Reach out that hand of yours and become Enriched in Heart and Soul

  • Hello fellow Pirates , before you start to read i want to give you a fair warning before you shoot my head off if you see me in the game or you write me to Hell in the replies....This is going to be too long to read. i am also not English and will write a humongous amount of spelling or grammer mistakes...You can and may hate me for it , but i did my duty in warning you ...For those few that remember me, no this will not be one of my toecurling stories of old, so the few good jokes in there won't be found in here...

    "Now what is this all about then? " Well, ..., i'm not sure myself , in all honesty ( * Oh, Blimey, our dumb yokel is going to write himself in mental ruins again....Be careful ,old man , this Forum is not as forgiving as in the beginning...This time i warned you! - Waw, Sunshine, so considerate , i'm not used to see that in you...* Look, Captain Tearface , the last mental crash was a heavy one and i try to prevent a new one ..okay? - Hey , no problem, Sunshine, you don't hear me complaining * Fine...Keep it that way...crybaby). i was here , two years ago , two months after the Forum had started , there weren't many pirates , well, certainly not as many as today , and as a foreigner it wasn't impossible to follow everything...But more pirates came , and it became more time consuming to follow everything. As a foreigner ,i also have the disadvantage ( * That you're ugly? ehhehehehehe) that i read English , translate to Flemish , come up with an answer in Flemish and write it down in English...The same problem excists in speaking too , but later about talking.
    The Forum grew , too big for me. The Magical , mental healing vibe through acceptance by many pirates from all over the world , became less powerful. After the release , this Forum got bombed into ruins by so many people that didn't understood the game , the game was presented as a service game that would develop through time while it stayed playable, so many didn't understood this and didn't had the patience...SOT, while standing next to it's Genius Creators, got pulled on a pyre and almost burned in it's core .
    i am a "feeling" person.i may look old and angry because of an ugly face but a few words can bring me down like many of you wouldn't even realize...i know, very dangerous to tell on the internet , already a few hooks are becoming reserved for my scalp...i don't care...
    But i saw so many people trying to turn the mood and try to reason with an angry mob, sometimes it worked but it failed many times too.
    i have the greatest respect for all those people that were called " White Knights " and far worse, i tried to be one too ,in my own silly way. It was my mission to bring over all the feels that i had , and still , experienced in this game..i wanted that you all could feel them , From Rare fan to Rare hater ,all of you. But i forgot one thing, i'm human, faulthy by nature and more importantly ,i was a thirth class ( * Oi, arrogant piece of work , you are not even enough to play football along six year old kids , they would thrash you, dumbo) footballer playing in the Premier League...A trench soldier that fought a war he never liked fighting.i was still lucky somehow that my writings were not shot down like so many others experienced , but that feeling didn't help...i didn't like the " tension in the air " that still hangs over this Forum. It dampens my spirit , it has almost destroyed my adrenalitic feel while writing. The last topic that i wrote had also complaints in it. i was become infected with the mood of the Forum...i was liked by many in here , don't ask me why ( * Hey , don't look at me,yokel, i never understood why people would like you? Are they all blind and deaf or something?) but they started to put me on a pedestal , wich i hate the most.In the meantime the mood had become so sick that Friends of mine, who have the Heart on their tongue ,were baited into many verbal battles in order to defend or ask questions that were critical but fair.
    They got banned permanently and that gave a gushing wound in my love for this Forum. It started to bleed out...And on a Saterday morning i saw a post of a pirate that didn't see any good in his life anymore, it could be a joke, a cry for help ,or a really tasteless joke but when the word suicide get's dropped ,then so many of us including me don't take chances. We tried to talk sense and gave multiple online helplines for people in mental need.But one person, who had been uncontested in his trolling nature had a goof on him, i could no longer stand aside and started to say what i thought about him. We had a little ,very short wordfight ,because i don' t waste time on such people that kick others in the teeth when they are lying knocked down, but ...the moderators didn't do anything...Not to me , not to him...Later when i came back from work , i saw the whole topic deleted, the troll had still all privileges , but a message of the unfortunate pirate was waiting for me, i don't say details , but he sought and found help...All was good...for him. Not for me, i had let it slip, i had become a nagger, complaining sour excuse for a pirate, the anger that had build up in the troll conversation had shed a lot of Light on me...
    i erased my account...
    Ten days did i do nothing, a few messages were send from people who cared , still completely in the Dark mood ,i couldn't write like usual...i have lost some Friends back then...

    Whatever you do, try to keep your Darker mood to yourself, but mine was too big...But Love crawls where it can't go...i missed the Forum ,i missed my Friends ,i missed writing, i missed bringing a smile to a person ( * But , poor old georgie...they were all laughing and happy ...because you left...Didn't you see? Dumbo?). So i saw my Friends , still writing , unrelentlesly bringing Light into Darkness, they were strong, i was weak.i have always looked up to them, the Forum Legends i mean, Mrs Truewalker , Mrs Lizalaroo, Miss Captn Jaq, Mr Musicmee, Mr Jay4dio, Master Dilly , sorry man, your gamertag is forbidden by a way too strong cencorating machine, Mr Tartansnake, and Mrs Stacky A to name a few ...
    i was going to restart small and stay small...i can't read the whole Forum, i cant' help you all to understand the game by my limited amount of English words i contain.i have to stop dreaming about flying while i don't have any wings.i went back to the beginning, a small humble pirate with no expectations. Oh, this topic is not made to become embraced by all of you because since i ran away and let you all fight the Good cause on yer own, i have no right to have any Friends. Still i have many of you as my Friends, even after my runaway...A valuable, almost priceless lesson that took a while before i saw and understood that lesson...
    i don't care about the rep i lost , i do care about my Spirit i had lost , my happy feeling that grinded to a halt because of reading to much negativity...
    Months went by, i played solely with Friends or on my own, in a sloop. i read two or three topics and then i quited as my mental form could not read more...i only took small peeks to this Forum because my poisoned mind ,that was on the healing could become sick very easy again...

    But once again, Love crawls where it can't run...Last week i played with Mr Dreifois. A perfect example of a Non English/ USA/ Australian and so on, pirate. He is Italian, speaks fluid French too and is perfectly understandable in English if you accept his accent...Accent , dirty word, i have and will always transfer that word as Colour of the Voice in my mind. And he possesses a very beautiful Colour, he too pours his Heartscontent on his tongue. He talks in the way that he is...We are both average pirates , you won't hear us brag about the Fleet of ships we have sunked , about the massacre we have dealt into the pirate ranks, totally none of that.We lost so many ships and melee fights that our name must be somewhere mentioned in the Guiness Book of records as the Most Lousy Pirates Ever. We are down to Earth and in all honesty, we talk more than we play focussedly. We sometimes sail by an island where we need to be without knowing because we talk so much.
    Mr Dreifois got the Talent to be a fully passionate Storyteller, he puts himself short because of his accent , but he can entertain like nobody else , he is...just like all of us, unique in his way...You love him hate him. He told me he had a lot of haters towards him and although i believe him , i still wonder why you would hate a person while playing a game...Don't worry, i will never find that answer as every person is unique, in also the less friendly behaviour...

    Our conversation, however , triggered something in me. We are both foreign towards thy wonderful English language and although we do both our stinking best, nomatter what we try , we will always sound foreign because of our accent. For many pirates ,this is no concern, they take us on the journey nomatter what we are or where we hail from...For others we are the red cloth that wakes up a bull...So be it, we leave ,start again and hopefully find understanding people in wich this game is rich in...
    But he told me two things that stung my Heart...We all have heard the prejudice that French, Italian, Spanish speaking, German,Russian, and so on and on like to talk only to the people that share the same language or same country with them. i too, thought that, since English is a Germanic Language and French, Spanish and Italian are Romanic Languages wich is a very steep slope if you want to go from Romanic language towards germanic language. so i too thought that that was the reason why so many , above named languages , were playing together...
    But Mr Dreifois , and for that alone , he should get a statue , made me something very clear. All those people aren't shallow or arrogant as we, wrongly, call them...They have ...fear. Fear to talk their few words of English and be laughed upon...Fear to be called names of things you don't even find in the gutter...It is time that we all learn that other languages are an enrichment!...i play with a Russian Friend, Mr SovietUnion207, who only talks through the Non Verbal Communication wheel and the Xbox Live message service but we have found a way to have fun...i know 5 Russian words and those were enough to close a massive wide river between us. We don't care what Europe thinks about Russia , nor does he care what Russia thinks of Europe. We are both human, breath in the same air and when cut upon we bleed the same colour, Red.We ARE PIRATES, gamers that just like the game with whoever they come across...An Old, Legendary saying , of an even Legendary Pirate ,called Marek1408 comes back into my mind..." At the Sea of Thieves ,there are no nationalities, because we are all part of one nation, ONE, the Xbox nation...". Okay , see this a bit wider , since back then , the Alpha was only open for Xbox and not yet for PC...He would never exclude a person ,because he know how much it hurted to become excluded since he has Polish Origins...
    Please think of that line when you next time come across a person that speaks his native language , throw a few words you know , and you will see that this person will try to throw a few English words back at you...
    Your Friendship may start slow and sluggish but when both sides can wipe away the prejudices then you will see and feel that your inner self had become enriched...After all, you are playing a game and not living together...Give eachother a chance to grow out of your shell , reach out that verbal hand towards those " that only speaks their own language and refuse to talk something different", give them a chance and learn a few things and words from them too and you will see how Rich this Sea actually is....

    Please...Do NOT commend yet, since i have to write this in two seperate topics , i know it's way too long , but i never forced you to read my misspelled attempts of writing...

  • 20
  • Mr DReifois ,always passionate almost ignited when you let him talk, uttered something different, something that made me fall of my chair ,almost.i'm an old guy , and we oldtimers have the bad reputation to be stuck in our time. That is partly true , partly...Let me tell you what had pushed me off the chair...

    We had talked about the threshold of language many of his Italian Brothers and Sisters posses toward English speaking persons, their fears to become ridiculized and so. We decided it was time to hit the Sea, now i love the Brigantina ship but we need three people...Still not looking forward to meet the new , because i was too weak and afraid to take that road again, we decided to invite Friends. Alas, my friends were already in a crew, playing something different ,or just not playing at all.Mr Dreifois looked to his list and had the same problem except one person...A young Italian girl...But we both decided not to invite her and i tell you why...

    We both aren't young anymore , still very young in our minds , playfull ,almost childish ,well that goes certaintly for me, but we are both aware that since years girlgamers get a lot of slander for who they are ,sound like, their playstyle or ...just because they are female and are treated like they are some kind of dirtheap where you can stack all the dirty words upon that the dictionary forbids...Many girls are therefore and totally understandable not keen on jumping on invites of two starngers ....Certainly not older guys....Wich is perfectly understandable...No offence.

    We both agreed we would take the Brigantina and let a space open for Friends, she was a shy person that felt comfortable with Mr Dreifois because he treats her as an equal without talking rubbish to her...But she is welcome but has to come on her own initiative...So as usual we talked about things and Mr dreifois said that , although she is a much better player than him ,certain crews don't want to take her in because ....She is a girl " and girls, don't play as good as boys or men"...
    Now, i am a dinosaur , a blunt yokel , but this was an unbelievable lightingstrike on the cheek....
    Really????!!!!! Girl gamers/ Female gamers aren't good????!!!! Are we playing this game in 1618 instead of 2018?? i am without no doubt , the dumbest soul that ever entered this Forum but not even i would sell such foolishness. Female / Girl gamers can be the hardest pirates to beat , they think twice before they act, they plan ahead while 90 percent of the guys just rush in like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid ( * Dumb yokel, that comparison is way too old, you don't talk to dinosaurs like you , moron).

    i play regurally in a crew where a Mrs is Helmswoman, she can not only steer the ship perfectly without crashing, but can in battle situations,steer the ship in a way that we almost always have one or more cannons ready to fire and have the angle to hit as well...She has become such a Pillar of our Crew that when she leaves for a drink or a smoke ,that when she comes back ,we already have done or are still busy repairing a hole in our boat because we crashed something...
    It's funny for her when , she caught her "two little children" repairing the ship after being away for just four minutes, like children we blame eachother but the fact is that without her playstyle ,our crew is simply crippled...
    So DON'T say female gamers aren't that good, its a lie, they are equal and have finer tactics than most of us.Have a different approach to a game but don't let their voice misguide you ,they are pirates to be reckoned with and i wouldn't want to feed all those unfortunate lad pirates that got overconfident when hearing an " enemy pirate , equipped with a fine voice ,that they will take out in a jiffy"...Whole cemetaries are filled with pirates that became victim of the lass pirate....Play together ,without revulting them with dirty words...You will see once again, how your crew will become enriched and how you will learn some tips and tricks by stealing with yer ears and eyes, it can only benefit your own playstyle...

    Now yesterday , i was without my usual crew, another Friend of mine , was playing something different so i didn't dare to ask to play with me...After all , who am i , to get people from the games they play ( Oh oh, me ,me ,over here moron, i will answer that question...Hold on, trying to find my Robert de Niro voice again...Okay, here it comes ....You are nothing....NOTHING!!!!....Oh , God how did i miss this , it's so fun to slander our moron, i feel alive again...Thank you fool, to start boring people again with your lenghty and worthless opinions...You are the greatest ...fool - Sunshine, you are such a pig * i know but what are you going to do about it , hey? Cry a river again maybe, like usual? - Oh , get of my back will ya? Vinegarpisser).

    So i scraped my courage together and went to an open Sea.And as we spoke above about this , i jumped on a boat with a female gamer.i started talking, like i usually do in only this game, with a little tremble in my voice, and i learned that she could hear me but not talk to me because of the abscense of a microphone..No worries ,i can talk for two ( * Oh, poor lass). She answered frequently with the keyboard ...No problem, that is also talking for me...Our thirth person was a bit like a , how do you say, alternating pirates ...They came and ...went away , sometimes 5 minutes , sometimes 10, but for some reason, maybe my toecurling accent again ( * No ,really , such a nice ...cold, flat ,uninspired ,stupid voice like yours would send people off? What a blasphemy ,hey? ...moron)...But after a while a young lad came in, let's call him JJ...

    Now, the young lad stole my Heart immediatly, he told me it was his first day that he played SOT, he was given this game for his Birthday because he had reached the Magical age of 14...Waw, like a big , older brother ( * Yokel , you triggered the wrong feeling, you should have pushed Grandad mode, dumb fool) i tried to get him "into" the game. He loved the X mark the Spot quests a lot, he loved fighting those skellies and he would have attacked a Galleon if i didn't pointed to him that he was sailing with the worst pirate ever , and would therefore lose all the treasure we already amassed...

    It was so great to see that this fella was immediatly also talking toward the silent girl ,without coming over "though boy" like. i think , that he didn't realize that he had stolen her Heart too...
    Kids are the best gamecritics one can find, they play a game , try it for an hour and become in love or bored...He became bored...But somebody upthere knows that i'm so devoted on sharing my great feelings about this game and that Guardian Angel just switched my gear up...i told him about the Bilge Rat adventures and about a certain Wanda that got missing...i could feel the twinkling in his eyes , and to my amazement our silent girl pirate also never heard of Bilge rats adventures...So a long ( * Sigh, read massivly long, toecurling, boring to the border of death) explenation followed and i gained both attention, we started the quest but then the playtime of our piratelass became expired ...She had to go...She typed that but all of a sudden, totally unexpected , she said goodbye to both of us ...

    She had a microphone after all, but propably the bad reputation old man ,and boys alike have on the internet , must have pushed her defences up, but since during two hours we played , and not one verbal dirt word was uttered towards her nor uttered in general as well, she gave up her defences and talked to us , it was only a goodbye ,but i saw it as a victory in the hopes to one day be able to play all together without fears and thresholds...

    Our piratelass got replaced by Mr Fernandez, a good calm and tranquil guy in his twenties that could get along well,with Captain JJ...

    Then in the corner of my eye ( * But yokel, you always look in the "corner of yer eye", but it's the wrong corner , you always look on yer nose , you cross eyed fool) i saw a Skull Fortress popping up...i was hoping the server was not that populated so we could get a chance to gain that treausre so i popped my question towards Captain JJ. " Oi, laddie , you feel like becoming a rich pirate , a filthy rich one?" You don't have to ask that the answer was a big YES...i was fearing that we would become ambushed and robbed but i wanted that young JJ could open the " Vault"....We sailed off and of course those wretched skeletons were good upon shooting, i pointed the young pirate to listen to that Epic Musicscore of a Legenday Musical Genius that is working at Rare Pirate Headquarters and carrying the Magical name Mr Beanland.

    In the turmoil of the fight young JJ agreed that this music was " Awesome" and that made my day twice, a young man that like classical music is a smart lad...So we landed and fought with foam upon our mouths , we regurally saved eachother behinds in an unrelentless fight in wich Mr Fernandez proved to be a great melee pirate ....i too did my tricks , although they were more deployed upon the deck of the Ferry of the Unfortunates , since this stupid cencorating machine that get's the blood from undermy fingernails since it's cencorates it's own gamemechanics and titles...Think harder before you deploy those unseen strict rules , i can't write Ferry of the Damned , what harm can that do?...

    At last we beated the Captain of the Fortress, amazingly he fell by my sword, i had made an agreement with Mr Fernandez that Young JJ would open the vault since he had just turned 14 and played his first day ever in an adventure that i would like that he will remember this on his 111th Birthday ( * Young JJ, isn't a Hobbit, you mix up yer stories ,moron).

    Now , you should have heard his voice when that music that goes along with the opening Vaultdoor was played through our headsets , and you should have heard his amazed, but happy voice when the glinstering rays of Treasure started to dance on this boys eyelenses....That " OOOH and WAAAAAW" are the two words that made my day, yes , a small happy tear fell out of my eye , Both, Mr Fernandez and me had turned this young fellow day into something he will remember for ever ... Sea of Thieves can have that impact on people but it cant' do it without pirates that accept every age and every gender; nationality and religion....

    i know that this sound arrogant, but since a very long time i had come to peace with myself....i will never be able to make you ALL see in the Dark, some of you will keep hating SOT with an unseen passion and dedication...My English knowledge ,nor my writingstyle will ever turn that negative tide, but i leave that to my much smarter Friends...They have that power and knowledge to do that .

    And me? Well, i enjoy and will try by trail and error to bring over the feels i have missed for so long and once again became so addicted to.i will turn opinions by showing what this game can do for every gender; age and mind....This game is a Healer and it once again healed me from a growing fear ....The Fear ,and therefor staying away from open games , was ungrounded, Sure there are bad people but also so many great Gems to unearth...

    i thank Mr DreiFois for explaining the fears so many non English speaking persons, like me ,possess...i thank him that he showed me that so many of our Brothers think Our Pirate Sisters aren't good enough...Poor souls , i really feel sorry for you...i thank all the Great Legendary persons that keep fighting to try to gain controle again and hopefully restore this Forum as the Friendliest Forum in was in the Old Days....Deckhands, Boatswains and all who spend time to make this a better place, you have no idea how much i look up to many of you...

    i thank Jssster ,the pirate lass, for playing and speaking in the end, i hope you realize that not all gamers are agressive towards you , i thank Mr Fernandez for being a great sport into adding towards our young pirate first day of adventuring and Young Captain JJ , i thank you to play without any threshold, with an innocense that warmed my Old Heart...You made my day in so many ways that you will have to grow very old to understand how much joy and inspiration your meeting has given me...You inspired me to fight on, on a very small scale , since i lack all the atrributes of smart people , to try to bring that Magical Healing over to people without forcing them...It has to seep through their pores , not spoonfed and only then the Full Arsenal of Magic will Embrace them and guide them to the Heavenly Plains where i once walked upon, and thanks to you , laddie , i have walked there again yesterday....

    And of course , nothing of this couldn't have happened if Rare wasn't sitting around that table and decided that Athena has to be called Sea of Thieves and is based on pirates ....Remember ....Don't let the Darkminded ones bring you from your path....Don't make my mistake, be happy , stay happy and fight with a welcoming ,grudgeless smile, That is the only way to enjoy this game at the fullest...

    I was so blind, The Dark Ones, well...Like Charles Vane once said " They are few....We are many" ....And by the Gods, that man ...was right...Take care...All of you.

  • Hey I think this is the wrong forum for you. I dosnt matter what game your playing your always going to run into noobs. Noobs who cant play the game but like to insult people. The best thing to do is to ignore it dont let it get to you. Why do you let individuals that are miles bother you. Report them to rare.

  • @saltyseadog13
    No, my fellow pirate , i never report people, i try to turn their view without punishment. Reporting won't change a view , good or wrong. Banning people from the game because they were angry or humiliating to me will not redirect their thinking, i try to get to them in my own silly way, sometimes it works , mostly i fail ...But at least i try again...

  • @clumsy-george Hello Mr George, I really appreciate your very long posts, the passion you put into it and I also like your evil alter ego (does he have a name?).

    From the multiple posts I read from you, I can feel that this game is something very special to you. I hope you will continue to find out what you are looking for as long as possible on the Seas of Thieves.

    I've met you only once in game during the beta and that's a moment I'll remember, I was alone on my sloop and I wanted to meet people, so I sailed to the Ancient Isles, that's where I saw two galleons fighting West of Plunder Outpost.
    I decided to help a random one as I knew I could maybe be friend after the battle. To my surprise, mighty legends were on this galleon, @Musicmee, @J4dio, a crewmember I can't remember and you of course. I was micless but I laughed a lot this night, you sure know how to make this game awesome.

    À plus dans le bus!

  • @jetorchidee97
    Hello Mr JetOrcidee97, i remember you too, not the details of course , for remembering details i have to have a good brain wich i haven't ( * Oi yokel, what do you try to say with that ,huh? Thanks to me you don't need dipers , but i can undo that privilege in a snap with my fingers , moron - Keep it cool , Sunshine, you cannot say that he was blessed by the Gods if you only have two braincells in yer head * Oi, Captain Tearface , that's his own bloody fault, he should have been more careful in his life and don't fall as much as he did...That stupid yokel almost killed us both in 2014 by falling,). But i remember we all had a lot of laughs that day and that is what i have been looking for for sooo long...A game where you don't have to be afraid to be yourself or be ashamed of the little knowledge you have of a foreign language....

  • @clumsy-george Hey George I wasn’t aware you left the forums, I did notice you wasn’t posting as much and thought you had activated lurker mode.

    It sucks that you felt you had to go to that extreme length. I found myself in a very similar position A few weeks ago but for different reasons and on quite a few occasions I had my finger over the delete account button as I felt there was no alternative, fortunately I was able to pull myself out of it. (Much to the displeasure of many others im sure 😏) But I’m glad you found your way back. And I to am also very sad that some of my great friends got banned to.

    I’m going to try to answer some of your points with my personal views, as compared to you I am a lot more critical of the game. But I would also like to say as a little disclaimer, it doesn’t mean I don’t love it, as if I didn’t I wouldn’t be around or logging in to have discussions with people. I guess my passion and wanting for this game to be something of legend does mean I can be a little over critical and impatient at times.

    Firstly when you talk about people not necessarily wanting to play with you because of your colourful accent and with your friends I think that’s such a shame, and you know what that’s there loss I’ve heard many great stories from multiple people who have shared adventures with you who cannot praise you high enough and always remark on the passion and energy you bring to the crew. And like I have always said since we first stared talking on these shores there will always be a space on my ship if you want it.

    It’s the same about women sailers, this one completely blows my mind i generally do not understand the mentality of people who would assume a difference in gender would in anyway impact the way someone can play a game. I personally have probably played with more females on Sea Of Thieves than I have with males and each one of them are far more compatent, understanding and knowledgable of the game then me and always teach me new things and ways to explore and experience the world, they also have the patience for my general clumsiness at the game. A few honourable mentions @stacky-a who will always invite me and help me out during the events and basically keep the ship afloat while I’m falling overboard! @katttruewalker @lizalaroo who where kind enough to show me the ropes and introduce me to the game and world on my first ever forage into the world and a few times after. I have a friend called Dizzy who isn’t on the forums but she’s as fierce as Blackbeard and can show most the reason pirates where a force to be reakoned with! And obviously the cucumber @DevilsTassia needs no introduction! there’s So many more but I’m digressing off topic.

    But yeah try not to get upset by people’s predjudices whether it be gender/Race or creed the only Experiences they are hindering are there own and those kinds off attitudes won’t get them far in life.

    Now when it comes to the “attackers” against Rare I split these into two categories personally, you have your people to join the forums to just complain and start drama because the game isn’t what they wanted/expected and are not that productive in giving valid feedback they just want to argue. Then you have your critics these are the people who have been around a while but do have issues with certain aspects of the game and are not afraid to be vocal about them. (I put myself in this category personally) the problem is and you could probably say the same about people who get called white knights, and all that is, are just people getting stereotyped and catergorised, which is never good for anyone and because of that then people on both sides just see the whole group to have one specific mentality and don’t treat them as an individual with there own views, opinions, loves and hates for the game. They are either White Knights or Haters and that is so detrimental to everyone and nothing good comes out of it. I believe most people around here have been guilty of it at times including myself and it’s up to us to personally try moderate ourselves and not fall into that pit.

    But in defence of people who are more critical with the game I believe a lot of it comes down to miscommunication. So remember when the game was In it’s beta stages. There was worries about content back then as to what will be in the full game. You had some people saying this is basically it and panicking you had others saying no no this is only 10% of the game and no one ever stepped in to clarify for us. So expectations grew and we only found out once we had purchased the game and it launched. And that in my opinion was the point in when the forums turned dark. There was a lot of anger and conflict between people and lines and divides where made within the community every thing went into overdrive. Rare tried to remedy It but for a lot of people it was to late for others it was not.

    They are as of now remeding these concerns, maybe not as fast as some would like and maybe not in the way some would like but you can’t say they are not trying and that’s something I’m sure everyone can agree on no matter what your views and stance on the game is.

    That’s just my personal views anyway, but on a ending note my heart sank abit when I read that you said you had a friend on another game and didn’t invite them because why would they want to come over and play with you. That is not a mentality you can afford to have mate you cannot put yourself down like that no good will come out of it. You should have sent an invite and if they joined brilliant if not it there’s always next time. Don’t let your self confidence get in the way of you getting yourself out there you have more to give than you realise so get out there and give it! Fake it until you make it my friend, I will say it again Fake it until you make it

    Also you probably don’t realise this but if you put up a post on the looking for crew section saying I need a crew, I think you would probably fall off your seat at the sheer amount of people who would try and crew up with you just because of the name you have made for yourself around these parts. The one legacy you have on these forums is your reputation for kindness and love for Rare, you may not see it yourself but others do. So try it One day and sit back and be surprised!

    Also one last note (If I haven’t bored you to death yet) As humans it is a natural defence of ours to focus on the negative experiences in life to try and protect ourselves from danger. It’s an ancient reaction we needed to survive before we had modern society. While we loved the positives we don’t focus on them so much because they was never a theat to our exsistence. So you have to teach yourself to look out for them and remember them. I promise you there is a billion times more good in this world than there is bad we just haven’t taught ourselves to see it yet. :)

  • As a P.SS I saw you mentioned a hobbit quote by Bilbo, and being the immense Tolkien enthusiast as I am I cannot nor will not simply let a quote go by without returning one back!

    So here is one of my favourite quotes which I believe is remoltey relevant:

    Frodo: “I wish it had never come to me”

    Gandalf: “ So do all who live see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given to us”

    Tolkien literally saved my life! And I love escaping to ME as often as I can. :)

  • @knifelife a dit dans Reach out that hand of yours and become Enriched in Heart and Soul :

    As a P.SS I saw you mentioned a hobbit quote by Bilbo, and being the immense Tolkien enthusiast as I am I cannot nor will not simply let a quote go by without returning one back!

    So here is one of my favourite quotes which I believe is remoltey relevant:

    Frodo: “I wish it had never come to me”

    Gandalf: “ So do all who live see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given to us”

    Tolkien literally saved my life! And I love escaping to ME as often as I can. :)

    My favourite quote along with this one "Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement."

  • @jetorchidee97 Hahaha I was thinking off putting that one down because it’s just such a beautiful line. If memory recalls it’s when they are in the Mines of Moria when Frodo says Bilbo should have just killed Gollum.

    This is probably my favourite text it really helped me through a lot of things. The power of words will never fail to amaze me!

    PIPPIN: I didn't think it would end this way.

    GANDALF: End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it.

    PIPPIN: What? Gandalf? See what?

    GANDALF: White shores, and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise.

    PIPPIN: Well, that isn't so bad.

    GANDALF: No. No, it isn't

  • @knifelife a dit dans Reach out that hand of yours and become Enriched in Heart and Soul :

    @jetorchidee97 Hahaha I was thinking off putting that one down because it’s just such a beautiful line. If memory recalls it’s when they are in the Mines of Moria when Frodo says Bilbo should have just killed Gollum.

    This is probably my favourite text it really helped me through a lot of things. The power of words will never fail to amaze me!

    PIPPIN: I didn't think it would end this way.

    GANDALF: End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it.

    PIPPIN: What? Gandalf? See what?

    GANDALF: White shores, and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise.

    PIPPIN: Well, that isn't so bad.

    GANDALF: No. No, it isn't

    That's beautiful. Who wouldn't die with excitement after hearing that from Gandalf lol

  • @ant-heuser-kush It’s not that bad is it? I mean it was around launch but I think it’s in a pretty good place right now. Maybe it’s just me haha

    There’s just a lot of people with strong views on certain subjects but that will happen in all walks of life. But even those people are slowly finding middle ground and starting to get on.

    Don’t walk away bud, make a stand. Be the change you want to see on he forums. :)

  • @Clumsy-George sorry to hear you had challenges...and glad to see you have returned! I’ve only sailed with you once...long ago during the tech alpha. I was absolutely tickled as you were the first person I’d met who I had also talked with on the insider’s forum. Course it was doubly fun for me as I’d recently made the Reaper’s Mark belt buckle and had decided to make the Kraken & George sign as a 3D model as well.

    I’m American, but have spent a good part of my life living overseas...not visiting but ‘living.’ 5 different countries in fact. A foreign language is a challenge. I often felt bad for how I’d mangle the various ones I learned and always appreciated folks taking the time to sort out my bad grammar and plain ole mistranslated words. In world on the Sea of Thieves I just return that favor.

    As I mentioned I’m American...but the only one on my core crew. It includes United Kingdom, a Norwegian, an Australian, and as of yesterday a sailor from Turkey! I for one enjoy the international flavor of Sea of Thieves.

    My only other specific comment is on reporting folks. Everyone has to follow their own path on that. For me I do report unsportsmanlike behavior (seems to me that is XBox’s term for it). I come to the Sea of Thieves for fun and enjoyment and when someone breaks the code and spoils my (and others...) fun I believe they need to be called to a reckoning. But I respect your choice of course.

    Hey shipmate. I’d be honored to sail with you anytime!

  • @clumsy-george Ahoy there matey!

    It was a pleasure sailing with you again last night - it has been soo long!

    This forum is better for having you around and its great to have a positive vibe back around here again - while faces may come and go (and come back again in some cases) the core player base and regulars here are still upbeat, positive, helpful, friendly pirates.

    I can't wait to hear/read about your next adventures George, I'm sure it will be a corker!

  • Ahoy there Mr. @clumsy-george!

    I thought you said there wouldn't be any jokes like your usual stories, but I see you couldn't control your other voice from joking :) It was a good read George! Every time I read one of your posts it reminds me of the Tales of the Sea of Thieves, where almost every page has remarks from other pirates commenting on the text.

    I can completely understand your sentiment about the state of the forums. While I don't think it can ever return to be like the forums of old (because of the amount of people here) there are still a lot of good people and a lot of good topics on here. Unfortunately there are times where you actively have to look for the good posts through the flood of ever recurring topics or new people that demand changes to make this game like every other game they play. With the amount of topics that get created daily I won't even try to read it all, I just pick and choose what I think is interesting or useful to spend my time on. I'm glad to see your posts brighten up the forums again though, it doesn't only answer or add to the topic.. it's also good to see that Old George is still with us, fighting the good fight :)

    Your story how some people are really conscious when it comes to their voice was something that never really gave much thought at first. It was actually one of the times we sailed when we happened to get a rotten apple in the crew. I noticed how rude and cruel some people can get when joking around quickly escalates into ridiculing a person. Ever since that moment my eyes have opened and I realised this happens to a lot of people, not even just the non-native speakers... well I'm trying my best to never let it happen on my crew!

    I've been applying the Clumsy George way of the sea, where being welcoming and having fun is and should always be the main focus with some added clowning around :) Everyone is welcome in my crew to have a fun time. One side-effect is though that I've kindof gotten allergic to people that have shifted away from the focus of playing the game to have fun to accomplishing what they want in the most efficient way. I think I can live with that loss though :)

    Thanks for sharing your expierences George. If you ever feel like the forums have gotten you down, I can always lend you my ear... you have to promise me though that you'll return it afterwards. If you're out at sea and looking for someone to fill up the boat feel free to send me a message (even when I'm in another game), because unless I'm heading to bed (you and your ungodly playing times) I'm always up to sail with you. Zeker wanneer u nog hulp zoekt met van die krijsende varkentjes, ik zorg wel voor de bananen!

    Take care George!


    Captain FishSt1ck

  • @ant-heuser-kush I can see what you are saying I’ve had that feeling a lot as well. But I stopped caring and ya no what I feel good for it I’m enjoying my time in game and here now. I don’t care about badges or rep if I’m being completely honest the only thing I miss is the pioneer sessions.

  • Like usual ,i was a bit unclear in my writings....After all, it's been put down without any preparation, in one go. That also takes hours but it's still shorter then prepare it first , that would take double time but i don't have 6 hours of time to perfectionize this writing...

    Now, to come back to clear things out....i don't mind strong visions or views on games ...Who doesn't remember Mr Daimyo Do Ri Ma San , who made very long reviews for PC, in wich he complained how his processors and stuff started to run hot after a while...He had also a strong vision about the way the game was evolving and how he didn't liked that...
    But all this was done without one dirty word....Wich means that he is very smart and i liked his views, i mean i liked how he formulated this...

    Now many Topics ,since the release , are started in a positive way , sometimes they too bring a dissapointment to the surface but they start in a fair and honest way...In the past ,those opinions weren't burnt down, but we tried to make the person stay , and keep him or her hungry towards what was yet to come...

    But ever since the release many, no very many topics that started off in a positive way , become trenchwars after a few replies...There was always one that laid bait or simply ridiculized the Topic maker or one of the people that replied with his or her honest thoughts...Maybe, if i would allow to test myself, doctors would call me oversensitive ( * No , George, if doctors catch you again, well then yer one way ticket to the asylum is already been printed ....They would put you back where you belong...looneybin escapee), but all this bickering started to lower the courage to read the next day ....This went on for months , it changed my mood too, i've always been a darkmooded fellow ,when i was young, and that fight to stay out of it's clutches will be fought untill i die...No problem, sometimes it wins, but i always come back...Now this Forum , and this will sound strange , is a part of my daily life, in the beginning i had spend many hours a day , now i read two or three and if the Topic is once again thrashed , then i call it a day....The attacks and humiliating remarks from newer Forummembers towards eachother can really bring my mood down....It is simply not needed , you don't agree , then write your opinion down without thrashing a person or his/her ideas....If the dumbest yokel amongst you all can do it, why can't so many smarter people can't ...That is one of my problems that made me leave ...

  • @Clumsy-George I hear you shipmate! There is an old saying I heard once...can’t recall the source. “Don’t try making sense out of nonsense!” Good advice I think.

    I just had to remind myself of that my last quick voyage tonight. I was scouting the outposts for this hat I’ve been wanting...brown job with a real nice feather...anyhow I see a Brig heading straight towards me as I head to Daggertooth. I also noted it had founder sails...usually a good sign. No sweat. I’ve no treasure on board and am just shopping. I pull out the trumpet and shout out an ahoy and I’m friendly...they responded with ‘their’ trumpet and something rather lewd about my Grandmother which I did not ‘quite’ catch. They continued to shoot at me with snipers and cannonade while spewing sewage into their trumpet. I turned my sloop into the wind and shouted back...”Hey, you keep missing! Try harder!” They finally got enough hits that I started to take on water...I just kept bailing and yelling “Keep at might get me eventually!” I sailed at bit out of sight and left the game chuckling instead of upset...because...I did not try and make sense of nonsense ;-)

  • @clumsy-george Just thought I would pop in and let you know George that I just had one of the best sessions I’ve had on SoT.

    And i don’t think it would have happened if I hadn’t read this post.

    Me and my friend where both sailing a sloop and we came across 6 German speaking friends spread across two brigs. None of us could speak each other’s native language. Usually I would have just sailed in the other direction and got on with my voyages but I remembered what you wrote here about understanding different languages and how it can be hard to play games with language barriers.

    So I told my friend we would go over and see if they wanted to alliance. They where currently at a skull fort and obviously they had two fully crewed brigs and we where on our little sloop so we expected to get sunk.

    We jumped on the land and joined there alliance and said Ahoy, we are friendly with the non verbal communication wheel. Me and my friend are both on Xbox so we are limited to what we can say.

    But they didn’t attack us and we helped them finish the fort. When the door opened they all turned and looked at us probably expecting for us to make a move to betray. We just waved and said the Well played comm and got on our sloop and left, we wasn’t interested in the loot but by doing so we earned there trust.

    For the next couple of hours all 3 ships went there separate ways and just done normal voyages we kept bumping into each other and waving and saying ahoy.

    Until we saw them at the top left corner of the map. We knew they was about to start a skelly battle so we put our Shores O plenty sails on and I equipped my “Protecter of the shores o Plenty” title. And started sailing. We was in the wilds so it took us a while. But as we arrived one of the brigs has just sunk. We rescued one of the crew and he joined us until his new ship returned. We all had a laugh dodging each other and crashing into each other, all screaming random slurs..I couldn’t understand them they couldn’t me. But I could tell by the way they was speaking and prounoncing there words they was having as much fun as us. Obviously the meg joined in and took a bite out of us all but eventually we won.

    Once again we left all the loot for them (The rep was more than payment for us) and we trailed behind them on the way to golden sands.

    Out of knowhere a Galleon emerged and tried to gain on them to take there hard won prize and since me and my friend had no loot on board we intercepted to buy them time! We sank the honorless Thieves with our boom booms and bought them time to cash in. We then caught up to them at the out post and all had a drink together played some tunes and danced!

    It was brilliant, and it was all done through communicating through the consoles Non verbal wheel and it worked well!

    I don’t believe it would have happened if it wasn’t for your post so I just wanted to pop in and let you know you made a difference! To me anyway! :)

    The picture is small but here is a little shot of us all celebrating at the end of our grand adventure!

  • Sorry I'm late on this, I haven't been on the forum, reading for a couple of days... however OMG, that is the most perfect post I have seen in a long time @Clumsy-George, you are a pillar of the community, even though you don't want to be. Nothing I have read in this thread from anyone hasn't made me smile.

    We ARE one world, and we ALL need to share it with compassion for each other, be it in R/L or in game. No I don't mean you can't play a game and pvp, I mean just don't be ignorant towards the people that are playing, they too have feelings, and some words can really hurt.

    @KnifeLife Awesome story, always cool, when you find people that will share the fun (and the booty) of the game.

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