Make pc players slower!!!

  • 32
  • @xx-curberus-xx

    All players move and sail at the same speeds. They may be sprinting while you are not or you are not moving your stick all the way, and note that you cannot sprint while holding an item. They may be catching wind in their sails while you are not, harpooned to a megalodon or your own ship, or have their sails lowered further than you. You may simply not be looking at it right.

  • Welcome to the forum! Glad to take part in your first post.

    All players move and sail at exactly the same speed no matter what platform.

  • @xx-curberus-xx Would love to see your evidence.. can you supply your findings with us please 🤓

  • @xx-curberus-xx different boats sail at different speeds, for example the brig wich has 2 sails and one deck sails the fastest, then the galleon sails faster than a sloop. but the sloop sails faster than these 2 ships when going against wind. also you can direct your sails to catch more wind.

    also im very curious as to why you think they are pc players. please tell me how you know they are pc players and why you are going faster. need more details

  • @d4m0r3d

    Ship speeds depend on the wind angle. In a crosswind, the brigantine beats the galleon, which beats the sloop. Directly with the wind, the galleon beats the brigantine, however both still beat the sloop. Against the wind, the sloop wins against the brigantine, which wins against the galleon.

  • @ultmateragnarok yea im just talking on average since i dont know what situation this guy was in. on average the brigantine is faster than the galleon. i mentioned that the sloop is fastest against wind because i feel this would be the most noticable thing where someone might say wait a minute why is that ship going faster than mine. while all ships do go faster with their sails against the wind, the sloops is the most noticable. for this reason i felt like he probs was on a sloop himself and maybe fleed a sloop that happened to catch up to him, or he tried to catch a sloop that kept gaining distance. i mean it also could have been him on a brig or a galleon going against wind wich would have made it even more noticable but i figure it would make sence that lighter ship with smaller sails would sail faster against wind since their would be less for the wind to push back against. also they dont mention any crew mates

  • Hahahahaha.
    Yo don’t start false rumours on here Xbox players will run wild with that, next thread will be “we need opt out for Xbox bcoz pc players Move faster”


  • @xx-curberus-xx

    All pirates are treated equally by the game.
    All ships are treated equally by the game.

    If you have the idea you are sluggish in your movements, check your settings and play around with those.

    In all likelihood they are just playing more efficiently and know the mechanics better if they are seemingly moving quicker. Though on the seas all pirates are equal, it is one of the pillars of the game.

  • @xX-Curberus-Xx

    Your xbox can record footage.

    Now although they move at the same speed as us xbox players.
    It could be valuble to watch the footage back because you will see what they did to evade your attacks.

    Likely i imagine they were jumping around like there was tons of snakes on the deck making them harder to to hit?

    Whenever you get defeated, sometimes its good to watch the footage back to find what you could have done differently.

    That way, you will naturally improve and counter them.

    I did this when i got spawn killed on my sloop.
    I ran around deck trying to kill them, running out from under deck.

    I watched where i went wrong.

    Upon watching how i died over and over, i decided to stay below deck next time it happened.

    They eventually came below looking for me.
    Blunderbuss in the face just by the brig cell.
    I took back the ship.

    Its all about little steps.
    You’ll be making pirates regret they ever stepped foot on your ship in no time 😁

  • @daringclarky that's great advice.

    You learn so much more about your own playstyle when you take the time to look at what you did afterwards.

    At the time, with adrenaline flowing it's really easy to miss things that you later spot in your recording.

    Like not being on full health at the start of a fight and thinking you were one-shotted, when really you got caught with your pants down - that's a specific example from one of the only times I wanted to shout hax. Watching the recording back was an education.

  • @boxcar-squidy I was once ambushed and when i watched the footage back i could see the guy hiding inside my ship, i just was too busy thinking about checking the map i didnt even notice 😂😂

    Now i always do a quick check whenever i return to my ship 😁

  • @xx-curberus-xx hopefully they add optional cross play soon and won't have to worry about this sort of stuff although I don't know how they could sail faster unless as you said there cheating which would not surprise me

  • @tak225 said in Make pc players slower!!!:

    @xx-curberus-xx hopefully they add optional cross play soon and won't have to worry about this sort of stuff although I don't know how they could sail faster unless as you said there cheating which would not surprise me

    Having the ability to opt out of crossplay won't fix a pirate's lack of skill. There are also numerous reasons why they could sail faster - wind direction, wave direction, type of ship, number of crew, skill of crew, and many other factors (such as PvE distractions). If they were cheating, a quick recording and ticket submission to Rare Support or Xbox Live's Enforcement Team would put a quick end to that.

  • @galactic-geek i agree

  • How typical, making a thread saying silly stuff and then doesn't bother to leave any more comments.

  • @tak225 Lol 😂

  • @aglasgowthing said in Make pc players slower!!!:

    @tak225 Lol 😂

    🚨 Banter trigger warning 🚨

    Anyone: I stubbed my toe on my nightstand this morning, ouch!

    TAK: Hopefully they add optional crossplay so we don't have to worry about PC players hacking through our walls and moving nightstands in our toe's trajectories with the only intent of causing pain, grief and suffering!

    Sounds like a reddit bot a this point. Lets stop spreading false claims yes?

  • @bloodybil 🤣🤦🏽‍♀️🤣🤣

  • @bloodybil said in Make pc players slower!!!:

    @aglasgowthing said in Make pc players slower!!!:

    @tak225 Lol 😂

    🚨 Banter trigger warning 🚨

    Anyone: I stubbed my toe on my nightstand this morning, ouch!

    TAK: Hopefully they add optional crossplay so we don't have to worry about PC players hacking through our walls and moving nightstands in our toe's trajectories with the only intent of causing pain, grief and suffering!

    Sounds like a reddit bot a this point. Lets stop spreading false claims yes?

    Thanks, now I have to wipe coffee off my computer desk. lol

  • @xx-curberus-xx said in Make pc players slower!!!:

    while playing I have notice that pc players can move faster then xbox people and they seem to be able to sail faster also I have no idea if this is a cheat or just how it is but xbox player are at a 1/3 the speed of pc players.

    Ok, Can we get some evidence please.

    • How do you know they were a PC player?
    • "Seem" to be able to sail faster? Based on what? (Need Context)
    • 1/3 of speed? Again, how are you judging this?

    As others have already stated, I would assume you are just lacking sail work and understanding of how wind works with sails. Plenty of online sites to help with this.

  • @daringclarky That is some great advise matey. And thank you for taking the high road. You bypass the normal replies to a thread like this and just offer some great advise on how to improve your game. I love it and plan on starting to use this for myself. Thank you...

  • @xx-curberus-xx said in Make pc players slower!!!:

    while playing I have notice that pc players can move faster then xbox people and they seem to be able to sail faster also I have no idea if this is a cheat or just how it is but xbox player are at a 1/3 the speed of pc players.

    -edit- I'm just gonna upvote that post up there with all the upvotes already and keep calm / carry on. :p

  • @bloodybil

    The balance is that XBox players can clip through floors

  • All players move at the same speed in the same conditions. However PC players do have the wind abaft of the beam (coming from behind) far more often, and this may be why they appear to sail faster.

  • @surveyorpete said in Make pc players slower!!!:

    PC players do have the wind abaft of the beam (coming from behind) far more often, and this may be why they appear to sail faster.

    No they don't... you are pulling infos abaft of your beam right now...

  • @surveyorpete

    The wind is the same for everyone on the server. If the player they're chasing isn't thinking straight, doesn't know ship speeds, or is on a galleon, they will run with the wind.

  • @xx-curberus-xx said in Make pc players slower!!!:

    while playing I have notice that pc players can move faster then xbox people and they seem to be able to sail faster also I have no idea if this is a cheat or just how it is but xbox player are at a 1/3 the speed of pc players.

    Learn to angle your sails according to the wind

  • While we're at it... Why is this thread still not locked for obvious reasons, @Deckhands?

    OP's intention was quite clearly only to create unrest. That guy has not even logged back onto the forum once after creating this abomination of a thread.

  • Well from my experience it does seem some players move faster not in the sailing way. But in sword fights I die with only two hits. On xbox after you swing your sword 3 times there is a pause. But when I battle others they get like unlimited swings of the sword. Am I missing something in the game. And I don't care what they say PC players will more then likely move faster because they have a higher fps then console. It don't matter I enjoy playing just to play. But sometimes when you like to be left alone it just doesn't happen. That's all I got to say about that.

  • @Quartermasters necro

  • Ahoy maties!

    As this thread was 4 months old and revived today, it will now be locked.

    A general reminder to all, please avoid reviving threads aged past 30 days, as it is considered a necro, and is against our Forum Rules.

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