I've finished modeling the kraken, and here it is

  • I posted the model already but I finished the texture over a week ago and I forgot to post it here so here we are now. Behold, if the kraken had a body, this is essentially what it would look like according to RARE's own concept art.

  • 26
  • That is awesome!!! And it look looks like it would be delicious at a big fish fry.

  • The jaw shape doesn't seem like it would quite match up with the kraken skulls washed up on shore or the bone crusher figurehead, seems like it should be more of a beak. And living through many kraken attacks I can confidently say it needs more tentacles. But beautifully done.

  • @wraith-04 NICE!

    Now 3D print..?


  • @johnnykappow NOOOOOOO!!!! that is how they came to be!!

  • I wonder how it would actually look attacking a ship though. Tentacles coming straight out of the water, is he facing the ocean floor? Lol

    Either way, awesome job turning into something more real than the concept art we had!

  • @tre-oni I've always pictured it just turning the tentacles upward, whilst facing whatever it's attacking.

  • With that "hook tooth" in it's underlip, this beast would be able to turn a ship upside down...Good work , Sir and an unexpected face upon this much feared menace.

  • @wraith-04 this is insane I love it! I would love to see it implemented too!
    Imagine the head emerging and roars when a tentacle wraps around your ship giving the player the choice to shoot the tentacle or the head... Or even land a EoR shot on 1 of the eyes!

  • @wraith-04 nice

  • Amazing! Definitely looks like it's from SoT universe.

  • To answer everyone's responses simultaneously, I'll just say this. First of all, you're absolutely right, it has more tentacles in game, the jaw shape doesn't fully like up and the main part of the body is too small to fit the spines in game. However I'm going solely off of RARE's concept art which given the tentacle ends, is evidently not accurate and was only an initial concept. However RARE decides to depict the kraken, who knows, but all we have is the concept art, the skeletons, and the tentacles, so that's what I used. As for how it attacks, it seems reasonable to me that it's tentacles at the base of it's body would move like on a swivel at the bottom and point in front of it where it's head is looking. To answer everyone else, beleive me, I fully intend to 3D print it, but first I need to rig it which is what I'm working on now. Also thanks for all the support.

  • @wraith-04 amazing rare should take a look at this....

  • nice work man,
    looks amazing.

    Ill never thought THIS is the kraken we have right now, i think this is a smaler version of it like normal Sharks to the Meg
    Maybe the size of 2 Galleons

    The skulls on the islands would never match the real Kraken

  • @saskeks The kraken is a mythical creature, and depending on the people discussing it, there is different interpretations of it. The most common is a squid, but others say octopus, serpent, bird, and even crab. So there is no real judgement on if the skulls are accurate.

    Also, in the lore of the game, there is many places that suggest that all those bones are from young krakens, slayed by the ancients. The ancients could not kill the big one (the one that messes up mine and your days alike) So it roams like it does.

  • @klutchxking518 yeah i know :)
    but it would look strange because he had to face down for an attack like he does ingame when looking this, so i think the actual big one is more like to have the tentacles in front instead of the back, but we won´t know it, untill he gets a body in the actual game.
    the one showing here is more like a leviathan than a kraken for me :)

    but i´ll get you point mate :)

  • @saskeks Well tentacles don't have bones in them, they can twist and turn and bend. Who's to say the kraken isn't stalking your ship while it contorts its tentacles to smash the ship?

  • @klutchxking518 maybe thats the point he need so much time for a slap attack or a wrap up xD
    he need to turn and look where we are ^^

  • @wraith-04 Wow that's awesome! - Now they need to put it in the game :D

  • Dude, I know it's been a long time since posting, but it was just rare to add some details and other animations without a battle lock. It could just be his death just to see the body, seriously incredible. Congratulations on your work friend.
    (But if you want to remaster the kraken with your face to have an even more epic battle, we would all be happy too XD).

  • @wraith-04

    Since this thread has been revived, i wanna ask, whatever happened to the 3D printing idea you had?

  • @wraith-04 Hey man, love the 3D model, would it be ok to use the images in an upcoming video if I shout you out?

  • Anyone think the kraken will get more advanced in time? Will we get a full body kraken? and if so maybe they fight will change a bit? Maybe after you take down so many of his/her tentacles the face would surface and stage 2 of the fight would begin? I hope for an advanced kraken in the future..not sure if they plan on doing something like this though..

  • All good but there doesn't match one.
    Its a Kraken spine that we can see on dead kraken island.

  • @danvolution2007 said in I've finished modeling the kraken, and here it is:

    All good but there doesn't match one.
    Its a Kraken spine that we can see on dead kraken island.

    Rough necro..

    But.. It matches perfectly from Rare's own concept art of a full body Kraken model

  • As this thread was 7 months old, and revived today, it will now be locked. Please feel free to start a new discussion on this topic!

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