Developers Q & A on hard topics

  • Good Day Pirates,

    Who here would like the Devs to finally clear the air on Topics that should be Addressed once and for all.

    1. Animation Canceling
    2. Hit Reg
    3. Smother combat
    4. Anti Cheat that detects repeated e regular game functions.
    5. Alt accounts problem causing issues.

    Animation Canceling- Hey Joe why is it Animation canceling is not ban-able clearly off setting fair game play. If it’s meant to be in game why does Animation need to exist?

    Hit Reg- Hey Joe we know you all are working on this but how actively are you gain ground to a solution? When can we see improvement in the game.

    Smother combat- Hey Joe we know there is a blanket statement that states Combat may vary . There is a chance that one day 8 players could experience smooth combat?

    Anti Cheat- Hey Joe can we get a 2 point authentication servers? I as player would love it if I could just enjoy the game and report player only because there use of gamer words.

    Alt Accounts- Joe 2 point authentication servers stop or slow alt account players. Protect your game, and the Pirates who play it. Is there anything in the works?

    Pirate Hats- Joe why are there no Pirate hates in the Rare store?

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  • Why are these questions specifically aimed at Joe Neate?

  • @scurvywoof said in Developers Q & A on hard topics:

    Why are these questions specifically aimed at Joe Neate?

    I'd guess either op is a Jimi Hendrix fan or a believer in the theory that Mr. Neate is directly responsible for unleashing the kraken at the worst times during the op's combat

    perhaps a bit of both

  • @scurvywoof

    Will use the Christmas reference since it is the season do the Children write the Elf’s, Miss Clause, Rudolph red nose Reindeer, Frosty the snow man, Or Santa.

    Happy Holidays everyone.

  • @lt-robinson25 that analogy makes literally no sense, as the children in that situation would be parallel to the players in SoT; and as far as I am aware the players do not make the game. The point that @WolfManbush was making was that the game is far from wholly made or even wholly directed by Joe Neate.

  • I definitely want an answer on animation canceling. Im tired of the "anyone can learn to do it" argument. Anyone can learn to do any glitch or exploit, that doesnt make it ok. I'm fully capable of double gun cancelling, its pretty simple, but it completely shatters the balance of the game so I don't do it. I'm at the point where im ready to quit the game. With this new PvP update, nearly every solo slooper I come across is doing this. Streamers do it for a reason and everyone wants to pretend like its a "skill". It's literally a single key press, get over yourselves. Animations exist for a reason. It's really frustrating when I listen to the podcast and I hear the devs gushing over the work theyve done, but always neglecting to acknowledge, that in order to compete at high levels in this game, you need to be willing to exploit their shoddy work.

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