Ship visibility is just so wrong.

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  • Could you please elaborate on how it is "Wrong"?

  • @mad-jack-ketch ^

  • @mad-jack-ketch Just have a look at the pic and see for yourself. For some reason the ship looks like dark black dot even though it's this far. You literally can't miss her! Considering this part of the map is foggy all the time it's even more wrong. You shouldn't be able to spot the ship this far, in foggy weather without using spyglass this easily.

  • @crusaderjesus All you can see is a bit of sail, nothing else. It's slightly blurry, which makes it feel adequate.

  • um wat...?

  • @eredhar There is no way you can confuse ship with anything else in this game. Hell this is almost at max draw distance level. If devs increased draw distance you could see the ships even further. This just takes all kind of skill from this game. Like you'd have to be oblivious to not spot this ship with your eyes just by randomly scanning horizont.

  • @crusaderjesus said in Ship visibility is just so wrong.:

    There is no way you can confuse ship with anything else in this game.

    Forts' towers.

  • @eredhar Fort towers don't have this dark black color. Towers only confuse new players who didn't have many encounters with other ships.

  • @eredhar There is no way you can confuse these two. alt text

  • @crusaderjesus That is what the Crow's Nest is designed for. You spot something with your eyes, even a glimpse of ship. It's called agility. Then you orient your entirely vision ability to confirm and in the end, and only the end, you look through your spyglass and yell to your Captain: Ship sighted Sir! Compass bearing. Why would you look through your spyglass at the last very moment to only confirm? Because a spyglass has reflection. And looking through it, can reveal your position from further away.
    So, No! It's not wrong. It's exactly how it's supposed to be. The human eye can distinguish objects at about 7 miles away. That's why you need a good spotter on the ship.

    Avast ye scurvy dogs! Stop complaining and get yer a***s to work!

  • @bobyslick You don't have to be in crows nest to spot this. You can spot this while behind the wheel and casually scanning the horizont.

  • @crusaderjesus You'd be amazed by how many times crews mistook a Tower for a Ship. But, let's put this to rest.

  • @eredhar said in Ship visibility is just so wrong.:

    @crusaderjesus You'd be amazed by how many times crews mistook a Tower for a Ship. But, let's put this to rest.

    Seconding this ^
    Happened to me too! :P

  • @crusaderjesus said in Ship visibility is just so wrong.:

    @bobyslick You don't have to be in crows nest to spot this. You can spot this while behind the wheel and casually scanning the horizont.

    Shiver me timbers! Your ability to spot things must be out of the ordinary then, Sir! Now go pillage and plunder and make sure we don't spot ye back! Ahahahahahaar ! Aaaaarrr!

  • The increase in ship visibility in the beta does seem "off". There is no doubt now when you spy a ship with the naked eye as it is very obvious, added to which there's pretty much always one somewhere on the horizon now taking the suspense out of it somewhat.

    Preferred the visibility the way it was before, or at least closer to that than this current iteration. I feel like I had to be considerably more aware than I do now, and whereas previously I would have wanted a spyglass to get a clearer sight on what I'm looking at, there's no need for it now.

    Not to mention looking through the spyglass doesn't adjust the LOD of anything viewed through it, resulting in half the time seeing a low poly blob.

  • @oldmansutii said in Ship visibility is just so wrong.:

    The increase in ship visibility in the beta does seem "off". There is no doubt now when you spy a ship with the naked eye as it is very obvious, added to which there's pretty much always one somewhere on the horizon now taking the suspense out of it somewhat.

    Preferred the visibility the way it was before, or at least closer to that than this current iteration. I feel like I had to be considerable more aware than I do now, and whereas previously I would have wanted a spyglass to get a clearer sight on what I'm looking at, there's no need for it now.

    Not to mention looking through the spyglass doesn't adjust the LOD of anything viewed through it, resulting in half the time seeing a low poly blob.

    They did mention increasing it in Beta for test purposes. Have no fear, they will balance it by the time the game releases.
    Consider this: If they increased it in the first place, I am sure people complained the low visibility in the Alpha. Now if you consider it's to high, they will probably tone it down a bit in order to balance the requests of the first players and the latter. So it's a win, win situation.

  • Got to laugh at the people making complaints on the smallest thing

  • @rarebabysteaks said in Ship visibility is just so wrong.:

    Got to laugh at the people making complaints on the smallest thing

    That's what bigger things are made of... the smallest things ;)

    Anyway, speaking of @CrusaderJesus yeah, it's kinda off to spot a lights-off ship that far, but to be fair, that background is light enough to show "something" darker, but not as well defined as to clearly identify as a ship, as it's shown by that pic.

    So, at that distance, we should be able to see "something" but not clearly as being a ship.

  • @rarebabysteaks Ship visibility is not really the smallest thing

  • @crusaderjesus hardly a issue

  • I'm confused as to what "skill" this takes away from. The "float around in circles for an hour until I just happen to get close enough to find somebody" skill or the "sit at a popular island and wait for somebody to float up" skill? The skill is in the chase and the fight, not the spotting.

  • @eredhar I always think they’re ships and start spazzing out lol

  • @bobyslick I'm well aware of all that, hence why I said "in the beta". And after thinking more on it (as well as playing more with it), I sincerely hope they not only tone it down but revert it completely. Ships shouldn't have a different level of visibility to any other object in the game, as it stands they stand out like a terrible photoshop edit.

    By making the change and adding the spyglass, they've effectively addressed the previously raised concerns from two different directions, either would have been enough, both is excessive.

  • @oldmansutii said in Ship visibility is just so wrong.:

    @bobyslick I'm well aware of all that, hence why I said "in the beta". And after thinking more on it (as well as playing more with it), I sincerely hope they not only tone it down but revert it completely. Ships shouldn't have a different level of visibility to any other object in the game, as it stands they stand out like a terrible photoshop edit.

    By making the change and adding the spyglass, they've effectively addressed the previously raised concerns from two different directions, either would have been enough, both is excessive.

    How about, revert it back, but being able to spot through spyglass. Although, it will break the immersion. Because you will have to look through the scope all the time.

  • Kind of makes you think doesn't it? If you can see ships from this far away, why is the subreddit and occasionally this place, complaining about the lack of ships in servers?

    Hmmm. That's a real head scratching one there.

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