Treasure Log/Journal to track what you traded in each session.

  • I think it would be cool to have something in the game that the players could look at and see everything that was turned in for that particular session.

    Every time my crew and I turn in a massive haul I always wish I could pull up a book or something that lists everything we turned in and how much it was all worth. To REALLY see everything we spent so much time collecting.

    And to help answer the question "How much gold did I make this session?"

    I don't know if this was suggested already or if others feel the same, but I think this would be a neat addition to the game!

  • 4
    just for funfeedback
  • @theshanenanigan might be cool to have a ship log on the quest table that we could look at at the end of the day to see how many voyages i did and how much i earned

  • I've heard of similar ideas, but it was always for things like tracking players on a server or TTs completed, etc. Never heard about a ledger that records session-specific loot. I think it's a good idea. There could be a page for each crewmate, or it could be personal and only show yours. Either way, it'd be a quick way to show off how well you did without having to put everything on display.

    How would you feel if it also tracked kills, sinks, deaths, sunks, alliance starts and quits, and server mergers?

    Too much? Probably.

  • @galactic-geek I think some of those could be included for sure! Like kills, whether it be other players or specific skeletons. Or including how many times you landed a hit with your cannons. As well as deaths.

    Maybe they hang a clipboard somewhere on the boat or in the tavern that tells you all of this info. Sorting the loot you see either by type or time you've turned it in.

just for funfeedback
2 out of 4