This new update concerns me.

  • @d3adst1ck said in This new update concerns me.:

    There are lots of people still playing who are not Pirate Legends.

    Playing since launch and still a proud Pirate Non-Legend.

  • @fast-bike94 said in This new update concerns me.:

    @d3adst1ck just showing people leave this game before they even get to pirate legend

    Most people who played WoW never reached the level cap. Most people who played CoD never even reached the option to prestige. Most players do not kill the Ender Dragon in Minecraft. How many people playing No Man’s Sky will reach the center? This is not an indication of a dying game. It is an indication of players enjoying themselves and getting what they want from a title without being goal oriented.

  • @fast-bike94 said in This new update concerns me.:

    @d3adst1ck I know there are people playing not pirate legend but a lot of them are the pve people you see complain about pvp on here and they don't come back until something is done.

    If all the people playing that are not Pirate Legends "aren't coming back until something is done", then they aren't playing and wouldn't be counted in the player numbers provided earlier in this thread which already show that a healthy number of people are still playing this game (ie. its not dead or dieing).

    You're grasping at straws now.

  • @d3adst1ck stI'll think they should show us player counts rather than spew put a number in the developer update are we supposed to take the developers word cross our fingers and click our heels?

  • @fast-bike94 said in This new update concerns me.:

    are we supposed to take the developers word cross our fingers and click our heels?


    I usually just play the game. =P

  • @vca-hombre I imagine I might be the issue in this game actually only time I hear someone say vocally ij voice chat is when I spawn kill them

  • @fast-bike94 said in This new update concerns me.:

    @vca-hombre I imagine I might be the issue in this game actually only time I hear someone say vocally ij voice chat is when I spawn kill them

    ..... what?

  • @fast-bike94

    Take a look at the acheivement stats for Tall Tales, on average 1.2-1.6% of players have done any of the tales. It's no surprise they have nerfed those in an attempt to get players to do them. Can't see it making a bit of difference personally, as from what I read all too often is players can't complete them because of other players actions.
    Anyway.. Time for some Forza.
    Happy sailing all.

  • @hombre I think I broke him.

  • @vca-hombre I was saying I might be the reason a lot of people quit I usually spawn kill people with or without loot and they usually quit and play fortnite.

  • @fast-bike94 said in This new update concerns me.:

    @vca-hombre I was saying I might be the reason a lot of people quit I usually spawn kill people with or without loot and they usually quit and play fortnite.

    You're psychic?!?

  • @hombre You missed a LOT of cosmetics how dare you!

    @D3ADST1CK Very nice input on the network topic. So basically SoT isn't lagging because of player postions, player states, ship states, wave rendering... What do you think it is then? I'm literrally out of ideas.

    Azure servers might not be suitable for open world online video games? Cloud comupting is too "weak" for this?

    Or maybe it's the code itself? Could need some optimizations probably?

    I know that the game has big problems when it comes to data streaming, Lods and rendering distances but that might come from non network related issues...

  • @dotcomrobots Could be bugs in the network code or something that could be optimized. They might be able to have some types of data not send as often as other types of data so that the important information is sent more frequently. The type of data is not the problem, because they aren't sending everything you see on screen most of it is just data points that your client uses to create the scene.

    There used to be a bug where you could hear voice comms on the entire server just by lowering one of the volume sliders, which means that at some point the voice data was being sent to everyone. Its corrected now, but I assume that having that extra data being broadcast increased the amount of traffic that the server was sending and that you received by quite a bit. There could be other issues like that causing problems.

    I would assume that Azure hosting should be able to handle the traffic so I doubt its that.

  • @vac-hombre I read their profiles lol its also how I know of someone is on a Pc or not I check every player I target.

  • @fast-bike94


    That seems creepy.

    Is it just me, or does that seem creepy?

  • @fast-bike94 One, for the last bloody time, pc players do NOT have as much of an advantage as you think, I'm a pc player myself, and have gotten destroyed by many xbox players. Two, the game isn't dead, nor is it dying. It's thriving right now. Three, has any game company told you EXACTLY what the issue is for a certain feature they are working on? They usually say 'There's an issue' they usually don't give an exact reason. And as I say to all the people who are yelling about crossplay, plug in a keyboard and mouse, or just get a bit better at pvp. Xbox players can absolutely destroy pc players, I know they can. But they just don't take time to practice pvp and such, and blame not being able to fight pc players on the fact we have some kind of 'advantage'.

  • @toastysmooth100 Some companies are really transparent on the tech side because their community likes it.

    Star Ctizien is one fine example. They literally tear down every bug live and they shows lines of codes. software used and explain the approach for fixing each major bug they expose.

    So yes it exists, and probably with many other games. But SoT isn't a crowfunded project and Microsoft may have strict policies in this regard.

    A man can still dream.

  • @fast-bike94 said in This new update concerns me.:

    @dlchief58 you can tell just how dead this game is by looking at achievements and seeing what percentage of people unlock certain achievements some of the achievements unlock when you essentially start the game. And only 63 percent achieve sailing for the first time that means 37 percent log in and log back.out and never play again lol

    LOL, that information is extremely flawed and means nothing. Since you are new, you likely are unaware of the issues the game had at launch which required that achievements be turned off for a few weeks making all those early game achievements skewed significantly lower. So many did play during the initial free trial of Game Pass, probably earned those achievements but weren't registered and then never logged back in after their Game Pass trial expired to pop them (and all of them weren't retroactive either, many needed to be re-earned).

    Looking at static achievement percentages means absolutely nothing, especially when they are flawed/skewed to begin with due to issues with the game in its launch phase. If you'd been following the percentage over time, you might be able to draw some sort of conclusion but even then it is still only conjecture as you lack the numbers behind the percentages. Nothing about achievement percentages gives you ANY insight into whether a game is losing players, that is completely absurd (especially given the data was skewed from the beginning). It as ridiculous as those who claimed the game was dying shortly after launch due to streaming data tapering off - no correlation whatsoever.

    Finally if people were loading up the game and not playing to unlock an achievement, how in the world do you equate that with a game losing population? That alone make absolutely no sense - those people are not "hard core" players that quit because the "game has gotten too easy" as is your initial cry of doom nor would they be players from the other end of the spectrum that allegedly quit due to "constant toxic PvP" as they would not have been in the game long enough to encounter that. You can not draw any meaningful conclusion regarding the lower than expected percentage of that or any early game achievement due to the numbers being skewed and not having enough data as to the reason why someone started the game but never really played it. It certainly does not back up your initial post in any way.

  • @ghostpaw I think this player base comes from the game constantly being a "new Sea of thieves" they update the game so often and people see or hear about these changes get on play then they dip on the game. Basically if Rare stops releasing new content to keep the game alive I could see its active player base taking a dive

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in This new update concerns me.:

    @ghostpaw I think this player base comes from the game constantly being a "new Sea of thieves" they update the game so often and people see or hear about these changes get on play then they dip on the game. Basically if Rare stops releasing new content to keep the game alive I could see its active player base taking a dive

    Right. There are not many Halo 2, Everquest, or SOCOM 3 players left in the world. Any game that stops receiving updates will see its player population fall. How many Fortnite players would still be at it if they stopped new content after season 3?

  • @ghostpaw This is a game that relys on pumping out new content to remain entertaining to people though without that new content to keep giving some sort of object all SoT really has is pretty water to look at.

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in This new update concerns me.:

    @ghostpaw This is a game that relys on pumping out new content to remain entertaining to people though without that new content to keep giving some sort of object all SoT really has is pretty water to look at.

    If you say so.

  • The game is being dumbed down and the devs Only seem to care for streamers on new players!
    People are dumb i get it BUT STOP making them dumber it's as bad as ending explained videos for movies on youtube it is just dumb.
    The tall tales are clear IF you have basic reading skills! (but there are translation issues)
    There will always be players who scream bloody murder they got killed by pc players even though they didn't and just potatoed on their boat!
    There will always be people how claim THEY ONLY get killed by pc players and we know they are liars.

    and the game IS far from being close to dead ! millions of players IS HARDLY DEAD

    They are a company who have an MMO and MMO's evolve and devolve over the life span, they will learn more as they go a long and hopefully they learn NOT to talk about exploits until they have fixed them.

90 out of 93