What can be done to stop stream sniping?

  • Rare I post this on behalf of the many streamers on all platforms. Be it for example Twitch or Mixer etc. The streamers are playing the game having fun and sharing this experience with the world. Streamers want to have fun with their viewers and supporters.
    Stream snipers hinder streamers from truly having fun with their viewers and supporters and providing the content they deserve.
    Stream snipers not only try and take away attention of the content that the streamer is sharing. It also takes away from the community as well. As we have seen in the past weekly Rare streams there has been stream snipers. Also, many streamers that stream SEA OF THIEVES on the varies of platforms can agree that there is a big problem. Stream snipers are only hurting the community of SEA OF THIEVES not helping it to grow. Folks will STOP streaming the game if they have to deal with stream snipers.

    Rare we would love to hear your thoughts on the matter and the steps that are being taking.

    We want to watch our favorite streamers playing Sea Of Thieves without having to also deal with our favorite streamer getting stream sniped.

    EDIT: This is not to be read as a whining or crying post. This is quite honestly to bring attention and awareness to a concern many streamers have in regards to stream snipers.
    Am I asking for Rare or anyone to give special love or rights? Not at all. I am asking as a community that we be aware and also strive to share any solutions or things that Rare or streamer can do to lower the concerns or even chances of stream sniping.
    Am I saying there are no risk to streaming?
    Not at all there are many risk with streaming to the public and even posting any thing online.
    Am I saying that the burden should be solely on either the Dev's or Streamers?
    Not my intentions if it comes off that way for the burden to be solely on either parties.
    I believe it should be something devs should be mindful of that is happening. At same time I do fully understand that streamers should have some understanding that stream sniping can occur and to be aware of such things that come as part of risk of streaming publicly live for the world.

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  • @stormyseadog I completely agree with this it's not fair on other people who might get to meet them randomly and I'm sure RARE want to meet different people not the same people every time I find it quite selfish to be honest give other people a chance to meet them I wish people wouldn't stream snipe

  • I could be wrong, but I thought I heard on one of the streams that the streamer had talked with Rare at Twitchcon about it and they said they were working on a "streamer mode" where it would hide gamertags. I think Fortnite has something similar where, when activated, it shows PlayerXXXX instead of their actual gamertag.

  • @rl-captain-nemo said in What can be done to stop stream sniping?:

    @stormyseadog I completely agree with this it's not fair on other people who might get to meet them randomly and I'm sure RARE want to meet different people not the same people every time I find it quite selfish to be honest give other people a chance to meet them I wish people wouldn't stream snipe

    Yes exactly, my point. I didn't want to say it in my original post but it is quite selfish and also the WRONG forum to even come searching for the Devs.
    It is one thing if you come across Rare on the seas while playing the game but it is another thing to be seen on EVERY weekly stream. It is also a problem for your streamers that are not even RARE. Be it someone on Twitch or other streaming platforms. Streamers want to have fun with their viewers and provide meaningful experience with them. They don't have time to deal with stream snipers.

  • @hailsux said in What can be done to stop stream sniping?:

    I could be wrong, but I thought I heard on one of the streams that the streamer had talked with Rare at Twitchcon about it and they said they were working on a "streamer mode" where it would hide gamertags. I think Fortnite has something similar where, when activated, it shows PlayerXXXX instead of their actual gamertag.

    Right now in the game you can turn the HUD off. But if you do that then you lose the health bar. A streamer friendly mode would be great to have.
    To be blunt and honest this is a bigger issue then folks even realize.

  • This is a tough topic to get a fix on. The only thing, which I mention a lot to my friends, is to have it so people get a time out of playing the game before entering a new server. This would also prevent people from just fort hopping as well.

    In the end the stream sniper has many ways of getting into the stream server. Be it through friends or who Rare comes across on the stream. The current way to get around this is not to have the repears flag up at any time unless for commendation purposes.

    I do miss getting a 'Jackie" type of person on the stream from time to time.

  • @qtrmaster-zeta said in What can be done to stop stream sniping?:

    This is a tough topic to get a fix on. The only thing, which I mention a lot to my friends, is to have it so people get a time out of playing the game before entering a new server. This would also prevent people from just fort hopping as well.

    In the end the stream sniper has many ways of getting into the stream server. Be it through friends or who Rare comes across on the stream. The current way to get around this is not to have the repears flag up at any time unless for commendation purposes.

    I do miss getting a 'Jackie" type of person on the stream from time to time.

    I agree completely that it isn't easy topic nor fix but it is not impossible to come up with a solution I would not think.
    I mean if RARE figured out how to make the Rare community a friendly bunch for the weekly events and then back to Thieves the next week. I think they can surely come up with something to either hinder or stop your stream sniper from ruining or pulling attention from that of the streamer that is trying to provide content to their viewers and supporters.

  • @stormyseadog yea i get where you're coming from. 1 of the reasons I don't like to stream is bc of this.

    The only idea that comes really to mind is just causing a beard error in which you recently left a session and can't start a new one until 10-20 min.

    For Rare, stop with the reapers mark. I get you enjoy your awesome flag but it is becoming obvious people are looking for it.

  • Even their own stream got stream-sniped by the same dude last 2 streams. It is really sad, and I hope something will be done about it. It makes the encounters non-natural or even annoying for some streamers.

  • What can be done to stop stream sniping?

    Simple. Don’t stream. If you think watching you play is going to be more interesting to your audience than having them play their own game, record it and upload it to YouTube, so it may be watched later.

    I prefer to play Sea of Thieves myself than watch others.

  • @surveyorpete said in What can be done to stop stream sniping?:

    What can be done to stop stream sniping?

    Simple. Don’t stream. If you think watching you play is going to be more interesting to your audience than having them play their own game, record it and upload it to YouTube, so it may be watched later.

    I prefer to play Sea of Thieves myself than watch others.

    I mean this topic would be irrelevant if we were just going to say "just don't stream" some people want to watch other players play, maybe they want to learn how to play the game better.

  • @xshaduh he didnt say don't record. His suggestion is not to play it live allowing others to stream snipe.

  • @qtrmaster-zeta I don't think this cool down is a worthwhile option.
    I like to play open crews. If I log on to a ship where everyone is signing out or not active, I want to be able to switch to a new ship that is more active.

    I understand the argument and the need for a change, but the forced break would encourage me to load a different game.

  • @d-jaguar https://gyazo.com/be6cad1b9c13002c7884f4ac4442a715 I never said that, did I? he made the point that you shouldn't stream if you are getting stream sniped. This thread is about a solution to that.

  • @d-jaguar I understand. I sometimes go into open crews to see how random encounters are doing.

    Though I don't believe the snipers are going through open crew so I believe this would not be enforced upon open crew just closed crews. I have witnessed how fort hoppers/snipers go through the game and a lot of it is through closed crews.

  • @xshaduh I was commenting on your point that others want to watch and learn. We can watch and learn on videos that are recorded and loaded afterward.

    Understood on providing solutions. Recording and uploading is something we can do on our own, so it is a solution. It may not be preferred though.

  • Whats a stream sniper?

  • @gutdthebrother1

    Whats a stream sniper?

    A skellie with an Eye-of-Reach, standing in a creek.

  • @qtrmaster-zeta yes. Open crews lately are mainly new players. Their excitement is contagious. I don't get excited by the gold, skulls, and goods anymore.

    I have met a few streamers on open crews. For the most part they just like to sail around and hunt other ships.

  • @d-jaguar indeed. I do enjoy a few new gamers but 90% of the time they are micless. I'll do 1 voyage with them if they know what they are doing and i move on.

  • @surveyorpete said in What can be done to stop stream sniping?:

    What can be done to stop stream sniping?

    Simple. Don’t stream. If you think watching you play is going to be more interesting to your audience than having them play their own game, record it and upload it to YouTube, so it may be watched later.

    I prefer to play Sea of Thieves myself than watch others.

    That is your fair opinion but there are many that do watch other folks play this game to learn tricks or tips as well as not everyone might be able to play everyday or need their fix while they are away from being able to play so they watch other folks.
    Thank you for your input though.

  • @gutdthebrother1 a stream sniper watches someone who streams the game to take advantage of the situation while playing against them in game.

  • @stormyseadog said :

    ...there are many that do watch other folks play this game to learn tricks or tips as well as not everyone might be able to play everyday or need their fix while they are away from being able to play so they watch other folks.

    That could still be achieved by "performer players" recording their play, and uploading for watching later. It need not be in real time. If the purpose is to show tricks or tips it would even be better because you could edit the videos - and perhaps add a voice over - to best focus on and highlight the lessons being taught.

  • Don’t flatter yourself no one is stream snipping you.

  • @d1no no one claimed they were. It was a general question, not a personal request.

  • @stormyseadog When it comes to stream sniping the burden falls onto the streamer to take care of themselves. You are streaming in a PvPish game. You accept the consequences that somewhere along the line someone will find and stream snipe you. Its not anything Rare or any gaming company should have to deal with. You are making the choice to give out all kinds of information willingly to anyone clicking your link. If you get stream sniped then I guess just play better.

    Next is that stream sniping is very rare. It does not happen often unless you have a link on your profile to your stream, but even though people will most likely not even bother.

    Finally, I will also probably make another post about this later also. Rare did not get stream sniped this morning. I have been seeing people on the chat talking about them being stream sniped or even on the forums people saying they got stream sniped because the Sloop showed up at shark bait cove. Rare DID NOT get stream sniped.

    "How do you know they did not get stream sniped?? HUH??"

    First they were flying the Reaper flag right from the start. Any normal pirate will know if a ship flying the reaper flag is in the direction of the Ship cloud then they must be doing Skeleton ships. You sit and count 5 waves then roll in sink them and take the loot because by now they will be super low on supplies if they didnt stock up properly which they didnt.

    Even if the reaper flag wasnt on the ship you can still see people fighting the skele ships, next the sloop that attacked them at the end of the stream? They were in the alliance. They let the sloop into the alliance even after the sloop attack them once before.

    Check the video at 1:10:45. About 5 seconds in they let the sloop INTO the allaince.

    Then check at 1:35:50 , guess who is STILL in the alliance?

    They didn't get stream sniped. What most people call stream sniping is just an excuse they give themselves for being bad at the game.

  • @stormyseadog what does stream sniping mean mate?

  • @surveyorpete lol nice joke

  • @xultanis-dragon said in What can be done to stop stream sniping?:

    @stormyseadog When it comes to stream sniping the burden falls onto the streamer to take care of themselves. You are streaming in a PvPish game. You accept the consequences that somewhere along the line someone will find and stream snipe you. Its not anything Rare or any gaming company should have to deal with. You are making the choice to give out all kinds of information willingly to anyone clicking your link. If you get stream sniped then I guess just play better.

    Next is that stream sniping is very rare. It does not happen often unless you have a link on your profile to your stream, but even though people will most likely not even bother.

    Finally, I will also probably make another post about this later also. Rare did not get stream sniped this morning. I have been seeing people on the chat talking about them being stream sniped or even on the forums people saying they got stream sniped because the Sloop showed up at shark bait cove. Rare DID NOT get stream sniped.

    "How do you know they did not get stream sniped?? HUH??"

    First they were flying the Reaper flag right from the start. Any normal pirate will know if a ship flying the reaper flag is in the direction of the Ship cloud then they must be doing Skeleton ships. You sit and count 5 waves then roll in sink them and take the loot because by now they will be super low on supplies if they didnt stock up properly which they didnt.

    Even if the reaper flag wasnt on the ship you can still see people fighting the skele ships, next the sloop that attacked them at the end of the stream? They were in the alliance. They let the sloop into the alliance even after the sloop attack them once before.

    Check the video at 1:10:45. About 5 seconds in they let the sloop INTO the allaince.

    Then check at 1:35:50 , guess who is STILL in the alliance?

    They didn't get stream sniped. What most people call stream sniping is just an excuse they give themselves for being bad at the game.

    Fair point in that latest weekly stream they did not get stream sniped but I can assure you that there are many Twitch streamers that do get stream sniped and they do NOT have the Reaper Flag up.
    I honestly can say that true stream sniping the folks I speak of do not make a excuses. They are all about PVP and are blood thirsty. But it gets boring and annoying when a Streamer does get stream sniped and they have to constantly battle against the same nuisance player. It honestly doesn't do any good for the community.

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in What can be done to stop stream sniping?:

    @closinghare208 said in What can be done to stop stream sniping?:

    @stormyseadog what does stream sniping mean mate?

    It's when a streamer gets embarrassed on stream. A lot of people watch streamers just so they can get in their lobbies and make them look like trash. +1 for stream snipers, no one is safe.

    There is no embarrassment it is more of nuisance to battle the same selfish player that wants attention of the streamers channel.

  • @closinghare208 said in What can be done to stop stream sniping?:

    @stormyseadog what does stream sniping mean mate?

    It is when a quite honest selfish player searches on varies live streaming platforms and then once they are able to locate other players that have interacted with the streamer they join on said players and attempt to be toxic and in their minds embarrass a streamer live on cam. But instead are selfish and become nothing more then salty and nuisance to a growing community.

  • @stormyseadog said in What can be done to stop stream sniping?:

    @xultanis-dragon said in What can be done to stop stream sniping?:

    @stormyseadog When it comes to stream sniping the burden falls onto the streamer to take care of themselves. You are streaming in a PvPish game. You accept the consequences that somewhere along the line someone will find and stream snipe you. Its not anything Rare or any gaming company should have to deal with. You are making the choice to give out all kinds of information willingly to anyone clicking your link. If you get stream sniped then I guess just play better.

    Next is that stream sniping is very rare. It does not happen often unless you have a link on your profile to your stream, but even though people will most likely not even bother.

    Finally, I will also probably make another post about this later also. Rare did not get stream sniped this morning. I have been seeing people on the chat talking about them being stream sniped or even on the forums people saying they got stream sniped because the Sloop showed up at shark bait cove. Rare DID NOT get stream sniped.

    "How do you know they did not get stream sniped?? HUH??"

    First they were flying the Reaper flag right from the start. Any normal pirate will know if a ship flying the reaper flag is in the direction of the Ship cloud then they must be doing Skeleton ships. You sit and count 5 waves then roll in sink them and take the loot because by now they will be super low on supplies if they didnt stock up properly which they didnt.

    Even if the reaper flag wasnt on the ship you can still see people fighting the skele ships, next the sloop that attacked them at the end of the stream? They were in the alliance. They let the sloop into the alliance even after the sloop attack them once before.

    Check the video at 1:10:45. About 5 seconds in they let the sloop INTO the allaince.

    Then check at 1:35:50 , guess who is STILL in the alliance?

    They didn't get stream sniped. What most people call stream sniping is just an excuse they give themselves for being bad at the game.

    Fair point in that latest weekly stream they did not get stream sniped but I can assure you that there are many Twitch streamers that do get stream sniped and they do NOT have the Reaper Flag up.
    I honestly can say that true stream sniping the folks I speak of do not make a excuses. They are all about PVP and are blood thirsty. But it gets boring and annoying when a Streamer does get stream sniped and they have to constantly battle against the same nuisance player. It honestly doesn't do any good for the community.

    Also why should the burden fully go on the steamer of the content? It would be of great interest to the gaming community and companies to look into ways to prevent stream sniping.

  • @stormyseadog ok I see

  • @ant-heuser-kush I see mates

  • @stormyseadog Well lets look at streaming as a whole then. We'll take different games into consideration when doing this.

    First lets look at what conditions need to met before they can be stream sniped. So first the player would have to be in the same server and the person streaming. Fork Knife and PupGee (yes did that on purpose) uses a different server every game and so a player following you from server to server is high improbable. It might happen once rarely twice. Even in this game the person would have to be lucky to end up in the same server in the first place, the only other way is to watch the stream and ask someone if you can have their spot. Next the person would have to know that you are streaming in the first place. Unless your name is exactly like your stream-id chances are the person is not going to just randomly google your name to see if you are streaming.

    Well how does this affect people that are actually popular like the big names. Its part of the gig honestly. They get more views because they are being stream sniped on occasion. They get people who show up on their stream and make the event different than how it would be usually. People showing up on shrouds for example being friendly, saying random and crazy things, asking him if he needs a ride, stuff that wouldn't happen normally. Thus changing up the monotony of the actual game. Creating more viewers. So in a sense stream sniping is helpful for the big names because its more about people wanting to be on the persons stream than to cause trouble.

    The burden falls onto the person because its a personal decision to live stream. In the first place its almost impossible to punish a stream sniper because there is literally no way to prove it. Only really happens if you have a huge following and even then its more about being on the stream, not to create choas.

    But now lets discuss your friends situation in Sea of Thieves. So when it comes to Sea of Thieves there really is no place you can hide unless you leave the server. If you are streaming and someone kills you and then 10mins later shows up again and just keeps showing up, its not stream sniping. The map is small and finding people is very easy. The population is 3 ships in any server at minimum, usually no more than 4 (unless a raid is up than you might have server hoppers) However finding a ship isn't that difficult after sinking it. Again the ship usually spawns within view distance and if not, it takes only about 10mins to find where you could have gone. I chased a ship out of a server once because they said some very vulgar things to a crewmate of mine. We chased them over and over and over. We must have sank them about 8 times mind you we also spawn camped them until they cracked and scuttle their boat but we still kept at it till they left. Usually only took about 5mins to find them. Almost always spawned 2 islands away where we could always see them.

    I know you want peace of mind that no one will stream snipe you or your friend but its more work to stream snipe than its worth. So unless your friend is worth the work which honestly he probably isn't, no one stream snipes for the hell of it if you are a nobody. No offense.

    Edit Also on the occasions where you are fighting off the same person and it is clearly stream sniping. I just say bite the bullet on it. Its part of the job really, there are ups and downs to everything. It probably is horrible annoying being stream sniped by jerks who just want to ruin your stream, but it doesn't happen as often to where it would require anyone to do anything about it.

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