Art of the Trickster Bug

  • Just spent the better part of tonight trying to complete the Art of the Trickster tall tale. On two occasions the skeletons didn't spawn after placing down the gunpowder key (music plays, no spawns) and on the third the captain wave didn't spawn (music plays, no spawns). Sailing away from the island does nothing to reset it. Dying does nothing to reset it either.

    Guess I just won't complete this tall tale then ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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  • Same thing just happened to me.

  • Or you could be like me and stick with strictly Arena. I think having to do the Tale Tales voyages 45 times total to get the commendation is just too much of a grind considering they take 1-2 hours each and are so buggy plus can become failed voyages that you to restart from scratch if another crew sinks your boat and steals your quest items. I'm personally banking on Rare caving like they usually do to the casuals and nerfing the TT or making it so you can join an alliance and get TT rep or something. Also, the fishing seems very boring for me so I doubt I shall ever catch a fish, once was enough for me. So I'll stick with the awesome Arena for now!

  • That's still a thing.

  • We had a similar experience this weekend and i can say that this was a real spiritdampener...i hope that this bug get's fixed because many will be left with a bad feeling about this since the Trickster is one of the hardest Tales to accomplish.

  • I seem to remember encountering this also, but having the entire crew die at the same time seemed to reset it.

    Also, I just read "Athena's Fortune," and made note the brief reference to the name @Clumsy-George. I thought, "Hey, I've seen that name before - that can't be a coincidence!"

  • This art of a trickster is So bad. Me and my freind are trying to get the Gold Curse and we were able to to complete this tall tale twice then on the third it just popped itself.

  • I just had this bug happen to me twice in a row, reset it in different games. They need to program a timer on it so it goes to the next wave just in case the wave doesn't go

  • @talonwren I'm in the room now with the counter-weight in place. Got the music and no skeletons. They should give us the option to reset the encounter, and not have us cancel the quest and redo it. Several hours, several deaths and plenty of rage to get in to that damn room, only to have the skeletons bug out.

  • @toraxoutlaw said in Art of the Trickster Bug:

    @talonwren I'm in the room now with the counter-weight in place. Got the music and no skeletons. They should give us the option to reset the encounter, and not have us cancel the quest and redo it. Several hours, several deaths and plenty of rage to get in to that damn room, only to have the skeletons bug out.

    Agreed or at least put a timer on that wave that resets it if it doesnt get done in a matter of short time. Same bug happened to me twice last night. I tried to recreate it but i couldnt. I thought it was linked to me using a blunderbuss but that didnt seem to do much. It seems to be linked to if you trigger the first set of traps or not as you can jump over the wooden bits that trigger them but id need more proof. Either way i finally got my last three last night after standing on the trap triggers as i was coming down with the barrel.

    Good luck in getting it finished friend!

  • Happened to me six times. I was finally able to finish that tell on the seventh try. Definitely a bug there

  • Same bug for me today with my mate. We tried many times to reset it like this :

    • Go upstair (pop 1-2 skeleton)
    • Die together (nothing)
    • Die together & move the boat (nothing)
    • Die one by one (nothing)

    The music is ON, and after many time trying to reset it. I shoted the barrel and it didn't explode !

    The barrel has no texture / physics. I don't know if it's normal btw, if the target of this part is to protect the barrel or not.

    Please fix this quick, it's annoying. Your game is not PVP only you know ? Some people have fun in PVE !

  • After 3 hours of working on the quest getting stood up by the final wave was a total letdown. In a team of two, dying alone or together didn't help. I also left the game in the hopes that my partner could finish the quest alone - nothing helped.

  • same...... real cool. first time my keg blew, now this. fun....

  • @tawdryrook38879 Seven!?!? You are a very patient person..

  • Lucky me, I finished it 5 times without a bug. Unlucky me, I did further 6 times helping the crowd getting through. Without bugs. Loved to have a nerd figurhead, though.

  • Just happened to me. I was on the last wave and it was just me and the Captain. I died (stepped into the spike trap). I came back expecting to fight the Captain but he was gone and a lone skelly with sword was there. I killed him and now no skellys are in the room. The music is playing but no one to fight. No way to reset apparently from this thread - PLEASE FIX THIS RARE!

  • @lodo-vice you have to talk to the support, not to the community, if this was not already mentioned.

  • Hey everyone. So apparently if you actually use the traps on the walls to kill the skeletons there is a decent chance the last wave will bug out. You won't be able to reset w/ death. You have to start the entire mission over.

    I'm not sure if you can use the traps until second to last wave. I wasn't going to take chances after the 2nd fail. I just manually killed them all. It's actually pretty easy, just line of sight them in the room just right of where the skeletons spawn.

    Just remember, don't use the actual mechanics the game devs gave everyone. B/c they'll bug out... did no one test this out btw? It seems pretty important to actually test if you can actually complete a mission as it is intended to be completed.

  • To be honest i feel like this isnt a bug with the traps I feel like it has to do with multiple crews trying to do the trickster at once. Both times this happened to us, we noticed other ships at plunder doing the same tale. Frustrating as could be -__-

  • The latest (?*) patch notes seem to suggest that the bug is caused by players dying in any wave:

    Known Issues:
    ‘Art of the Trickster’ Lair Spawning – Crews may find that skeletons stop spawning after their crew dies during the Trapmaker’s Lair fight.

    Even though "the crew dies" totally sounds like all players have to die at the same time I'm very confident that, for us, there was always at least one player alive and inside the lair.

    Anyways, seems a 6GB patch was not enough to fix this bug :⸦

    * I don't know whether the linked patch notes correspond to the update on 2019-06-20 since the patch notes have only a version number but no date and the game has no version number (at least I couldn't find one inside the game).

  • Completed solo last night. Didn't use any traps to kill skeles, but did die multiple times to them.
    The biggest problem I encountered was the spike trap with side and bottom parts all coming out at once. About the 2nd trap before reaching the room. Although the spikes were retracted on three occasions it killed me. I found that jumping over the area where they stick out avoided this.
    Thought it may help reduce the frustration some what with this part.
    Also the next and final part of the quest is solo easy compared to this, so stick with it!!

  • Solution, Migrate Servers ;)

    I ran into this last night, solo. I used the traps almost exclusively, and did die once in the final fight, due to my own trap. I also ran into the issue that @Pa1e-Blue-Dot did, dying to the spike trap, even though it was retracted, I too jumped that.
    The skeletons stopped spawning after a while, tried just about everything, then decided to do a couple forts. I got migrated and came back and the waves had started over from the beginning. Fought off all the skeletons without the traps and was able to complete it. I died three times due to random keg skellys cornering me, but at least that didn't mess it up.

  • My boyfriend physically watched the boss and all of his skele friends despawn after I was killed by the boss. He said I died and they all disappeared. We tried sailing away and dieing together but nothing worked. This has happened to us twice and I've officially given up trying. It's a long tale to complete and this bug is frustrating.

  • Not sure if this helps, but the same thing happened to us. We sailed away and did the first wave of a skull event, then came back. When we got back that thing popped up where people join the server. Not sure if one of these things or both did it, but when we went back to the cave it had reset and we were able to beat it.

  • this happened to us too. The final wave didn’t spawn. We used the spikes on the wall and also both died at the same time. Not sure which one causes the bug but sadly we must re-do this quest now

  • @remarka6le just had hours of my life wasted died on the way down not knowing about the spikes in advance and the key disappeared and the take removed from our quest wheel.

    Is that supposed to happen?

  • Submit ticket. I did all 5 with no issue maybe something recent caused it. Honestly I did every accommodation without a problem. Thought tales were fun just a grind. Gold curse was worth it though.

  • @king-gibby-gg said in Art of the Trickster Bug:

    @remarka6le just had hours of my life wasted died on the way down not knowing about the spikes in advance and the key disappeared and the take removed from our quest wheel.

    Is that supposed to happen?

    Yes, you blew the Key up. The key is an gunpowder, it can blow. The traps let it blow. Next time, be more carefull ;).

    @andyxxpanda1290 said in Art of the Trickster Bug:

    Submit ticket. I did all 5 with no issue maybe something recent caused it. Honestly I did every accommodation without a problem. Thought tales were fun just a grind. Gold curse was worth it though.

    The tall tale is working fine. But, this topic is a couple of months old. If someone has discovered a bug with the tall report it on the SoT support site. Devs wont look on the forums for bugs.

  • @mentimjojo that’s what I said. I stated I haven’t had issues with it and have tales 100% complete I then told them if there is an issue submit a support ticket. It sure why you tagged me saying the same thing I did

  • @lodo-vice Same story with me just now, 3 months later..

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