Galleon battles in a nutshell

  • you know it be true.

  • 21
  • Did anyone get the reference.

  • @cheatingpirate

    A bunch of ships ramming each other? Give me a hint, matey!

  • @mighty-ace123

    What arrr you on about, mate?

  • @mighty-ace123 said in Galleon battles in a nutshell:

    @murkrage said in Galleon battles in a nutshell:


    What arrr you on about, mate?

    [Mod edited]

    Aye, but this ain’t a topic about flags now is it? There was no need for your reply seeing as it was clearly posted to entice a new discussion in OP’s topic.

    For shame matey, for shame.

  • Good Gawd no. All of the servers merged into one. :O

    Hey is that my shoe flying through the air?

  • @cheatingpirate

    Well, I cheated and googled the image - it's a Dutch vs Spanish battle off Gibralter where the Spanish vessel is exploding so.... barrels!!

    Someone posted a video earlier today about just this very thing... well, similar at least :)

  • @mighty-ace123 said in Galleon battles in a nutshell:

    @murkrage at least a dozen flags in sight m8 ;)

    Okay, well I’ll just let the mods or deckhands deal with you. Friendly advice: don’t be this type of person.

    Have a nice day matey.

  • @katttruewalker said in Galleon battles in a nutshell:


    Well, I cheated and googled the image - it's a Dutch vs Spanish battle off Gibralter where the Spanish vessel is exploding so.... barrels!!

    Someone posted a video earlier today about just this very thing... well, similar at least :)

    We ran into a Spanish crew last night! Our crew is mostly Dutch and this picture is actually very representative of our situation last night 😂.

    I recognized our own flag by the way, wasn’t too sure on the other flag. Thanks for that!

  • @mighty-ace123

    It’s not drama matey, it’s common decency and forum ethics. There was no need for your comment and you know it.

  • @cheatingpirate There's row boats in that pic :P I'm interested to see if the addition of rowboats have any impact on PvP when they are introduced with forsaken shores.

  • @murkrage have you followed the other threads?

  • @katttruewalker The painting reminds me of a galleon ramming another, boarding them with a powder keg. Which is usually how battles go

  • @glannigan ...really?

  • @xcalypt0x I bet thrill be used as either fireships with tons of kehs, or last resort to flee a sinking ship with loot

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