Sea of Thieves Closed Beta FAQ

  • It's the news you've been waiting for, drum-roll please...

    Sea of Thieves closed beta will run between 24-31 January GMT, giving pirates a full seven days of sailing, shanties and shenanigans!

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    You can also stream! The Closed Beta will not be covered by an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) so you can stream, capture, clip and screenshot to your heart’s content. If you do create content, make sure you tag it Sea of Thieves so we can see it too – we’ll also be sharing some of our favourites on our social channels and website. We are super excited to see the content you create and the stories you tell"

    For more information check out the news article -

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  • @khaleesibot Oh my god i love you Rare! Im back from my holiday on the 26th so im going to get to sail after all!

    Huzzzzahhh! You've made my day! Hide your treasure ya sea dawgs im coming for ya! :D


  • Yay! Can finally say the date :D

    Can't wait to see the streams that come out of the beta!

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  • Nice. I guess closed beta is only for people who pre-ordered, right?

  • @khaleesibot


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    Time to spread our love for Sea of Thieves to every corner of the world!!!

    ~ Captain Jay
    The Crow's Nest

  • @haroldmacgregor Sure is! A little treat for preordering (Oh! and for existing Founder members like yourself too)

  • @haroldmacgregor said in Sea of Thieves Closed Beta FAQ:

    Nice. I guess closed beta is only for people who pre-ordered, right?

    @HaroldMacGregor, and all previous alpha players

  • Yay, can't wait to play again.

  • Finally! 😁 Can not wait to be able to finally show the game off! See you all out there 👌

  • @lucky-capt-jack Cool, hope they'll fix my account till then.

  • Woot woot! It's official! To the briny deep we go! Gonna stream my butt off! Lol

  • @khaleesibot Thank you for the announcement and for your hard work in making this closed beta possible. Let's hope that the developers get the data they need in this session to make it the best game ever made! In the mean time all hands on deck because the day is coming!!!
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  • @khaleesibot

  • I don't really have a personality good for streaming but I might just give it a shot for this. I just need to wrap up the interactive board thingy...

  • Awesome! I can't wait to see what features have been added in since the Technical Alpha!

  • Only 15 days! YAAY

    15 days... I've had 3 everything bagels so far this year...
    I could meet our 20 everything bagels new years resolution during the beta!

  • La bêta et disponible pour qui ? Faut il precommander le jeux?

  • Ya ya I can't wait to stream!!!

  • This is awesome! I am SOOOO excited! Can't wait to get back on the high seas! Ahoy!

  • @khaleesibot uhm... confused, 24-28 is four days not five days..? So confused

  • @z1n6 You will be able to play on all of those days inclusively, which is 5 days in total.

  • @khaleesibot It says 29th on the link provided but you say 28th, which is it? :)

  • @mad-jack-ketch You will be able to play all day on the 28th... so I suppose that takes you to the 29th. That make sense?

  • @musicmee ohhhhh now I get it.. error on my part, lil confuzzeled. Thanks Music

  • @khaleesibot I love how the question about content in the FAQ doesn't really give an answer lol. Oh Rare, you and your skittish development style ;).

  • @musicmee Could mislead others.

  • Yesssss!

  • @z1n6 Glad I (and @Clumsy-George and @TehhnGM) could point you in the right direction :)

  • @mad-jack-ketch It's not aiming to be misleading... but if you read a few posts up 24-28th just doesn't look right either (doesn't look like 5 days but it is).

  • for those who got the email being elagble without preoder do we get a beta code or just an email??

  • @khaleesibot @KattTruewalker @DevilsTassia @Mabel-Corvus @Lornzy @RottenRobyn @lizalaroo

    Woohoo! Finally the beta is on the horizon, lads! :D
    Load ye guns, sharpen them blades and fill those mugs with grog! Yahahaharrrr! ^^

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  • @khaleesibot OMG OMG OMGGGGGGGGGGG

  • @courageprogamer It'll be a code I believe.

17 out of 472