Another crossplay discussion

  • @oakenkhan90088 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @savagexxxone said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @oakenkhan90088 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @savagexxxone said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @dlchief58 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @princessasuna96 And I've never had an issue with crossplay Adventure, so I think you and others will be in for a rude awakening - and no longer have the big, bad PC boogeyman to blame it on. As I said, I'll definitely be playing MUCH more aggressively on these servers than before or than I will on the REAL SoT servers.

    I'll also laugh wholeheartedly when weekly gameplay statistics afterwards do not reflect this mass return of players you and your ilk keep claiming quit due to this.

    Already have my Xbox warmed up for the PvP hunts on these lobbies. A lot of peoples guards will be down and the loot will be ripe for the taking.

    LoL gonna be a rude awakening for quite a few of you who end up running into people who will be waiting for you to do so since they know the playing field is more level.

    Remember a number of people who were pro option could actully beat PC guys but didn't like paying to play at a disadvantage.

    Problem is you assume to much... Even then, your comment just points to what we all have been saying.

    ANYONE can beat ANYONE on any platform.. Good lord. The nonsense.

    I play on both platforms, double the amount of time on Xbox compared to PC. I can handle my own just fine and got the crew to back it when out and about. Not worried about it at all and never will be.

    And in all honesty, no one should worry about it, we are just going to prove a point. That point is, some just want easy mode and refuse to get better. So they find an excuse and die on that hill. You think they are going to be better on "preferred" servers for Xbox players? Nah. Just more Xbox players that are good will go after them. Its going to be the excat same thing that is going on today. Not sure why anyone thinks this is going to change anything except reduce the CP community.

    lol you talk about assuming too much but then assume that the people asking for opt out were looking for easy mode. lol hilarious. The truth is that the only reason it was contraverisial in the first place was PC already is Easy mode.

    You obliviously don't see threads on these forums.

    If it is so "easy mode", then people should just buy PC's and never get a console again. You are amazing lol.

  • @savagexxxone

    Am I? I mean "just get a PC" was a very common response to Xbox players looking for a more level playing field.

  • @savagexxxone said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @fadingtojosh said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @oakenkhan90088 You can still rebind your D-Pad to Food/Shovel/Bucket and then associate those with the paddles. The major issue most controller players face is when they're forced to either stop moving or stop aiming. By having those paddles on the back of the controller, you're able to not take your thumbs off the two joysticks and have an advantage over people not using it.

    Keyboard/Mouse players don't have it "easy" when it comes to gameplay. The keyboard was created long before pc gaming was a thing and ergonomics wise it's a lot worse. There is a reason why controllers are getting retouched even in a single console's lifespan. WASD is outdated but the standard practice for PC gaming.

    Not to mention most of us use controller on PC..... lol

    Having more keys doesn't make things better overall, especially when the core of the game is only a few keys.

    Even using a controller on p.c, you still have a lot more fps than console users.

  • @savagexxxone said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @oakenkhan90088 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @dlchief58 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @oakenkhan90088 Yet by remapping commonly used buttons to them you do not need to take your finger of a joystick, hence an advantage in turning to those skilled with it. And lets not forget the different length joysticks that can give an advantage in sensitivity in moving and turning.

    Sure sure, but really none of that is like the difference between an open and closed platform.

    This doesn't matter on the core of the game when you are using simple controls to achieve what you are doing. So in a perfect world, you are attacking and moving. How is that different between platforms? You jump with buttons and move with mouse or joystick. Not sure where we are going with this open/close platform stuff. The core of the game is essentially the same.

    I mean by your logic the core of every game is moving a stick or mouse and pushing/clicking buttons....

    But yea I've played both, and SoT isn't really the same experience between console and PC.

  • @snowfire said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @savagexxxone said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @fadingtojosh said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @oakenkhan90088 You can still rebind your D-Pad to Food/Shovel/Bucket and then associate those with the paddles. The major issue most controller players face is when they're forced to either stop moving or stop aiming. By having those paddles on the back of the controller, you're able to not take your thumbs off the two joysticks and have an advantage over people not using it.

    Keyboard/Mouse players don't have it "easy" when it comes to gameplay. The keyboard was created long before pc gaming was a thing and ergonomics wise it's a lot worse. There is a reason why controllers are getting retouched even in a single console's lifespan. WASD is outdated but the standard practice for PC gaming.

    Not to mention most of us use controller on PC..... lol

    Having more keys doesn't make things better overall, especially when the core of the game is only a few keys.

    Even using a controller on p.c, you still have a lot more fps than console users.

    That is still your issue. And again, how can I on xbox, dumpster everyone and enjoy my gaming experience along with thousands of others and you can't? This is an individuals problem, not the communities.

    None the less with new Xbox coming, this excuse will end. So that will be a null argument.

  • @oakenkhan90088

    In the end, it doesn't all matter. CP will take a hit, hopefully it won't kill the games core experience.

    Nothing will change in terms of game play and how people play the game with this adjustment. Anyone thinking this will "enhance" their game experience by segregation is just fooling themselves in a sandbox game.

    Excuses will come and go, what ever makes everyone sleep better at night.

  • @savagexxxone said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @snowfire said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @savagexxxone said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @fadingtojosh said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @oakenkhan90088 You can still rebind your D-Pad to Food/Shovel/Bucket and then associate those with the paddles. The major issue most controller players face is when they're forced to either stop moving or stop aiming. By having those paddles on the back of the controller, you're able to not take your thumbs off the two joysticks and have an advantage over people not using it.

    Keyboard/Mouse players don't have it "easy" when it comes to gameplay. The keyboard was created long before pc gaming was a thing and ergonomics wise it's a lot worse. There is a reason why controllers are getting retouched even in a single console's lifespan. WASD is outdated but the standard practice for PC gaming.

    Not to mention most of us use controller on PC..... lol

    Having more keys doesn't make things better overall, especially when the core of the game is only a few keys.

    Even using a controller on p.c, you still have a lot more fps than console users.

    That is still your issue. And again, how can I on xbox, dumpster everyone and enjoy my gaming experience along with thousands of others and you can't? This is an individuals problem, not the communities.

    None the less with new Xbox coming, this excuse will end. So that will be a null argument.

    It's a very big issue, which it seems a lot of people have. Even when I do get the next xbox and play SoT I still won't cross play, it's not something I like.

  • @oakenkhan90088 said in Another crossplay discussion:


    Am I? I mean "just get a PC" was a very common response to Xbox players looking for a more level playing field.

    Only way it gets leveled is if you get better. Pretty simple fact that you all ignore.

    Its been proven time and time again and especially in this community.

  • @savagexxxone

    CP isnt the game's core experience. At least not for everyone who isn't a johnny come lately streamer fan who showed up when PC advantage was highlighted.

    The experience for Xbox players will be better, at least for those of us who like a fair fight. Those who don't like to fight will probably be disappointed. The poor PC guys who only wanna pvp might get a little bored sinking ships that have no loot but thats on them.

  • @fadingtojosh I have no clue what you are mumbling on about and has nothing to do with my conversation with @SavagExXxOnE. If you want to have a conversation then start with the beginning instead of in the middle because I am utterly lost with your conversation into mine.

  • @savagexxxone said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @oakenkhan90088 said in Another crossplay discussion:


    Am I? I mean "just get a PC" was a very common response to Xbox players looking for a more level playing field.

    Only way it gets leveled is if you get better. Pretty simple fact that you all ignore.

    Its been proven time and time again and especially in this community.

    Your problem is you conflate winning and losing with a level playing field. Both of us can kill pc players while playing on Xbox, huzzah for us... we got good!

    That doesn't mean the playing field is actually level.

  • @snowfire said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @savagexxxone said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @snowfire said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @savagexxxone said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @fadingtojosh said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @oakenkhan90088 You can still rebind your D-Pad to Food/Shovel/Bucket and then associate those with the paddles. The major issue most controller players face is when they're forced to either stop moving or stop aiming. By having those paddles on the back of the controller, you're able to not take your thumbs off the two joysticks and have an advantage over people not using it.

    Keyboard/Mouse players don't have it "easy" when it comes to gameplay. The keyboard was created long before pc gaming was a thing and ergonomics wise it's a lot worse. There is a reason why controllers are getting retouched even in a single console's lifespan. WASD is outdated but the standard practice for PC gaming.

    Not to mention most of us use controller on PC..... lol

    Having more keys doesn't make things better overall, especially when the core of the game is only a few keys.

    Even using a controller on p.c, you still have a lot more fps than console users.

    That is still your issue. And again, how can I on xbox, dumpster everyone and enjoy my gaming experience along with thousands of others and you can't? This is an individuals problem, not the communities.

    None the less with new Xbox coming, this excuse will end. So that will be a null argument.

    It's a very big issue, which it seems a lot of people have. Even when I do get the next xbox and play SoT I still won't cross play, it's not something I like.

    You still will CP... its not a pure opt-out (for now). So make sure you understand that.

    Plus, "it's a very big issue" for you and some others. So far it would seem most of the community either doesn't speak on it or not an issue for them. Until we have some facts, it's all relative.

    But this discussion no different than what was seen in the 90's when people were on 56K modems compared to DSL and that. "I have 150 ping and you have 50, so I just can't compete." Not a good argument in all honesty even with the FPS argument. Different? Yes! Life changing, not really. Takes little time to adapt to a system and its games. (Well for most).

    And if you don't like it, that's fine. But you did buy into a CP game its what came with what you were looking for.

  • @inboundbomb said in Another crossplay discussion:

    Not true... when I solo it's to just be on the seas. I would rather alliance up or just chat than fight, typically because I have nothing to loose all the time. I throw down an Athena voyage with no attempt to even do it, just collecting the miles and it upset a few ships that had boarded me and saw what I was doing and waited for the steal only to see I have nothing but a little over starter supplies. Quite humorous for me. So I am also in the minority as well when I play solo.

    Less the solo play and more my committal to 100% total pacifism.

    Or do you prescribe to that as well when you solo? I don't think my way of playing is in anyway unique or special, but I have yet to meet another pirate who refuses confrontation even in self defense.

    (Oh, on a related note, I killed my very first pirate recently! Just some guy who hopped off a passing ship while I was at an outpost. Granted, he asked me to kill him, (I assumed for the colored lantern) but still a momentous occasion.)

  • @savagexxxone said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @snowfire said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @savagexxxone said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @snowfire said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @savagexxxone said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @fadingtojosh said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @oakenkhan90088 You can still rebind your D-Pad to Food/Shovel/Bucket and then associate those with the paddles. The major issue most controller players face is when they're forced to either stop moving or stop aiming. By having those paddles on the back of the controller, you're able to not take your thumbs off the two joysticks and have an advantage over people not using it.

    Keyboard/Mouse players don't have it "easy" when it comes to gameplay. The keyboard was created long before pc gaming was a thing and ergonomics wise it's a lot worse. There is a reason why controllers are getting retouched even in a single console's lifespan. WASD is outdated but the standard practice for PC gaming.

    Not to mention most of us use controller on PC..... lol

    Having more keys doesn't make things better overall, especially when the core of the game is only a few keys.

    Even using a controller on p.c, you still have a lot more fps than console users.

    That is still your issue. And again, how can I on xbox, dumpster everyone and enjoy my gaming experience along with thousands of others and you can't? This is an individuals problem, not the communities.

    None the less with new Xbox coming, this excuse will end. So that will be a null argument.

    It's a very big issue, which it seems a lot of people have. Even when I do get the next xbox and play SoT I still won't cross play, it's not something I like.

    You still will CP... its not a pure opt-out (for now). So make sure you understand that.

    Plus, "it's a very big issue" for you and some others. So far it would seem most of the community either doesn't speak on it or not an issue for them. Until we have some facts, it's all relative.

    But this discussion no different than what was seen in the 90's when people were on 56K modems compared to DSL and that. "I have 150 ping and you have 50, so I just can't compete." Not a good argument in all honesty even with the FPS argument. Different? Yes! Life changing, not really. Takes little time to adapt to a system and its games. (Well for most).

    And if you don't like it, that's fine. But you did buy into a CP game its what came with what you were looking for.

    Yo chief, my reply was about extra fps and you're rambling about 56k gaming (which I did) and ping.

  • @oakenkhan90088 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @savagexxxone said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @oakenkhan90088 said in Another crossplay discussion:


    Am I? I mean "just get a PC" was a very common response to Xbox players looking for a more level playing field.

    Only way it gets leveled is if you get better. Pretty simple fact that you all ignore.

    Its been proven time and time again and especially in this community.

    Your problem is you conflate winning and losing with a level playing field. Both of us can kill pc players while playing on Xbox, huzzah for us... we got good!

    That doesn't mean the playing field is actually level.

    Show me data on this..... Prove to me it is soooo unbalanced. Please I would really love to see the stats. Even in a game that the majority of the base is Xbox players you think its soo unbalanced. Please lets see this data before we take some feelings and go down this road.

    And yes, winning and losing is this game is it not? Why would you play this beyond the story and simple content updates if it wasn't? Do you grind at all? Why? If you don't why are you even on the forums? So going out and reaping the rewards of your voyage means nothing to you?

    You are going into a lobby, getting loot / fighting other pirates. Maybe I am missing something here how unbalanced this game is between platforms since I play both. I could totally get where you are coming from if I was closed minded just on PC ranting. But I have hundreds of hours on a game and most are on Xbox. So where am I missing the point here of how this game is not level? Might not be perfect, but you guys really love to exaggerate sometimes.

  • @vacahombre said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @inboundbomb said in Another crossplay discussion:

    Not true... when I solo it's to just be on the seas. I would rather alliance up or just chat than fight, typically because I have nothing to loose all the time. I throw down an Athena voyage with no attempt to even do it, just collecting the miles and it upset a few ships that had boarded me and saw what I was doing and waited for the steal only to see I have nothing but a little over starter supplies. Quite humorous for me. So I am also in the minority as well when I play solo.

    Less the solo play and more my committal to 100% total pacifism.

    Or do you prescribe to that as well when you solo? I don't think my way of playing is in anyway unique or special, but I have yet to meet another pirate who refuses confrontation even in self defense.

    (Oh, on a related note, I killed my very first pirate just a little while ago. Just some guy who hopped off a passing ship while I was at an outpost. Granted, he asked me to kill him, (I assumed for the colored lantern) but still a momentous occasion.)

    I commend you for your commitment and playstyle. I can only prescribe what the player wants for themselves and not what the world wants because in the end I can only speak for myself and what I do.

  • @snowfire said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @savagexxxone said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @snowfire said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @savagexxxone said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @snowfire said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @savagexxxone said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @fadingtojosh said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @oakenkhan90088 You can still rebind your D-Pad to Food/Shovel/Bucket and then associate those with the paddles. The major issue most controller players face is when they're forced to either stop moving or stop aiming. By having those paddles on the back of the controller, you're able to not take your thumbs off the two joysticks and have an advantage over people not using it.

    Keyboard/Mouse players don't have it "easy" when it comes to gameplay. The keyboard was created long before pc gaming was a thing and ergonomics wise it's a lot worse. There is a reason why controllers are getting retouched even in a single console's lifespan. WASD is outdated but the standard practice for PC gaming.

    Not to mention most of us use controller on PC..... lol

    Having more keys doesn't make things better overall, especially when the core of the game is only a few keys.

    Even using a controller on p.c, you still have a lot more fps than console users.

    That is still your issue. And again, how can I on xbox, dumpster everyone and enjoy my gaming experience along with thousands of others and you can't? This is an individuals problem, not the communities.

    None the less with new Xbox coming, this excuse will end. So that will be a null argument.

    It's a very big issue, which it seems a lot of people have. Even when I do get the next xbox and play SoT I still won't cross play, it's not something I like.

    You still will CP... its not a pure opt-out (for now). So make sure you understand that.

    Plus, "it's a very big issue" for you and some others. So far it would seem most of the community either doesn't speak on it or not an issue for them. Until we have some facts, it's all relative.

    But this discussion no different than what was seen in the 90's when people were on 56K modems compared to DSL and that. "I have 150 ping and you have 50, so I just can't compete." Not a good argument in all honesty even with the FPS argument. Different? Yes! Life changing, not really. Takes little time to adapt to a system and its games. (Well for most).

    And if you don't like it, that's fine. But you did buy into a CP game its what came with what you were looking for.

    Yo chief, my reply was about extra fps and you're rambling about 56k gaming (which I did) and ping.

    Hey Chief, my point is you guys have excuses that go back in the days just to make excuses. 60 FPS to 120 FPS is a difference but is it enough to make an excuse, nope.

  • @savagexxxone

    I too have played both. I play on Xbox when I want more challenge. If I play on PC I dumpster too many too easily. Point and click aiming, faster everything, and 4x the frame rate are all advantages.

  • @oakenkhan90088 said in Another crossplay discussion:


    I too have played both. I play on Xbox when I want more challenge. If I play on PC I dumpster too many too easily. Point and click aiming, faster everything, and 4x the frame rate are all advantages.

    Well for you then that is what it is. For others its different, Dumpstering anyone on any platform, playing any platform is not that difficult. For some it maybe a challenge for others it isn't.

    So again, comes down to skill level of the player and how they use the hardware they have.

    Yes, there are differences, but anyone can jump from one to the other and after 5 - 10 mins its second nature for the average player.

  • @savagexxxone said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @snowfire said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @savagexxxone said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @snowfire said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @savagexxxone said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @snowfire said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @savagexxxone said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @fadingtojosh said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @oakenkhan90088 You can still rebind your D-Pad to Food/Shovel/Bucket and then associate those with the paddles. The major issue most controller players face is when they're forced to either stop moving or stop aiming. By having those paddles on the back of the controller, you're able to not take your thumbs off the two joysticks and have an advantage over people not using it.

    Keyboard/Mouse players don't have it "easy" when it comes to gameplay. The keyboard was created long before pc gaming was a thing and ergonomics wise it's a lot worse. There is a reason why controllers are getting retouched even in a single console's lifespan. WASD is outdated but the standard practice for PC gaming.

    Not to mention most of us use controller on PC..... lol

    Having more keys doesn't make things better overall, especially when the core of the game is only a few keys.

    Even using a controller on p.c, you still have a lot more fps than console users.

    That is still your issue. And again, how can I on xbox, dumpster everyone and enjoy my gaming experience along with thousands of others and you can't? This is an individuals problem, not the communities.

    None the less with new Xbox coming, this excuse will end. So that will be a null argument.

    It's a very big issue, which it seems a lot of people have. Even when I do get the next xbox and play SoT I still won't cross play, it's not something I like.

    You still will CP... its not a pure opt-out (for now). So make sure you understand that.

    Plus, "it's a very big issue" for you and some others. So far it would seem most of the community either doesn't speak on it or not an issue for them. Until we have some facts, it's all relative.

    But this discussion no different than what was seen in the 90's when people were on 56K modems compared to DSL and that. "I have 150 ping and you have 50, so I just can't compete." Not a good argument in all honesty even with the FPS argument. Different? Yes! Life changing, not really. Takes little time to adapt to a system and its games. (Well for most).

    And if you don't like it, that's fine. But you did buy into a CP game its what came with what you were looking for.

    Yo chief, my reply was about extra fps and you're rambling about 56k gaming (which I did) and ping.

    Hey Chief, my point is you guys have excuses that go back in the days just to make excuses. 60 FPS to 120 FPS is a difference but is it enough to make an excuse, nope.
    I disagree, it's big difference.

  • @snowfire said in [Another crossplay discussion](/forum

    I disagree, it's big difference.

    Cool. Get more FPS then and you will be fine. Easy solution.

  • Hi @princessasuna96,

    While we are aware that this can be a contentious topic please refrain from creating posts designed to incite or bait other users as per the forum rules. Please abide by these rules going forward. Failure to follow these rules will result in a removal from the forums.


  • Seeing the same names with the same bitterness...on both sides of this debate, still hashing it out over the same tired pros/cons , wants/fears about crossplay opt out as a feature.

    The truth is really very simple, RARE did the numbers and in January of this year, coming up to 12 months ago now, they saw that this was something that would strengthen the Xbox community side to this game with something that had been asked for before the game even launched and especially after.

    Now in the end of 2019, what was announced and promised in January is finally coming and it has already been diluted into a preference rather than a hard opt out that many actually did want. So whilst the same names on either side are just rehashing the same arguments and tired sarcastic assumptions whilst trading insults....all this is really, is RARE delivering, very very late I might add, what was promised.

    We do not know the impact it will have in that will it actually split the playerbase which, going by the pathetic percentage of people doing the last tall tale last month is an indication of, is already showing signs of not growing, if reinforcing the console side by giving those who dropped the game due to crossplay or those just not wanting to try it out because of it, may do so.

    Time to give it a chance to see if it will do what many hope it will and doesn't do what many fear it might do. Just going by the tone of the "discussion" in this and other threads since the dev update video went live....the debate about it is kinda over until we know if it does what it is supposed to do.

  • @cokney-charmer said in Another crossplay discussion:

    "they saw that this was something that would strengthen the Xbox community side to this game"

    That's the sole point and all that has to be said. The rest means little. The player base majority is Xbox, so to keep the game alive they will have to focus on Xbox. It is that simple.

    Focus has to be on whatever player base is going to get you the activity you want. They could lose a majority of the player base and it would only affect 30% - 35% of the community. But if they can bring in more on the console side, this could fill that void. But why even have a CP game then if that is going to be the end goal. (We know the answer since the gaming community wants more CP rather than less in the market.)

  • @savagexxxone to give a possible answer to your last point, why was it Crossplay to begin was an experiment. One that was supposed to begin with Crackdown 3 before it was delayed all the way to hell leaving only Sea of Thieves to go the forced crossplay route.

    Every other game with crossplay outside MS studio games have crossplay as an option that can be turned off as a default feature, giving choice to take part or not. SoT never had it and over the what, 18 months the game has been out there, it is a very different game and community than it launched with. The meta of the game is very different to what was intended, the playerbase has dwindled instead of grown on console and even on PC, the thousands who watch the top content creators and streamers hasnt made the same number play the game.

    Sea of Thieves crossplay was an experiment in bringing Xbox console and Windows 10 gamers hasn't failed completely but hasn't been a complete success. It took almost a full year just to get the preference into Insiders for testing and it will be a full year from announcement potentially before it goes into the game as promised.

    Too little too late, yet to be seen, but RARE want and need more Xbox players to play this game as really, its just buried in the Xbox Game Pass with people trying it and forgetting it, I mean...completing the Seabound Soul TT two weeks after it launched with friends and they popped the achievement with less than 1% of players having done it just once....ONCE!!.

    Perhaps this is RARE attempting to build numbers to get more investment from MS and Xbox to keep Sea of Thieves going cos.....they are charging a boatload of real world money for cosmetics which will not get you the same level of expansions for the game we have seen since launch.

    Plus...RARE is working on a whole other IP now. But a final thought, with the HALO MCC Going into Steam as well as the Xbox PC Game Pass, its time Xbox and RARE did the sensible thing and put Sea of Thieves on STEAM, use it to build a more secure PC foundation for the game instead of one relying on a possible dwindling Xbox playerbase to prop it up, and let Crossplay remain as an option for those happy to take part whilst those who don't, can enjoy the seas as they prefer too, for whatever reasons they have.

  • @cokney-charmer The player base has not dwindled as you claim, it has held relatively steady for well over a year now. It is consistently one of the most played games on Xbox week after week, typically only beaten out by the big titles (Fortnite, Apex, GTA, Minecraft, etc), recent GwGs, new Game Pass entries or popular new releases - but has held steady through all that. Try sticking to the facts.

  • @dlchief58 hasn't grown either....a non scientific example I can use as an example is that in year one, I had around 20-30 people on my friends list who over that year would crew up to play the game, helping each other reach PL.

    Year 2...around 6-8 of them infrequently fire the game up to look at new content before dropping it. It barely features in Xbox briefings or announcements, wasn't even a presence at X019 in London last month which I was at other than a short trailer in a montage.

    There is a reason RARE announced this move in January, there is still a reason they are now implementing it and it isn't just to keep a percentage of the forums happy.

    Happy to wait and see what this preference does for the game, honestly Im at the point where this game doesn't come up as a game in 2020 Im looking to invest in unless I can get the "crew" back together with this option. But all the arguing here, the trading of insults, same names saying the same things for and against it with neither side really listening or budging is as redundant now as it was last week.

    Time to give it a chance to see what impact, if any it will have.

  • @cokney-charmer said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @savagexxxone to give a possible answer to your last point, why was it Crossplay to begin was an experiment. One that was supposed to begin with Crackdown 3 before it was delayed all the way to hell leaving only Sea of Thieves to go the forced crossplay route.

    Every other game with crossplay outside MS studio games have crossplay as an option that can be turned off as a default feature, giving choice to take part or not. SoT never had it and over the what, 18 months the game has been out there, it is a very different game and community than it launched with. The meta of the game is very different to what was intended, the playerbase has dwindled instead of grown on console and even on PC, the thousands who watch the top content creators and streamers hasnt made the same number play the game.

    Sea of Thieves crossplay was an experiment in bringing Xbox console and Windows 10 gamers hasn't failed completely but hasn't been a complete success. It took almost a full year just to get the preference into Insiders for testing and it will be a full year from announcement potentially before it goes into the game as promised.

    Too little too late, yet to be seen, but RARE want and need more Xbox players to play this game as really, its just buried in the Xbox Game Pass with people trying it and forgetting it, I mean...completing the Seabound Soul TT two weeks after it launched with friends and they popped the achievement with less than 1% of players having done it just once....ONCE!!.

    Perhaps this is RARE attempting to build numbers to get more investment from MS and Xbox to keep Sea of Thieves going cos.....they are charging a boatload of real world money for cosmetics which will not get you the same level of expansions for the game we have seen since launch.

    Plus...RARE is working on a whole other IP now. But a final thought, with the HALO MCC Going into Steam as well as the Xbox PC Game Pass, its time Xbox and RARE did the sensible thing and put Sea of Thieves on STEAM, use it to build a more secure PC foundation for the game instead of one relying on a possible dwindling Xbox playerbase to prop it up, and let Crossplay remain as an option for those happy to take part whilst those who don't, can enjoy the seas as they prefer too, for whatever reasons they have.

    You have valid points, but we all know a when CP is gone so will be the PC players. It will be a failure. If 60 - 70% (could be even more) are console players at least 70% of that pool will opt-out. It's a given.

    Even then, PC players seeing this catering to just Console players leaves a bad taste and will push more away. So to your point they really need to figure out a path to bring in more PC players. We have heard this before with the opt-out for Arena that came up. This is the same story with the same thing.

    I mean it is whatever at this point, what is done will be done. But alienating the PC base isn't going to change anything for that market. Too many other games out there in that market that will feed this void and you will see that more and more with the so called "influencers". Not that I tend to care about that but many do and you can see trends from what they are doing.

    At least for console players this game is going steady, maybe for PC it is dying and why they need to focus the attention on the console side. This really is the only reason I can see based on the facts we can view. It is a bit sad since I will and continue to lose some very good PC players that have or are moving on from this fun game. (This isn't just because of CP, but it is more on top of the pile of issues).

    We shall See!

  • @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    [mod edited]

    Sweetheart, I'd love to respond, but you seem to have gotten a slap on the wrist. If you'd like to dm me, we could discuss the topic in a calm and equal manner, which would be the mature thing to do.

    also, you seem to be down a man, so the irony of this:

    @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    To all the people in this thread that continued the good fight with me. Such as Tak and Stacey. Well done we did it. We stood the good fight and we got what we wanted.
    You should all be proud!

    Is showing a little.
    Don't gloat until the sun sets on the Sea of THIEVES. until then, my crew of marauding xbox friends will plunder the crews who now think they are safe.

    @dlchief58 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx FINALLY remember in this thread when people were laughing and claiming adventure cross play opt out was cancelled. Well its coming for JAN. FINALLY.

    Farewell pc players, I can almost feel the aimbot trying to hit me as I post!

    Only to be replaced by ME as I will be using these easy servers to add your tears to the salt of the seas and prove the lot of you wrong about the big bad PC players. I'll definitely be using this option to take a much more aggressive playstyle just to prove this point on these servers that you cannot deal with more skilled Xbox players and add to my bank. It s going to be ohh so sweet!

    Add me on xbox. We have a lot of work to do.

  • @savagexxxone That same pile of issues is still a big reason many on Xbox have put the game down away from any CP beliefs, the game has issues...long standing ones that certainly need to be addressed.

    May the seas become fun for all who sail on them.

  • @cokney-charmer said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @savagexxxone That same pile of issues is still a big reason many on Xbox have put the game down away from any CP beliefs, the game has issues...long standing ones that certainly need to be addressed.

    May the seas become fun for all who sail on them.

    Agreed! Good Chat!

  • @cokney-charmer Well I have unbiased scientific proof, not some anecdotal references. And consistently coming in between 20 and 25 on the weekly gameplay charts is nothing to sneeze at, especially given the competition that beats it.

  • @heavyreaper102 Done, be sure to do the same for me! Look forward to seeing you on board.

  • @dlchief58 20-25 isn't really top ten now is it for an Xbox Studio title that is free to play with Xbox Game Pass. But I take your point, not a sign of possible dwindling playerbase which is what I suggested but certainly isn't a sign that it is growing either.

    Wonder if the ratings will change when the preference comes in or perhaps another major update and expansion. Who knows what 2020 has in store....I doubt that chart placing is inspiring major investment going forward, not does the percentage of people completing achievements for say...doing the latest Tall Tale even once weeks after it launched.

    Appreciate the factual point you made, thank you kindly.

  • @cokney-charmer Well as I said if you consider the games that are above it, the game is in fact doing quite well if it is holding relatively steady within that crowd. And only 4 Microsoft games are ahead of it, all of which are also on Game Pass (Halo: MCC which got a BIG boost with the Reach expansion, Minecraft, Forza Horizon 4 and Gears 5). So it was only beat by 2 fairly recent releases, one that had a major DLC update last week (also free on Game Pass), and the juggernaut which is Minecraft (nothing is stopping that game anytime soon) -not too shabby for a game that is about 2 years old now. It did peak at #11 right after the Anniversary update.

    It will be interesting to see if these claims of people having 50 some friends each quit due to crossplay have any credence after the opt-out preference is in place. I personally don't see it, at best I expect a minor bump. And if it does, then fresh meat for the picking as I will take full advantage of that.

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