Red Sea loot should move to the edge of the Red Sea to deter Red Sea Running

  • Look kid, it's not my fault you didn't do all the tall tales and bookmark the last one so you can use the shroudbreaker.

    If someone red sea runs and you can't get the loot. Too bad. It's no different than losing it because you can't catch them and they rowboat it off and bury it or do sailbys to sell at outposts.

    If you can't catch them, you don't get a reward. If you hound them in a straight chase so much that they Red Sea instead of backing off and stalking or hiding or trying to lay a second trap, that's your fault.

    Go to ground, sail to an island, watch them, see if they go somewhere to complete a thing or make a break for an outpost and ambush them there.

    I know of at least one time I saw a ship being chased and the chaser Galleon backed off, made like it was stopping at an outpost and then left... the brig sailed up to the outpost to sell and was killed by the crew that had stayed at the outpost.

    Put your own risk on there to make the play or don't complain.

  • Lord have mercy...
    23 days, 240+ replies/posts and people are still on this. (most is arguments between users and personal views)

  • @bruvhandles said in Red Sea loot should move to the edge of the Red Sea to deter Red Sea Running:

    @slarow who says it’s not theirs to destroy? Is that a rule I missed somewhere? Loot despawns after 10 mins or so right? That means I can leave my loot sitting on any random beach and destroy it in 10 minutes

    You might have to spend more than 10 minutes to see it despawn from a beach ...

  • thats part of "play your way"if they want to run the loot of the map so they lose the treasure but you wasted your time thats fine. just like you wasted their time by chasing them in the first place. just like some people throw their loot over board leaving a trail of loot behind them in the chase.

    what next? disable the shores of gold tall tale after people get the gold curse so that they cant run to safety while the person chasing them sinks?

  • @lem0n-curry you’re right. Google says it takes 1-2 hours before it gets destroyed on the beach. Still able to destroy the loot tho

  • I request to drop the Anchor at this argument threat... It's Not leading anywhere anymore...

  • The salt in here. Red Sea is fine as it is. Get better.

  • @talvheet
    There is No need in being toxic here...
    Pls don't Leave such Posts... We are better then that arent we? ;)

  • Well in my opinion, if you're not able to catch them before they even reach the Red Sea, it means that you're not that good for pvp, maybe learn another way or ambush or something idk.

  • @icedragon5491 When they escape via portal all the loot is dropped for the pursuer to loot though as far as I know :P

  • if a ship is to red sea run i think that a mermaid like the ones from the shrines would pop up at the edge of the red sea close to the chasing ship, maybe if the ship had done damage to your ship before you ran into the red sea it qualifies to get your loot and so the mermaid spawns near that ship to give the loot

    this might lead to exploits maybe but i think it could be a neat thing

  • This is still going?

  • @realstyli said in Red Sea loot should move to the edge of the Red Sea to deter Red Sea Running:

    The amount of entitlement from PvPers has really gone through the roof lately.

  • @scurvywoof said in Red Sea loot should move to the edge of the Red Sea to deter Red Sea Running:

    This is still going?

    Exactly what I was thinking. 😅

  • Yeah, it was still going.

    I've always seen that it is valid and there is no need to change this.
    The chased crew can choose the way they want to play as much as the chasing crew has their right to play their way. No one owes a battle to anyone. You can choose to fight back or escape.
    Someone compared it to Basketball, well, the thing is that in basketball there is only one ball, in this game there is more loot outside of the ship that is ehading to the red sea. Same thing about the football field comparison, there is one ball there, but in Sea of Thieves if you decided to waste your time chasing someone else instead of going somewhere else and get some loot on your own, that's on you. You made your choice so you know what the consequences are.

    That's all I got to say but I'm sure this topic may go on and on until it gets anchored.

    For now, good luck out there pirates.

  • I feel like there are 2 separate arguments.

    1). Red Sea. This is an intended mechanic designed to create a high risk area where recovering is a real challenge.

    2). Out of Bounds. This is an exploit. Players defeating the mechanics of the game in order to get loot beyond the boundaries of the game.

    The first one is fine. The second one should be considered an exploit akin to x-bucketing, x-shoveling, rail gunning, sprint cancelling, etc.

  • Oh my lord this argument is still going...

    The hilarious irony about some of the players complaining about Red Sea dumping, is that they call it an exploit, yet many of the players complaining about this "exploit" also use other combat exploits to their advantage.

    I've said it once, I'll say it again; If you can't/don't catch a fleeing crew in the red sea, you don't deserve the treasure. Chasing someone for x period of time does not entitle you to the treasure, either. We do not need to reward players for chasing for abhorrent amounts of time.

    Loot is no one's until turned in, simple as that. In a game where dastardly pirate deeds are the core gameplay loop, this is no different. There is no honor among thieves.

  • Sorry, not a fan. Chasing people shouldn't entitle you to their loot. If you couldn't board and sink them before they reach the red sea then you don't deserve said loot.

  • @hijack-hayes This pirate gets it.

  • @scurvywoof said in Red Sea loot should move to the edge of the Red Sea to deter Red Sea Running:

    This is still going?

    So it would seem.

  • How hilarious it is that so many here seem to be in favor of the "Punish-the-chaser" mentality.
    Not to mention it being quite suspicious how defensive you are about this mechanic, as if was your greatest trump-card.

    Answer me this:
    If you escape via Portal the loot gets dropped ... Flags even get DUPED!
    Do you think that Rare should also change that so it effectively vanishes along with the ship just like with the Red-Sea?

    WHY should the chasers get the loot THERE :P ?
    "They were not fast enough" after all.
    (Which is SUCH a BS argument to begin with , ESPECIALLY for the Red-Sea, due to the nature of how sailing with/against the wind in SoT works ...)

    I can imagine some of you would actually like that ... really sad.
    But yeah, that is probably the same crowd of people screaming for PvE-servers, literally dividing the player-base ...

    Yet now I will once again tell you what you don't like to hear:
    Red-Sea suiciding is

    -incentivizing running instead of fighting (Are you REALLY that opposed to fighting an "uphill-battle" now and then?!)
    -extremely lame (You literally kill yourself just so you don't have to fight)
    -100% spiteful (You DESTROY loot just so someone else won't get it)
    -Borderline petty (WHAT is your problem? If you sink anyway you might as well let them have the loot :P)

    • I have another question for you:
      WHY the hell do you even UTILISE THIS METHOD?!
      If it is sucker-punch "Revenge" that motivates you, then let me tell you this to your face: You are 0% better than those that you criticize for chasing you, or failing to do so.
      (And I don't even mean that as an insult).

    But why don't you just Portal-hop?! Are there NOT ENOUGH Portals XD?! ... as a runner, in 99/100 cases you will have that opportunity.
    It literally saves you your Flag and Resources ...

    To be honest I have ZERO sympathy for Red-Sea suiciding and to be even more honest:
    To all of you that gather to defend this, you should really look into yourselves and ask yourselves if what you do when you Red-Sea-suicide is in any way the correct decision.

    But yeah ... as was often said here before ~"It is an in-game-mechanic, so I use it ):)".
    This mentality is not your fault, we are all evil humans that wish nothing but the worst onto our "enemies" ... aren't we.
    'Do not hate the Player, hate the Game.'

    So Rare, there is a reason why this OP-post is rather alive ... Please fix this :(

  • @lormiun I feel like you have an idea how to articulate sentences to make a point, but you're just not quite there yet.

    Allow me to answer these strange concerns.

    Answer me this:
    If you escape via Portal the loot gets dropped ... Flags even get DUPED!
    Do you think that Rare should also change that so it vanishes along with the ship just like with the Red-Sea?
    WHY should the chasers get the loot THERE :P ?
    "They were not fast enough" after all.
    (Which is SUCH a BS argument, ESPECIALLY for the Red-Sea, to begin with due to the nature of how sailing with/against the wind in SoT works ...)

    Alright so as of right now, keeping your emissary while utilizing the portal is a "bug" that's been intentionally left in the game by the developers. They are currently monitoring it to see how much this changes the game loop.

    About a year after these portals for APL were made, people are barely finding good use in them as a majority of hunters are either not good at hunting, or find it better to rush to a boat on minimal supplies if it means they guarantee a boat they can target and sink. We still have an issue about running, but the only thing these vessel keep with them past the portal are supplies and their emissary flag status. Tridents of Dark Tides, Treasure of any kind, and Emissary flags are left behind on the portal, so as to prevent those escaping players in more playable territory aren't completely screwing them over by just goin on a short trip to the Sea of the Damned.

    The Devil's Shroud remains to be the game's map borders and rushing off of there is still intentional game design, and a more guaranteed way to flip a finger at your chaser as many running players have the habit of doing.

    Yet now I will once again tell you what you don't like to hear:
    Red-Sea suiciding is
    -incentivizing running instead of fighting (Are you REALLY that opposed to fighting an "uphill-battle" now and then?!)
    -extremely lame (You literally kill yourself just so you don't have to fight)
    -100% spiteful (You DESTROY loot just so someone else won't get it)
    -Borderline petty (WHAT is your problem? If you sink anyway you might as well let them have the loot :P)

    It's been said multiple times before, no one is owed a fight in this game. If the running player wishes to destroy their loot past the border so no one can have it, they might be wasting your time, but they're also wasting their time and effort (and usually, they're the ones heading to different outlets of social media to cry their own disdain about the game's PvP).

    • I have another question for you:
      WHY the hell do you even UTILISE THIS METHOD?!
      If it is sucker-punch "Revenge" that motivates you, then let me tell you this to your face: You are 0% better than those that you criticize for chasing you, or failing to do so. (And I don't even mean that as an insult).

    In a game where the environment and in-game players can have nothing but contempt for your existence and efforts, it's very easy for one to feel spiteful and overly defensive about their decisions. Who can really blame them? Having a sense of power in this world is an annoying ladder climb that not even the greatest of players are ready or capable of tackling. "Red Sea Running" for a lot of lesser skilled players is that sense of power, where they don't feel completely hopeless, where they can see this strategy, as a winning one for a PvP conflict.

    But why don't you just Portal-hop?!
    It literally saves you your Flag and Resources ...

    Because your enemy still gets the loot you didn't sell, and as I just said, players are spiteful, usually because they took a risk they didn't think they were making and are about to pay the price for that risk, and instead of rewarding a dirty server hopper that's better than you any amount of treasure just to save a bunch of cannonballs, wood, and food you were never gonna use for a tougher than normal PvP situation, the Shroud is better as your enemy is about to be as bitter as you.

    'Do not hate the Player, hate the Game.'
    So Rare, there is a reason why this post is rather alive ... Please fix this :(

    Honestly this discussion lasting a while is a little healthy, but because it slowly keeps going in circles about ideals, preferences, what is fair, what is an exploit, and why players are doing this at all, it's tiresome to say the least, it's been in the game since the game's launch back in 2018 and has been used since then. It's valid, for as long as Rare allows it to be valid.

    Though, I don't know why we should restrict what players can/can't do just because they choose not to fight in this game. I know PvP-centric players have an issue with emergent threats like Megalodons and Skeleton ships suddenly appearing and targeting mid-fight/mid-chase, but PvE makes as much of it's own decisions as us players do, one has more capabilities than the other, sure, but at the end of the day, we just take what we can get, regardless of the reward, it's a sandbox, not a boxing ring. People can go wherever they like, so long as they know the consequences of those hasty actions.

    Keep in mind, I don't really "red sea run" I take (and lose) a lot of my fights (solo anyways), and I think the shrouding loot is a valid tactic. It shouldn't be treated as invalid just because you don't like it, just as much as others that think we shouldn't be doing PvP because they don't like it (and I already know a name or two that perfectly match that sentiment).

  • @nex-stargaze said in Red Sea loot should move to the edge of the Red Sea to deter Red Sea Running:

    @lormiun I feel like you have an idea how to articulate sentences to make a point, but you're just not quite there yet.

    Thanks I guess.

    Alright so as of right now, keeping your emissary while utilizing the portal is a "bug" that's been intentionally left in the game by the developers. They are currently monitoring it to see how much this changes the game loop.

    Is it really a bug -.O ?
    Even if ... Sword-Lunging is a "bug" too -.-
    But HEY Idc about the flags all that much tbh. The 99% of loot is what matters!
    Obviously ...

    The Devil's Shroud remains to be the game's map borders and rushing off of there is still intentional game design, and a more guaranteed way to flip a finger at your chaser as many running players have the habit of doing.

    Uhh yeah ... We think that's bad :P

    It's been said multiple times before, no one is owed a fight in this game. If the running player wishes to destroy their loot past the border so no one can have it, they might be wasting your time, but they're also wasting their time and effort (and usually, they're the ones heading to different outlets of social media to cry their own disdain about the game's PvP).

    It's LOGIC for heavens sake XD
    If I rob you for what you LITERALLY HAVE ON YOU and you don't fight back ...
    It's a freakin Pirate-Game ...
    Sure you don't owe me a fight ... But then I ROB you :D
    You shouldn't be able to "flick the finger" and just make your loot disappear.
    THAT is the reason for this entire OP-post.
    If you REALLY don't want your enemy to get your loot there are COUNTLESS methods MUCH healthier for SoT.
    The Red-Sea is simply too much of an easy-way-out ...
    which, on its own, would even be ok if it wasn't for the 100% spite factor with the loot.

    In a game where the environment and in-game players can have nothing but contempt for your existence and efforts, it's very easy for one to feel spiteful and overly defensive about their decisions. Who can really blame them? Having a sense of power in this world is an annoying ladder climb that not even the greatest of players are ready or capable of tackling. "Red Sea Running" for a lot of lesser skilled players is that sense of power, where they don't feel completely hopeless, where they can see this strategy, as a winning one for a PvP conflict.

    Yeah ... that is the exact definition of Care-Bear-Noob-Protection.
    It is poison for ANY kind of PvP.

    But why don't you just Portal-hop?!
    It literally saves you your Flag and Resources ...

    Because your enemy still gets the loot you didn't sell, and as I just said, players are spiteful, usually because they took a risk they didn't think they were making and are about to pay the price for that risk, and instead of rewarding a dirty server hopper that's better than you any amount of treasure just to save a bunch of cannonballs, wood, and food you were never gonna use for a tougher than normal PvP situation, the Shroud is better as your enemy is about to be as bitter as you.

    Actually judging you as a reasonable person, at least based on this singular post, in contrast to some others here, I ask you:
    A mechanic like this that OPENLY and PURELY encourages behavior preformed out of 100% spite, with no, ABSOLUTELY ZERO other value to it,
    is NOT something that should have a place in SoT.
    (Or anything fun rly ...)
    Plus I feel you understate the value of a stacked ship here a bit ESPECIALLY if it also has a 5-Emissary ...

    Honestly this discussion lasting a while is a little healthy, but because it slowly keeps going in circles about ideals, preferences, what is fair, what is an exploit, and why players are doing this at all, it's tiresome to say the least, it's been in the game since the game's launch back in 2018 and has been used since then. It's valid, for as long as Rare allows it to be valid.

    Rare should no longer do so.
    Hence this entire OP-post. ... I wonder ... say this issue was addressed and Rare made the loot accessible ... would there be a similar crowd demanding this change to be reversed?
    ... I doubt it.

    Keep in mind, I don't really "red sea run" I take (and lose) a lot of my fights (solo anyways), and I think the shrouding loot is a valid tactic. It shouldn't be treated as invalid just because you don't like it, just as much as others that think we shouldn't be doing PvP because they don't like it (and I already know a name or two that perfectly match that sentiment).

    It shouldn't be treated as invalid just because "I" don't like it.
    It should be treated as invalid because Rare hopefully can be further encouraged to change it ...

    I can understand why your average Solo-Slooper defends this.
    THAT doesn't make it One-bit-right.

    Now before the question "Who are you to say what is wrong or right?! HUH!?!" gets hurled at me again:
    Let me answer this to you: It's because WE are obviously right and deep down you KNOW IT!!!
    The aspects of this situation have been made blatantly clear.
    I question the gaming-moral-compass of those that not actually feel that way deep down.
    But I hope most of you truly do ...

    And I BET that such a change to the Red-Sea would in fact be applauded greatly.

    But of course, it is for Rare to decide ... We are merely plants trying to influence the wind.

  • I have said it before many pages back and I will say it again to keep it current. They need to turn shroud damage rate up. At least 4 fold from what it currently is really, something a bit less than scuttling but you shouldn't be able to patch a hole in the time it takes for at least 1-2 more to rupture. All tier 3.

    The "red sea" aka the Shroud, is supposed to rip ships apart. If the damage were based on lore, no ship regardless of crew competence and hundreds of planks, would be able to reach the despawn wall. This would effectively end the idiocy of this debate.

  • @slarow brilliant idea

  • @lormiun >

    Yet now I will once again tell you what you don't like to hear:
    Red-Sea suiciding is

    -incentivizing running instead of fighting (Are you REALLY that opposed to fighting an "uphill-battle" now and then?!)

    You don’t get to decide what anyone finds fun if they aren’t breaking rules of the game. People not wanting to engage with you is their prerogative.

    -extremely lame (You literally kill yourself just so you don't have to fight)

    Duh that’s how the Red Sea works?

    -100% spiteful (You DESTROY loot just so someone else won't get it)

    No more spiteful than stealing loot?

    -Borderline petty (WHAT is your problem? If you sink anyway you might as well let them have the loot :P)

    Again being petty isn’t against any rule? Stealing loot is also pretty petty.

    • I have another question for you:
      WHY the hell do you even UTILISE THIS METHOD?!

    It’s fun.

    If it is sucker-punch "Revenge" that motivates you, then let me tell you this to your face: You are 0% better than those that you criticize for chasing you, or failing to do so.

    Chase all you want I enjoy it and no one is worried about being “better” than anyone but you by the sounds of it. Even if you need to change how the game works to achieve that.

    (And I don't even mean that as an insult).

    But why don't you just Portal-hop?! Are there NOT ENOUGH Portals XD?! ... as a runner, in 99/100 cases you will have that opportunity.

    Don’t know how to portal hop. Don’t care to learn and don’t need to learn. I enjoy this sandbox open world game the way I please.


    To be honest I have ZERO sympathy for Red-Sea suiciding and to be even more honest:
    To all of you that gather to defend this, you should really look into yourselves and ask yourselves if what you do when you Red-Sea-suicide is in any way the correct decision.

    Couldn’t care less for your sympathy because you being upset about me sailing my ship will get you none from me. “Correct” is a funny word to use here since this is in fact a sandbox game where you can literally do why you want. There isnt a correct way to play. No rules only tools.

    I get enjoyment everytime I make it to the Red Sea while being chased.

    Why should I value your fun over mine? What makes you so important to me? Keep in mind I’m not your attentive mommy here to make sure the big scary ships don’t run away from you too hard so it’s easy for you.

    But yeah ... as was often said here before ~"It is an in-game-mechanic, so I use it ):)".

    Lol Oh thank you for your permission to play the game the way it was programmed and designed.

    'Do not hate the Player, hate the Game.'

  • @lormiun said in Red Sea loot should move to the edge of the Red Sea to deter Red Sea Running:

    How hilarious it is that so many here seem to be in favor of the "Punish-the-chaser" mentality.
    Not to mention it being quite suspicious how defensive you are about this mechanic, as if was your greatest trump-card.

    It's not "punish the chaser," it's simply not rewarding them. Why should the chaser be entitled to the loot aboard another ship that they couldn't/can't catch?

    Answer me this:
    If you escape via Portal the loot gets dropped ... Flags even get DUPED!
    Do you think that Rare should also change that so it effectively vanishes along with the ship just like with the Red-Sea?

    Yes, I think portal hopping, and keeping emissary should go away as well. If a player runs and escapes through a portal, they shouldn't get to keep the loot or flag.

    I can imagine some of you would actually like that ... really sad.
    But yeah, that is probably the same crowd of people screaming for PvE-servers, literally dividing the player-base ...

    Are we really still on this whole "splitting the playerbase" debacle, lol? There's quite literally no data to support that anymore. The game has plenty of players, such that even if PvE servers ever were introduced (they won't be), there wouldn't be a noticeable difference.

    Yet now I will once again tell you what you don't like to hear:
    Red-Sea suiciding is

    -incentivizing running instead of fighting (Are you REALLY that opposed to fighting an "uphill-battle" now and then?!)
    -extremely lame (You literally kill yourself just so you don't have to fight)
    -100% spiteful (You DESTROY loot just so someone else won't get it)
    -Borderline petty (WHAT is your problem? If you sink anyway you might as well let them have the loot :P)

    You don't speak for every other player. Not everyone is interested in PvP as you are. It's a sandbox game, people can play how they want, and NO ONE owes you a fight, or the loot on board their ship; you need to work for it, if you want it. It's no more petty than literally any other dastardly pirate deed in this game.

    • I have another question for you:
      WHY the hell do you even UTILISE THIS METHOD?!
      If it is sucker-punch "Revenge" that motivates you, then let me tell you this to your face: You are 0% better than those that you criticize for chasing you, or failing to do so.
      (And I don't even mean that as an insult).

    Why do people spawn camp? Why do people bucket upon killing? Why do people spam "rolling on deck laughing"? Why do people double gun? Why do people do anything in this game? Because they can. There is no wrong way to play the game, and telling or insinuating otherwise is gatekeeping.

    To be honest I have ZERO sympathy for Red-Sea suiciding and to be even more honest:
    To all of you that gather to defend this, you should really look into yourselves and ask yourselves if what you do when you Red-Sea-suicide is in any way the correct decision.

    Oh my lord, lol.. Imagine telling people they need to reevaluate themselves, because they do a tactic in a game that you don't like. I've zero sympathy for Red Sea whiners. You, yourselves elect to chase another crew for x period of time. You lose the right to complain when you chase someone for hours on end, and they deny you the loot. Learn to stop chasing, as there is quite literally a plethora of other methods you can use to obtain the enemy's loot. But nah, most chasers just Z-Target, and never back off.

    But yeah ... as was often said here before ~"It is an in-game-mechanic, so I use it ):)".
    This mentality is not your fault, we are all evil humans that wish nothing but the worst onto our "enemies" ... aren't we.
    'Do not hate the Player, hate the Game.'

    So Rare, there is a reason why this OP-post is rather alive ... Please fix this :(

    The victim card is strong.. yikes lol. All this anti-red sea sentiment boils down to is this: entitlement. People will partake in just about any other obnoxious, piratical, devious, and scallywag-ish activity (spawn camping, combat exploits, tucking, etc) and be completely fine with doing so, because it benefits them. BUT as soon as someone does something equally devious and conniving to them, they play victim, and cry about how unfair it is. There's no honor among thieves.

  • @bruvhandles said in Red Sea loot should move to the edge of the Red Sea to deter Red Sea Running:

    -100% spiteful (You DESTROY loot just so someone else won't get it)

    No more spiteful than stealing loot?

    This dude is beyond hope.

    Again being petty isn’t against any rule? Stealing loot is also pretty petty.

    THIS is the purpose of the game though ...

    WHY the hell do you even UTILISE THIS METHOD?!

    It’s fun.

    Yeah ... how fun. Being a bad looser.

    But why don't you just Portal-hop?! Are there NOT ENOUGH Portals XD?! ... as a runner, in 99/100 cases you will have that opportunity.

    Don’t know how to portal hop. Don’t care to learn and don’t need to learn. I enjoy this sandbox open world game the way I please.

    I think at this point, it is obvious how much credence should be granted to this dude.


    To be honest I have ZERO sympathy for Red-Sea suiciding and to be even more honest:
    To all of you that gather to defend this, you should really look into yourselves and ask yourselves if what you do when you Red-Sea-suicide is in any way the correct decision.

    There isnt a correct way to play. No rules only tools.

    This metnaility is why these "tools" need to be CAREFULLY made available ... but yeah, that is nothing new now is it?

    I get enjoyment everytime I make it to the Red Sea while being chased.

    It is JUST TOO EASY!
    You feel yourself the "great" sailor when all you do is escape into the Red which is SUPER easy to do because you will ALWAYS have a certain wind that allows you to be faster -.-
    AND the Red sea is like ... literally accessible from ANY direction?!

    Come on ... read this dudes post for yourself and judge if this mechanic should really stay the way it is ...

  • @lormiun it’s the purpose of the game TO YOU. You do not get to dictate what other people do in game l’m sorry son but that’s not how the world works. Lolol no one said sailing to the Red Sea makes them a “great pirate”? I’m not a pirate I’m a guy playing a video game. And is whining online about losing a chase in attempt to get the rules changed something someone who isn’t a bad loser would do? Like dude you lost a chase lol simply keep playing. The fact of the matter is you have all the tools you need to catch runners you probably just aren’t very good at it and maybe through practice you’ll get better at the game.

  • @valor-omega said in Red Sea loot should move to the edge of the Red Sea to deter Red Sea Running:

    It's not "punish the chaser," it's simply not rewarding them. Why should the chaser be entitled to the loot aboard another ship that they couldn't/can't catch?

    You hide behind your "couldn't catch". This is BS!
    When prey runs from its predator the predator has at least a REALISTIC chance at catching it.
    As soon as you are out of Harpoon-Range though, unless you make SUPER STUPID mistakes OR the wind turns 100% unlucky for you ...
    you WILL reach the Red sea NO MATTER how good your chaser is. That is the CORE of what is flawed here.
    Add in the Portals to this mix and it is OBVIOUS that this MUST change.

    Yes, I think portal hopping, and keeping emissary should go away as well. If a player runs and escapes through a portal, they shouldn't get to keep the loot or flag.

    What a surprise ... you are also in favor of PvE-Servers ...
    You sir, would ruin SoT if you had any say.

    Why do people spawn camp? Why do people bucket upon killing? Why do people spam "rolling on deck laughing"? Why do people double gun? Why do people do anything in this game? Because they can. There is no wrong way to play the game, and telling or insinuating otherwise is gatekeeping.

    THIS is actually an ALMOST valid argument (unlike what Lore Marsh up there spits out).
    BUT you see, there is a difference between all of such toxic behaviors and the Red-Sea-Suicide:

    You can always scuttle!

    But the fact that you can always flip the finger to your fellow sailors ... that needs to change.
    The Red-Sea is supposed to be the edge of the map ... not a pit of spite :P

    RARE! I call on you again, please fix this.
    I trust that you are objective and can see why this needs to be done.
    Ppl like most of those above that defend this mechanic will benefit from this change as well.

    There are MANY solutions to this.
    +YOU COULD simply make the Red kill you MUCH faster (that would probably be even simpler than what was proposed by the OP).
    +You could make the loot drift back to the edge (A simple solution).
    +You could INCREASE Harpoon-Range. (I am sure NOONE would complain about that :)

    And I could think of MANY more but I am sure you can do so too ...

  • @lormiun you’re wrong. You can absolutely sneak up on ships. You can absolutely out maneuver ships. What you’re complaining about is being outplayed and you’re asking for a handicap which is unfair. You shouldn’t be guaranteed a catch just because you feel entitled to it. People catch fleeing ships all day everyday in game bet it’s happening right now. You’re asking for a change mechanics and ultimately adding a rule to a ruleless game to purely benefit the chasers who already have the tools they need and who also weren’t entitled to the chase in the first place. You really need to grasp that this game is a sandbox and you aren’t entitled to a single gameplay aspect of it. No one owes you a chase or combat if they are capable of fleeing from you. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve turned the game off with loot on my ship. Should that loot automatically spawn onto the closest ships deck so it “doesn’t get destroyed” when it sinks and despawns in 10 minutes

  • Most of what you replied pretty much debunks itself but THIS part is worth addressing:

    @bruvhandles said in Red Sea loot should move to the edge of the Red Sea to deter Red Sea Running:

    @lormiun you’re wrong. You can absolutely sneak up on ships. You can absolutely out maneuver ships.

    You CAN sneak up on ships and YES you CAN outmaneuver ships!
    NOTHING about that is wrong.
    BUT now you need to understand the following: UNLESS you (as a chaser) manage to pin them down from the start then there will be
    NO outmaneuvering
    NO disabling
    NO boarding
    NO SoT at all except for a mutually dissatisfying chase resulting in lab-grade spite
    IF you (as a chased) simply decide to head for the Red and don't completely suck while doing so.

    A core of the issue here is that even when you behave like that (as a chaser) and anticipate that your target WILL go for the Red,
    it forces certain counter strategies that aren't exactly healthy for SoT either. (I know it, I use them).

    It forces a style of combat that is by no means something I would consider unfun in of itself ...
    But it hinders what could otherwise be a much more diverse naval experience for all.
    One actually including naval maneuvering and prolonged chases WITHOUT the idiotic spite-wielded sword of Damocles constantly looming over the disputed loot.

    I am happy that you brought that up actually.
    It shows that this issue actually goes deeper than just to the loot itself ...
    The loot is why we fight (sure some also do it just for the blood) but the loot is kind of a deal as well.

    The fight for the loot though,
    THAT is what would benefit the most from a change to the Red :)
    And through that ALL of the Sea of Thieves!
    I for my part am optimistic that Rare can see the logic in that.

    Such a TINY change could improve on SoT SO INCREDIBLY MUCH :D

  • @lormiun you should have to pin them down sweetie. That’s the game you almost got it. What you’re upset about again is that you feel that it should be easier for you and harder for the people you’re trying to attack. Why should Rare listen o someone who is blatantly asking for the game to be made easier for them specifically at the detriment of other players? It’s not at battle arena. People luckily for now still have the ability to be vigilant and use that vigilance how they see fit. To hinder that because you have a hard time with observant players is kinda wild. Why should people who pay attention to their skyline be punished?

  • @bruvhandles said in Red Sea loot should move to the edge of the Red Sea to deter Red Sea Running:

    @lormiun you should have to pin them down sweetie. That’s the game you almost got it. What you’re upset about again is that you feel that it should be easier for you and harder for the people you’re trying to attack. Why should Rare listen o someone who is blatantly asking for the game to be made easier for them specifically at the detriment of other players? It’s not at battle arena. People luckily for now still have the ability to be vigilant and use that vigilance how they see fit. To hinder that because you have a hard time with observant players is kinda wild. Why should people who pay attention to their skyline be punished?

    "Easier for me"?
    "Harder for them"?
    "Detriment of other players"?

    HOW does making loot accessible after suiciding in the Red do ANY of this?!
    Oh that's right ... it would hurt your feelings honey ...

    And to all that might thread this at a later point:
    Please make sure to read at least 2 or 3 of their previous posts so you truly understand the mentality at hand here.

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