Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Rebalance [UPDATED - Read OP]

  • I think in the future, the only time limited things should be from events. Players know those are time limited, they know how long they are running for and they know they have to do them to get whatever reward is offered.

    Putting time limits on something because you are changing it is just bad. I only played Arena sporadically as I was busy doing tales and other tasks, so if I had known I had until June/July to get 240 wins I would have focused on that instead.

    I'm glad you've acknowledged this and have adjusted accordingly. I hope that you keep this in mind for future cosmetics.

  • Little bit of clarity here for everyone, the removal of the time limit/deadline means that even after the rebalance, if a Pirate Legend hits 240 wins in The Arena then they'll earn the unique weapon cosmetic.

    The rebalance itself just means that you'll now only need 100 wins to earn the Commendation.

  • @takuboto said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Rebalance:

    Little bit of clarity here for everyone, the removal of the time limit/deadline means that even after the rebalance, if a Pirate Legend hits 240 wins in The Arena then they'll earn the unique weapon cosmetic.

    The rebalance itself just means that you'll now only need 100 wins to earn the Commendation.

    So how do we keep track of our progress after the re-balance? Once we reach Grade V the counter stops at 100. Maybe this is the time to bring in a lovely statistics page?

  • @lt-swag-johnson said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Rebalance:

    So how do we keep track of our progress after the re-balance? Once we reach Grade V the counter stops at 100. Maybe this is the time to bring in a lovely statistics page?

    This please! Oh Rare the merciful and generous, please grant us with statistics

  • @micahol It's actually 4 wins a day from 0-240 in two months but you're not far.

  • @moronicstraw Thanks for making this change and allowing me to have a normal sleep schedule for the next month.

  • @capt-soul-beard said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Rebalance:

    @micahol It's actually 4 wins a day from 0-240 in two months but you're not far.

    The deadline of July 24th was a mistake, the deadline was June 24th. That means one month.

  • @capt-soul-beard said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:

    @moronicstraw What's the point of giving the Unique Weapon when people reach 240 wins anymore? The legendary weapons already exist. This move of cancelling the 240 wins until June/July 24th is devastating to your PvP community, this is the only thing since launch that we could go for that's PvP related. With 240 wins until July it's 4 wins per day which is just 2hrs of gameplay per day (Assuming you win all 4 games.) If you don't win all 4 it's maybe an extra 2 hrs a bit more if PvP is not your forte.

    July is doable. June was less so.

    The issue was partly timing. But in reality, I'm down for the non-PvP oriented folk having something to farm in arena. It encourages PvP and encourages people to get better at PvP by making this cosmetic locked behind wins.

    I see this as a positive. I think if anything they need more cosmetics not time limited based on difficult PvP achievements. Not make it for those who solely PvP be locked out of one of the few PvP achievements due to having more time constraints and IRL obligations than others for a certain 1-2 month period.

  • @till-kamakazi I see your point, but the thing that sucked was how they offered it and kept changing the post, in the end a lot of people that don't even like arena in the first place and don't want to play it are the ones that are contributing to this simplification idea.

  • @lt-swag-johnson They extended to July then to forever

  • @capt-soul-beard said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Rebalance:

    @till-kamakazi I see your point, but the thing that sucked was how they offered it and kept changing the post, in the end a lot of people that don't even like arena in the first place and don't want to play it are the ones that are contributing to this simplification idea.

    I know my crew that primarily PvPs was irked. Again I'm only at like 63 wins right now, but have at least one tripped planned between now and June 24th. So instantly would lose 5 days.

    Generally time based ones are rough and are "were there at the right moment" but throw in the literal 96 hours of continuous winning excluding tavern.

    I don't mind if people who don't do arena wanting to be able to achieve it. The goal should be hard enough that it may take others 3-5x the amount of times to get it. And most won't want to do that. It still be rare and unique that many won't have. (Like Athena10 hat but more rare)

    I don't like the Nerf of 240-100 but I am more against a "time limited grind" (compared to a time limited event like megladon and skelli ship that isn't a grind)

    Just to put my two cents on the other side. I am a try hard arena player, I will get my 240 wins... Just with vacation thrown in and wanting to not stress hours in.

  • @sipwrecked said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Rebalance:

    @archangel-timmy Yesssirrr. Check that LAN cable! Can’t achieve this grind while sitting in black screen. Jokes, Cheers!

    Very true! That was one of the worst experiences we have had in regards to connection issues, and at the worst possible times!

    1st round went pretty well, 2nd was pure luck for those Purple Pirates :o

  • @pomalotacusmk3 Awesome!

  • @capt-soul-beard June 23rd is one month away, and we have 21 wins already. It would be 6-7 a day for my crew.

  • @pocketomi there is no longer a time limit

  • This is so dumb. Not fair for players who did TT 1st. Basically if you were grinding arena 1st and have no job you get a special reward. Soooooo incredibly lame Rare.!

  • @captain-pusca said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Rebalance:

    This is so dumb. Not fair for players who did TT 1st. Basically if you were grinding arena 1st and have no job you get a special reward. Soooooo incredibly lame Rare.!

    Dude... It's no longer time limited. Chill.

  • @slayer-one1 because that was a time they catered to casuals, it was meant to be that only people that hit the original achievement (at least one of them) before that rebalance, but they gave in to all others complaining and by that devalued the overachiever sails

  • @captain-conroar the over achiever sails where more last minute and didnt used to have a long deadline, the at that point gave into people complaing and thus devalued the overachiever sails.

    I have a wife, school and a 32 hour a week job i need about 130 wins in a month and will be able to still make that

  • @callmebackdraft said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Rebalance:

    @captain-conroar the over achiever sails where more last minute and didnt used to have a long deadline, the at that point gave into people complaing and thus devalued the overachiever sails.

    I have a wife, school and a 32 hour a week job i need about 130 wins in a month and will be able to still make that

    Tell me more about this wife, 32 hour job and school and your 130 wins. I missed it the last 10 posts.

    Seriously, I'm glad you are doing well, on your way to the 240 and are able to balance all of your responsibilities. ;)

  • @till-kamakazi i just keep bringing it up to oosts that are complaining about this ;-) but you are right though sorry :-p

    Anyway i just hope they dont buckle and devalue this special cosmetic

  • Grats to the carebears on winning on the removal of the time limit. Next I bet they will whine and complain till its reduced from 240 to 100 wins.

  • "Any Legend looking to claim this unique weapon cosmetic after that point will be able to unlock it with 240 wins, as per the original Commendation target." so to my understanding there is no time limit? Is it available after or not? it should be phrased in a better manner.

  • @callmebackdraft said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Rebalance:

    @till-kamakazi i just keep bringing it up to oosts that are complaining about this ;-) but you are right though sorry :-p

    Anyway i just hope they dont buckle and devalue this special cosmetic

    There is balance between making something difficult to get while not screwing over people who have planned vacations. (My go to defense)

    I agree with you I like it to be difficult to achieve. Time limitations shouldn't be what makes it difficult. (Which with their removal of the time change fixes that, thanks again rare). I hope they do more of these super stretch cosmetics. 500 win cosmetic? 1,000?

  • so I guess they are taking the time limit off

    so I guess just screw the people that have already grinded out the 240 wins

    congrats special flakes you win again they will give you everything

    I say why not just give everybody everyitem in the game at this point there is zero items that mean anything. nothing is special in this game

    I wanted the leg sword really bad so I grinded and work for it now it turns out I wasted my time because I could have just gotten it playing casually

    then they said they were dropping the req but in turn giving the over achievers grinders hardcore players something special time limited --- I thought sweet that's awesome that's fair my work\grind wasn't pointless but in true RARE fashion everyone will have it
    and yet again everyone will be the same

    in a game where cosmetics is the only reward there is ZERO ways to be unique and show what you worked for.

    whats next drop the req for skellie ship sinks --- screw it just givi everyone who logs in the leg cannons that's fair

  • @till-kamakazi
    100 kills on the first four megs each for the hungering one figurehead?

    50 on the shrouded ghost for a shrouded ghost figurehead?

    100 kills with the cutlass in arena at night for the black dog cutlass.

  • @testakleze said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Rebalance:

    100 kills on the first four megs each for the hungering one figurehead?

    50 on the shrouded ghost for a shrouded ghost figurehead?

    100 kills with the cutlass in arena at night for the black dog cutlass.

    Yes on all of those. 300 on time fruit crate deliveries for banana sails? Golden ship hull for 5000 captains cheats delivered? Things to work for that are ridiculously long to get but are achievable by anyone no matter what their current schedule permits

  • @moronicstraw said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Rebalance:

    @pocketomi Sorry! It was June.


    Due to the feedback on this thread we are going to remove the date of the 24th June.

    The re-balance of the commendation will still go ahead, but we are going to put in this reward for anyone who reaches the target of 240 wins.

    In Conclusion:
    Legendary Sea dog Commendation at grade 5: 100 wins
    Unique weapon cosmetic: 240 wins

    No deadline date, updating the main thread now.

    Thank you all for your feedback!

    Wow Jason.... sorry but even though i respect you guys ALOT this is just pandering, like you guys did with the overachiever Sails might as well just leave the commendation in the way it is because this is getting real stupid really fast.

    You know what if you are going down this route just bring in PVE and private gold grinding servers... i mean what is there for the not casuals or people that are less inclined (for whatever reason) to show off that they did the work.

    I was proud to get the overachiever sails, then you changed that requirement and i will never fly them, i will get this gun in time but i will never use it... you know why ? Because it shows ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

    You just devalued your own special giveaway... and thats just nonsensical...

    This is the first time i am absolutely dissapointed in the team at RARE and their wishy washy way of going about things

  • @callmebackdraft said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Rebalance:

    I was proud to get the overachiever sails, then you changed that requirement and i will never fly them, i will get this gun in time but i will never use it... you know why ? Because it shows ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

    You just devalued your own special giveaway... and thats just nonsensical...

    This is the first time i am absolutely dissapointed in the team at RARE and their wishy washy way of going about things

    It shows you have achieved 240 wins you have. It no longer shows "the rate you achieved these 240 wins during a very specific time frame"

  • @till-kamakazi well yes it does, but it doesnt show the dedication to a game anymore, and my dedication just went down a WHOLE LOT....

    There is nothing wrong with people having something that others dont, due to time limitations is one of the ways it can be done.

    The only REALLY special cosmetics now are the Loot and Lore Sails and the golden banana cosmetics... nothing more nothing less everything else is just used to pander.

    Just you wait and all other previously time limited cosmetics will be purchaseable from the shops, without the promised changes that make them stand out from the people who got them at the time

  • @moronicstraw way to ruin a great idea and cater to the people who are not actually out there for arena but fishing and doing tall tales instead so glad I got my 240 wins in already.

  • @callmebackdraft said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Rebalance:

    @till-kamakazi well yes it does, but it doesnt show the dedication to a game anymore, and my dedication just went down a WHOLE LOT....

    I'm perfectly fine with unattainable purchasable cosmetics. (Merc set, blackdog, etc ) Mixing hard grind cosmetics with time-frames is where it gets nasty. Megladon you had two weeks to do about 2-3 hours of things.

    I think if you have 4 days 24/7 of pure arena wins it says a lot of your dedication. Even I'd you didn't do it in 30 days. This grind consumes so much of a 30 day period it makes it a bit ridiculous to achieve if you have to travel. (work vacation etc)

    Having grind achievements be a ridiculously long grind isnt bad. (I do wish they upped it to like 500 wins now that time limit is removed)

    Has cheesing arena become a thing yet?(curious)

  • Well if your giving a special weapon out you should give it out to all pirates how get over 100 wins before said date .

  • @fast-420 dont worry they pandered to everyone, everyone that gets 240 wins at some point in the future (no more deadline) will get the weapon

  • @moronicstraw Is this because of my suggestion? Would be cool!

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