How SoT is helping me through a real life crisis

  • I was debating whether or not to share this, since I am normally pretty reserved, but the SoT community and RARE both seem like groups of people who would be interested to hear how the game is helping to do good things in people's real lives, not just their gaming lives, so I decided to share this little "tale" from my own life.

    I have been smoking around 10-20 cigarettes a day for nearly 20 years now. Recently, it's been harder and harder for me to keep it that "low" even as the effects on my health become more and more obvious. At the same time, there's a growing level of self-disgust over not being able to quit. After my enjoyment of the second Scale Test, I found myself more eager to continue playing than I have been for much of anything in years. So I decided to take a crazy gamble. I have been deliberately over-hyping my own excitement for Sea of Thieves, and channeling all of that enthusiasm into motivation to quit smoking. I've gotten my roommate (lovely chap) to agree to pre-order the game for me if I am able to go one full week without any tobacco before release day. There have been a few stumbling blocks along the way, but more or less overnight I've gone from 100-ish cigarettes a week to just five, and if all goes well Thursday the 8th will be day five of no tobacco.

    So yeah, to be clear, RARE has made such a great game that I am legit using it as a motivation to defeat a two decade long nicotine addiction. I think that pretty much speaks for itself. Thanks for reading!

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  • @deusnecrotis
    That is awesome! Thanks for sharing...

  • @deusnecrotis Hope you can defeat it man! Nicotine is one heck of an addictive drug.

  • @deusnecrotis Hey that is amazing! It is not an easy thing to do so props to you for pulling through! See you on the Sea of Thieves ;)

  • Stay strong brother

  • Helping me through the same issue dude, totally understand where you're coming from. Of course it seems to have a bigger impact on you than it is for me. I have some other circumstances that are far worse than just being addicted to the darn smokes, that are forcing me to quite. But the game and interacting with the community is providing me with a great coping mechanism for the quitting process.

  • Well done. I was a heavy heavy smoker for a good 15 years. I've quit a few times. Used patches and gum. Ive been back at it a number of times. Last time i quit cold turkey. It's been over a year since my last smoke. Keep up the good work. It gets easier after about 2 weeks with no nicotine. The important thing is to never give up on quitting. It's a hard thing to give up but if you keep trying it'll eventually stick. You're on the right first step of wanting to quit. Wish you the best of luck and better health.

  • @deusnecrotis I will try to quit along side you.

  • @deusnecrotis What an inspiration. That's some real strength right there! I'm supporting you, you've made it this far, it's clear you're capable. Honored to share the seas with you :)

  • THis aint easy for sure. Go for it. You can do it. 💪. May the force be with you.

  • Wow, such a fast, overwhelmingly positive response! Yep, I had a feeling this would be a good place to share. Thanks for all the replies and support everyone, much love! I will continue to do my best, and probably post at least the occasional progress update here in this thread. With the fun of the game, my desire to quit, and all of you rooting for me, I'm sure I can do this. Thanks again!

  • Congrats to you seafarer! We all have our struggles, I am glad to hear you are on the path to conquering yours.

  • Wow man, thats great, an yes, Rare has made an AMAZING game, stay strong!

  • @SenileGold @K7-Issues just an offer, but if you folks are ever inclined to come to this thread and vent quitting-related frustrations, share the struggles, or just have a friendly ear to chew for a while, please feel free. I'd love it this thread wound up helping other people with the same battle it's now helping me with. Cheers, much love, and thanks again everyone!

  • @deusnecrotis Well then do you think it's cheating if i start smoking a pipe? Figure twice a day at max and you don't inhale plus I'm already weird and weird people smoke pipes.

  • @senilegold said in How SoT is helping me through a real life crisis:

    @deusnecrotis Well then do you think it's cheating if i start smoking a pipe? Figure twice a day at max and you don't inhale plus I'm already weird and weird people smoke pipes.

    Whatever your goals are my friend, I wish you luck in them. To be honest, I am currently easing my own process by using a cheap e-cigarette, aka vape, to deal with the worst cravings, so I can't really fault you for using your own version of that. Best of luck! We can do this!

  • @deusnecrotis Hey man that is awesome if you need a little help there is this study that will send you free Nicorette in the mail and pay you in Amazon gift cards for a monthly 20-minute phone call about smoking cessation tips

    It's run by a university/med school

    I was just looking to slow down ended up quitting and it has been over a year and half.

  • remember this guys name if you try to stress him out in game me and my crew are coming for you. GL man

  • @deusnecrotis Be careful when E-cigs first came out I decided to quit and only vape but ended up much more addicted to nicotine. I quit cold turkey successfully after that but then I met my ex she smoked and then I did again.
    I actually truly enjoy the act of smoking and most of all the excuse to walk away from any situation to smoke. Pipe smoking takes 30 mins and becomes a ritual so I won't buy another pack but will allow myself a pipe once a day with 2 days a week of being able to smoke more.
    My personality taught me that tyranny of will is how I must quit and this alternative seems like it will smell better and be healthier.
    Thanks for the motivation. Plus I get to be a true Sea Dog and have a pipe while playing SOT.

  • It is such a hard thing to do. I've tried so many different methods to quit. Some of those methods worked for others. In the end just giving up nicotine completely and going through a couple weeks of withdrawal symptoms was key. If you don't have an intake of nicotine for a solid 2 weeks the physical demand is gone. From then on its just a mental willpower battle you have to endure. That battle gets easier as time goes on. If I managed to quit and stay quit anyone can. I used to smoke 2 packs a day for years. You just have to keep trying different things until something works for you. The main thing is to never stop trying to quit. It's a battle that can be won.

  • @deusnecrotis I’ve smoked on and off for years. I find cigarette cravings last 3-5 min. If you can get through that time by distracting yourself with something else, you will forget about the smoke. An hour or two goes by and you say, “hey, I forgot I even wanted a smoke.” Rinse and repeat that process. SoT is a perfect distraction when you are just hanging out at home. I think a lot of our problems will soon be keeping SoT from taking over our lives lol. Good luck, I have faith in you :)

  • @deusnecrotis Incredible Story! Keep up the good work!

  • Congrats man! I quit 4 years ago, used to smoke a pack a day. It's the best decision I've ever made.

  • @deusnecrotis
    Fantastic effort! Congratulations! You remind me of my years of smoking as a teenager and through my army years. In 1960 I proposed to my wife. She said yes, but with one condition...I stop smoking cold-turkey there and then...that slow withdrawal. We have now been married 58 years this year. No doubt she saved my health from possible deterioration, and even possible she saved my life. In any case I owe her big time. Stick with it! Please let us know how things go. You have a support link here with us.

  • Congrats on getting this far!🎉
    While I don't fully understand what you are going through...I feel for you. I have family members dear to me that I wish would stop smoking. They have all tried but just can't seem to kick it. The only one that did was my husband and boy was I a real pain in the butt. Lol what really helped him was getting some cinnamon toothpicks. Ones that kinda taste like big red. We were lucky and found some but you can also make them too. He said the burn from the cinnamon and being able to go through the motions really helped curve his cravings.
    Well, I wish you the best on your journey. ✌️

  • ...the only smoke you need is the one of a cannon shooting! Keep up the good work and congratulations!🍀👏

  • @deusnecrotis I now hate you, this sucks...
    JK I'm reading the constant posts that keep on popping up and it's helping a lot.

  • @deusnecrotis I understand what you mean, am on a similar boat to you and @K7-Issues and while I'm not ballsy enough to get into it like you did I congratulate you man. It's helping me as well, if nothing else to cope with it all better. Hope you can keep at it! Rooting for you

  • @deashkiin I'm a bit crazy when it comes to my reasons for actions but I read the post and related (been wanting to quit for about 3 months now. But seeing the post motivated me to join in and you should too. Addiction has no reason behind it, it feeds on impulse, if you relate and been thinking about quitting whatever follow that impulse and maybe this thread and the game will help (unless your addiction is gameing.)
    Seriously though I didn't expect to make my decision and been staring at my last cigarette for hours now. It helps to see the other posts but the thought of making it to the 20th free of cigarettes and ready to game sounds awesome to me.
    Anyways hope you join in.

  • @deusnecrotis
    Thank you for sharing, me matey!
    Sea of Thieves can inspire people to do some amazing things :)

    *Edit @SenileGold
    I don't know if you know this matey, but if you click on the wheel in the right corner of your post, you can edit your post !

  • @senilegold I wish I could do it really... Surprisingly, talking around in the forum did help me reduce it these past hours but I have some other issues where the anxiety of stopping makes everything worse so I have to deal with those first. To me it's more like shaking looking at the tobacco and rolling paper more than anything else x)

    I do appreciate the encouragement though :) made me feel better for some reason

  • @deashkiin good luck to you.

  • @senilegold Thanks :D

    Man, this community goes so much against the norm these days. It's pretty awesome to see

  • keep it up man ! Don't give up ! :)

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