Another crossplay discussion

  • @staceyxsx so true they always tell me whats gonna happen and that I cant tell whos on pc. There is no fighting the pc hivemind. It will collect into a mass to protect its power.

    You will see when you fight xbox only and still complain. - nope already doing it and its great thx

    You will not be able to tell who is on pc. - really it takes 2 seconds to check what system someone is playing on while on xbox. One is simply looking at them hoping around like superman and two checking recent players.

    You just need to get gud- Im fine actually now arena is opt out im on my way to 100 wins rather than just not playing the game.

    The majority do/dont want opt out on xbox- this is a strange one you get one pc player thats either really mad that he will have no one to play with because there is only 1 pc player worldwide or the one that says no one will opt out. This is strange because I have no problem getting match after match in the opt out arena 😀

  • @princessasuna96 I could sit and list every thing that PC can do that xbox can't and why it's a major advantage. I could discuss the times Ive sat with my PC crew who have showed me things like shooting whilst going up ladders to board a ship but all I get is nope not true there's no advantages your just not that good 🙄🙄 Wait til theyre in PC lobby's only and let's see how good they really are 😂😂

  • @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    I started a thread about thanking Rare for adding opt out to arena that I now love the mode and play it over adventure and that I went from losing 90% of games to winning about 90% games and all I got was people calling me salty.

    Quite the opposite, I recall you calling pc players salty in that thread, not the other way around.

    But whatever makes you feel better princess lol

  • @troubled-cells said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    I started a thread about thanking Rare for adding opt out to arena that I now love the mode and play it over adventure and that I went from losing 90% of games to winning about 90% games and all I got was people calling me salty.

    Quite the opposite, I recall you calling pc players salty in that thread, not the other way around.

    But whatever makes you feel better princess lol

    After they repeatedly called me salty first and in massive amounts. But retaliation instantly makes it my fault.
    These threads make me feel better to be honest. I love the taste of opt out tears. 😂

  • @staceyxsx well a while ago I assumed that when opt out came out pc arena would die. Lots of posts complaining. You know why it died.
    No easy xbox kills and they are now forced to fight agaisnt eachother.
    They dont want to do that because it becomes who has the biggest exploits. Aimbots, glitches. Things like that.
    They know they now have to try to win so they dont play and they just beg for xbox to come back. But we wont even if rare takes opt out away.
    We are sailing into opt out seas now the only place far away enough to get away from an aimbot.

  • @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @troubled-cells said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    I started a thread about thanking Rare for adding opt out to arena that I now love the mode and play it over adventure and that I went from losing 90% of games to winning about 90% games and all I got was people calling me salty.

    Quite the opposite, I recall you calling pc players salty in that thread, not the other way around.

    But whatever makes you feel better princess lol

    After they repeatedly called me salty first and in massive amounts. But retaliation instantly makes it my fault.
    These threads make me feel better to be honest. I love the taste of opt out tears. 😂

    Weird because I can't see any tears here 😆

    Guess princess is thirsty.

  • @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @boxcar-squidy said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @troubled-cells said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @troubled-cells said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    This new update really cements the need for optional crossplay in adventure. We were promised it back in May, what's taking so long? And before anyone tells me to just get better at the game, I really don't feel like I should be playing out my skin just to keep up with PC!! Not really a point to this just hope the devs get back to us soon with a date or an update!!

    alt text

    😁😁 Your bored of hearing it well believe me we are bored of playing with it

    Then go play something else.

    everyone wins.

    No I don't think I will, I'll continue playing a game I love but thank you for your constructive input

    If you love it so much why are you trying to change a fundamental element of it?

    It's like saying: "I love my boyfriend, I just hope he stops beating me once we're married." Either you love the game as it is or you want fundamental changes. Both statements cannot be equally correct and accurate.

    More acurately: you like the game, but you'd prefer it if it were completely different.

    Forced crossplay isn't a fundamental element of the game, its for PC players to continue using us as xbox punching bags for 2 years. Don't get me wrong I can keep up with most PC players but as I said I need to try so much harder to do so.

    Well it might be a pretty fundamental change to someone in say Australia, who plays on PC. It might go from actually being able to play like you have since launch to not being able to get a game where you don't merge every 5 mins or have a ping of 5 million.

    If they can make that work with opt-out, fine, no complaints. I'm not willing to sacrifice any of our community though. People paid for and were delivered a service. That must not be taken away or diminished in quality. No pirates left behind. The ones who don't want to be here because it's too stressful for them to play with other platforms can make whatever choices they feel they need to.

  • @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @princessasuna96 I could sit and list every thing that PC can do that xbox can't and why it's a major advantage. I could discuss the times Ive sat with my PC crew who have showed me things like shooting whilst going up ladders to board a ship but all I get is nope not true there's no advantages your just not that good 🙄🙄 Wait til theyre in PC lobby's only and let's see how good they really are 😂😂

    Start listing your supposed advantages then.

    Xbox players can shoot up while climbing ladders, its not exclusive to PC.

    You do hate PC because you've stated that you don't care about actual input, you want hardware opt out because you said "Pc will just find ways to hack anyways." So lumping all PC players into hackers? If you aren't lumping us all into one catagory then you are using less than 1% of the player population as a metric of measurement?? Is that what you are doing?

    We've been arguing about PC lobbies in arena because it takes forever to find a game.

    I wonder how you the xbox community still complains about PC when there are xbox users out there with 240 first place wins. There are xbox users on these very forums that say they can win and have no issue against PC.

    Frame Rates - Are not going to make you better at the game. I'm sorry but if you were actually at a level of play where this would effect you, you wouldn't be complaining this much anyways. So no frame rates is not an advantage of any kind. Xbox users frame rates stay at around 30 constantly and thats plenty, suggesting that if you had more you would be a better player is just lies.

    Load times - SSD is not exclusive to PC. Not all PC have awesome load times. So again you are using a small percentage of numbers to base your whole argument on.


    I'll agree with you though, tears are tasty. Especially when you get into xbox lobbies and roll the whole server. Then trolling them by saying your whole crew is on PC. They straight up believe it and cry and whine and curse.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again. If cross play does happen, I'll get a new xbox. Use a friends from time and time to play SoT and honestly, its like shooting fish in a barrel.

    Can't find a single lobby to play in as a PC player but when I hop on my friends xbox, its like free win city.

    Its not even about the controller, NO ONE KNOWS HOW TO PLAY ON XBOX. They complain about fairness but dear god do none of them in Arena even know how to guard their ladder or how to even shoot cannons. Its as if the whole community has no idea how to actually play the game. Its ridiculous, then when you taunt them by telling them you are on PC they go completely ape crazy. Scream, yell, and say they are going to report for hax and exploits but what are they going to report for? I'm on xbox. lolololololololololololololol

    They could even check right?? lololololololololololol

  • @xultanis-dragon The whole opt-out argument is the same as PvE only servers. They don't like lossing and don't want to get better so they look to excuses.

    "The PvP trihards make it so I can't complete anything", turns into "everyone I lose against that is on PC, that's the reason I lost not cause they were better"

  • @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    Forced crossplay isn't a fundamental element of the game, its for PC players to continue using us as xbox punching bags for 2 years. Don't get me wrong I can keep up with most PC players but as I said I need to try so much harder to do so.

    Let me ask, when you beat someone do you check to see what they were playing on?

    The reason I ask is when you come to a "hard" fight or a fight you thought you should win, is that when you look to see what they were playing on?

    For all you know you've killed more PC players than Xbox

  • @badassfro I can second this, yes I check everytime. I check also when something doesn't seem right. You're correct I've probably killed more PC players than actual Xbox players. Cross play meh PC players aren't that good and the ones who are use exploits and bugs to win. Saying that though, it proper grinds my bones when people who are good just continue to come after you after sinking you or sit calling you names. It's like, I get it your good big wow go bully someone else, dying is awesome means you have a challenge but difference between having fun and killing each other and then big sweats trying to flex and getting toxic makes them seem more salty than people who die every 2mins. Haha.

  • Cant wait for the opt out of xbox to see what it does to PC community.

    I dont care anymore, please opt out asap to discuss more important things.

    We will see what happens.

    My guess:
    PC becomes more hardcore about PvP.
    Xbox will get ruled anyway by the hardcore xboxers with or without XIM, pro Controler and SSD.

    It will help, but not the ones who honestly want pve only servers.

  • @bugaboo-bill

    That's very interesting because I wondered if the opt out was being used in hopes that there would be PvE servers? I mean most times anyone complains about pvp its because some PC player attacked them. I was wondering if Xbox users think there will be less pvp without PC players??

  • @monkeyshishan sagte in Another crossplay discussion:


    That's very interesting because I wondered if the opt out was being used in hopes that there would be PvE servers? I mean most times anyone complains about pvp its because some PC player attacked them. I was wondering if Xbox users think there will be less pvp without PC players??

    To me most of the threads read like this.
    They dont want to compete at all, but when they have to at least against xbox only.

    I agree that ssd faster loading and KBM can be an advantage, but not neccessarily.
    I'd also agree PC players are more aggressive and pvp focussed than xbox players. But overall i think that most of the ones who complain will have a slightly better experience, less pvp in general, but when they have PvP they will get wrecked like today, because the xbox players who actively PvP will for sure have best possible Equipment, so one X with ssd maybe KBM or use a XIM or a pro controller and can handle super sensibility with that perfectly.
    The Couch gamer (no insult i'm a Laptop in bed player 😂) will still meet people who will sink, destroy and also spawnkill them.
    I know more than one player who has xbox and PC and when the game dies on PC guess what they do,they just play further on the xbox.

    The ones who want pve, private or solo servers will profit from every split of the playerbase.

    It can also turn another way around and the best for. PvE player is to play on PC, because the game almost dies on PC or at least adventure does, but Arena not.

    Who knows.

    All i can say is that i'm tired of these discussions and i wish they opt out immediatley, not because i really wish for it, but to end these topics and to just see what it brings.

    Neutral about it, it's just a game.

  • @badassfro said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    Forced crossplay isn't a fundamental element of the game, its for PC players to continue using us as xbox punching bags for 2 years. Don't get me wrong I can keep up with most PC players but as I said I need to try so much harder to do so.

    Let me ask, when you beat someone do you check to see what they were playing on?

    The reason I ask is when you come to a "hard" fight or a fight you thought you should win, is that when you look to see what they were playing on?

    For all you know you've killed more PC players than Xbox

    I can honestly tell you that I know what platform you are on before you even get into battle with me. Xbox will read the recent players when you are 2 squares out from us. Most of the galleon PC crews we have ever faced were more into boarding tactics than ship to ship combat. That’s why they failed in the end. They definitely kept us on our toes so when a ship is spotted and is in render range someone checks the players list while we prepare for combat.

  • @monkeyshishan said in Another crossplay discussion:


    That's very interesting because I wondered if the opt out was being used in hopes that there would be PvE servers? I mean most times anyone complains about pvp its because some PC player attacked them. I was wondering if Xbox users think there will be less pvp without PC players??

    If opt-out was achieved totally, they would then indeed complain about other xbox players beating them.

    Then they will campaign (harder) for PVE servers.

    Then they will complain when they get killed by PVE threats, how so and so is too hard for solo and ask for everything to be nerfed down.

    Then people will be bored about the game having been made brain-dead easy and leave.

    Then who knows, maybe in 10 years SoT Classic is reborn and people will be hyped and nostalgic about the good old days when the game was harder?

  • @bloodybil said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @monkeyshishan said in Another crossplay discussion:


    That's very interesting because I wondered if the opt out was being used in hopes that there would be PvE servers? I mean most times anyone complains about pvp its because some PC player attacked them. I was wondering if Xbox users think there will be less pvp without PC players??

    If opt-out was achieved totally, they would then indeed complain about other xbox players beating them.

    Then they will campaign (harder) for PVE servers.

    Then they will complain when they get killed by PVE threats, how so and so is too hard for solo and ask for everything to be nerfed down.

    Then people will be bored about the game having been made brain-dead easy and leave.

    Then who knows, maybe in 10 years SoT Classic is reborn and people will be hyped and nostalgic about the good old days when the game was harder?

    Do you see any complaints from Xbox players playing in the opt out arena being beaten by other Xbox players posting on here??

    No you don't!
    Stop being salty

  • @xultanis-dragon man I cant even finish this post i'm gonna have a stroke from all the excess salt 😂

  • @troubled-cells its all good once opt out is released for adventure none of us all will need to talk again.

  • @needsmokes Talking about adventure here bud. Or are there PVE threats I missed in arena outside of storms?

  • @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @xultanis-dragon man I cant even finish this post i'm gonna have a stroke from all the excess salt 😂

    Completely agree, the amount of salt generated in those console lobbies is enormous. Its so easy to troll players. The words they use when they think a crew of PC players hacked into their lobbies is........priceless.


    I mean they don't talk about losing to other xbox users because when they lose they still say its because of PC lololololol.

    Dude seriously, the whole lobby can be xbox and when we win by a huge margin and spawn camp the whole server, we get on mic and ask them how they liked playing against PC players. They all rage and say they are going to report for exploits and make forum posts about how Rare needs to fix lobbies. Thing is......we are on xbox lololololol.

  • @xultanis-dragon well yeah anyone with a brain can see they updated it to hardlock pc players out of the lobbies. I wonder why pc players were trying to get into xbox lobbies in the first place hmmm. Plus you just check your recent players list to see.
    But anyway your just a pc player trying to come up with an excuse to try and push the pc.agenda.
    Either way opt out is here and its on the horizon for adventure. So the pc side of the game will be dead.

    Also if you are telling people you are on somehow on a pc in an xbox lobby you should get reported. No one in there wants to play with pc its that simple.

  • @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @xultanis-dragon well yeah anyone with a brain can see they updated it to hardlock pc players out of the lobbies. I wonder why pc players were trying to get into xbox lobbies in the first place hmmm. Plus you just check your recent players list to see.
    But anyway your just a pc player trying to come up with an excuse to try and push the pc.agenda.
    Either way opt out is here and its on the horizon for adventure. So the pc side of the game will be dead.

    ?? How am I trying to get into xbox lobbies while on PC?? Already stated was playing on xbox. Also stated that when we get on mic and tell everyone we are on PC the whole lobby believes it. Its not PC playing on xbox lobbies, its xbox playing in xbox lobbies then trolling the lobby by telling them we are on PC and its funny how FAST they immediately believe it. The amount of rage is actually really funny. lolololol

  • @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx well a while ago I assumed that when opt out came out pc arena would die. Lots of posts complaining. You know why it died.
    No easy xbox kills and they are now forced to fight agaisnt eachother.
    They dont want to do that because it becomes who has the biggest exploits. Aimbots, glitches. Things like that.
    They know they now have to try to win so they dont play and they just beg for xbox to come back. But we wont even if rare takes opt out away.
    We are sailing into opt out seas now the only place far away enough to get away from an aimbot.

    This is some Alex Jones level stuff right here lol

  • @xultanis-dragon said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @princessasuna96 I could sit and list every thing that PC can do that xbox can't and why it's a major advantage. I could discuss the times Ive sat with my PC crew who have showed me things like shooting whilst going up ladders to board a ship but all I get is nope not true there's no advantages your just not that good 🙄🙄 Wait til theyre in PC lobby's only and let's see how good they really are 😂😂

    Start listing your supposed advantages then.

    Xbox players can shoot up while climbing ladders, its not exclusive to PC.

    You do hate PC because you've stated that you don't care about actual input, you want hardware opt out because you said "Pc will just find ways to hack anyways." So lumping all PC players into hackers? If you aren't lumping us all into one catagory then you are using less than 1% of the player population as a metric of measurement?? Is that what you are doing?

    We've been arguing about PC lobbies in arena because it takes forever to find a game.

    I wonder how you the xbox community still complains about PC when there are xbox users out there with 240 first place wins. There are xbox users on these very forums that say they can win and have no issue against PC.

    Frame Rates - Are not going to make you better at the game. I'm sorry but if you were actually at a level of play where this would effect you, you wouldn't be complaining this much anyways. So no frame rates is not an advantage of any kind. Xbox users frame rates stay at around 30 constantly and thats plenty, suggesting that if you had more you would be a better player is just lies.

    Load times - SSD is not exclusive to PC. Not all PC have awesome load times. So again you are using a small percentage of numbers to base your whole argument on.


    I'll agree with you though, tears are tasty. Especially when you get into xbox lobbies and roll the whole server. Then trolling them by saying your whole crew is on PC. They straight up believe it and cry and whine and curse.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again. If cross play does happen, I'll get a new xbox. Use a friends from time and time to play SoT and honestly, its like shooting fish in a barrel.

    Can't find a single lobby to play in as a PC player but when I hop on my friends xbox, its like free win city.

    Its not even about the controller, NO ONE KNOWS HOW TO PLAY ON XBOX. They complain about fairness but dear god do none of them in Arena even know how to guard their ladder or how to even shoot cannons. Its as if the whole community has no idea how to actually play the game. Its ridiculous, then when you taunt them by telling them you are on PC they go completely ape crazy. Scream, yell, and say they are going to report for hax and exploits but what are they going to report for? I'm on xbox. lolololololololololololololol

    They could even check right?? lololololololololololol

    So what your saying is everyone on xbox is bad? 🙄 So in one post you whinge about discrimination and in the other you generalise a whole platform as bad players😂 As I said most PC players are great but elitist ones like you are the reason we want opt out in the first place🤞

  • @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    This new update really cements the need for optional crossplay in adventure. We were promised it back in May, what's taking so long? And before anyone tells me to just get better at the game, I really don't feel like I should be playing out my skin just to keep up with PC!! Not really a point to this just hope the devs get back to us soon with a date or an update!!

    nope we don't need it, it will kill the game if that happens but it's never going to for adventure and also git good I'm joking ok

  • @closinghare208 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    This new update really cements the need for optional crossplay in adventure. We were promised it back in May, what's taking so long? And before anyone tells me to just get better at the game, I really don't feel like I should be playing out my skin just to keep up with PC!! Not really a point to this just hope the devs get back to us soon with a date or an update!!

    nope we don't need it, it will kill the game if that happens but it's never going to for adventure

    The game won't die it'll be alive and well, scare tactics isn't going to work.

  • @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @closinghare208 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    This new update really cements the need for optional crossplay in adventure. We were promised it back in May, what's taking so long? And before anyone tells me to just get better at the game, I really don't feel like I should be playing out my skin just to keep up with PC!! Not really a point to this just hope the devs get back to us soon with a date or an update!!

    nope we don't need it, it will kill the game if that happens but it's never going to for adventure

    The game won't die it'll be alive and well, scare tactics isn't going to work.

    I know it will this game is a shared world and it'll die if it isn't a shared world anymore

  • @closinghare208 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @closinghare208 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    This new update really cements the need for optional crossplay in adventure. We were promised it back in May, what's taking so long? And before anyone tells me to just get better at the game, I really don't feel like I should be playing out my skin just to keep up with PC!! Not really a point to this just hope the devs get back to us soon with a date or an update!!

    nope we don't need it, it will kill the game if that happens but it's never going to for adventure

    The game won't die it'll be alive and well, scare tactics isn't going to work.

    I know it will this game is a shared world and it'll die if it isn't a shared world anymore

    And how do you know? Do you have some inside knowledge with Rare that tells you player numbers?

  • @boxcar-squidy said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @boxcar-squidy said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @troubled-cells said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @troubled-cells said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    This new update really cements the need for optional crossplay in adventure. We were promised it back in May, what's taking so long? And before anyone tells me to just get better at the game, I really don't feel like I should be playing out my skin just to keep up with PC!! Not really a point to this just hope the devs get back to us soon with a date or an update!!

    alt text

    😁😁 Your bored of hearing it well believe me we are bored of playing with it

    Then go play something else.

    everyone wins.

    No I don't think I will, I'll continue playing a game I love but thank you for your constructive input

    If you love it so much why are you trying to change a fundamental element of it?

    It's like saying: "I love my boyfriend, I just hope he stops beating me once we're married." Either you love the game as it is or you want fundamental changes. Both statements cannot be equally correct and accurate.

    More acurately: you like the game, but you'd prefer it if it were completely different.

    Forced crossplay isn't a fundamental element of the game, its for PC players to continue using us as xbox punching bags for 2 years. Don't get me wrong I can keep up with most PC players but as I said I need to try so much harder to do so.

    Well it might be a pretty fundamental change to someone in say Australia, who plays on PC. It might go from actually being able to play like you have since launch to not being able to get a game where you don't merge every 5 mins or have a ping of 5 million.

    If they can make that work with opt-out, fine, no complaints. I'm not willing to sacrifice any of our community though. People paid for and were delivered a service. That must not be taken away or diminished in quality. No pirates left behind. The ones who don't want to be here because it's too stressful for them to play with other platforms can make whatever choices they feel they need to.

    So what you are saying is you deserve to stay because you paid for the game and it shouldn't change but if we don't like being forced into PVP with PC then we should leave? Is that no pirate left behind?

  • @xultanis-dragon said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @xultanis-dragon well yeah anyone with a brain can see they updated it to hardlock pc players out of the lobbies. I wonder why pc players were trying to get into xbox lobbies in the first place hmmm. Plus you just check your recent players list to see.
    But anyway your just a pc player trying to come up with an excuse to try and push the pc.agenda.
    Either way opt out is here and its on the horizon for adventure. So the pc side of the game will be dead.

    ?? How am I trying to get into xbox lobbies while on PC?? Already stated was playing on xbox. Also stated that when we get on mic and tell everyone we are on PC the whole lobby believes it. Its not PC playing on xbox lobbies, its xbox playing in xbox lobbies then trolling the lobby by telling them we are on PC and its funny how FAST they immediately believe it. The amount of rage is actually really funny. lolololol

    Let me check are you saying that your not even on PC you've been playing xbox?

  • @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @troubled-cells its all good once opt out is released for adventure none of us all will need to talk again.

    Not really a true opt out though is it.

    And here was me thinking we could all be pals for the benefit of the community, don't be such a spoiled sport.

    Your previous posts have made it perfectly clear that you don't really care for other facets of this community at any cost, your attitude is quite selfish in this regard.

    Nice to see your true colours at last.

  • @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @xultanis-dragon said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @xultanis-dragon well yeah anyone with a brain can see they updated it to hardlock pc players out of the lobbies. I wonder why pc players were trying to get into xbox lobbies in the first place hmmm. Plus you just check your recent players list to see.
    But anyway your just a pc player trying to come up with an excuse to try and push the pc.agenda.
    Either way opt out is here and its on the horizon for adventure. So the pc side of the game will be dead.

    ?? How am I trying to get into xbox lobbies while on PC?? Already stated was playing on xbox. Also stated that when we get on mic and tell everyone we are on PC the whole lobby believes it. Its not PC playing on xbox lobbies, its xbox playing in xbox lobbies then trolling the lobby by telling them we are on PC and its funny how FAST they immediately believe it. The amount of rage is actually really funny. lolololol

    Let me check are you saying that your not even on PC you've been playing xbox?

    ?? You can play this game on either xbox or you not know that or are you asking something else?

  • @monkeyshishan said in Another crossplay discussion:


    That's very interesting because I wondered if the opt out was being used in hopes that there would be PvE servers? I mean most times anyone complains about pvp its because some PC player attacked them. I was wondering if Xbox users think there will be less pvp without PC players??

    Can confirm I definitely do not want PvE servers 😂

80 out of 649