Always in the brig

  • Everytime (almost) I join a full or even sloop ship, within seconds I have been put in the brig with them scuttling the ship. Complete waste of my time, not even eager to play with idiots like this.
    Edit: I understand now that this is only happening on the Galleon, thanks

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  • @pinch-1-off You can't put someone in the brig when you are with a sloop.

  • Surprised this is still happening when they have a section setup specifically for 3 man crews which originally was the main reason for this. Are they saying why they’re doing it to you at all?

  • @zyrkal oh ok sorry, it must only be on the gallion, that's how I usually join. But good to know about the sloop, I may need to only play that.

  • @pinch-1-off well you’ve been caught out it is literally impossible to put people in the brig on sloops.

  • @pinch-1-off

    I'm sorry to hear that. At the moment, you can only get put into the brig on a large gallon. I'd recommend sailing a two-man sloop to avoid getting put into the brig or you could try finding a few friendly pirates here on the forums to sail with.

    Best of luck!

  • @lukzini dudes, sorry I'm new. It must be the full galleon ship...I misspoke. It just happened so many times already I forgot the mode.

  • @pinch-1-off

    Do you get asked to leave before being put in the brig ?

    I only ask because usually those in galleons are waiting on friends as there is no option to lock a slot for a friend currently trying to get in the game. Admittedly my crew has had to do this while waiting on a friend and a randomer joins the crew. However, we always message that player first and ask them to leave as we have a friend trying to join. Sometimes they leave straight away and we say thanks to them but there has been a few times they refuse to leave and begin doing petty things. This results in an instant brig vacation....

    I take it that this isn't the case for you and would therefore advise you use the discord or xbox group functions to find a crew rather than matchmaking in game.

    Hope this helps a little with your problem.

  • @pinch-1-off ok 👍:)

  • I don't think this justifies the fourth being brigged, but one possible reason might be that sometimes it's easier to create a 3 person group and have the 4th join later than it is to join as a full 4 person group. (Maybe they've fixed this by now, I don't know).

    We were trying to join as a group the other night and couldn't, so we joined as 3. I didn't let the group brig the 4th, I just explained that we were actually trying to get in with a 4th and apologized and the extra left. Our 4th then joined us.

  • @pinch-1-off

    I think a lot of the 'idiots' are simply abusing a free ride right now.

  • @saracens-lament Thanks Saracens, it had to be only on the Galleon which is how I usually play. And when it happens on Galleons, they do not say's literally a few minutes, then they sink. Just think it's fun I guess.

  • @pinch-1-off написал в Always in the brig:

    Everytime (almost) I join a full or even sloop ship, within seconds I have been put in the brig with them scuttling the ship. Complete waste of my time, not even eager to play with idiots like this.

    mb you provoking them ? Doing nothing / not talking / afking / droping anchor when not needed / etc.
    I'm playing since scale tests and better and never have this exp. =\

  • @wymerz Thanks Wymerz! lol the 120 seconds thing is slowing down my answers!

  • @pinch-1-off Haha No problem :)

  • the only reason I can think of people doing this (aside from being ***holes) is maybe they started a 4 man crew with a friend, and they are trying to make you mad and leave so they can have an open slot to invite a friend that had left their ship/game. Other than that, I don't know why people would "legitimately" do this.

  • @theaidenv That would be awesome if they did ask me to leave first, I would have no problem at all with that. Being put in the brig and sinking is really getting old!

  • @arangarx That is so much better than what I've experienced so far. I'd always leave if asked due to an incoming friend.

  • @ginrummyy I agree. If everytime I join a Galleon this happens, I just will stop playing. Seriously, why can't they just ask, I have no issues with that. I guess I figured there would be just solo people (not in party) who would randomly make up a full crew, but now I'm thinking that there may be more 'party' people on Galleons, I'd really like to join one who either asks me to leave if necessary, or plays the game and has fun.

  • I wouldn't worry pinch. These are the same idiots that are moaning about a lack of content and other such things only 2 days into launch. They'll be gone after the 2 weeks trial is up then you will come across only the real mateys.

  • @theaidenv Thanks theaidenv..I hope so!

  • @pinch-1-off that really sucks, might be worth recording it happening, go to the my crew section of the menu so the recording captures their gamertags then report each of them, submitting the video as evidence.

  • @saracens-lament Beautiful idea, I will do that!

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