Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL Community Competition) - Best ‘Fate of the Damned’ Screenshot! *PART 3* [RESULT]

  • @kashmero me and my friend just wanted to try and win a contest. I am not BadOds. There is no big conspiracy on why you lost, take off your tin foil hat

  • I don't think its really about a tinfoil hat as much as the bold text for the mission being ''Who can come up with something special using the Red and Pink lanterns and see who can be the most creative again this week!'' and the Red and Pink Lanterns are barely in the shot. In my opinion this screenshots idea is about as good as you can get with the theme being lantern colours, a lot of the entries are just cool screenshots that have the lanterns on purely to stick to the theme, incorporating the method of getting the lanterns was a really great idea here, it would just be nice if they filled up more than a few pixels of the screen, as you can barely even make out the pink one. It would match a theme of Devils roar combat long before it matches a coloured lantern theme. I think if the lights were a little more obvious it would be nicer, such as having the second member of each sloop crew on the crows nest looking at each ship holding out their respective lights, that way you can see them a bit better. Regardless, lovely composition and execution in this screenshot, congrats on making it into the Obsidian club!

    If you can't tell, the attached image is the pink lantern.

  • @frogfish12 yes, I agree that we probably should’ve made the lights more clear, but I don’t understand why everyone is getting so mad even though we followed the theme. Thank you for being a good sport about the competition

  • @Seapost everyone wants the win, that's basically why. luckily when I won my set only a few complained. I only ever really complain about a winner when they fully disregard the criteria, such as the Vaults of the Ancient screenshot competition.

  • @kashmero LMFAOOOOOOOOO the colors were not supposed to match red. its the deeper meaning. Thats y I said I liked the picture. thought at least someone besides me who plays arena 24/7 would understand this.

  • @kashmero btw I only added regal to collab with his next photo. He is one of the good ones who post on here

  • @badods yo fax

  • @BadOds actually yes, in the post Liz always posts in bold specific criteria that has to be met within the screenshot, all of the fate of the damned contests have specified the two lantern colours that correspond to each weeks challenge. This is why a lot of the screenshots entered in the past get automatically Disqualified (or I assume they do) as they do not read more than the title of the event. Criteria for this week was red and pink flames as stated in the original post, Liz even responded to this thread quoting it as well. She also mentioned a picture including a volcano which wasn't bold, but more of a suggestion, props to people who managed to get all 3.

  • @frogfish12 Lizaroo states "did something a little different" I dont even know regal hound personally. I just added his accnt so we can work together on the next picture. Hes creative and I like that. I dont wanna carry anyone for a picture I make in the future. Not many crazy good photographers so i like talking to the good ones. "all decisions are final." Ik personality is based off of how someone acts when they lose, but it sucks so many people butt hurt about Regals "off topic picture" ;( why cant we just be friends. Essays have been written to talk about this haha. @Seapost dont make an alt to upvote. I didnt even know u tried to do that. thats low. BTW thats the only alt he has. NOW HE WONT USE IT. right @Seapost

  • @kashmero I don't think it is against the rules to be friends with someone that wants to help out. Our friend group just likes taking these pictures and helping each other.

  • @kashmero And Deck Hide made that account last night looking for cool sea of thieves names.

  • Dropping anchor on this one now. It's a little sad that we can't all just say congratulations to whoever wins :(

45 out of 47