Tips For Sailing With Other Pirates (Ship Roles)

  • Ahoy maties! Tis I' Captain Holley wit'me first post 'pon these 'ere forums! Ah' hope some o' these tips help yee on yer adventure in thee Sea o' Thieves.

    Most people who play SoT usually party up through LFG and this helps filter players towards the like-minded goals. However, I noticed that most crews never assign roles once they step foot upon their ship. For most, this is probably common knowledge, so perhaps this might help some of our newer pirates on the sea. So I'll try to break it down quickly to save you pirates some reading.

    Galleon (Same can apply to Brigs and Sloops)

    1st role - captain - the captain will steer the ship and adjust rear sails
    2nd role - middle sails and a secondary role.
    3rd role - front sails and a secondary role.
    4th role - repairs and a secondary role.

    Secondary Roles These secondary roles are important for when the action starts, such as PVP or when skeleton ships/Meg/Kraken etc appear. You will want to assign people to:

    • Cannons
    • Extra Repair Hands
    • Boarders, who will leave the ship and PVP
    • Scavengers, who will leave the ship to hunt for supplies at passing islands
    • Any other job that would be needed upon your journey.

    This is just a basic outline of what the roles of your crew can look like when you all appear in-game. Perhaps if you have a regular crew, the roles can transition from one crewmate to another. But, for those who often sail with unknown pirates, assigning these roles can really help ensure smooth sailing.


    • Just because it isn't your role don't ignore things that need to be done. Often times I hear someone call out - sounds like we need repairs below, while they are fooling around on a cannon or harpoon. If you hear water below deck, Fix It! Do not assume others will do it for you. Sometimes people assigned to the role can be incapacitated. The same can be said about the sails.
    • Sailing duty during a chase should have all hands on deck! When your captain is either giving chase or trying to outrun the enemy, every member of the ship should be holding onto the sails and adjusting to keep the sails fully billowed At ALL Times! So if you aren't the captain, grab a sail and adjust. The faster you are, the better your chances. Then, if needed, fall back on your secondary duties when entering combat.
    • Don't Harpoon turn the ship without letting your captain know! Many times I have seen a ship crash into an island because a crewmate tried to harpoon turn the ship without letting the captain know what he/she was doing. Tricky maneuvering requires good communication, so make sure everyone is on the same page before attempting.
    • Practice makes perfect. If you have some bold new strategies to try out, organize a practice run. Let the crew know how it works and see if you can test it out. An easy example would be an anchor turn. See how fast your crew can accomplish this maneuver before attempting it in combat situations.
    • Communication is your biggest asset, so use it to its fullest! I cannot stress how important it is to constantly stay in communication. Crewmates sometimes leave the ship or die and don't say anything. This can cause confusion quickly and may end horribly. So always let your crewmates know what you are doing and where you are. It may seem like common sense, but it happens...

    Tis all thee tips ah'got fer yee me harties! A'hopin t'will help yee out there with all 'em cutthroats, Yarrr! Per'aps some more tips will come ter'mind in thee future. Till then, Happy Sailing yee Seadogs!

    -Captain Kerrs Holley

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  • With experienced players:

    I believe in the Community Wheel. We all know where we’re going and what direction we need to head to whoever happens to be by the wheel when an adjustment needs to be made makes it.

    Left Right NOT Front Back!

    When doing sails crew should split the side of the boat not the front and back. Way faster and easier!

    With most experienced players they tend to naturally fall into whatever role they are best at!

  • Hello and Welcome Capitano Holley.
    You made a Great Topicpost...i have nothing against yer roles but ...A Pirate is able to perform much more roles than two and i agree that you think " George , if everybody does 4 to 5 things ,then the crew ends up in choas...fool" ( * Hihihih, Captain Holley already knows you ,moron) but the most important thing is Communication and everybody's Personality...

    i have been in numerous crews , some work great , even Random Pirates can start to work as an Oiled machine in 10 to 15 minutes , other Crews sometimes never worked...Communication is key , it doesn't matter if it's spoken communication or written one...As long as People converse the chance of succes of that crew is raised.

    Personality is a whole different and more difficult Trait...Every Person has this and changing a Personality in one or a few games is an Utopic Dream...And to be honest ,the Personality is one of the most important ingredient to make your Crew ,or how you feel about this Game, work.

    You have People who are stern, being the Captain is something that speaks to many Pirates ' Imagination , but ...Two Captains in one crew works very rarely...4 Gunners never works ...They are brutal ,have immense Firepower but one or two shots in the hull can sink em as nobody wants to do the repairs...

    Roles are Great if...People choose them freely . That's were the shoe feels a bit tight , it can take a long time before you find Pirates that perform their role with Passion and with Heart...

    Thanks to the Alpha's ,back in the day , i was extremely lucky to find " my" crew...For more than two years , i have never met more than two Crewbinders . It's a Pirate that uses his Personality to make a crew work in ten minutes time without being or becoming a Dictator Captain...

    i will tell you a little secret...Our Captain , without using that Title , because he doesn't like it that much to be called Captain ,is Mr J4dio. He has an Enormous Spirit that brings Pirates together...In the later hours , when our regular Crew goes to sleep , Mr J4dio and me travel through the servers in order to form crews with Randoms...

    i have and still can write hundred stories on how he formed Oiled Machines from Crews that are formed with Pirates from all Corners from the World...It is a Trait that few possess, but once you see him going , i still can become silent in awe on how he can "steer" people without touching their helmswheel ,if you know what i try to say....

    Our crew consists of an Ace HelmsWoman in the shape of Mrs Deviouz Dogz , she can shave islands with the flanks of the ship without scratching the paint, is great with Cannons, Sails and immediatly comes to bail and repair if needed. When called or out of her own movement ,she has saved many of our " soon to be " lost ships...

    The Forum Favorite Mr Musicmee , has a totally different role...He's the Brawler , the Swashbuckler , Gunner , Sailhandler and Chestsniffer who finds Chests in Splitseconds...His Realm of play situates more on the Deck or on the Islands but he is a certainty to rely on to keep Crews busy while we try to escape or survive...

    To come back to Mr J4dio, he too is a Swashbuckler ,but more in the Errol Flynn style ( * Errol Flynn, nobody knows that man anymore , yokel , you're too old to use his name...moron). He dances , while he dastardly confuses the " Enemy" with his talks , his tauntings ,which are never vile , brings the "enemy" on the wrong foot...

    i remember an adventure on which he had beaten all three of Pirates and he told them to lay down their arms so he could teach them how to work together ...He didshow them some ropes and tricks and in the meantime we escaped with a full ship of Treasures that had more than 20 K of value...

    That's what i mean with Personality and how it can uplift a game towards something you have never done...

    Oh, yes , there is also a fourth Pirate in the crew , yup that's me ( * Get that smurk from yer face ,moron, you're so ugly). What is my role ? Well , i honestly don't know , i'm the worst pirate ever , can't Pvp even if my real life would depend on it , i'm slow in playing and understanding but still this game has given me a purpose i miss in so many other games...i support the crew , mostly in repairs , turning sails and shoot a few cannonballs, i guard the ship while my Friends discover the world or seek treasures...Oh i do hear you say " But that's a sad and boring task you do" , and i say " No, it isn't"...ilove to be in a crew. And i do love to perform the work on the ship ...i would love to have a swabbie role for that , if that Seawater would rot the planks and make them slippery , i would be the first to clean the waterof that deck with my Broom...

    Ah, The Order of the Broom...The reason to be part of a Crew and Serve that Crew till the last zip of spit...Aye , it's a role i try to perform with a Passion i didn't even knew i carried it in my bonemarrow...i may miss a lot of action since i'm repairing the Hull but hearing the turmoil , the choas of Battle ,simply makes my Heart sing...i never want to be Captain, i hate the Helmswheel when i'm sailing in a Crew but working , helping and goofing around to help maintain a fun enviroment isn't a is a Call ...A Call you perform at best if you can put yer Heart , Passion and Soul in it and this....This is the first game in 36 years of Gaming where i feel that i do matter in a team , even if my contribution is very small...
    Still we form a Crew that works as an Oiled Machine , who have grown out in Internet -and Real Life Friends ...This is a Game , yes , but from a very different Order than most Nowadays and Games from the Past...

    This game has a Heart , a Heart that needs to be nurtured and cared for by Four Pirates that can work together ...Through Roles or by the feels where on is needed at any given time, it doesn't matter. Cooperation, sacrifice , and Understanding are the Keys towards a Succesful Crew...

    May you have Many, Many Great Adventures on the Sea , and may you find Gems and Pearls of Personalities like this little useless Pirate has found...
    Have fun Captain Holley ,That too is one of the most important ingredients ...And remember we are all People , we do make misstakes but mistakes are needed to learn ,adapt and grow out towards a Crew that only can be beaten if all the Seagods combined want to take us down...
    Happy Sailing Captain!

  • @glannigan

    Ahoy matey! O'course with more experienced players, players naturally fall into the roles that are needed as you sail along yer adventure. I just wanted to make a basic outline for newer folks and people who always fall into random crews. Just some things to keep in mind to ensure smooth sailing. The more you sail the easier it will be for you to keep the ship running smoothly! Looking forward to the next time we sail together matey! Perhaps we will be raising sails together soon!

  • @clumsy-george

    Thanks for the reply matey! You bring up some good points for sure. Communication is central to this game. Keeping your crew in constant communication is key to running a ship like a well-oiled machine. The more your crew knows about what is happening onboard the ship, the better. Your actions influence the whole of your crew and their decision making.

    Personality can carry you a long way in this game, I wholeheartedly agree. If a crew mate gets sour over the smallest mistakes, it can take a toll on the morale of the whole crew! Having a good attitude and keeping things light will encourage your crew to relax a bit and enjoy the open seas.

    I'm also very happy you found a consistent crew to sail with, most are not so lucky. So this is why I wanted to post this general outline of how tasks on a ship can be delegated. Having each crew member with 2 roles each keeps things simple and will hopefully prevent whining/frustrations. Keep it light and even elect yourself to the roles most others would hate. Let the rest of your crew feed off your positive attitude and get them geared up for the adventures ahead! Be that role model and show 'em how to run a smooth ship. Hopefully, the knowledge you pass onto them will transfer to their next crew.

    Also if anyone else has any tips for playing with random players or new players, please share! All tips and knowledge are always welcomed and encouraged!

    See you all out there upon the Sea of Thieves!

  • Having the same thinking:

    Two captains usually doesnt work well together...
    To make it be working, its necesary to have both recognizing the other's skills.

    I think that people making their own name as "Captain Whoever"... is a bad, very badly idea... since they need to be learning first... and they are not going to be a captain the whole life...

    I dont know... I was lucky to not been named in Real Life as "Fisherman Kape", because would be very ugly to have "Fisherman" as first name, and to not becomming that proffesion...

    Truth is cruel...

    Well, worst on that... I had a person who were always making promotion of himself: "Im the captain XnameX" each oportunity he had... but never did any work to change himself just to fit the title... well talking about truth... you cannot try to become captain and doesnt think on the responsability it involves... you must hear what people is talking to you no matter you are very focused on firing a cannon or anyelse...

    A captain cannot be deaf to crew or the ship is doomed!

    Well, if you have meet me already, you would know that I want people to change, or more than that: change themselves for good!

    Changes ocationally are painfully, specially if you want to make a life change... truth is a good thing, but if you found a truth that is the opposed as what are you doing... well... its very painfully!:

    Or you accept it, and change yourself with some pain, or you just suffer the consequences all your life!

    You are obligatory free!
    You have to make your choices, and you just have to pay for those choices!

    Im Kape, the trusty pirate,
    Truth is Cruel!

    Anyway, having roles on a ship is good for non constant crews.
    If you want to be hardtry, the best is to make some rules on board, and all people HAVE TO KNOW HOW TO DO ANYTHING!

  • ou... sorry... it just sent, but I just not ended...

    All next here is written just for HardTry Crews:

    I was meanning, if you get a regular crew, and you want to sail seriously, only on that way JUST FOR HARDTRY CREWS, all people on the crew must know anything, including to be a captain!

    To be teaching people, sometimes its a badly idea to be on a galleon, you must think what fit your teaching style... but for joking crews, the bigger ship you wat is a brigantine.

    Sloop: think on this ship as you dont have a captain, its a bidirectional comunication and no more.
    Try to sail this ship as equal sailors. Try to not be captain here... just comunicate, and take turns to do things.

    It just makes distance between captain and other players... and... the captain is a player too...
    Just Try to be more human.

    But doesnt discuss in middle fight, no matter how good are you at discussing, you cannot explain why are you doing something unless you are not in battle.

    May someone call me a dictator captain, but there exist a very few people who try to use their imagination and discuss when not in battle... Most people just see to be doing mental effort as a painfully thing to do... its just tiresome, but not painfully.
    I always urge people to use their creativity, and I try to make vote on every action we do, making two or more posibilities to choice from, and, if we agree someone's creation, I try to fullfill it when we are using it!
    But... you cannot like to all people... not creative, or not trying to selfchange people, soon or later is becomming angry against me...

    So, for a HARDTRY crews, its better to be selective at recruiting, just to not harm others.

    If Lazytry people wants to play with hardtry, they must make a change, or both people is going to get a bad experience.
    I had a lot of people just wishing to be on a better crew, but there is a very low amount of people truly trying to change themselves.

    I watch that as "Carry-Addicts": Wishing to have more profit, instead of trying to give more from you!

    Opposite, if you are hardtry, but you are conscious you dont want to achieve victory or something, you must make your own change for a while, if you want to sail with funny crews...

    Anyone may get better on this game, no matter they are not fast, fluid and skillfully, if they want to evolve... they just need someone to tell them wich aspect they need to correct or reinforce, and WORK on them. But if you want to be repeating the same newcomer's errors, doesnt be expecting you are going to grow fastly.

  • @el-kape

    Ahoy, there matey an' well met! Yee make some good points sailor, however, we don't always have the luxury of learning upon thee seas. It would be nice to teach folks to sail better on a smaller ship, perhaps its best-done one on one. However, most don't have the time or patience, unless they are IRL friends. Most just search the LFG page or SoT discord( Which is a great way to find quality sailors). So when joining these crews, it's safe to assume they know how to sail. These role assignments are just to make sure things get done on the ship and keep pirates from getting lazy. There is nothing worse than a lazy pirate on your team.

    It is true, you cannot force people into roles. But, you can try to coax them with your winning personality though :)
    Try your best to make sure everyone is on the same page about PVP/PvE procedures. Then hope your crew does their part. So long as you do what you need to do, your ship should be in good hands even with a ragtag team. I agree about the naming a captain part as well, it should be just considered a ship role like any other and should be given no significant ranking. Everyone on the crew is Equal! Captain title is just a ceremonial thing for me hehe

    Best o'luck out there on thee sea matey!

    • Captain Kerrs Holley
  • I have something interesting to add, and this is information from real pirates!:

    Captain is same as equal like all the crew!
    Captain receives the exactly same booty as any pirate, and for pirates, doesnt matter man, women, cooking, or being newly!!

    The captain role is just to administrate the ship, the ship is a nationless terrain, so there is no king there!!
    Captain's desire is never absolute!

    For Sea of Thieves, the better is to not discuss him if you are receiving damage to your ship, trying to adjust your actions to execute things he call if you have the oportunity.
    But, if you are NOT IN COMBAT, captain must be questionable if you want to grow all the crew! And! make votes to decide things any time you have oportunity to vote.

    Anyway, @Kerrs-Holley If you understand spanish, or you have a big comprehension of positioning, you may watch my basic ship tactics video, it lasts 30 minutes. Its on the forum, at the place where you put hints for fighting.

  • @el-kape What would be nice to see is a Hireing Hall, just like in real life. You sign onto a list and wait to be called for a ship. This way you can be screened.

  • @olazdirt
    Do you mean to recruit for a ship?
    There are a lot of ways for that, but not all people know how to do that.
    I think the best one is just using the horrible Xbox app, its sound suck, its not friendly to newcomers, it fails a lot, but it works!

    My own way to recruit people is just speak with them first... I know that if they doesnt want to change themselves to evolve (that is very painfully to not evolving people), they are not going to feel good with me, and I know I'm not going to feel good with static people around.

  • @olazdirt
    I think would be a nice idea, since the xbox app sucks, and xbox doesnt want another dedicated voicechat for Xbox machines, like discord (People with xbox have to use a phone to be in discord).

    Would be usefull if Rare do something about that, to fix the poorly way to find a crew from xbox.

  • @olazdirt

    This would be an interesting feature to have in game matey! Perhaps some ranking system such as we have here in the forums. It would allow folks to know just how experienced you may be at sailing/shooting/pvp etc. Everyone in the game usually finds their niche fairly quickly. Some are excellent helmsmen while others can shoot a sloop from a far off distance with cannons. However, most of this knowledge is unknown to other players. So, you might be an excellent sailor in some respects, but low rank. If all people see is your low status, then they are likely to assume you are new to the game and inexperienced. I have been playing the game since release and only recently got my ranking up into the high 40s. Having a forum for feeling out potential crew members can be game changing for new and old players alike! Great idea sir!

  • @el-kape said in Tips For Sailing With Other Pirates (Ship Roles):

    I think would be a nice idea, since the xbox app sucks, and xbox doesnt want another dedicated voicechat for Xbox machines, like discord (People with xbox have to use a phone to be in discord).

    Would be usefull if Rare do something about that, to fix the poorly way to find a crew from xbox.

    I wish Xbox allowed us to download Discord. It makes it tough for PC players who stream to play with their Xbox friends if they can't use discord on console. Using discord on your phone is such a drag because now you got the audio from your game separate from your headset. Then every time they talk you hear a whole bunch of noise coming from their game. Stinks! Please add Discord to Xbox!!

  • Hi @kerrs-holley,

    As this thread is over 8 months old I will be locking it. Please create a new thread if you would like to continue the discussion.


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