Ancient skeleton found

  • Not by me, but I saw that video on reddit and searched for it over here and didn't see it posted (apologies if it has been).

    Thought some people might be curious to see how ancient skeletons encounter look and how many coins drops (581 for this guy).

    video link

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  • @BloodyBil As the embedded video contains inappropriate language, we have changed it to a link. Please be sure that if you post content that has any language in violation of the Forum Rules, that it's posted as an external link.

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  • @triheadedmonkey said in Ancient skeleton found:

    @BloodyBil As the embedded video contains inappropriate language, we have changed it to a link. Please be sure that if you post content that has any language in violation of the Forum Rules, that it's posted as an external link.

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    My bad, will do 👍

  • So 581 is what you'll get or is that a random number?

  • @reapinglegion a dit dans Ancient skeleton found :

    So 581 is what you'll get or is that a random number?

    In the link, someone said another Ancient Skelly dropped 148. It seems a random number indeed (but it could be based on a algorithm with various parameters though)

  • 581... seems a very large number! I was expecting it to be a lot lower than that. So Rare have been very generous there.

  • @musicmee a dit dans Ancient skeleton found :

    581... seems a very large number! I was expecting it to be a lot lower than that. So Rare have been very generous there.

    It's true, that must hide something lol!

  • Or the guy got really lucky, who knows! I guess it depends on the rarity of those skeletons too.

  • @mr-dragon-raaar a dit dans Ancient skeleton found :

    The guy in the video had bought some stuff from the store.
    For the skelly to have given him 581 coins he'd have to have been sitting on 0 beforehand which i believe is impossible with the current pricing.
    I think hes overestimated.

    He said in the comments that he didn't buy Ancient Coins before, of course he could be lying or maybe he got AC from a crewmate killing an Ancient Skeleton before without noticing, but I think it might be true. Anyway we'll see in a month at least, with this spawn rate, what is the range of AC dropping. Though I think Rare can change the spawn rate (and maybe the amount of ACs dropping) quickly behind the scenes.

  • @mr-dragon-raaar I don't see any ticks though? Only the orange time-limited clocks?

    I did assume that he may have purchased maybe 500 coins or so before hand.

  • I mean, great job Rare if that’s the case. But I can’t be the only one who thinks that’s way to good to be true.

    However i have been playing EA games for many years so....

  • @knifelife a dit dans Ancient skeleton found :

    I mean, great job Rare if that’s the case. But I can’t be the only one who thinks that’s way to good to be true.

    However i have been playing EA games for many years so....

    In any cases, it's a "great" way to make free advertisement for players that will jump as soon as possible into the game to find those skellies.

    Let me get my tin foil!

  • @mr-dragon-raaar No worries :)

  • My crewmate and I ran into one of those skeletons last night. He didn't know about it and said there was a "gold kinda skeleton".

    I freaked out and ask him if it had a bag, if it was RUNNING away from him not slow walking and he said yeah. I yelled KILL THAT expletive expletive expletive. So he suicided with a gun powder skeleton thinking that would kill it. Again he didn't really know what it was and neither of us knew how much damage it would take.

    Needless to say the suicidie didnt work and by the time I made it back to the island the skeleton was gone.

    I was salty for the rest of the night. Felt bad after we logged off because I think I was a little to rough on my crewmate. I was surprised when he told me he suicided with a gunpowder barrel and kinda frustrated because he did that. Wondered WHY he would do such a thing instead of just chasing it down and killing it.

    Sadly to say we ran into the skeleton but we didn't get the kill :(. So the skeleton does despawn after a while I believe. Think of the gold goblins in Diablo 3.

    SIDE NOTE Seriously the word restrictions on this site is incredibly. The word hard and then followed by on is restricted. I get the implications but the phrase is also used to express difficulty of a situation or other things besides poor language. Seriously. The only forum I ever need a thesaurus just to post anything.

  • @xultanis-dragon This is literally a taster of language when it comes to the future it seems.

    Eventually you will need permission to smile at someone, lest you be arrested for assault 😂😂

  • @knifelife said in Ancient skeleton found:


    Suddenly I'm feeling threatened.

  • @bloodybil I got one just now at shipwreck bay for 543. Hadn't purchased any ancient coins from the store, so I know for a fact that this was the real amount. Much much more than I was expecting. I was thinking it would be like 100, but like everyone else I still don't know how common or uncommon they actually are.

    I read an article that said it is random between 100-600 or something, so I feel very lucky. Wasn't doing anything special, wasn't doing a voyage there, nothing voted on at least. It was early in my session, I don't believe I had any message in a bottles, let alone one at Shipwreck Bay. Was just waiting for ships to stop by to collaborate on rag and bone crates when I heard a noise I didn't recognize looked down and saw it. It died with one pistol shot and a cutlass swing while solo on a brig.

  • @calicorsaircat said in Ancient skeleton found:

    @bloodybil I got one just now at shipwreck bay for 543. Hadn't purchased any ancient coins from the store, so I know for a fact that this was the real amount. Much much more than I was expecting. I was thinking it would be like 100, but like everyone else I still don't know how common or uncommon they actually are.

    I read an article that said it is random between 100-600 or something, so I feel very lucky. Wasn't doing anything special, wasn't doing a voyage there, nothing voted on at least. Was just waiting for ships to stop by to collaborate on rag and bone crates when I heard a noise I didn't recognize looked down and saw it. It died with one pistol shot and a cutlass swing while solo on a brig.

    Thanks for the confirmation on coin drops!

    I think it's a good amount (again, depends on mob rarity), doesn't discourage you into having to buy coins but still a reasonable amount to farm for patient pirates.

    There is nothing worse than a MX system where they literally laugh at your face letting you obtain crumbs for free vs getting a ton of currency via real $, making you feel like you will never farm enough to get anything without paying.

  • @bloodybil I personally felt that Rare should've allowed doubloons to contribute to the ancient coin purchase though not at a 1:1 ratio, up until like the last $5-$8 needed to be purchased with ancient coins. We need more sinks for currency in general, and it's already too late to do something to reduce amount of gold.

  • Now can everyone shut up about the mtx?

  • @pithyrumble a dit dans Ancient skeleton found :

    Now can everyone shut up about the mtx?


  • @jetorchidee97

    Because you can get a pet without real money, like they said you'd be able to do. You just have to be lucky.

  • @pithyrumble a dit dans Ancient skeleton found :


    Because you can get a pet without real money, like they said you'd be able to do. You just have to be lucky.


  • So bottom line: MAYBE they should have a msg with the award

  • Seems to be confirmed: FALCORE - Ancient Skeletons

  • @xultanis-dragon This is pretty much my exact experience although i was solo at the time i found one of these elusive skellies.

    Was on Smugglers Bay minding my own business hunting skellies from a barrel scroll voyage when i hear coins jingling.
    Low an behold i spot it an "Ancient Skeleton!" crawling out the ground a ways from me an make a run for it.

    I give chase instantly forgetting about the skellies i was hunting only to be shot in the back and killed while doing so. Upon re-spawning it was long gone and nowhere in sight.
    Win some lose some as they say.

    This encounter even with the disappointing outcome onward spurred me to make that purchase of some Ancient Coins for my pirates coffer.

    Having a chance at earning any amount of them in-game is such an amazing Boon to the community huge Kudos to Rare for it imo.

  • @bloodybil I found one and it only gave 130. its from 100 to 800 I believe. it plays music and coins spew out of the ground and the skeleton appears.

  • @calicorsaircat when I found it I only got 130.. I'm happy I found one but sad it gave so little.

  • @Deckhands @Musicmee Old Post?

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