If you could do 3 wishes

  • Flags on every mast for maximum wind reading efficiency

    More underwater content, merfolk lore

    Giant floating turtle island with ancient treasures

  • @simum69

    Buff Eye of Reach

    Give forts one or two fewer waves but a final boss that’s harder to beat than a captain

    Get rid of Kraken’s ability to wrap hatch down to bottom deck, at the very least on the brig (and preferably galleon and sloop)

  • Pets screaming when fired from cannons.

    Pirate face/body change token available in the emporium, then being able to make your own instead of randomized ones.

    Shorter load times without having to buy a PC.


    1. Revert to Barrels 1.0
    2. Make the ladders retractable
    3. Remove the level cap's in all 5 factions + Athena
  • @i-aarr-friendly

    small solo ship

    private islands

    giant row boat sized turtle pets that act as row boats

    and im gonna have to say the ability to hide inside barrels, i know i already said 4, but man would it be cool to be able to hide inside barrels, that way you can literally sneak onto ships eldorado style. also i wanna say bounties, although people have been saying they announced they were gonna try working on bounties. oh damn and im gonna have to add the ability to to create pirates, rather than pick them, and then im also gonna have to ask for the ability to have a pirate crew, as in the ability to create more than one pirate. i think im done now

  • @oakenkhan90088 the game has had crossplay for how many years now?? i dont think opt out crossplay is the most important thing for the continuing survival of the game.

    hip fire is insane atm, go ingame, look at your sail and shoot, and tell me if you can find the bullet, cause i doubt you will be able to, that poo is literally insane, i really dont think it needs to be changed, if people are hitting hipfires they are basically winning the lotto, i mean bruh that must be a 1 in a million shot.

    and oh ma gawwd if the eye of reach was a one shot, xbox players would have absolutely no chance against pc players, either way a one shotting sniper is just crazy, if you made it one shot, you basically dont need any other weapon, and you would be insane to use anything else. at this point im feeling like you are being sarcastic, but if you arent ohh maa lawd my guy

  • @xix-zeno-xix i have always wanted a games table on the ships for minigames while sailing, maybe you could play chess or something

  • @pomalotacusmk3 i think we have au servers, my ping is find if they arent, im on pc so i can actually see my ping, on my servers i run into all aussies, and my ping is as good as can be. if they arent au servers then they are perfectly fine as they are anyways

    1. Fix hit registration issues.

    2. fix server lag spikes and stuttuers.

    3. Add a true arena focused on PvP for all ship types.

  • @i-aarr-friendly

    • Pirate Legend content and content that is tailored to high level/"hardcore" players. This side of the playerbase has very little PvE content apart from collecting commendations and waiting for the next month.

    • Make the game harder all around. Everything feels too easy and just keeps getting nerfed. It just feels boring and insulting to be over-rewarded for stuff that barely makes me think or exert any effort.

    • Brigantines for The Arena

  • @i-aarr-friendly
    Things Rare must fix or (Choose one out of {the game will die, I uninstall the game})

    Wish 1 : As long as I play, Heinzelmännchen will take care of the household.

    Wish 2 : The game pauses and the world holds its breath - as long as I visit a toilet.

    Wish 3 : Playing the game trains my body. It makes me muscular and athletic and gives me a good complexion.

  • @goedecke-michel

    Add to that - My salary from my full time job no longer requires me to leave home and go to work, and I earn it for playing Sea of Thieves 40 hours a week.

  • @chronodusk said in If you could do 3 wishes:


    Add to that - My salary from my full time job no longer requires me to leave home and go to work, and I earn it for playing Sea of Thieves 40 hours a week.


  • Thnx guys great wishes i should maybe put it in a list in me weekend 🤓 fun to read and im really surprised by many wishes even learned a thing or two

  • @d4m0r3d

    I don't care what your opinion on crossplay is.

    Hipfire can still hit tho, at close range, it shouldnt be possible at all.

    Also if you must criticize my suggestion to the Eye of Reach please try to absorb the entire suggestion. Yes one shot, but requiring a hard sighting in, like decreasing crosshairs that actually take time... not right click for .001 seconds and shoot. No quickscoping. Also no movement. any movement at all while sighted in should decrease the accuracy greatly. This includes flying thru the air. It certainly wouldn't be the weapon for all circumstances that you think my suggestion would make it.

  • OK, after seeing some other suggestions, I have one more to add, I think that puts me at 5.

    I want my pets to do more than just sit there. I want them to sit on my shoulder rather than my arm. I want my monkey to throw poo at my enemies and my bird to fly/dive bomb, or dropping bomb my enemies. When this is done, my enemy has vision issues similar to poisoning, but a more appropriate color choice to go with the bird or monkey poo.

  • The option to duel my crew members so we can keep up with the newest ways Rare has made melee combat worse.

  • @william-flint

    I could use a dual mode i can only improve 🤕

    1. Get rid of all music if I have music turned off.
      I have been playing this game since launch and the music can get annoying. If I turn it off, I do not want to hear music on the title screen and I don't want to hear it in the legend hideout.

    2. Get rid of island titles when you sail close to an island.
      It isn't so bad for Adventure, but in arena it is super annoying to have a good portion of your screen blocked by big black bars when in combat. I can't see health, what food I am holding, if the cannon is loaded, what what weapon I am holding, I could go on.

    3. Stop making "bundle only" taunts !
      If I want to buy a specific taunt I should not have to buy a whole bundle of taunts (that I don't want) just to get the one or two taunts that I do want.

  • @oakenkhan90088 but you also suggested making its scope in time faster. either way it doesnt matter if you cant quickscope, and removing quickscoping is a bad idea, its a fun aspect. it makes hitting shots feel better. but either way a one shotting sniper is OP even if it takes 1 whole second to scope in

  • @william-flint lol what have rare done to make mele combat worse?

  • Ill try to categorize the data a little from almost 40 pirates doing 3 wishes they consider important. More details are in the comments ill just try to list it a little to get a bigger picture of the results.
    Please correct me when i forget something or made a mistake 🤓 i put the list in the op and can add more etc but for now we have some results..

    • voyages
      5x Freedom to choose voyages even lower ranked.
      1x pl tall tales
      1x bounty system
      1x more pl athena progression
      1x balance update voyages also coop
      1x better riddle rewards and high level voyage rewards
      2x arena fleetbattle match
      1x brigs for arena match
      1x checkpoint tall tales
      1x remove level caps factions

    • lore or new stuff
      1x sloop shrubbery
      1x skelly minions
      2x pl exclusive content
      3x complete the cosmetic sets
      5x more enemies merfolk or human ai
      1x cat
      2x map area artic
      1x less babysit mechanic stuff like feeding pigs
      1x clothing badana vests shirts
      1x dye ship cosmetics
      2x single emote purchase
      1x pirate jewellery
      1x revisit ship skin and parts
      1x more flags for wind
      1x turtle island
      1x pets screaming when shot from canon
      1x barrel 1.0
      1x small solo sloop
      1x private island
      1x turtle as boat
      1x minigames table in boat
      1x duel practise ability or range.

    • game mechanics

    • matchmaking mechanics
      4x crossplay opt out
      1x remove crossplay opt out arena
      1x arena matchmaking
      2x lock crossplay topics
      1x pve servers
      1x close arena

    • fix mechanics
      8x bugfixes
      2x loading times
      3x netcode optimization
      1x fix banana hotkey
      1x fix source of problems
      1x australian server issues
      1x fix kraken wrap brig entrance
      1x ability to turn off all music
      1x ability turn off island titels

    • combat mechanics
      4x fix hitreg
      1x balancing combat
      7x fix melee combat
      1x better option to avoid emergent monsters
      1x kick function
      1x boarding netting
      3x more weapons
      1x improve powerfull skelly fights
      1x better fort captains
      1x retract ladders
      1x option to hide in barrels
      1x buff game difficulty

  • @d4m0r3d
    Nah quick scoping can go, its not really fun, its just convenient because it means the rifle can still pretty much be the "all situations" gun. The game would be better without it.

    1. PC Optimisation. This feels like an Xbox game ported over to PC, rather than a game designed with both in mind. Props despawn way to close to the point where they pop in and out. The shadows and reflections take on their LOD versions instead of high quality models. Make motion-blue a toggleable option. It seems that the lighting is pre-rendered, as certain lanterns on ships and your own lantern do not cast shadows on props.

    2. More Island Interact-ability. I want more hidden journals, portable ammo crates (which are coming!), more secret doors that are opened similar to how they are in Tall Tales (i.e raising a capstan or using a lever). Areas on islands that can only be opened by playing the Legend Shanty.

    3. More PL content, such as PL only Tall Tales and more PL only cosmetics. I feel like the game should be 30% regular cosmetics and 70% Pirate Legend cosmetics. PL should feel more important.

  • My 3 wishes:

    1: Implement optional crossplay in adventure

    2: Remove the current level caps, or make them much higher than 50/10

    3: Install safety rails on all ships so i stop falling overboard drunk!

  • @needsmokes said in If you could do 3 wishes:

    My 3 wishes:

    3: Install safety rails on all ships so i stop falling overboard drunk!

    YES, THIS!!!! I fall overboard even when not drunk far too often. So YES.. UPVOTED...

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