There’s too many freaking sloops man!

  • So I’m not the only one who sees this right? Hell even the videos and screen shots and memes are all sloops!

    No Galleons!!!!! Handful of Brigs and freaking Sloops EVERYWHERE!

    The Wheel if Pain the Galleon calls an this the reason?

    Is it because the Galleon requires skill and coordination? Is it because it’s too hard? Does it not come with enough Cannonballs?

    Not enough people can afford a $12 dollar mic? Everyone’s is freaking solo’n?

    It’s lame! Some tweaks are needed to get some balance back on the seas.

    We all know sailing a Galleon is 10X harder. How do you incentivize Players to use this ship?

    Give it better rewards or something!

  • 55
  • @glannigan The galleon is not difficult at all - it's actually pretty straightforward. What's hard is finding 4 players that can coordinate well together - that's the real challenge.

  • @glannigan didnt we have a post about this a week ago? It was on all the PvE incentivizes sloops as they are easier to deal with from tall tales, skeleton ships, and the kraken. I think that post brought up the best point. Why tone down the pve if we want the game to be more social?

    On another point, I love the galleon. Love the speed. Love the challenge. I also don't do the tall tales, don't care about the loot anymore and just enjoy playing and getting off when I reached my own given time limit. (Don't want a 2 or 3 hour voyage all the time. )
    Galleons still have love but that pve incentive may be the biggest reason less people are on the galleon. Maybe the incentive is just make it one setting for everyone even if it is set to easy. It takes the incentive away from the sloop.

  • @Glannigan

    Few reasons -

    The issue most players had with the Galleon is that its too hard to control. If you had a pre-made team of 4 then sailing the Galleon was easy and fast. Unfortunately when playing with randos you always get players who drop the anchor, or raise/lower the sails to soon or too late. Players grabbing the wheel and adjusting it even though you already have it adjusted.

    The problem with randos is everyone is the captain. Everyone knows whats best. Now depending on your personality or how experienced you are, certain people can take over ships and direct it with no problems. However, there is a trend going around where everyone is "equal" on the boat. In a sense you want everyone to feel part of the crew but its always good to know that there is someone who calls the shots.

    All of this happened because most players always had a group of 3 and had trouble finding a 4th like @Galactic-Geek mentioned. Not to mention 2 man teams having to find 2 people. It was a non issue but everyone made it one because to this day players still have an ignorance on how to work the LFG or Discord to find players to play with.

    So they introduced the Brig. Mind you it was in the game in the early stages and then removed, with them just re-adding it in the end.

    How did the Brig change this dynamic? Well Even with Rando's the brig is easy to control. Only 2 sails and the turn rate was pretty good. Not to mention fast.

    The biggest reason is this tough. 2 man teams only have to find 1 person to play with and 3 mans don't have to find anybody. Players also used to play Galleons because they were frightened about being attacked by one and figured their best chance of survival was being in one. No reason for that either since no more Galleons anyways.

    After a month or after they introduced the Brig I've seen a DRAMATIC drop in Galleon presences in the game. I rarely run into Galleons at all anymore. Its almost exclusively Sloops or Brigs now.

    While playing in my sloop if I even see a glimpse of a Galleon I go to attack it. Its like running into a shrouded ghost. They usually aren't on the servers anymore.

    SIDE NOTE One of the reasons why adding Sloop or Brig would kill the Arena. There would be barely any Galleon Matches since lobbies wouldn't be able to fill.

  • @glannigan that's simple...
    The reason is because those well oiled-experienced Galleon crews from the beginning aren't no longer...

    What I see happen in our Portuguese community is:

    The majority of their crew members left the game or only play monthly while they have something to do/achieve from new events/updates and the remaining ones decide to go with a smaller ships (it'ss probably more comfortable than trying to find good temporary crew member).


    The fact that the majority of those crews are PvP oriented so instead of roaming the sea trying to find another crew to engage they simple go to The Arena.

  • I am starting to HATE the brig. because I loved FOUR friends all playing and laughing together. Everyone wants a brig. now. Ugh

  • @glannigan said in There’s too many freaking sloops man!:

    So I’m not the only one who sees this right? Hell even the videos and screen shots and memes are all sloops!

    No Galleons!!!!! Handful of Brigs and freaking Sloops EVERYWHERE!

    The Wheel if Pain the Galleon calls an this the reason?

    Is it because the Galleon requires skill and coordination? Is it because it’s too hard? Does it not come with enough Cannonballs?

    Not enough people can afford a $12 dollar mic? Everyone’s is freaking solo’n?

    It’s lame! Some tweaks are needed to get some balance back on the seas.

    We all know sailing a Galleon is 10X harder. How do you incentivize Players to use this ship?

    Give it better rewards or something!

    My brother and I prefer to use a galleon but we hate playing with random people. Two people on a galleon is difficult. We often 2 man a brigantine.

    The problem with random people is the lack of skill or play annoying shanties instead of doing actual sailing. My friend refuses to play with random people for this reason and I agree.

    I sometimes have to fix my Xbox Live account so I appear offline because I get random invitations from people I have played with in the past.

    So, the reason I use a sloop is because it the best option for me

  • @d-jaguar said in There’s too many freaking sloops man!:

    @glannigan didnt we have a post about this a week ago? It was on all the PvE incentivizes sloops as they are easier to deal with from tall tales, skeleton ships, and the kraken. I think that post brought up the best point. Why tone down the pve if we want the game to be more social?

    On another point, I love the galleon. Love the speed. Love the challenge. I also don't do the tall tales, don't care about the loot anymore and just enjoy playing and getting off when I reached my own given time limit. (Don't want a 2 or 3 hour voyage all the time. )
    Galleons still have love but that pve incentive may be the biggest reason less people are on the galleon. Maybe the incentive is just make it one setting for everyone even if it is set to easy. It takes the incentive away from the sloop.

    We did and a week ago it was 70% Sloops 30% Brigs and the occasional shrouded ghost.....I mean Galleon.

    No it’s 80% Sloops! 20% Brigs and me in a Galleon!!!!

  • I beg to differ cuz I had MULTIPLE servers where there was hardly any other sloops in sight, mostly Brigs and Galleons!

    Not saying your experience is false at all, but what I’m saying is, it’s just pure chance who you end up with in a server

  • @glannigan I’m gonna have to debunk this claim. I’ve been in a severe where there was two brigs and a Galleon.

  • The Galleon is the most broken ship in the game, hard to hit lower holes on it and they have 4x the firepower as the Sloop. The ladder to board is long aswell so it's easy to knock people off it and theres tons of spots to put items on.

  • #soloLife4Ever

  • @glannigan
    I've seen many solo & duo galleons on the seas in the last couple of months. I think new players just think bigger is better. A lot of them usually end up beached on an Island though.

  • @jamzsam this is correct i had a couple of people all friends on a galleon while i was sailing after them with my buddy when one of the guys on their ship said "dude we're sailing in a galleon you cant win" and what i replied with was simply like anakin said "Don't underestimate my power!"

  • Try to crew up for over a year but still solo mostly. People cant upgrade boat mid session.. open troll crew needs captancy to work cuz they cancel voyages etc. I work shifts so well im still mostly solo slooping this game -.-

  • @itz-majman IMO, I wouldn’t say it’s the “most broken” ship in the game. It’s actually quite fun.

  • Playing in a galleon with your crew is a blast! I miss those days when the game had no cont.... when the game was released and the forts were insane. But it's hard to coincide.

    On the other hand, I love sloop. It's a very sneaky ship.

  • @ruigtand-nl
    Matey... "Let's make an adventure together"... we all sail together.
    Lets go... Brig!!!

  • Ok, let me crew up with 3 uncoordinated strangers just so you can sink us. That seems like a win-win.

  • @piratecraggy

    Thnx i will try and join you guys coming days just a couple of hours left at work then im 3 days at your service ! :")

  • Idk I'm pretty sure I've seen a galleon in every server I've been in for at least a week now and they usually end up attacking me and sinking me.. idk maybe I'm unlucky

  • @prorapidkiller

    If everyone on the ship is decent you will destroy anyone that's not on a Galleon. Only weakness it had was the slow-turns but the harpoons helped with that.

  • @jollyolsteamed said in There’s too many freaking sloops man!:

    @jamzsam this is correct i had a couple of people all friends on a galleon while i was sailing after them with my buddy when one of the guys on their ship said "dude we're sailing in a galleon you cant win" and what i replied with was simply like anakin said "Don't underestimate my power!"

    Well we saw how that ended for Anakin....

  • @xxowari said in There’s too many freaking sloops man!:

    Idk I'm pretty sure I've seen a galleon in every server I've been in for at least a week now and they usually end up attacking me and sinking me.. idk maybe I'm unlucky

    That’s probably me but I can assure you they are far and few.

  • @itz-majman said:

    The Galleon is the most broken ship in the game, hard to hit lower holes on it and they have 4x the firepower as the Sloop. The ladder to board is long aswell so it's easy to knock people off it and theres tons of spots to put items on.

    They all sound like good things to me. How is that “broken”?

  • So here we have a dead ship that 99% of the player base does not use for various reasons and the biggest push on the forums is for a surf board with a sail and a front cannon for single players....

    The Galleon needs a buff or something tweaked to incentivize players to get on!

    XP bonus, gold bonus, Easier anchor, I don’t know the answer but I do know there is a problem!

    I dunno maybe I’m crazy and someone from Rare will pop in and say 40% of all ships are Galleons. I can only go off my personal experiences and time in the game. And that tells me the Galleon is DEAD!

    (Except for me and the 3 suckers I recruit every night).

  • @glannigan

    If we sail galleon we never use anchor so thats not really a problem, loot is everywhere and 4 man gathering thats not a problem.

    Open crew to get 4 players now that is a problem you get trolls and there is no way to get rid of them..

    Up or downgrading the boat when a extra player wants to join or leave is the biggest problem.. often cant join because they are mid voyage and cant quit for a bigger boat.

    Often 1 or 2 players start a game and later on people join and leave again which is no problem to start a brig but starting a galleon solo or duo is not fun ..

    In my experience a easy fix would be being able to go to the shipwright and pay some gold to up or downgrade the boat if someone wants to join or leave. Or to allow 4 players on each shiptype but this would not help getting into a galleon..

  • @glannigan said in There’s too many freaking sloops man!:

    @xxowari said in There’s too many freaking sloops man!:

    Idk I'm pretty sure I've seen a galleon in every server I've been in for at least a week now and they usually end up attacking me and sinking me.. idk maybe I'm unlucky

    That’s probably me but I can assure you they are far and few.

    Yeah true there is way less considering how many there were when the game first released

  • I barely see human Galleons when I play either, but I think it's simply because there are not huge pools of 4 friends wanting to play together at the same time anymore. And playing as a crew of 4 in Open Crew is just not something that 9 out of 10 people would want to gamble on lol. 😬😅

    Yes, the game is more quiet than it used to be. Yes, I play late at night sometimes and can go 2 hours without seeing a single human ship on the horizon anywhere, even when sailing all over the place and getting reapers chests and turning them in.

    But, there's a bigger picture going on here. The fact that Sea of Thieves is getting quieter and the servers seem more dead, isn't necessarily due to Rare being 100% at fault or things in Sea of Thieves messing up its own game and pushing players away.

    I'd say two things on this.

    One, the vast majority of gamers don't usually sit on one game for months and months, or years and years. Yes, some do. Many of the people devoted to these forums that have been playing since launch do. I started Sea of Thieves in March 2018 and I'm still playing it. But in terms of all gamers worldwide on PC or Xbox, most don't. There are thousands upon thousands of games out there with more being released every single day. So most will try a game like Sea of Thieves, and even if they like it, they'll still be starting a new game next week and liking that one too. And maybe 2 other new games the following week. Many people have Game Pass, which tempts you with 200+ games just waiting to be installed and played. People don't usually stay that committed to one game, especially years after launch. Most people have moved on long before then to other games. This is just my personal observation as a whole towards any one game, not just Sea of Thieves.

    My second thing ties into the first thing. In the past month, I've seen so many people saying how the servers are dead and how this game is dying. Streamers like Pace have to constantly server-hop just to find people to fight, to make it fun for their viewers. Rare is trying so hard to keep it fun and active, pushing more player interaction for PvP every time you turn around, looking at changes to Arena as people complain about really long lobby wait times because Arena is fairly dead, etc. But I look at outside influences too. There are other reasons that Sea of Thieves seems so quiet in the last month, just for an example. Gears 5 released. Borderlands 3 released. The new Plants vs Zombies released. And many more. My own Sea of Thieves playtime has been pretty dramatically reduced the past couple weeks as I'm playing Borderlands 3 and the new Plants vs Zombies every evening when I used to play Sea of Thieves. A couple of weeks ago, I took over a week off from Sea of Thieves to play A Plague Tale: Innocence. This past week, I've taken 3 or 4 days away from playing Sea of Thieves to play Sea of Solitude. I don't play Gears of War, but everyone on my friend's list that used to play Sea of Thieves sometimes is now only showing "Gears 5" or "Borderlands 3" next to their Gamertag every day when they're online.

    I still like Sea of Thieves, and I visit these forums here almost every day. I keep up with my weekly Insiders playtime when it comes open. I watch the new Developer updates by Joe Neate every week on YouTube. Sometimes I look up videos by Pace or Hitbotc or Captain Falcore because it's fun to watch. But I haven't played Sea of Thieves that much lately at all, if I'm being honest. Why? Simple. Because: Other games.🤔🤷‍♀️😌💜

    It's very hard for a Developer to keep people playing their game for months and months and months, when there is just so much competition out there. People simply drift to other games sometimes. There are currently about 3200 games on the Xbox One Store, with more released every single day. There are dozens of free to play games and over 200 on Game Pass. There are sales every week with handfuls of games going for a couple of dollars. This is just the gaming industry as it is, which Rare has no control over. So, gamers' attention spans get shorter and shorter, and they want to try new things, or play what their friends are playing. For Sea of Thieves, this eventually leads to dead servers, people complaining about 45 minute waits to get into an Arena match, and human Galleons in Adventure mode becoming more and more rare.

    Sadly, it is what it is. All we can do, and all Rare can do, is try to adapt and keep up with adding new content to keep those that are playing happy. And maybe, to attract new players. This is just my own personal thoughts regarding all of the criticism that Sea of Thieves is getting regarding dead servers, things like this (too many sloops and solo players), etc. Personally, I'm neutral in all of this. 🤷‍♀️💜Yes, I see the dead servers and how much quieter the game is now compared to long ago, but I also look at outside forces like all of the other games out there to play, and big AAA releases lately which also pull attention away from this game. There's not much to be done about it; it is what it is. I think this is how Sea of Thieves is going to be now, and will continue to be. Unfortunately, seeing more sloops and fewer Galleons on the seas may be something we just have to adapt to. 🌊💜

  • @surveyorpete

    I guess you don't understand the definition of "broken"

    OP - Stronger than everything else - Not Balanced - Broken

  • @spiralout46and2

    A very well thought out analysis. 👍

  • @surveyorpete said in There’s too many freaking sloops man!:


    A very well thought out analysis. 👍

    Thank you very much. I honestly appreciate that.🙂

    If anyone reads what I wrote, and just takes one thing away from it, being a simple, "Huh.. I didn't think of it that way", then I'm appreciative.

    Thank you.💜

  • @glannigan good thing im not anakin

  • @glannigan this would not change the fact that majority of open crew sailors cannot sail a galleon you can slap as much gold bonuses and xp bonuses on a galleon not everyone has a good team to sail a galleon you know not everyone has the resources you do and not everyone is team material i've sailed for a year only found two people who do good in a team and just one rando who does not know what to do would ruin the team completly and besides if i wanted to see a bunch of galleons i'd go arena despite how poorly arena was made and is to this day but i would love to sail in a galleon but i cant because im missing the third player to do so this would benefit you and a select few while the rest cant because of poor matchmaking systems sounds selfish to me but as i said if you want to have more galleon fights go play arena not everyone has to sail a galleon because you want them to but i would love to sail a galleon but rare hasn't been kind enough to give me my third crew member

  • @glannigan it's not about the ship, it's about the crew.

    I can manage 1 other player who isn't on the ball and still keep a boat in the fight.

    So on a sloop it's fine. On a Brig you need one other competant crew member to make up for the person who isn't on the ball. In a Galleon you need two other competant players, but if you already have 3 competant players, why not just sail a Brig?

    I love to sail a Galleon, but you need three people who know what to do. So Open Crew is out of the question if you actually want to get anything done. That means decent Galleons are more or less confined to premade groups, discord or LFG, and anyone who's tried Discord or LFG knows that even they can be hit or miss.

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