[CLOSED] Win Wednesday! - 'Spinal' Figurehead (Sea of Thieves DLC)

  • The Ghost Figurehead could make you invisible and cannonballs sail right through your ship at night like the shadow skeletons but has no affect during the day!

  • The figurehead 'Grand Admiral' allows controlled winds and waves. And also invoked "Ariel the little mermaid" !

  • The hunter figurehead is a grey horse with the mask of a bandit.
    The secret order of the Twisted Knife uses this on any contracts they get from their powerful and rich master. When a mystical incantation is read, their ship gains the speed from a mustang horse and the invisibility of a bandit in the nighttime. That’s how their ship was able to sneak up on Diving Bells and Nine Cat Nuras ship.
    Sadly, it was sunk in the ensuing battle, but one surviving crew member was able to duplicate the design and sell it to the Sea of Thieves that we know today!

  • I was thinking that Poseidon could bless your ship with clam waters, for a certain amount of time / radius, would be handy for sailing through storms etc, imagine traveling along and then the storm is settled around you in a small radius, whilst everyone else has to manage the choppy waters, but....it seems someone had a similar idea, so id like to see the Bear and Bird, protect your ship for a short amount of time, by covering you in a golden glow that starts at the figurehead and engulfs your ship, much like Kazooie's shield from Banjo-Kazooie.
    No enemy fire, no meg, no kegs etc could damage you (short duration, long cool down)

    Or better yet, a giant red bird (spirit) spawns behind you, and flaps her wings for a while, giving you full sails (regardless of wind direction) for a medium amount of time.

  • I think the kraken figurehead would have the mystical power of hiding them with its inky powers from the sight of the volcano rocks!

  • I have heard rumours that the Kraken figurehead can allow ships to spread a thick inky cloud in their wake, slowing vessels that attempt to chase them down.

  • hmmmmm kraken figurehead that summons the mighty beast when the wind isn't if your favorto give u a mighty boost across the seas ;)

  • The shark hunter figurehead can harness the power of the mighty megalodon to pull the ship when sailing against the wind.

  • The Forsaken Ashes Figurehead should make the water around the ship boil (maybe even extra hard, causing more damage), preventing another crews climbing aboard. You and your crew can use the rowboat to safely get on and off the ship.

  • I believe the Admiral figurehead, when being chased by a foe will cause a massive tsunami to hit the enemy boat allowing the boat who used him to sail to safety

  • The Forsaken Ashes figurehead radiates so much heat that it causes the water around the ship to boil, cooking alive all ye pirates who try to board her.

  • The Crab figurehead. The notorious crab stealing valuables of the tribal folk that came before might still be around. As a result, all good pirates that like to obtain goods through devious means pay homage by mounting the crab's image on the front of their vessels. Wouldn't want to upset the creature and have the stolen loot stolen from them after all.

  • One stormy day upon the sea Captain Blackbeard Benton and his crew of scallywag pirates were out looking for ships to commendeer sending anyone that dared stand in their way straight to the ferryman's ship of lost souls, on this day captain Benton did not know that he would encounter the most wretched beast of the open sea! Sailing along the isle of last words headed toward Galleon's grave outpost to restock his ship, out of nowhere the waters around his boat turn black as coal and a fierce rumble came from the deep as the water started to churn, and then 8 large tentacles reached from under his boat grabbing two of his crew and wrapping around his boat and crushing it like a rotten piece of drift wood, the captain knew he had met his match and that he had nothing that could send this beast back to the deep, the captain had only one personal possession he held close to his heart a small figurine of a unicorn with glowing eyes and horn that was given to him by his only daughter, whos life had been claimed by the sea at a young age! As Captain Benton grabbed that small token of his beloved child, his boat being swallowed up by kraken, he noticed that the eyes and horn of this unicorn started getting brighter and so did his clothes, a strange green glow coming from around him standing at the helm, he started hearing a strange song being played, a song he had only heard stories about, played by legendary captains long before him, as captain benton looked up across his boat he sees a crew not of this world, but a ghost crew with the same green glow, as one crew member shouted to the captain, "aye aye captain full canons on the starboard" as the thunder of 8 canons started landing blows to the krakens tentacles, captain realized that small figurine was the key between this world and the world of Pirate Legends, his daughter had saved him from beyond this world, as the ghost crew had blown the kraken back into the ocean from where it came,boat barely staying afloat, captain benton on his knees in disbelief of what has happened, one of the ghost crew walks over to the captain, grabs the unicorn figurine from the captains hands and says "We Shall Sail Together" the ghost crewmember walk to the front of the ship and tied the figurine to the front of the boat, so is born the crew of the Pirate Legends. Sailing him and his new crew onward to Galleons grave outpost, gathered around a table celebrating their victory with the finest grog, Captain Blackbeard Benton remembered the shanty he had heard upon his ship, pulling out his hurdy gurdy and started to play, as the Tavern grew silent a young girls voice was heard, "We Shall Sail Together"... a rumble in the floor grabbed Captains attention and out of no where a passage opened in the floor leading to a unknown world a world of Legends.

  • The ghost figurehead could turn it's crew into ghosts when they die instead of going to the ferry

  • Bear & Bird figurehead:

    Once attached to your ship your crew gain access to some fun and magical powers:

    • Your ship can fly! But beware of turbulences.
    • Enemies (including other pirates) can drop honeycombs which will restore some of your health. Yummy!
    • The crew member who is using the ship's wheel transforms into Banjo himself (just for cosmetics).

    Bear & Bird figurehead idea

  • To all yee Lanlubbers I tell thee about the mysical ghost firgure head and that it be more than a mere legend. This figure head give thy captain of the bearer the power to steal the soul of the crew of any ship they cast asunder.

  • Pretty sure the Huntress figurehead scares away the monkeys controlling sharks and the Meg, keeping the ship safe from aquatic harm

  • The Royal Sovereign Figurehead is able to keep the sharks away (perhaps even the megalodon and the kraken?) from the ship.

    «Est leo, sed custos, oculis qui dormit apertis; Templorum idcirco ponitur ante fores»
    -Andrea Alciato, Emblemata

    "He is a lion, but also a guardian, because he sleeps with his eyes open; that is why it is placed before the doors of the temples "
    -Andrea Alciato, Emblemata

    The roar of the lion inspired the mystics to see the symbol of the divine word. In the prophecy of Hosea we read: "The Lord will follow and he will roar like a lion: when he roars his children will run from the West [...]". While in that of Joel we read: "The Lord roars from Zion and from Jerusalem makes his voice heard; the heavens and the earth tremble. "This would be one of the reasons why the preaching pulpits of the western regions are often supported by leonine sculptures.

    Etc. etc.

  • I think the admiral figurehead would have the power to control the seas like Poseidon. Conjuring storms to take down your pirate foes.

  • Obviously the ocean crawler figurehead. Because it lets you communicated with the crab people, crab people. Walk like crab, talk like people. (Can we get this shanty too...heh)

  • The Grand Admiral Figurehead is by far one of my favorite.

    It is told that the lord of the seas' soul still roams, and all with his figurehead shall have the waters bend to their will.

    Grand Admiral Figurehead Image

  • The Ceremonial Admiral Figurehead is imbued with the the ability to harness the lightning produced by storms at sea. The extra power can be used to keep your ship steady while navigating storms, electrify cannons, or some say, summon merpeople to fight by your side.

  • I always wondered what Kraken figurehead is used for. Maybe a power to summon a Kraken to aid you in battle or maybe a power to avoid it? Someday we might find a power of legends that will grant us this precious gift.

  • I think the Ghost Figurehead’s glowing lantern would have the ability to effect skeletons. If carried by the owner of the figurehead (Athena’s 10 Pirate Legend) it can send all skeletons touched by the light back to the ferry of the damned and return them as pirates again.

  • Ahoy mate's let me tell you of a figurehead not found anymore. The Bone Crusher figurehead has powers untold of, showing the defeat of Captain Warsmith this figurehead also shows those boney remains that they should fear you as you have defeated many others of their kind.

  • Hunter figurhead: +10% faster sailing in headwind

  • @pikaaroon I think the Huntress Figurehead grants the possessor the ability to dual wield Flintlocks!!

  • With the power of the Huntress figurehead ye shall be able to pass throughout the harshest storm or darkest night to get yer booty to the nearest haven or to plunder and pillage yer unsuspecting prey!

  • The Hungering One figurehead ensures your foes will find you won't go out easy as the megalodon lurks below ready to defend you.

  • I think the Huntress Figurehead grants the possesor the ability the dual wield Flintlocks!! Aaarrrggg!!!

  • @pikaaroon

    The bear and the bird figure head..

    It gives you the magical powers to hunt gold treasure for hours and never run out of room for them.

    Plus give's you the power to do a mystical jig.

  • The Admiral Figurehead, which is basically poseidon, could grant the users ship the power over the sea by allowing their ship to cut through the water with greater ease, and less rocking with the waves.

  • The Bonecrusher Figurehead should afflict its crew with a similar status as the undead sailors of the skeleton ships, namely turning us into skeletons ourselves.

    I believe that we should one day be able to obtain the ability to turn our characters in skeletons, while being able to wear whatever clothing we own, so as to set ourselves apart and feel unique. However, the bonecrusher or ghost ship figurehead should affect us with a more generic visual status of turning us into skeletons with pre-set appearances so as to set these features apart. This is also easier to implement.

    alt text

  • alt text
    Only the most worthy Pirate Legends are sighted with The Ghost figurehead on their ship.
    It is told the figurehead points its
    bony fingers, wielding the 'lantern of death', towards the nearest enemy vessel.
    A bloodthirsty captain would only need to 'follow the light' to get a fresh kill.
    The unfortunate crew sailing nearby would leave this world with the sight of the Grim Reaper pointing towards them and the sky ablaze with cannonfire.

  • The Kraken figurehead in combo with the Kraken hull has the power to ward off Karen but the sickly Blood of the Beast make the water run more smoothly into the ship making it like most things in life a blessing and cursed!

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