Offline mode and friends only?

  • I’m really looking forward to Sea Of Thieves and have preordered the game. But will it be online only with other people or will there be offline mode or a mode where it’s just me and my friends. Don’t get me wrong, I want to play with/against other people but sometimes I want to just explore by myself or with my friends without being interrupted by other people looking for a fight.

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  • It is very unlikely for them to include an offline mode in this game, as it is a "Shared Open World Adventure Game". You can still play with your friends by crewing up with them. But encountering other players is an essential part of SoT, and that will never change.

  • @big-angry-dad82 Unfortunately there will not be an offline component to this game, it requires a constant internet connection and you to be connected to the shared world. They are pretty adamant that this is the only way the game will work.

  • This game is based on social interaction, it's one of its pillars.
    Offline mode will turn it into a chest farm game with no extra purpose.
    I doubt they are going to make it

  • @erinom3 I’m just scared that once the game is out it’ll fill up with people who just want to go out and wreck other people’s ships. The community spirit from people playing the alpha has been very encouraging though. I like that next week is a Closed Beta with just the community and people who’ve preordered because they’re obviously excited about the game. I didn’t play a lot of the alpha because I don’t really like playing games too early in development so looking forward to Beta to play an almost finished build. I assume there will be an open beta closer to release though to get a sense of what it’s like putting it in the hands of the general public and to fully stress test the servers.

  • @big-angry-dad82 maybe it could have a passive mode or something if you just want a bit of peace for a while to do a quest you’re on like GTA V does.

  • Yeah I was looking forward to this game but the complete lack of any kind of safe area and people hunting you constantly made my daughter go from absolutely loving sailing the seas with me to never wanting to play this game ever again, such a shame. Looking forward to another dev studio copying the concept but for online coop against ai.

  • @big-angry-dad82 That isn't saying much about solo in GTA V, you can't do anything. If you want to do to anything in the game that consists of bunker, MC, anything, you have to be online at the mercy of toxicicity. Which at this point GTA may be from what I have heard second to COD. Anyway GTA has been permanantly remeoved from my gaming roster. On the other hand there is Elite Dangerous. Rare needs to chat them up on doing solo correctly. Uh, now, actually before it's too late.

  • @topper-nuggets on GTA you just block a port and away you go you have a public/private session, not official but you wont get into trouble for doing it... Shame Sea of Thieves didnt have some similar work around for people who just want to get a start or be left a lone for awhile... but I guess then the Merge System wouldn't be as effective at pushing you into the upcoming coinstore, hey they have to pay for that DLC somehow you want voice acting don't you? Glad I had a quick game on the trial, the atmosphere was awesome, the models/world was beautiful, the sailing perfect but forced PVP that seems to stitch you up more and more when you have decent loot, no thank you, and then the lack of content that no doubt will be charged for at a later date. I don't care if peeps think its to boring to play offline, Id like to get a start and some coins behind me before I go out fighting I'm not asking for any special offline features just whatever MP has... But guess I to will be waiting for the next pirate game to be released, hopefully not windows10/xbox only either. Lol Sea of Thieves was the only reason I even booted into Windows10 guess I can remove a partition when the trial is up if not sooner....

    I got so excited about this game, and they delivered less than no mans sky.

  • @pantang I don't know what's worse.. necroing a 2 month old thread or the fact that you're comparing this game to NMS. Both pretty stupid things to do.

  • @big-angry-dad82 said in Offline mode and friends only?:

    I’m really looking forward to Sea Of Thieves and have preordered the game. But will it be online only with other people or will there be offline mode or a mode where it’s just me and my friends. Don’t get me wrong, I want to play with/against other people but sometimes I want to just explore by myself or with my friends without being interrupted by other people looking for a fight.

    Fine with this as long as there are no turn-in rewards.

  • @shofficer again, why? why can't I have fun on a solo server and get a start? I'd be more eager to play some PVP once I don't have to wory about getting back to port so I can level up and get some coin so I can purchase voyages... Why is stopping people progressing such a big deal to you? Its not as if I'm asking to change modes half way though a session or have safe zones, or even be in the same world as you, so how does me having fun and progressing ruin your game?

    the thread had a point and was on my screen

  • @pantang said in Offline mode and friends only?:

    @shofficer again, why? why can't I have fun on a solo server and get a start? I'd be more eager to play some PVP once I don't have to wory about getting back to port so I can level up and get some coin so I can purchase voyages... Why is stopping people progressing such a big deal to you? Its not as if I'm asking to change modes half way though a session or have safe zones, or even be in the same world as you, so how does me having fun and progressing ruin your game?

    the thread had a point and was on my screen

    I think pirates are good for this game. Pirating can't exist when you can move goods in pve mode.

  • @shofficer of course it can, if PVP is the prefered mode that everyone enjoys the most and wants to play then most people will play PVP and you will have your people to kill, then those who want to play solo/pve can play alone until they feel like the extra challenge of PVP... I really dont see the problem other than you wont be able to start fights with people who dont want to fight, but since they would be in a different world you wouldn't even see them so really whats the fuss? Is it some urge to ruin peoples day you can't bare to have taken away? Why does it hurt you so much that I could enjoy a game by my self until I feel like coming into PVP? I mean back to the menu and a new ship, Obviously dont get to chop and change during a session I'd have to fill my cannons and crates up again... what is the problem other than the removal of the people that don't want to fight with you? That really is it though isn't it good old bully mentality.

  • Well, I'm playing with my gf and she hates pvp but love chest hunting and riddle solving. She was in love with the game but after a whole afternoon loosing all the chest and having to flee because 100% of the people just attack without a word....could be awesome to have some items you could buy at port and last let's say 1 hour and people will be unable to attack you and of course you will be unable too.

  • Because its not fair On the pvp only people who paid £45 and want to hunt other players for chests.
    They think your thier content and the game will die if servers are split and be more pirate. Its a pirate game.
    Pve is going to be to boring.
    You carebare.
    How dare you earn gold offline to get cosmetics. Etc etc
    Ive read it all.
    Its hilarious.

    Why their £45 is more important than yoyrs is anyone's guess.
    The cosmetics they defend so much will be microtransactions soon.
    Or fudged by people jumping in on others quest hand ins like the streamer
    Who is first legend.
    Its all quite sad.

    Good necro by the way.

  • @welshvlad It is going to die if the devs follow the views of the die hard PVP folk, it will soon enough become an elitist hell hole that none but a select few visit. Its not as if in world interactions are fun either the only purpose is to fight, no trading or anything else...

  • Gotta love those times either early in the morning or late at night when no one is playing and you’re the only player on the server.

    Day 1, first time playing it was just me and one other guy in a sloop and we grinded PvE uninterrupted, being the only players on the server. It was my first day playing SoT so he taught me lots and we had ourselves a peaceful grind. Lots of fun.

    Day 2, I was with a galleon crew and the same exact player in a sloop kept finding us and attacking us. We’d sink him, then move. No matter where we went the exact same player kept finding us. Got really annoying as he was clearly targeting us even when we had no loot. Just a sloop so no problem sinking him, he just got annoying. That’s the thing about the PvP.
    Players will hunt and attack you even when it’s clear you have nothing on you. Games like this are griefers haven. Where players hunt other players, not for treasure but just for the hunt. We also had a player join the crew just to start dumping all the loot off board. One moment we have 6 captain chests on board, then suddenly we have 2 and we find those two in a different location than where we put them. Just to find one of our own crew members was taking them and either dumping them into the ocean or putting them on one of the passing islands. 10/10 pirates these kind of players be. Not hunting and looking for treasures, but just looking to grief. Players who simply play the game to ruin other people’s experiences.

    Day 3, I and another galleon crew had the whole server to ourselves. It was so empty we kept having the 4th slot being taken then opened over and over because the 4th kept leaving and no one would stay. Just a three man PvE grind from 8am - 11pm when we finally got off. Yes we had a server to ourselves for 15 hours. We hit 2 skull fortresses without any PvP, and we would even continue to do voyages after hitting the fortresses since there was no threat of any players. Lots of fun, again.

    Day 4, at the time of this post a patch was released adding the private and open crews. Players were everywhere and no one was friendly. Back to the griefers paradise of players attacking each other even when they have no loot and players joining crews just to dump loot in the water secretly and then leave. Servers kept crashing so the annoyances didn’t last long when it came to the PvP.

    Being PC gamer, I haven’t been on the Xbox since before the Xbox One was released. Forgot how many 8 year olds were on Xbox. Would love an option to join a “PC Only” server to avoid all the immature squeakers.

    But overall, Day 1 and Day 3 were the most fun days.
    Unfortunate that if you want a PvE experience, you have to get on at a certain time, in my experience early in the morning, and wait for the server to die so that you’re the only one left. Then you get your PvE experience and can grind without any worry. ;)

  • I've been playing since beta and was adamantly against private games and whatnot but I'm actually starting to get to the point that I'd be ok with this.
    There's no skill advancement, so who cares if someone plays privately to get to legend? That's how they want to play the game and it doesn't effect anyone else.

  • @arcticharmony70 said in Offline mode and friends only?:

    I've been playing since beta and was adamantly against private games and whatnot but I'm actually starting to get to the point that I'd be ok with this.
    There's no skill advancement, so who cares if someone plays privately to get to legend? That's how they want to play the game and it doesn't effect anyone else.

    100% agree. I feel like if severs go out it should just put you in offline mode.

  • @stubbierbell598 That would be the best way to handle it. I mean, who cares if someone didn't "earn" their pretty dress by fighting other players? It doesn't mean anything!

  • @arcticharmony70 yup. Point of the game is fun. Not earning stuff. Soooo why put constraints on how you have your fun? No reason I can think of why this wouldn't be in the game. A generic salty pvp try hard gonna write a book on why this is a bad idea I'm sure.

  • @stubbierbell598
    Ya lets just throw salt in the eyes of all the legends that actually had to defend their loot to get to legend. Pve servers are not happening.

  • @nwo-azcrack said in Offline mode and friends only?:

    Ya lets just throw salt in the eyes of all the legends that actually had to defend their loot to get to legend. Pve servers are not happening.

    Oh yeah... those streamers that joined lobbies to have their friends cash in loot for them worked soooooo hard lol

  • @stubbierbell598
    Im not talkin about those ppl. Im talking about the real legends. And im not one btw. But there are legit legends that earned that title. This idea is a slap in the face to those pirates

  • @nwo-azcrack So out of respect for unemployed and 10 year old offline mode! Even though the severs suck! And people would have fun! We can't disrespect the legends!

  • I would agree ONLY if you wouldn't be able to get gold and exp in this game mode

  • @stubbierbell598 said in Offline mode and friends only?:

    @nwo-azcrack So out of respect for unemployed and 10 year old offline mode! Even though the severs suck! And people would have fun! We can't disrespect the legends!

    Pretty sure he means any legend from now until the end of time. Regardless of when you earn legend, you still have to earn legend, ya know?

    Offline for massive hauls, online to mess with people. It hurts the SoT ecosystem.

  • @brio-brumm said in Offline mode and friends only?:

    I would agree ONLY if you wouldn't be able to get gold or exp in this game mode

    I'd agree with rep but gold would be fine.. not like that fancy gun does more damage.

  • Everything about this game requires it to be online. All your loot payouts are calculated online. All your purchased cosmetics are stored online. Your reputation levels and how much you gain when you turn stuff in is all stored and calculated online. Your pirate is stored online.

    There is no way this game will ever have an offline mode. They would need to re-engineer everything from the ground up, and they can barely push content out on a regular schedule.

  • @stubbierbell598 ha detto in Offline mode and friends only?:

    @brio-brumm said in Offline mode and friends only?:

    I would agree ONLY if you wouldn't be able to get gold or exp in this game mode

    I'd agree with rep but gold would be fine.. not like that fancy gun does more damage.

    Nope, if this becomes a thing there has to be 0 progress, it would be just a way to explore the map (btw there is nothing to explore so I don't even see the point), chill with your friends, practice sailing and the movement mechanics.
    It wouldn't be fair towards the players that defend their loot and actually earn their gold

  • @brio-brumm lol act like its tough to defend loot from other players... i just want defence from these servers

  • @stubbierbell598 ha detto in Offline mode and friends only?:

    @brio-brumm lol act like its tough to defend loot from other players... i just want defence from these servers

    Just wait a couple of days, give them time, they are amateurs with a game so ambitious they couldn't even complete it for launch day. I will probably come back to play when they'll release the hungering deep and you should do it too

  • @nwo-azcrack said in Offline mode and friends only?:

    Im not talkin about those ppl. Im talking about the real legends. And im not one btw. But there are legit legends that earned that title. This idea is a slap in the face to those pirates

    Yeah, there's no such thing as real legends. It's all just cosmetics and doesn't matter in the least. People should be able to play the way they want since it has no impact on anyone else.

  • I just quit the game not gonna deal with it lol, other things to play

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