A map table on reapers hideout that shows activity in the sea of thieves

  • What if rare added a map table on reapers hideout that shows where a chest was recently diggen up. Or where a skeleton captain was recently killed. Or where cargo had recently been collected. It wouldnt show players locations or anything but it would give the general location by showing players activity. So if another crew digs up a chest on let's say crooked masts, then a chest icon would show up on that island, and if they killed a skeleton captain there then a skull would show up there and ETC.

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  • I don't think we need any more radar features than we already have. The emissary table miniatures and the reapers and emissaries showing up on the map is more than enough.

    If you want to find other pirates, go and look for them.

  • @d3adst1ck said in A map table on reapers hideout that shows activity in the sea of thieves:

    I don't think we need any more radar features than we already have. The emissary table miniatures and the reapers and emissaries showing up on the map is more than enough.

    If you want to find other pirates, go and look for them.


  • As someone who would like to see more PvP focused players choosing to represent the Reapers Bones faction I think this could work, the only thing is there would need to be a counter ballance system, like only allowing Reapers Emissaries use the table, perhaps even only certain levels of emissary (eg: level 2). I don't know if this will happen, but the idea of a fixed map table with special properties is an interesting one.

  • takes all the fun of the hunt out

    like in 1997 when I entered the code to show the deer on the map.

  • I think there is enough to assist pirates. Part of the fun is actually patrolling looking for ships.

    If this was implemented you would literally have ships camping waiting for pings on the map, kinda like a taxi cab waiting for a fare.

    Part of the fun is the physical searching for somebody to attack.

  • @daringclarky
    I would love have something like that

  • @insidiusr6
    I wouldnt.
    I like patrolling and finding ships to burn rather than have a system tell me where to go.

    Essentially you are hunting and finding your target is part of the fun.

  • Also there wouldnt be a point adding it. Those pings will never appear because all the pve player would be gone.

  • @darkage5943 maybe some autopilot as well?

  • @daringclarky
    Yes but if you dont havea lot of time is a good idea

  • There needs to be something where:

    A) The crew that does something extraordinary gets an edge.

    B) The rest of the Sea has a threat

    C) I have found that if you fly a Reaper 5 you are killing the server.

    No one in their right man is gonna get their boys together to do a Gold Hoarder/OOS/Athena emissary on a Server that has a Reaper 5 on it!

    And for get about Merchants.lol just tattoo victim on your forehead.

    Merchants lol

  • @glannigan who steals merchant loot, yuck. What a waist of my resources sinking a merchant 🤢

  • @darkage5943 I like this idea if it forces reaper emmisary to use. The only issue I'd see is say a ship leaving one man there to watch the mapp constantly, yeah that leaves them one man down but outside of combat that's not really a problem, and if they are about to engage in combated the guys just mermaids back. But at least their ship would be always visible so little chance they could sneak up on you even if they did this.

    It's an interesting idea one that I think would encourage more reapers this encouraging more PvP. As stands I don't think PvP in incentiviced enough so you get a vote from me 👍

  • i would drop someone at reapers who is constantly scanning the map. The rest of the crew sails to the ship and the lost crewmember joins with the mermaid. Repeat.
    I think this typ of feature would way to op for pvp players. At the moment players leave the server when they see a reaper 5 ship. Now they would leave if they see a reaper 1 ship.

  • @insidiusr6 said in A map table on reapers hideout that shows activity in the sea of thieves:

    Yes but if you dont havea lot of time is a good idea

    Thats unfortunate.
    The game shouldnt be casualified just because you dont have a lot of time.

    I work 40 hours a week and have enough time. Make time if u want to play the game.

    If you cant, then its not our problem.
    Pick it up when you can spend the time.
    The game shouldnt change just because of a busy hectic life.

    Sea of thieves is a relaxing game but it isnt a casual one. Long may it never be! 😎

  • @daringclarky idk bro they made arena for people with little time at least that's what they said. Now it's loosing support so chances are they will add more "casual" feature to adventure

  • @expsnailer said in A map table on reapers hideout that shows activity in the sea of thieves:

    @daringclarky idk bro they made arena for people with little time at least that's what they said. Now it's loosing support so chances are they will add more "casual" feature to adventure

    I hope not.
    If this game gets any less challenging ill have to uninstall it and go to the very laggy and unstable atlas.

  • @daringclarky it's unfortunate but casual gamers bring in the most capital, they are the largest audience. The casual apocalypse of the game industry is inevitable 😒

    I don't think the OP idea is casual tho, it would spark up more frequent PvP encounters thus making the game as a whole a little harder

  • @expsnailer I think it would remove the activity of hunting ships which is why i dont like it. Because hunting ships is fun. Having a marker telling you where to go is not fun

    Besides, who doesnt have time to hunt ships? If u cant spend 30 minutes on a video game is there even any point booting the console up? Might as well just make a cup of coffee and your sandwiches for work than do that.

    Most casuals wont even of bought the game, they will be on game pass. I doubt they would spend real money on expensive cosmetics on a game they hardly have time to play. But then again some have more money than sense.

  • Just... why?

  • @insidiusr6

    A lot of players would love something that helps them make their game easier.

    PvE'ers want server alliances for easy mode and PvP'ers want easy mode hunting because heaven forbid they have to spend any amount of time trying to find action.

    My statement aside, I understand why players would love this because I am a PvP'er and finding any type of action that is remotely fun can take days or even weeks. However, this would just make the game even more polarized and I'm hating how divided this game is getting. Its either PvP or PvE.

    Sorry this would be a horrible idea. There is no reason to "help" Reaper emissary FIND action.

    Emissary just needs to be reworked. The only time I had a good time flying Reaper Emissary is when I got bounced from server to server. Had a level 5, all the ships on my server left and I kept merging into servers with 3 other emissarys that had NO idea I was in the world because of the merger.

    The game has shifted to commendation farming and the reaching level 5 at reapers is just a huge beacon that says "I can see you now and I will be coming" so they all run and turn in.

    This game needs to be reworked and taken back to its roots.

  • @expsnailer said in A map table on reapers hideout that shows activity in the sea of thieves:

    @daringclarky idk bro they made arena for people with little time at least that's what they said.

    And only 3% of the population played it. Perhaps the game’s audience is not that crowd.

    There are already plenty of things to do in the game that do not take three hours to accomplish. Your argument that another radar mechanic would appeal to a casual crowd makes no sense. It does nothing for that crowd. You still need to stock up for the fight, head to Reaper’s Hideout to look at the map, journey to the target’s location, chase (could take a while), fight/sink them, and then turn in the loot. The combined sailing alone could eat an hour. Have less than an hour to play? Go hunting for shipwrecks and loose change on the beaches.

  • @ghostpaw maybe that's because the game isn't structured for short sessions so people with little time dont play it as much as others. I would have agreed with you in the past about gathering supplies but now a days that's a joke. With supply crates being so abundant you literally just land on one fort or medium size island and in 5-10mins your stocked for a PvP engagement. Not like the old days I'm afraid, way easier to get stocked up l.

  • @ghostpaw anyhow it's clear the developers want to cater to people with short play sessions otherwise arena wouldn't exist per Rares statement. So you should expect to see more "casual" things in the game. It's actually funny how much this forums regulars defended the casual community, now they are trying to stop the addition of "casual" features. Make up your minds 😂 either way tho, Rare want to cater to them so expect the changes ❤️

  • @expsnailer said in A map table on reapers hideout that shows activity in the sea of thieves:

    @ghostpaw anyhow it's clear the developers want to cater to people with short play sessions otherwise arena wouldn't exist per Rares statement. So you should expect to see more "casual" things in the game. It's actually funny how much this forums regulars defended the casual community, now they are trying to stop the addition of "casual" features. Make up your minds 😂 either way tho, Rare want to cater to them so expect the changes ❤️

    I don’t remember having an opinion about the casual community one way or the other. Especially within this thread. My point, to make it even more clear for you, is that 1) the casual community was not sufficient to sustain a faster paced game mode designed specifically for them, and that 2) the radar system proposed does nothing for the casual community. Most of the posts I see from casual players on this forum are requests for less PvP as they work on PvE content. The radar would actually increase PvP, and does not cut down on the time commitment required. You focused on one of several tasks I mentioned that would still be required. It is a death of 1,000 cuts. No one thing is very time consuming, but when taken together it all adds up to a longer commitment.

    I will say it again. Placing a magic map at Reaper’s Hideout does not cut down on the time required to start attacking ships. It might even add to it if a ship starts at a more distant outpost and has to sail to the hideout to even see the map. It does not make the game more accessible to casual players. It just makes it easier for crews who don’t want to sail through the middle of the map and scan the horizon for potential targets. From my perspective it seem like a path from Krakens Fall to Wanderer’s Refuge would allow you to see most anyone on the server without needing more radar systems than we already have. You are arguing a position that has zero merit. The magic radar map might be worthwhile, but not for any of the reasons you have brought up.

  • @expsnailer said in A map table on reapers hideout that shows activity in the sea of thieves:

    @daringclarky it's unfortunate but casual gamers bring in the most capital, they are the largest audience. The casual apocalypse of the game industry is inevitable 😒

    I don't think the OP idea is casual tho, it would spark up more frequent PvP encounters thus making the game as a whole a little harder

    @Ghostpaw when did I say it was to help casual players 🙄 and yeah I did focus on one thing because that's the thing I disagree with 🙄

  • @expsnailer said in A map table on reapers hideout that shows activity in the sea of thieves:

    @expsnailer said in A map table on reapers hideout that shows activity in the sea of thieves:

    @daringclarky it's unfortunate but casual gamers bring in the most capital, they are the largest audience. The casual apocalypse of the game industry is inevitable 😒

    I don't think the OP idea is casual tho, it would spark up more frequent PvP encounters thus making the game as a whole a little harder

    @Ghostpaw when did I say it was to help casual players 🙄 and yeah I did focus on one thing because that's the thing I disagree with 🙄

    The casual players arent the ones sinking £40 - £60 a month on new emporium cosmetics. Thats something only people who like the game a lot do because...well because its pretty expensive.

    Im not worried about the game chsnging to accommodate casuals.
    If it went too far we would simply stop playing when it became no longer fun.

    Why as a gamer would i worry about that? Thats a worry for rare not us gamers.

    Sea of thieves isnt a casual game you just hop on. Proper casuals just wanna play something mind numbingly easy to pick up, not learn how to manually sail a ship.

    Regardleas, i wouldn't lose sleep over it.

  • @daringclarky said in A map table on reapers hideout that shows activity in the sea of thieves:

    @insidiusr6 said in A map table on reapers hideout that shows activity in the sea of thieves:

    Yes but if you dont havea lot of time is a good idea

    Thats unfortunate.
    The game shouldnt be casualified just because you dont have a lot of time.

    I work 40 hours a week and have enough time. Make time if u want to play the game.

    If you cant, then its not our problem.
    Pick it up when you can spend the time.
    The game shouldnt change just because of a busy hectic life.

    Sea of thieves is a relaxing game but it isnt a casual one. Long may it never be! 😎

    ❤️ Not loosing sleep or worried tho 😂

  • @expsnailer said in A map table on reapers hideout that shows activity in the sea of thieves:

    @Ghostpaw when did I say it was to help casual players 🙄

    We are discussing the merits of another proposed radar system and this is how this particular branch of the discussion played out...

    @insidiusr6 said in A map table on reapers hideout that shows activity in the sea of thieves:

    Yes but if you dont havea lot of time is a good idea

    @daringclarky said in A map table on reapers hideout that shows activity in the sea of thieves:

    Thats unfortunate.
    The game shouldnt be casualified just because you dont have a lot of time.

    @expsnailer said in A map table on reapers hideout that shows activity in the sea of thieves:

    @daringclarky idk bro they made arena for people with little time at least that's what they said. Now it's loosing support so chances are they will add more "casual" feature to adventure

    @ghostpaw said in A map table on reapers hideout that shows activity in the sea of thieves:

    And only 3% of the population played it. Perhaps the game’s audience is not that crowd.

    @expsnailer said in A map table on reapers hideout that shows activity in the sea of thieves:

    @ghostpaw maybe that's because the game isn't structured for short sessions so people with little time dont play it as much as others.

    @expsnailer said in A map table on reapers hideout that shows activity in the sea of thieves:

    @ghostpaw anyhow it's clear the developers want to cater to people with short play sessions otherwise arena wouldn't exist per Rares statement. So you should expect to see more "casual" things in the game. It's actually funny how much this forums regulars defended the casual community, now they are trying to stop the addition of "casual" features. Make up your minds 😂 either way tho, Rare want to cater to them so expect the changes ❤️

    So we are in a thread discussing the radar system and you are supporting the idea and arguing for the inclusion of more features to help players with less time. After reading all that are you seriously going to claim you were not defending the feature as something to help more casual players?

    @expsnailer said in A map table on reapers hideout that shows activity in the sea of thieves:

    and yeah I did focus on one thing because that's the thing I disagree with 🙄

    You disagree with what? I didn’t say stocking up took an hour. I said it takes time, which you also agreed with. My point is everything taken together as a whole results in a longer time commitment for players seeking PvP. How is this hard to grasp?

  • @ghostpaw I literally quoted where I said it isn't a casual feature. I'm not defending anything casual I'm simply saying casual feature are inevitable. Yet another case of forum regulars not reading and thinking befor responding. 🙄

  • @expsnailer said in A map table on reapers hideout that shows activity in the sea of thieves:

    @daringclarky said in A map table on reapers hideout that shows activity in the sea of thieves:

    @insidiusr6 said in A map table on reapers hideout that shows activity in the sea of thieves:

    Yes but if you dont havea lot of time is a good idea

    Thats unfortunate.
    The game shouldnt be casualified just because you dont have a lot of time.

    I work 40 hours a week and have enough time. Make time if u want to play the game.

    If you cant, then its not our problem.
    Pick it up when you can spend the time.
    The game shouldnt change just because of a busy hectic life.

    Sea of thieves is a relaxing game but it isnt a casual one. Long may it never be! 😎

    ❤️ Not loosing sleep or worried tho 😂

    I dont understand the connection between my quote and your comment.

    Im not worried about the state of the game. What is the relevance to that? My stance on the subject has not changed.

  • @daringclarky the quote is relivent because what you said is evidence that the game turning casual worries you even tho you say it dosn't. Don't worry, I'm worried too.

  • @xultanis-dragon
    IM LVL 48 IN SEA DOG I LOVE THE PVP but i dont have so much time to play and a thing like this help to much

  • @darkage5943 said in A map table on reapers hideout that shows activity in the sea of thieves:

    What if rare added a map table on reapers hideout that shows where a chest was recently diggen up. Or where a skeleton captain was recently killed. Or where cargo had recently been collected. It wouldnt show players locations or anything but it would give the general location by showing players activity. So if another crew digs up a chest on let's say crooked masts, then a chest icon would show up on that island, and if they killed a skeleton captain there then a skull would show up there and ETC.

    nope i like the map idea but the map would only show emaires and reapers chests

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