    That isn't a characterization of a player , that is what was ACTUALLY happening. and was well documented at the time. Even with the "rush" of players going into Areana in that 6-8 weeks wanting to unlock their final goals, the wait times and chances of being in the same lobby were very high, so you did have a particularly active part of the Arena base effectively locking down and locking out achievements for others, by less than honorable means. It's a pirate game, but they were using out-of-game methods (multi-ship alliances, abusing open crew options) and subverting the intent of the shut-down window.

    None of which is to say that I think those cosmetics or titles should be re-opened. I do not, even with those shenanigans. But a case could certainly be made for that moreso than the instances of limited cosmetics that were known year 1, such as the wailing barnacle.

  • @strangeness said in Time-limited content: Put an end to the FOMO policy and revive interest for commendations:


    I think you need to go and re-read what you've written. You are using some circular arguments and some are contradictory.

    For example, it was said that I can't compare real-world event items because I "bought" them. For the record, several of the in-theater items were 100% free with the purchase of a movie ticket, making them EXACTLY like in-game cosmetics. But even then, the items I did buy, for...let's use an example, the New Years Eve Metallica concert I bought for seeing them, Kid Rock, Sevendust, and Ted Nugent in Detroit. Yep. Paid extra for the t-shirt to commemorate that. Clearly printed NYE special t-shirt. Would only be printed for attendees that night. Yay me.

    But later, you argue that you are entitled to the cosmetics you missed out on because you couldn't afford a console when the game came out. Couldn't someone make a similar argument for the above. Could some Metallica uber-fan say they are entitled to every T-Shirt ever made because they couldn't afford a concert ticket , or movie ticket, or whatever? Even if they are willing to pay the cost of the comic book (free) or the cost of a T-Shirt ($5) ...because woe-is-me, I couldn't afford it then, I can now, so I deserve it?

    The comparison is valid regardless, and the reasons for keeping limited items limited is also valid. The idea that affording a video game, or even a console, is a "position of advantage" and that the "disadvantaged" are somehow entitled to special treatment is both a bizarrely absurd take on "first world problems" and again, patently contradicts other arguments you made that I'm allowed to think real-world items are legit because they cost money (no attachment to time frame mind-you, just the fact tht they did) just like a console costs real-world money.

    Its a rather jarring twsting of logic to get where you are, and, to be blunt, it seems your position is fueled purely by emotional reactions to not getting access to some artwork (at the end of the day, digital cosmetics are indeed artwork, not gameplay related) and objectively, you have access to every gameplay feature that every other player has access to.

    In fact, we could extrapolate that and say that I paid full price for the game at launch. Later I subscribed to Game Pass. Am I entitled to a refund? People are getting access to things in the game I had to pay for? Or let's extrapolate that even further and say that I deserve to play on servers with sniper skellies at forts, because I paid for that and now they are gone.

    Live service games evolve. It is in their nature. They ALL have limited time things in them. Limited time experiences. Limited time cosmetics. If you start playing the "I am disadvantaged" card, you stretch the whole model to broken levels of application. If enforced (such as some twisted form of equity law) Live Service games would simply cease to exist. Which brings about the "this is why we can't have nice things" argument. Slippery slope certainly applies here.

    I get it. I've missed out on cosmetics. Heck, I reset my pirate early in year 1 and lost limited cosmetics I was actually entitled to (preorder bonuses, etc.) I enjoyed Arena v1 but never mainlined it, hated arena v2 so mostly stopped chasing those comms figuring I'd get them eventually, and then it got shut down and during that final month, there were players ACTIVELY sabotaging teams to block access to titles and cosmetics. I never got the OG legendary weapons. But not once will you see me write and say that I'm entitled to them as a day 1 player, or that I'm "disadvantaged" because I couldn't play arena 16 hours a day in the summer like so many of those kids did. They earned them. I didn't. Life goes on.

    Take the L here man. You are on the wrong side of this, and your arguments are dijointed and showing that. That's a blunt, but honest take.

    I don't get where I'm wrong or contradictory. You keep comparing the game to physical items, of course you can't exactly bring back the creation of shirts since there is a whole process and cost to that. Items that infinitely exist in a video game on the other hand are much easier to spread to a wider audience.
    You're trying to disprove my argument by using the example of sniper skeletons which are now removed to cosmetics that are not removed: sure, the live service game evolves. Things get removed and I agree that's part of the process, but in that specific case it's equally the same for everyone. No one got to keep the sniper skeletons while others didn't; the things that don't evolve and remain available only to some people are what is not fair.
    You may not care about cosmetics you've missed out on but I do, and I will keep defending my point, I'm not going to "take the L" just because you don't care.

  • @strangeness Honestly, after all that behavior if I were Rare I would have revoked the cosmetics being rewarded and offered them at a later date for a different objective. I can't believe anyone would defend exclusivity it this case especially with the rewards being tainted this way.

  • Just gonna drop my 2 cents here, not get involved into any current frenzy, and bail out:

    I have lots of achievements, unlocked rewards, and realm-firsts, or you name it however you want, time-limited ones as well - in 10s of games (if not hundreds, as I'm an old enough gamer).

    Do they feel special for me? Yes.
    Would a company behind such games make these rewards feel less special for me if they decided to reintroduce them? No. I still have my story, and how I earned them, and that's fine enough for me.

    All I got to say on this topic. Happy sails y'all, and don't take it so extreme.

  • @r3vanns Agreed. If it came down to they could always create a "Hall of Fame" or something in game to recognize players, but not cosmetics as they are the main reward in this game.

  • @strangeness said in Time-limited content: Put an end to the FOMO policy and revive interest for commendations:

    @badger said in Time-limited content: Put an end to the FOMO policy and revive interest for commendations:

    A quick reminder that arguments and pointed attacks on other fellow members is in violation of the forum rules. If this continues to be an issue going forward then an anchor drop will have to be the next course of action. So please remember to be more civil towards one another. Thank you!

    Well, I was going to challenge you to a duel of wits. But I suspect that'd be seen as attacking a fellow member, so I shall relent. You win THIS time Badger....

    I appreciate the bait attempts, but I give it a 4/10 at best. (And that's already being extremely generous.) I would tell you to try harder in the future but it's probably best you don't given the space. ;) That said... back to topic at hand please! :D

43 out of 51